Source code for pyroSAR.gamma.parser

# parse GAMMA command docstrings to Python functions

# Copyright (c) 2015-2021, the pyroSAR Developers.

# This file is part of the pyroSAR Project. It is subject to the
# license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution and at
# No part of the pyroSAR project, including this file, may be
# copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according
# to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
import os
import re
import subprocess as sp
from collections import Counter
from spatialist.ancillary import finder, which, dissolve

from pyroSAR.examine import ExamineGamma

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def parse_command(command, indent=' '): """ Parse the help text of a GAMMA command to a Python function including a docstring. The docstring is in rst format and can thu be parsed by e.g. sphinx. This function is not intended to be used by itself, but rather within function :func:`parse_module`. Parameters ---------- command: str the name of the gamma command indent: str the Python function indentation string; default: four spaces Returns ------- str the full Python function text """ # run the command without passing arguments to just catch its usage description command = which(command) if command is None: raise OSError('command does not exist') command_base = os.path.basename(command) proc = sp.Popen(command, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() # sometimes the description string is split between stdout and stderr # for the following commands stderr contains the usage description line, which is inserted into stdout if command_base in ['ras_pt', 'ras_data_pt', 'rasdt_cmap_pt']: out = out.replace(' ***\n ', ' ***\n ' + err) else: # for all other commands stderr is just appended to stdout out += err pattern = r'([\w\.]+ (?:has been|was) re(?:named to|placed(?: that [ \*\n]*|) by)(?: the ISP program|) [\w\.]+)' match =, out) if match: raise DeprecationWarning('\n' + out) if"Can't locate FILE/Path\.pm in @INC", out): raise RuntimeError('unable to parse Perl script') ########################################### # fix command-specific inconsistencies in parameter naming # in several commands the parameter naming in the usage description line does not match that of the docstring parnames_lookup = {'2PASS_INT': [('OFF_PAR', 'OFF_par')], 'adapt_filt': [('low_snr_thr', 'low_SNR_thr')], 'atm_mod2': [('rpt', 'report'), ('[mode]', '[model_atm]'), ('[model]', '[model_atm]'), ('model atm', 'model_atm atm'), ], 'atm_mod_2d': [('xref', 'rref'), ('yref', 'azref')], 'atm_mod_2d_pt': [('[sigma_min]', '[sigma_max]')], 'base_calc': [('plt_flg', 'plt_flag'), ('pltflg', 'plt_flag')], 'base_init': [('<base>', '<baseline>')], 'base_plot': [('plt_flg', 'plt_flag'), ('pltflg', 'plt_flag')], 'cc_monitoring': [('...', '<...>')], 'cct_sp_pt': [('pcct_sp_pt', 'pcct_sp')], 'comb_interfs': [('combi_out', 'combi_int')], 'coord_to_sarpix': [('north/lat', 'north_lat'), ('east/lon', 'east_lon'), ('SLC_par', '<SLC_MLI_par>'), ('SLC/MLI_par', 'SLC_MLI_par')], 'data2geotiff': [('nodata', 'no_data')], 'dis2hgt': [('m/cycle', 'm_cycle')], 'discc': [('min_corr', 'cmin'), ('max_corr', 'cmax')], 'disp2ras': [('<list>', '<DISP_tab>')], 'dis_data': [('...', '<...>')], 'dispwr': [('data_type', 'dtype')], 'DORIS_vec': [('SLC_PAR', 'SLC_par')], 'gc_map_fd': [('fdtab', 'fd_tab')], 'gc_map_grd': [('<MLI_par>', '<GRD_par>')], 'geocode_back': [('<gc_map>', '<lookup_table>'), ('\n gc_map ', '\n lookup_table ')], 'GRD_to_SR': [('SLC_par', 'MLI_par')], 'haalpha': [('<alpha> <entropy>', '<alpha2> <entropy>'), ('alpha (output)', 'alpha2 (output)')], 'histogram_ras': [('mean/stdev', 'mean_stdev')], 'hsi_color_scale': [('[chip]', '[chip_width]')], 'HUYNEN_DEC': [('T11_0', 'T11'), ('<T12> <T13> <T11>', '<T11> <T12> <T13>'), ('HUYNEN_DEC:', '***')], 'interf_SLC': [(' SLC2_pa ', ' SLC2_par ')], 'ionosphere_mitigation': [('<SLC1> <ID1>', '<ID1>')], 'landsat2dem': [('<DEM>', '<image>')], 'line_interp': [('input file', 'data_in'), ('output file', 'data_out')], 'm-alpha': [('<c2 ', '<c2> ')], 'm-chi': [('<c2 ', '<c2> ')], 'm-delta': [('<c2 ', '<c2> ')], 'map_section': [('n1', 'north1'), ('e1', 'east1'), ('n2', 'north2'), ('e2', 'east2'), ('[coord]', '[coords]')], 'mask_class': [('...', '<...>')], 'mcf_pt': [('<azlks>', '[azlks]'), ('<rlks>', '[rlks]')], 'mk_2d_im_geo': [('exponent', 'exp')], 'mk_adf2_2d': [('[alpha_max [', '[alpha_max] ['), ('-m MLI_dir', 'mli_dir'), ('-s scale', 'scale'), ('-e exp', 'exponent'), ('-u', 'update')], 'mk_base_calc': [('<RSLC_tab>', '<SLC_tab>')], 'mk_cpd_all': [('dtab', 'data_tab')], 'mk_cpx_ref_2d': [('diff_tab', 'cpx_tab')], 'mk_dispmap2_2d': [('RMLI_image', 'MLI'), ('RMLI_par', 'MLI_par'), ('MLI_image', 'MLI'), ('DISP_tab', 'disp_tab')], 'mk_dispmap_2d': [('RMLI_image', 'MLI'), ('RMLI_par', 'MLI_par'), ('MLI_image', 'MLI'), ('DISP_tab', 'disp_tab')], 'mk_geo_data_all': [('data_geo_dir', 'geo_dir')], 'mk_itab': [('<offset>', '<start>')], 'mk_hgt_2d': [('m/cycle', 'm_cycle')], 'mk_pol2rec_2d': [('data_tab', 'DIFF_tab'), ('<type> <rmli>', '<dtype>'), ('<dtype> <rmli>', '<dtype>'), ('type input', 'dtype input'), ('\n Options:\n', ''), ('-s scale', 'scale'), ('-e exp', 'exponent'), ('-a min', 'min'), ('-b max', 'max'), ('-R rmax', 'rmax'), ('-m mode', 'mode'), ('-u', 'update')], 'mk_rasdt_all': [('RMLI_image', 'MLI'), ('MLI_image', 'MLI')], 'mk_rasmph_all': [('RMLI_image', 'MLI'), ('MLI_image', 'MLI')], 'mk_unw_2d': [('unw_mask1', 'unw_mask')], 'mk_unw_ref_2d': [('diff_tab', 'DIFF_tab')], 'MLI2pt': [('MLI_TAB', 'MLI_tab'), ('pSLC_par', 'pMLI_par')], 'mosaic': [('<..>', '<...>'), ('DEM_parout', 'DEM_par_out')], 'multi_class_mapping': [('...', '<...>')], 'multi_look_geo': [('geo_SLC', 'SLC'), ('SLC/MLI', ('SLC_MLI'))], 'multi_look_MLI': [('MLI in_par', 'MLI_in_par')], 'offset_fit': [('interact_flag', 'interact_mode')], 'offset_plot_az': [('rmin', 'r_min'), ('rmax', 'r_max')], 'par_ASF_SLC': [('CEOS_SAR_leader', 'CEOS_leader')], 'par_ASAR': [('ASAR/ERS_file', 'ASAR_ERS_file')], 'par_EORC_JERS_SLC': [('slc', 'SLC')], 'par_ERSDAC_PALSAR': [('VEXCEL_SLC_par', 'ERSDAC_SLC_par')], 'par_ESA_JERS_SEASAT_SLC': [('[slc]', '[SLC]')], 'par_ICEYE_GRD': [('<GeoTIFF>', '<GeoTIFF> <XML>'), ('[mli]', '[MLI]')], 'par_ICEYE_SLC': [('[slc]', '[SLC]')], 'par_MSP': [('SLC/MLI_par', 'SLC_MLI_par')], 'par_SIRC': [('UTC/MET', 'UTC_MET')], 'par_TX_GRD': [('COSAR', 'GeoTIFF')], 'par_UAVSAR_SLC': [('SLC/MLC_in', 'SLC_MLC_in'), ('SLC/MLI_par', 'SLC_MLI_par'), ('SLC/MLI_out', 'SLC_MLI_out')], 'par_UAVSAR_geo': [('SLC/MLI_par', 'SLC_MLI_par')], 'phase_sim': [('sim (', 'sim_unw (')], 'product': [('wgt_flg', 'wgt_flag')], 'radcal_MLI': [('MLI_PAR', 'MLI_par')], 'radcal_PRI': [('GRD_PAR', 'GRD_par'), ('PRI_PAR', 'PRI_par')], 'radcal_SLC': [('SLC_PAR', 'SLC_par')], 'ras2jpg': [('{', '{{'), ('}', '}}')], 'ras_data_pt': [('pdata1', 'pdata')], 'ras_to_rgb': [('red channel', 'red_channel'), ('green channel', 'green_channel'), ('blue channel', 'blue_channel')], 'rascc_mask_thinning': [('...', '[...]')], 'rashgt': [('m/cycle', 'm_cycle')], 'rashgt_shd': [('m/cycle', 'm_cycle'), ('\n cycle ', '\n m_cycle ')], 'rasdt_cmap_pt': [('pdata1', 'pdata')], 'raspwr': [('hdrz', 'hdrsz')], 'ras_ras': [('r_lin/log', 'r_lin_log'), ('g_lin/log', 'g_lin_log'), ('b_lin/log', 'b_lin_log')], 'ras_ratio_dB': [('[min_cc] [max_cc] [scale] [exp]', '[min_value] [max_value] [dB_offset]')], 'rasSLC': [('[header]', '[hdrsz]')], 'ratio': [('wgt_flg', 'wgt_flag')], 'restore_float': [('input file', 'data_in'), ('output file', 'data_out'), ('interpolation_limit', 'interp_limit')], 'S1_coreg_TOPS_no_refinement': [('RLK', 'rlks'), ('AZLK', 'azlks')], 'S1_OPOD_vec': [('SLC_PAR', 'SLC_par')], 'single_class_mapping': [('>...', '> <...>')], 'ScanSAR_burst_cc_ad': [('bx', 'box_min'), ('by', 'box_max')], 'ScanSAR_burst_to_mosaic': [('DATA_tab_ref', 'data_tab_ref'), ('[mflg] [dtype]', '[mflg]')], 'ScanSAR_full_aperture_SLC': [('SLCR_dir', 'SLC2_dir')], 'scale_base': [('SLC-1_par-2', 'SLC1_par-2')], 'sigma2gamma': [('<gamma>', '<gamma0>'), ('gamma (output)', 'gamma0 (output)'), ('pwr1', 'sigma0')], 'SLC_interp_lt': [('SLC-2', 'SLC2'), ('blksz', 'blk_size')], 'SLC_intf': [('SLC1s_par', 'SLC-1s_par'), ('SLC2Rs_par', 'SLC-2Rs_par')], 'SLC_intf_geo2': [('cc (', 'CC (')], 'SLC_interp_map': [('coffs2_sm', 'coffs_sm')], 'SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS': [('wflg', 'bflg')], 'srtm_mosaic': [('<lon>', '<lon2>')], 'SSI_INT_S1': [('<SLC2> <par2>', '<SLC_tab2>')], 'texture': [('weights_flag', 'wgt_flag')], 'ts_rate': [('sim_flg', 'sim_flag')], 'TX_SLC_preproc': [('TX_list', 'TSX_list')], 'uchar2float': [('infile', 'data_in'), ('outfile', 'data_out')], 'validate': [('ras1', 'ras_map'), ('rasf_map', 'ras_map'), ('ras2', 'ras_inv'), ('rasf_inventory', 'ras_inv'), ('class1[1]', 'class1_1'), ('class1[2]', 'class1_2'), ('class1[n]', 'class1_n'), ('class2[1]', 'class2_1'), ('class2[2]', 'class2_2'), ('class2[n]', 'class2_n')]} if command_base in parnames_lookup.keys(): for replacement in parnames_lookup[command_base]: out = out.replace(*replacement) ########################################### # filter header (general command description) and usage description string header = '\n'.join([x.strip('* ') for x in re.findall('[*]{3}.*(?:[*]{3}|)', out)]) header = '| ' + header.replace('\n', '\n| ') usage ='usage:.*(?=\n)', out).group() # filter required and optional arguments from usage description text arg_req_raw = [re.sub(r'[^\w.-]*', '', x) for x in re.findall('[^<]*<([^>]*)>', usage)] arg_opt_raw = [re.sub(r'[^\w.-]*', '', x) for x in re.findall(r'[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]', usage)] ########################################### # add parameters missing in the usage argument lists appends = {'mk_adf2_2d': ['cc_min', 'cc_max', 'mli_dir', 'scale', 'exponent', 'update'], 'mk_pol2rec_2d': ['scale', 'exponent', 'min', 'max', 'rmax', 'mode', 'update'], 'SLC_interp_S1_TOPS': ['mode', 'order'], 'SLC_interp_map': ['mode', 'order']} if command_base in appends.keys(): for var in appends[command_base]: arg_opt_raw.append(var) ########################################### # define parameter replacements; this is intended for parameters which are to be aggregated into a list parameter replacements = {'cc_monitoring': [(['nfiles', 'f1', 'f2', '...'], ['files'], ['a list of input data files (float)'])], 'dis_data': [(['nstack', 'pdata1', '...'], ['pdata'], ['a list of point data stack files'])], 'lin_comb': [(['nfiles', 'f1', 'f2', '...'], ['files'], ['a list of input data files (float)']), (['factor1', 'factor2', '...'], ['factors'], ['a list of factors to multiply the input files with'])], 'lin_comb_cpx': [(['nfiles', 'f1', 'f2', '...'], ['files'], ['a list of input data files (float)']), (['factor1_r', 'factor2_r', '...'], ['factors_r'], ['a list of real part factors to multiply the input files with']), (['factor1_i', 'factor2_i'], ['factors_i'], ['a list of imaginary part factors to multiply the input files with'])], 'mask_class': [(['n_class', 'class_1', '...', 'class_n'], ['class_values'], ['a list of class map values'])], 'mosaic': [(['nfiles', 'data_in1', 'DEM_par1', 'data_in2', 'DEM_par2', '...', '...'], ['data_in_list', 'DEM_par_list'], ['a list of input data files', 'a list of DEM/MAP parameter files for each data file'])], 'multi_class_mapping': [(['nfiles', 'f1', 'f2', '...', 'fn'], ['files'], ['a list of input data files (float)'])], 'rascc_mask_thinning': [(['thresh_1', '...', 'thresh_nmax'], ['thresholds'], ['a list of thresholds sorted from smallest to ' 'largest scale sampling reduction'])], 'single_class_mapping': [(['nfiles', 'f1', '...', 'fn'], ['files'], ['a list of point data stack files']), (['lt1', 'ltn'], ['thres_lower'], ['a list of lower thresholds for the files']), (['ut1', 'utn'], ['thres_upper'], ['a list of upper thresholds for the files'])], 'validate': [(['nclass1', 'class1_1', 'class1_2', '...', 'class1_n'], ['classes_map'], ['a list of class values for the map data file (max. 16), 0 for all']), (['nclass2', 'class2_1', 'class2_2', '...', 'class2_n'], ['classes_inv'], ['a list of class values for the inventory data file (max. 16), 0 for all'])]} if '..' in usage and command_base not in replacements.keys(): raise RuntimeError('the command contains multi-args which were not properly parsed') def replace(inlist, replacement): outlist = list(inlist) for old, new, description in replacement: if old[0] not in outlist: return outlist outlist[outlist.index(old[0])] = new for i in range(1, len(old)): if old[i] in outlist: outlist.remove(old[i]) return dissolve(outlist) arg_req = list(arg_req_raw) arg_opt = list(arg_opt_raw) if command_base in replacements.keys(): arg_req = replace(arg_req, replacements[command_base]) arg_opt = replace(arg_opt, replacements[command_base]) if command_base in ['par_CS_geo', 'par_KS_geo']: out = re.sub('[ ]*trunk.*', '', out, flags=re.DOTALL) ########################################### # check if there are any double parameters double = [k for k, v in Counter(arg_req + arg_opt).items() if v > 1] if len(double) > 0: raise RuntimeError('double parameter{0}: {1}'.format('s' if len(double) > 1 else '', ', '.join(double))) ########################################### # add a parameter inlist for commands which take interactive input via stdin # the list of commands, which are interactive is hard to assess and thus likely a source of future errors inlist = ['create_dem_par', 'par_ESA_ERS'] if command_base in inlist: arg_req.append('inlist') ###################################################################################### # create the function argument string for the Python function # optional arguments are parametrized with '-' as default value, e.g. arg_opt='-' # a '-' in the parameter name is replaced with '_' # example: "arg1, arg2, arg3='-'" argstr_function = re.sub(r'([^\'])-([^\'])', r'\1_\2', ', '.join(arg_req + [x + "='-'" for x in arg_opt])) \ .replace(', def=', ', drm=') # some commands have different defaults than '-' replacements_defaults = {'S1_import_SLC_from_zipfiles': {'OPOD_dir': '.'}} if command_base in replacements_defaults.keys(): for key, value in replacements_defaults[command_base].items(): old = "{}='-'".format(key) if isinstance(value, str): new = "{0}='{1}'".format(key, value) else: new = "{0}={1}".format(key, value) argstr_function = argstr_function.replace(old, new) # create the function definition string fun_def = 'def {name}({args_fun}, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None):' \ .format(name=command_base.replace('-', '_'), args_fun=argstr_function) if command_base == '2PASS_INT': fun_def = fun_def.replace(command_base, 'TWO_PASS_INT') ###################################################################################### # special handling of flag args flag_args = {'mk_adf2_2d': [('mli_dir', '-m', None), ('scale', '-s', None), ('exponent', '-e', None), ('update', '-u', False)], 'mk_pol2rec_2d': [('scale', '-s', None), ('exp', '-e', None), ('min', '-a', None), ('max', '-b', None), ('rmax', '-R', None), ('mode', '-m', None), ('update', '-u', False)]} # replace arg default like arg='-' with arg=None or arg=False if command_base in flag_args: for arg in flag_args[command_base]: fun_def = re.sub('{}=\'-\''.format(arg[0]), '{0}={1}'.format(arg[0], arg[2]), fun_def) ###################################################################################### # create the process call argument string # a '-' in the parameter name is replaced with '_' # e.g. 'arg1, arg2, arg3' # if a parameter is named 'def' (not allowed in Python) it is renamed to 'drm' # inlist is not a proc arg but a parameter passed to function process proc_args = arg_req + arg_opt if command_base in inlist: proc_args.remove('inlist') proc_args_tmp = list(proc_args) # insert the length of a list argument as a proc arg if command_base in replacements.keys() and command_base != 'rascc_mask_thinning': key = replacements[command_base][0][1] if isinstance(key, list): key = key[0] proc_args_tmp.insert(proc_args_tmp.index(key), 'len({})'.format(key)) if command_base == 'validate': index = proc_args_tmp.index('classes_inv') proc_args_tmp.insert(index, 'len(classes_inv)') argstr_process = ', '.join(proc_args_tmp) \ .replace('-', '_') \ .replace(', def,', ', drm,') # create the process argument list string cmd_str = "cmd = ['{command}', {args_cmd}]".format(command=command, args_cmd=argstr_process) # special handling of optional flag args # the args are removed from the cmd list and flags (plus values) added if not None or True # e.g. '-u' if update=True or '-m /path' if mli_dir='/path' if command_base in flag_args: args = [] for arg in flag_args[command_base]: cmd_str = cmd_str.replace(', {}'.format(arg[0]), '') args.append(arg[0]) cmd_str += "\nif {a} is not {d}:\n{i}cmd.append('{k}')" \ .format(i=indent, d=arg[2], k=arg[1], a=arg[0]) if arg[2] is None: cmd_str += '\n{i}cmd.append({a})'.format(i=indent, a=arg[0]) # create the process call string proc_str = "process(cmd, logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir{inlist}, shellscript=shellscript)" \ .format(inlist=', inlist=inlist' if command_base in inlist else '') fun_proc = '{0}\n{1}'.format(cmd_str, proc_str) if command_base == 'lin_comb_cpx': fun_proc = fun_proc.replace('factors_r, factors_i', 'zip(factors_r, factors_i)') elif command_base == 'mosaic': fun_proc = fun_proc.replace('data_in_list, DEM_par_list', 'zip(data_in_list, DEM_par_list)') elif command_base == 'single_class_mapping': fun_proc = fun_proc.replace('files, thres_lower, thres_upper', 'zip(files, thres_lower, thres_upper)') ###################################################################################### # create the function docstring # find the start of the docstring and filter the result doc_start = 'input parameters:[ ]*\n' if'input parameters', out) else 'usage:.*(?=\n)' doc = '\n' + out[, out).end():] # define a pattern containing individual parameter documentations pattern = r'\n[ ]*[<\[]*(?P<par>{0})[>\]]*[\t ]+(?P<doc>.*)'.format( '|'.join(arg_req_raw + arg_opt_raw).replace('.', r'\.')) # identify the start indices of all pattern matches starts = [m.start(0) for m in re.finditer(pattern, doc)] + [len(out)] # filter out all individual (parameter, description) docstring tuples doc_items = [] j = 0 done = [] for i in range(0, len(starts) - 1): doc_raw = doc[starts[i]:starts[i + 1]] doc_list = list(, doc_raw, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()) if doc_list[0] not in proc_args: if command_base in replacements.keys(): repl = replacements[command_base][0] for k, item in enumerate(repl[1]): if item not in done: doc_items.append([item, repl[2][k]]) done.append(item) j += 1 continue if doc_list[0] in done: doc_items[-1][1] += doc_raw continue while doc_list[0] != proc_args[j]: doc_list_sub = [proc_args[j], 'not documented'] doc_items.append(doc_list_sub) j += 1 doc_items.append(doc_list) done.append(doc_items[-1][0]) j += 1 for k in range(j, len(proc_args)): doc_items.append([proc_args[k], 'not documented']) # add a parameter inlist to the docstring tuples if command_base in inlist: pos = [x[0] for x in doc_items].index(arg_opt[0]) doc_items.insert(pos, ('inlist', 'a list of arguments to be passed to stdin')) # remove the replaced parameters from the argument lists doc_items = [x for x in doc_items if x[0] in arg_req + arg_opt] # replace parameter names which are not possible in Python syntax, i.e. containing '-' or named 'def' for i, item in enumerate(doc_items): par = item[0].replace('-', '_').replace(', def,', ', drm,') description = item[1] doc_items[i] = (par, description) if command_base in ['par_CS_geo', 'par_KS_geo']: doc_items.append(('MLI_par', '(output) ISP SLC/MLI parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par)')) doc_items.append(('DEM_par', '(output) DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.dem_par)')) doc_items.append(('GEO', '(output) Geocoded image data file (example: yyyymmdd.geo)')) # check if all parameters are documented: proc_args = [x.replace('-', '_').replace(', def,', ', drm,') for x in arg_req + arg_opt] mismatch = [x for x in proc_args if x not in [y[0] for y in doc_items]] if len(mismatch) > 0: raise RuntimeError('parameters missing in docsring: {}'.format(', '.join(mismatch))) ########################################### # format the docstring parameter descriptions docstring_elements = ['Parameters\n----------'] # do some extra formatting for i, item in enumerate(doc_items): par, description = item description = re.split(r'\n+\s*', description.strip('\n')) # escape * characters (which are treated as special characters for bullet lists by sphinx) description = [x.replace('*', r'\*') for x in description] # convert all lines starting with an integer number or 'NOTE' to bullet list items latest = None for i in range(len(description)): item = description[i] if'^(?:(?:-|)[-0-9]+|NOTE):', item): latest = i # prepend '* ' and replace missing spaces after a colon: 'x:x' -> 'x: x' description[i] = '* ' + re.sub(r'((?:-|)[-0-9]+:)(\w+)', r'\1 \2', item) # format documentation lines coming after the last bullet list item # sphinx expects lines after the last bullet item to be indented by two spaces if # they belong to the bullet item or otherwise a blank line to mark the end of the bullet list if latest: # case if there are still lines coming after the last bullet item, # prepend an extra two spaces to these lines so that they are properly # aligned with the text of the bullet item if latest + 2 <= len(description): i = 1 while latest + i + 1 <= len(description): description[latest + i] = ' ' + description[latest + i] i += 1 # if not, then insert an extra blank line else: description[-1] = description[-1] + '\n' # parse the final documentation string for the current parameter description = '\n{0}{0}'.join(description).format(indent) doc = '{0}:\n{1}{2}'.format(par, indent, description) docstring_elements.append(doc) ########################################### # add docsrings of general parameters and combine the result # create docstring for parameter logpath doc = 'logpath: str or None\n{0}a directory to write command logfiles to'.format(indent) docstring_elements.append(doc) # create docstring for parameter outdir doc = 'outdir: str or None\n{0}the directory to execute the command in'.format(indent) docstring_elements.append(doc) # create docstring for parameter shellscript doc = 'shellscript: str or None\n{0}a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format'.format(indent) docstring_elements.append(doc) # combine the complete docstring fun_doc = '\n{header}\n\n{doc}\n' \ .format(header=header, doc='\n'.join(docstring_elements)) ###################################################################################### # combine the elements to a complete Python function string fun = '''{defn}\n"""{doc}"""\n{proc}'''.format(defn=fun_def, doc=fun_doc, proc=fun_proc) # indent all lines and add an extra empty line at the end fun = fun.replace('\n', '\n{}'.format(indent)) + '\n' return fun
[docs]def parse_module(bindir, outfile): """ parse all Gamma commands of a module to functions and save them to a Python script. Parameters ---------- bindir: str the `bin` directory of a module containing the commands outfile: str the name of the Python file to write Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from pyroSAR.gamma.parser import parse_module >>> outname = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '') >>> parse_module('/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin', outname) """ if not os.path.isdir(bindir): raise OSError('directory does not exist: {}'.format(bindir)) excludes = ['coord_trans', # doesn't take any parameters and is interactive 'RSAT2_SLC_preproc', # takes option flags 'mk_ASF_CEOS_list', # "cannot create : Directory nonexistent" '2PASS_UNW', # parameter name inconsistencies 'mk_diff_2d', # takes option flags 'gamma_doc' # opens the Gamma documentation ] failed = [] outstring = '' for cmd in sorted(finder(bindir, [r'^\w+$'], regex=True), key=lambda s: s.lower()): basename = os.path.basename(cmd) if basename not in excludes: try: fun = parse_command(cmd) except RuntimeError as e: failed.append('{0}: {1}'.format(basename, str(e))) continue except DeprecationWarning: continue except: failed.append('{0}: {1}'.format(basename, 'error yet to be assessed')) continue outstring += fun + '\n\n' if len(outstring) > 0: if not os.path.isfile(outfile): with open(outfile, 'w') as out: out.write('from pyroSAR.gamma.auxil import process\n\n\n') with open(outfile, 'a') as out: out.write(outstring) if len(failed) > 0:'the following functions could not be parsed:\n{0}\n({1} total)'.format('\n'.join(failed), len(failed)))
[docs]def autoparse(): """ automatic parsing of Gamma commands. This function will detect the Gamma installation via environment variable `GAMMA_HOME`, detect all available modules (e.g. ISP, DIFF) and parse all of the module's commands via function :func:`parse_module`. A new Python module will be created called `gammaparse`, which is stored under `$HOME/.pyrosar`. Upon importing the `pyroSAR.gamma` submodule, this function is run automatically and module `gammaparse` is imported as `api`. Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR.gamma.api import diff >>> print('create_dem_par' in dir(diff)) True """ home = ExamineGamma().home target = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pyrosar', 'gammaparse') if not os.path.isdir(target): os.makedirs(target) for module in finder(home, ['[A-Z]*'], foldermode=2): outfile = os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(module).lower() + '.py') if not os.path.isfile(outfile):'parsing module {} to {}'.format(os.path.basename(module), outfile)) for submodule in ['bin', 'scripts']:'-' * 10 + '\n{}'.format(submodule)) try: parse_module(os.path.join(module, submodule), outfile) except OSError:'..does not exist')'=' * 20) modules = [re.sub(r'\.py', '', os.path.basename(x)) for x in finder(target, [r'[a-z]+\.py$'], regex=True)] if len(modules) > 0: with open(os.path.join(target, ''), 'w') as init: init.write('from . import {}'.format(', '.join(modules)))