Source code for pyroSAR.ancillary

# ancillary routines for software pyroSAR

# Copyright (c) 2014-2020, the pyroSAR Developers.

# This file is part of the pyroSAR Project. It is subject to the
# license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution and at
# No part of the pyroSAR project, including this file, may be
# copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according
# to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
This module gathers central functions and classes for general pyroSAR applications.
import os
import re
import math
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
from ._dev_config import product_pattern

from spatialist.ancillary import finder

[docs]def groupby(images, attribute): """ group a list of images by a metadata attribute Parameters ---------- images: list of str the names of the images to be sorted attribute: str the name of the attribute used for sorting; see :func:`parse_datasetname` for options Returns ------- list of lists a list containing a list with image names ofr each group """ images_sort = sorted(images, key=lambda x:, x).group(attribute)) out_meta = [[parse_datasetname(images_sort.pop(0))]] while len(images_sort) > 0: filename = images_sort.pop(0) meta = parse_datasetname(filename) if out_meta[-1][0][attribute] == meta[attribute]: out_meta[-1].append(meta) else: out_meta.append([meta]) out = [[x['filename'] for x in y] for y in out_meta] return out
[docs]def groupbyTime(images, function, time): """ function to group images by their acquisition time difference Parameters ---------- images: list of str a list of image names function: function a function to derive the time from the image names; see e.g. :func:`seconds` time: int or float a time difference in seconds by which to group the images Returns ------- list a list of sub-lists containing the grouped images """ # sort images by time stamp srcfiles = sorted(images, key=function) groups = [[srcfiles[0]]] group = groups[0] for i in range(1, len(srcfiles)): item = srcfiles[i] timediff = abs(function(item) - function(group[-1])) if timediff <= time: group.append(item) else: groups.append([item]) group = groups[-1] return [x[0] if len(x) == 1 else x for x in groups]
[docs]def multilook_factors(sp_rg, sp_az, tr_rg, tr_az, geometry, incidence): """ compute multilooking factors to approximate a target ground range resolution Parameters ---------- sp_rg: int or float the range pixel spacing sp_az: int or float the azimuth pixel spacing tr_rg: int or float the range target resolution tr_az: int or float the azimuth target resolution geometry: str the imaging geometry; either 'SLANT_RANGE' or 'GROUND_RANGE' incidence: int or float the angle of incidence Returns ------- tuple the multilooking factors as (rangelooks, azimuthlooks) """ if geometry == 'SLANT_RANGE': # compute the ground range resolution groundRangePS = sp_rg / (math.sin(math.radians(incidence))) rlks = int(math.floor(float(tr_rg) / groundRangePS)) elif geometry == 'GROUND_RANGE': rlks = int(math.floor(float(tr_rg) / sp_rg)) else: raise ValueError("parameter 'geometry' must be either 'SLANT_RANGE' or 'GROUND_RANGE'") # compute the azimuth looks azlks = int(math.floor(float(tr_az) / sp_az)) # set the look factors to 1 if they were computed to be 0 rlks = rlks if rlks > 0 else 1 azlks = azlks if azlks > 0 else 1 return rlks, azlks
[docs]def seconds(filename): """ function to extract time in seconds from a file name. the format must follow a fixed pattern: YYYYmmddTHHMMSS Images processed with pyroSAR functionalities via module snap or gamma will contain this information. Parameters ---------- filename: str the name of a file from which to extract the time from Returns ------- float the difference between the time stamp in filename and Jan 01 1900 in seconds """ # return mktime(strptime(re.findall('[0-9T]{15}', filename)[0], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')) td = datetime.strptime(re.findall('[0-9T]{15}', filename)[0], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') - datetime(1900, 1, 1) return td.total_seconds()
[docs]def parse_datasetname(name, parse_date=False): """ Parse the name of a pyroSAR processing product and extract its metadata components as dictionary Parameters ---------- name: str the name of the file to be parsed parse_date: bool parse the start date to a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object or just return the string? Returns ------- dict the metadata attributes Examples -------- >>> meta = parse_datasetname('S1A__IW___A_20150309T173017_VV_grd_mli_geo_norm_db.tif') >>> print(sorted(meta.keys())) ['acquisition_mode', 'extensions', 'filename', 'orbit', 'outname_base', 'polarization', 'proc_steps', 'sensor', 'start'] """ filename = os.path.abspath(name) if os.path.isfile(name) else name match = re.match(re.compile(product_pattern), filename) if not match: return out = match.groupdict() if out['extensions'] == '': out['extensions'] = None if out['proc_steps'] is not None: out['proc_steps'] = out['proc_steps'].split('_') if parse_date: out['start'] = datetime.strptime(out['start'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') out['filename'] = filename out['outname_base'] = out['outname_base'].strip('_') return out
[docs]def find_datasets(directory, recursive=False, **kwargs): """ find pyroSAR datasets in a directory based on their metadata Parameters ---------- directory: str the name of the directory to be searched recursive: bool search the directory recursively into subdirectories? kwargs: Metadata attributes for filtering the scene list supplied as `key=value`. e.g. `sensor='S1A'`. Multiple allowed options can be provided in tuples, e.g. `sensor=('S1A', 'S1B')`. Any types other than tuples require an exact match, e.g. `proc_steps=['grd', 'mli', 'geo', 'norm', 'db']` will be matched only if these processing steps are contained in the product name in this exact order. The special attributes `start` and `stop` can be used for time filtering where `start<=value<=stop`. See function :func:`parse_datasetname` for further options. Returns ------- list of str the file names found in the directory and filtered by metadata attributes Examples -------- >>> selection = find_datasets('path/to/files', sensor=('S1A', 'S1B'), polarization='VV') """ files = finder(directory, [product_pattern], regex=True, recursive=recursive) selection = [] for file in files: meta = parse_datasetname(file) matches = [] for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'start': match = val <= meta['start'] elif key == 'stop': match = val >= meta['start'] # only the start time stamp is contained in the filename elif isinstance(val, tuple): match = meta[key] in val else: match = meta[key] == val matches.append(match) if all(matches): selection.append(file) return selection
[docs]def getargs(func): """ get the arguments of a function Parameters ---------- func: function the function to be checked Returns ------- list or str the argument names """ return sorted(inspect.getfullargspec(func).args)
[docs]def hasarg(func, arg): """ simple check whether a function takes a parameter as input Parameters ---------- func: function the function to be checked arg: str the argument name to be found Returns ------- bool does the function take this as argument? """ return arg in getargs(func)
[docs]def windows_fileprefix(func, path, exc_info): """ Helper function for :func:`shutil.rmtree` to exceed Windows' file name length limit of 256 characters. See `here <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- func: function the function to be executed, i.e. :func:`shutil.rmtree` path: str the path to be deleted exc_info: tuple execution info as returned by :func:`sys.exc_info` Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> import shutil >>> from pyroSAR.ancillary import windows_fileprefix >>> shutil.rmtree('/path', onerror=windows_fileprefix) """ func(u'\\\\?\\' + path)