Source code for pyroSAR.gamma.auxil

# general GAMMA utilities

# Copyright (c) 2014-2021, the pyroSAR Developers, Stefan Engelhardt.

# This file is part of the pyroSAR Project. It is subject to the
# license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution and at
# No part of the pyroSAR project, including this file, may be
# copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according
# to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
import math
import os
import re
import string
import codecs
import subprocess as sp
from datetime import datetime

from pyroSAR.examine import ExamineGamma
from spatialist.ancillary import parse_literal, run, union, dissolve
from spatialist.envi import hdr

from .error import gammaErrorHandler

[docs]class ISPPar(object): """ Reader for ISP parameter files of the GAMMA software package This class allows to read all information from files in GAMMA's parameter file format. Each key-value pair is parsed and added as attribute. For instance if the parameter file contains the pair 'sensor: TSX-1' an attribute named 'sensor' with the value 'TSX-1' will be available. The values are converted to native Python types, while unit identifiers like 'dB' or 'Hz' are removed. Please see the GAMMA reference manual for further information on the actual file format. Parameters ---------- filename: str the GAMMA parameter file Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR.gamma import ISPPar >>> with ISPPar('S1A__IW___A_20141115T181801_VH_grd.par') as par: ... print(par) # print an overview of all available metadata ... print(par.keys) # print all parameter names ... for key, value in par.envidict().items(): ... print('{0}: {1}'.format(key, value)) # print the ENVI HDR compliant metadata Attributes ---------- keys: list the names of all parameters """ _re_kv_pair = re.compile(r'^(\w+):\s*(.+)\s*') _re_float_literal = re.compile(r'^[+-]?(?:(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.?))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?') def __init__(self, filename): """Parses an ISP parameter file from disk. Args: filename: The filename or file object representing the ISP parameter file. """ if isinstance(filename, str): par_file = open(filename, 'r') else: par_file = filename self.keys = ['filetype'] try: content ='\n') except UnicodeDecodeError: par_file =, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') content = printable = set(string.printable) content = filter(lambda x: x in printable, content) content = ''.join(list(content)).split('\n') finally: par_file.close() if 'Image Parameter File' in content[0]: setattr(self, 'filetype', 'isp') elif 'DEM/MAP parameter file' in content[0]: setattr(self, 'filetype', 'dem') else: setattr(self, 'filetype', 'unknown') for line in content: match = ISPPar._re_kv_pair.match(line) if not match: continue # Skip malformed lines with no key-value pairs key = items = if len(items) == 0: value = None elif len(items) == 1: value = parse_literal(items[0]) else: if not ISPPar._re_float_literal.match(items[0]): # Value is a string literal containing whitespace characters value = else: # Evaluate each item and stop at the first non-float literal value = [] for i in items: match = ISPPar._re_float_literal.match(i) if match: value.append(parse_literal( else: # If the first float literal is immediately followed by a non-float literal handle the # first one as singular value, e.g. in '20.0970 dB' if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] break self.keys.append(key) setattr(self, key, value) if hasattr(self, 'date'): try: = '{}-{:02d}-{:02d}T{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02f}'.format(* except: # if only date available = '{}-{:02d}-{:02d}'.format(* def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return def __getattr__(self, item): # will only be run if object has no attribute item raise AttributeError("parameter file has no attribute '{}'".format(item)) def __str__(self): maxlen = len(max(self.keys, key=len)) + 1 return '\n'.join(['{key}:{sep}{value}'.format(key=key, sep=(maxlen - len(key)) * ' ', value=getattr(self, key)) for key in self.keys])
[docs] def envidict(self, nodata=None): """ export relevant metadata to an ENVI HDR file compliant format Parameters ---------- nodata: int, float or None a no data value to write to the HDR file via attribute 'data ignore value' Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing attributes translated to ENVI HDR naming """ out = dict(bands=1, header_offset=0, file_type='ENVI Standard', interleave='bsq', sensor_type='Unknown', byte_order=1, wavelength_units='Unknown') if hasattr(self, 'date'): out['acquisition_time'] = + 'Z' out['samples'] = getattr(self, union(['width', 'range_samples', 'samples'], self.keys)[0]) out['lines'] = getattr(self, union(['nlines', 'azimuth_lines', 'lines'], self.keys)[0]) dtypes_lookup = {'FCOMPLEX': 6, 'FLOAT': 4, 'REAL*4': 4, 'INTEGER*2': 2, 'SHORT': 12} dtype = getattr(self, union(['data_format', 'image_format'], self.keys)[0]) if dtype not in dtypes_lookup.keys(): raise TypeError('unsupported data type: {}'.format(dtype)) out['data_type'] = dtypes_lookup[dtype] if nodata is not None: out['data_ignore_value'] = nodata if out['data_type'] == 6: out['complex_function'] = 'Power' # projections = ['AEAC', 'EQA', 'LCC', 'LCC2', 'OMCH', 'PC', 'PS', 'SCH', 'TM', 'UTM'] # the corner coordinates are shifted by 1/2 pixel to the Northwest since GAMMA pixel # coordinates are defined for the pixel center while in ENVI it is the upper left if hasattr(self, 'DEM_projection'): if self.DEM_projection == 'UTM': hem = 'North' if float(self.false_northing) == 0 else 'South' out['map_info'] = ['UTM', '1.0000', '1.0000', self.corner_east - (abs(self.post_east) / 2), self.corner_north + (abs(self.post_north) / 2), str(abs(float(self.post_east))), str(abs(float(self.post_north))), self.projection_zone, hem, 'WGS-84', 'units=Meters'] elif self.DEM_projection == 'EQA': out['map_info'] = ['Geographic Lat/Lon', '1.0000', '1.0000', self.corner_lon - (abs(self.post_lon) / 2), self.corner_lat + (abs(self.post_lat) / 2), str(abs(float(self.post_lon))), str(abs(float(self.post_lat))), 'WGS-84', 'units=Degrees'] else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported projection: {}'.format(self.DEM_projection)) return out
[docs]def par2hdr(parfile, hdrfile, modifications=None, nodata=None): """ Create an ENVI HDR file from a GAMMA PAR file Parameters ---------- parfile: str the GAMMA parfile hdrfile: str the ENVI HDR file modifications: dict or None a dictionary containing value deviations to write to the HDR file nodata: int, float or None a no data value to write to the HDR file via attribute 'data ignore value' Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR.gamma.auxil import par2hdr >>> par2hdr('dem_seg.par', 'inc.hdr') # write a HDR file for byte data based on a parfile of float data >>> par2hdr('dem_seg.par', 'ls_map.hdr', modifications={'data_type': 1}) See Also -------- :class:`spatialist.envi.HDRobject` :func:`spatialist.envi.hdr` """ with ISPPar(parfile) as par: items = par.envidict(nodata) if modifications is not None: items.update(modifications) hdr(items, hdrfile)
[docs]class UTM(object): """ convert a gamma parameter file corner coordinate from EQA to UTM Parameters ---------- parfile: str the GAMMA parameter file to read the coordinate from Example ------- >>> from pyroSAR.gamma import UTM >>> print(UTM('gamma.par').zone) """ def __init__(self, parfile): par = ISPPar(parfile) inlist = ['WGS84', 1, 'EQA', par.corner_lon, par.corner_lat, '', 'WGS84', 1, 'UTM', ''] inlist = map(str, inlist) proc = sp.Popen(['coord_trans'], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=False) out, err = proc.communicate(''.join([x + '\n' for x in inlist])) out = [x for x in filter(None, out.split('\n')) if ':' in x] self.meta = dict() for line in out: key, value = re.split(r'\s*:\s*', line) value = value.split() value = map(parse_literal, value) if len(value) > 1 else value[0] self.meta[key] = value try:, self.northing, self.easting, self.altitude = \ self.meta['UTM zone/northing/easting/altitude (m)'] except KeyError:, self.northing, self.easting = \ self.meta['UTM zone/northing/easting (m)']
[docs]def process(cmd, outdir=None, logfile=None, logpath=None, inlist=None, void=True, shellscript=None): """ wrapper function to execute GAMMA commands via module :mod:`subprocess` Parameters ---------- cmd: list the command line arguments outdir: str the directory to execute the command in logfile: str a file to write the command log to; overrides parameter logpath logpath: str a directory to write logfiles to; the file will be named {GAMMA command}.log, e.g. gc_map.log; is overridden by parameter logfile inlist: list a list of values, which is passed as interactive inputs via stdin void: bool return the stdout and stderr messages? shellscript: str a file to write the GAMMA commands to in shell format Returns ------- tuple of str or None the stdout and stderr messages if void is False, otherwise None """ if logfile is not None: log = logfile else: log = os.path.join(logpath, os.path.basename(cmd[0]) + '.log') if logpath else None gamma_home = ExamineGamma().home if shellscript is not None: if not os.path.isfile(shellscript): # create an empty file with open(shellscript, 'w') as init: pass line = ' '.join([str(x) for x in dissolve(cmd)]) if inlist is not None: line += ' <<< $"{}"'.format('\n'.join([str(x) for x in inlist]) + '\n') with open(shellscript, 'r+') as sh: if outdir is not None: content = is_new ='this script was created automatically by pyroSAR', content) is None if is_new: ts ='%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') sh.write('# this script was created automatically by pyroSAR on {}\n\n'.format(ts)) sh.write('export base={}\n'.format(outdir)) sh.write('export GAMMA_HOME={}\n\n'.format(gamma_home)) sh.write(content) line = line.replace(outdir, '$base').replace(gamma_home, '$GAMMA_HOME'), 2) # set pointer to the end of the file sh.write(line + '\n\n') # create an environment containing the locations of all GAMMA submodules to be passed to the subprocess calls gammaenv = os.environ.copy() gammaenv['GAMMA_HOME'] = gamma_home out, err = run([ExamineGamma().gdal_config, '--datadir'], void=False) gammaenv['GDAL_DATA'] = out.strip() for module in ['DIFF', 'DISP', 'IPTA', 'ISP', 'LAT']: loc = os.path.join(gammaenv['GAMMA_HOME'], module) if os.path.isdir(loc): gammaenv[module + '_HOME'] = loc for submodule in ['bin', 'scripts']: subloc = os.path.join(loc, submodule) if os.path.isdir(subloc): gammaenv['PATH'] += os.pathsep + subloc # execute the command out, err = run(cmd, outdir=outdir, logfile=log, inlist=inlist, void=False, errorpass=True, env=gammaenv) gammaErrorHandler(out, err) if not void: return out, err
class Spacing(object): """ compute multilooking factors and pixel spacings from an ISPPar object for a defined ground range target pixel spacing Parameters ---------- par: str or ISPPar the ISP parameter file spacing: int or float the target pixel spacing in ground range """ def __init__(self, par, spacing='automatic'): # compute ground range pixel spacing par = par if isinstance(par, ISPPar) else ISPPar(par) self.groundRangePS = par.range_pixel_spacing / (math.sin(math.radians(par.incidence_angle))) # compute initial multilooking factors if spacing == 'automatic': if self.groundRangePS > par.azimuth_pixel_spacing: ratio = self.groundRangePS / par.azimuth_pixel_spacing self.rlks = 1 self.azlks = int(round(ratio)) else: ratio = par.azimuth_pixel_spacing / self.groundRangePS self.rlks = int(round(ratio)) self.azlks = 1 else: self.rlks = int(round(float(spacing) / self.groundRangePS)) self.azlks = int(round(float(spacing) / par.azimuth_pixel_spacing)) class Namespace(object): def __init__(self, directory, basename): self.__base = basename self.__outdir = directory self.__reg = [] def __getitem__(self, item): item = str(item).replace('.', '_') return self.get(item) def __getattr__(self, item): # will only be run if object has no attribute item return '-' def appreciate(self, keys): for key in keys: setattr(self, key.replace('.', '_'), os.path.join(self.__outdir, self.__base + '_' + key)) if key not in self.__reg: self.__reg.append(key.replace('.', '_')) def depreciate(self, keys): for key in keys: setattr(self, key.replace('.', '_'), '-') if key not in self.__reg: self.__reg.append(key.replace('.', '_')) def getall(self): out = {} for key in self.__reg: out[key] = getattr(self, key) return out def select(self, selection): return [getattr(self, key) for key in selection] def isregistered(self, key): return key in self.__reg def isappreciated(self, key): if self.isregistered(key): if self.get(key) != '-': return True return False def isfile(self, key): return hasattr(self, key) and os.path.isfile(getattr(self, key)) def get(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def slc_corners(parfile): """ extract the corner coordinates of a SAR scene Parameters ---------- parfile: str the GAMMA parameter file to read coordinates from Returns ------- dict of float a dictionary with keys xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax """ out, err = process(['SLC_corners', parfile], void=False) pts = {} pattern = r'-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' for line in out.split('\n'): if line.startswith('min. latitude'): pts['ymin'], pts['ymax'] = [float(x) for x in re.findall(pattern, line)] elif line.startswith('min. longitude'): pts['xmin'], pts['xmax'] = [float(x) for x in re.findall(pattern, line)] return pts def do_execute(par, ids, exist_ok): """ small helper function to assess whether a GAMMA command shall be executed. Parameters ---------- par: dict a dictionary containing all arguments for the command ids: list the IDs of the output files exist_ok: bool allow existing output files? Returns ------- bool execute the command because (a) not all output files exist or (b) existing files are not allowed """ all_exist = all([os.path.isfile(par[x]) for x in ids if par[x] != '-']) return (exist_ok and not all_exist) or not exist_ok