Source code for pyroSAR.snap.auxil

# pyroSAR SNAP API tools

# Copyright (c) 2017-2021, the pyroSAR Developers.

# This file is part of the pyroSAR Project. It is subject to the
# license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution and at
# No part of the pyroSAR project, including this file, may be
# copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according
# to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
import os
import re
import copy
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
from xml.dom import minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from pyroSAR import identify
from pyroSAR.examine import ExamineSnap
from pyroSAR.ancillary import windows_fileprefix

from spatialist.auxil import gdal_translate
from spatialist.ancillary import finder, run

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def parse_recipe(name): """ parse a SNAP recipe Parameters ---------- name: str the name of the recipe; current options: * `blank`: a workflow without any nodes * `geocode`: a basic workflow containing `Read`, `Apply-Orbit-File`, `Calibration`, `Terrain-Flattening` and `Write` nodes Returns ------- Workflow the parsed recipe Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR.snap.auxil import parse_recipe >>> workflow = parse_recipe('base') """ name = name if name.endswith('.xml') else name + '.xml' absname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'recipes', name) return Workflow(absname)
[docs]def parse_node(name, use_existing=True): """ parse an XML node recipe. The XML representation and parameter default values are read from the docstring of an individual node by calling `gpt <node> -h`. The result is then written to an XML text file under `$HOME/.pyroSAR/snap/nodes` which is subsequently read for parsing instead of again calling `gpt`. Parameters ---------- name: str the name of the processing node, e.g. Terrain-Correction use_existing: bool use an existing XML text file or force re-parsing the gpt docstring and overwriting the XML file? Returns ------- Node the parsed node Examples -------- >>> tnr = parse_node('ThermalNoiseRemoval') >>> print(tnr.parameters) {'selectedPolarisations': None, 'removeThermalNoise': 'true', 'reIntroduceThermalNoise': 'false'} """ snap = ExamineSnap() version = snap.get_version('s1tbx')['version'] name = name if name.endswith('.xml') else name + '.xml' operator = os.path.splitext(name)[0] nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pyrosar', 'snap', 'nodes') abspath = os.path.join(nodepath, version) os.makedirs(abspath, exist_ok=True) absname = os.path.join(abspath, name) # remove all old XML files that were not stored in a version subdirectory deprecated = finder(nodepath, ['*.xml'], recursive=False) for item in deprecated: os.remove(item) if not os.path.isfile(absname) or not use_existing: gpt = snap.gpt cmd = [gpt, operator, '-h'] out, err = run(cmd=cmd, void=False) graph ='<graph id.*', out, flags=re.DOTALL).group() graph = re.sub(r'>\${.*', '/>', graph) # remove placeholder values like ${value} graph = re.sub(r'<\.\.\./>.*', '', graph) # remove <.../> placeholders if operator == 'BandMaths': graph = graph.replace('sourceProducts', 'sourceProduct') tree = ET.fromstring(graph) for elt in tree.iter(): if elt.text in ['string', 'double', 'integer', 'float']: elt.text = None node = tree.find('node') node.attrib['id'] = operator # add a second source product entry for multi-source nodes # multi-source nodes are those with an entry 'sourceProducts' instead of 'sourceProduct' # exceptions are registered in this list: multisource = ['Back-Geocoding'] if operator != 'Read' and operator != 'ProductSet-Reader': source = node.find('.//sources') child = source[0] if child.tag == 'sourceProducts' or operator in multisource: child2 = ET.SubElement(source, 'sourceProduct.1', {'refid': 'Read (2)'}) child.tag = 'sourceProduct' child.attrib['refid'] = 'Read' child.text = None if operator == 'BandMaths': tband = tree.find('.//targetBand') for item in ['spectralWavelength', 'spectralBandwidth', 'scalingOffset', 'scalingFactor', 'validExpression', 'spectralBandIndex']: el = tband.find('.//{}'.format(item)) tband.remove(el) tree.find('.//parameters').set('class', 'com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement') node = Node(node) # read the default values from the parameter documentation parameters = node.parameters.keys() out += '-P' for parameter in parameters: p1 = r'-P{}.*?-P'.format(parameter) p2 = r"Default\ value\ is '([a-zA-Z0-9 ._\(\)]+)'" r1 =, out, re.S) if r1: sub = r2 =, sub) if r2: value = r2.groups()[0] node.parameters[parameter] = value continue node.parameters[parameter] = None # fill in some additional defaults if operator == 'BandMerge': node.parameters['geographicError'] = '1.0E-5' with open(absname, 'w') as xml: xml.write(str(node)) return node else: with open(absname, 'r') as workflow: element = ET.fromstring( return Node(element)
[docs]def execute(xmlfile, cleanup=True, gpt_exceptions=None, gpt_args=None): """ execute SNAP workflows via the Graph Processing Tool GPT. This function merely calls gpt with some additional command line arguments and raises a RuntimeError on fail. This function is used internally by function :func:`gpt`. Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the name of the workflow XML file cleanup: bool should all files written to the temporary directory during function execution be deleted after processing? gpt_exceptions: dict a dictionary to override the configured GPT executable for certain operators; each (sub-)workflow containing this operator will be executed with the define executable; - e.g. ``{'Terrain-Flattening': '/home/user/snap/bin/gpt'}`` gpt_args: list or None a list of additional arguments to be passed to the GPT call - e.g. ``['-x', '-c', '2048M']`` for increased tile cache size and intermediate clearing Returns ------- Raises ------ RuntimeError """ # read the file and extract some information workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) write = workflow['Write'] outname = write.parameters['file'] workers = [ for x in workflow if x.operator not in ['Read', 'Write']] message = ' -> '.join(workers) gpt_exec = None if gpt_exceptions is not None: for item, exec in gpt_exceptions.items(): if item in workers: gpt_exec = exec message += ' (using {})'.format(exec) break # try to find the GPT executable if gpt_exec is None: try: gpt_exec = ExamineSnap().gpt except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('could not find SNAP GPT executable') # create the list of arguments to be passed to the subprocess module calling GPT cmd = [gpt_exec, '-e'] if isinstance(gpt_args, list): cmd.extend(gpt_args) if format == 'GeoTiff-BigTIFF': cmd.extend([ # '-Dsnap.dataio.reader.tileWidth=*', # '-Dsnap.dataio.reader.tileHeight=1', '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.tiling.width=256', '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.tiling.height=256', # '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.compression.type=LZW', # '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.compression.quality=0.75' ]) cmd.append(xmlfile) # execute the workflow proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(out, bytes) else out err = err.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(err, bytes) else err # check for a message indicating an unknown parameter, # which can easily be removed from the workflow pattern = r"Error: \[NodeId: (?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\] " \ r"Operator \'[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\': " \ r"Unknown element \'(?P<par>[a-zA-Z]*)\'" match =, err) if proc.returncode == 0: pattern = r'(?P<level>WARNING: )([a-zA-Z.]*: )(?P<message>No intersection.*)' match =, err) if match is not None: raise RuntimeError(, err).group('message')) return # delete unknown parameters and run the modified workflow elif proc.returncode == 1 and match is not None: replace = match.groupdict() with Workflow(xmlfile) as flow:' removing parameter {id}:{par} and executing modified workflow'.format(**replace)) node = flow[replace['id']] del node.parameters[replace['par']] flow.write(xmlfile) execute(xmlfile, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions, gpt_args=gpt_args) # append additional information to the error message and raise an error else: if proc.returncode == -9: submessage = '[{}] the process was killed by SNAP (process return code -9). ' \ 'One possible cause is a lack of memory.'.format(os.path.basename(xmlfile)) else: submessage = '{}{}\n[{}] failed with return code {}' if cleanup: if os.path.isfile(outname + '.tif'): os.remove(outname + '.tif') elif os.path.isdir(outname): shutil.rmtree(outname, onerror=windows_fileprefix) elif outname.endswith('.dim') and os.path.isfile(outname): os.remove(outname) datadir = outname.replace('.dim', '.data') if os.path.isdir(datadir): shutil.rmtree(datadir, onerror=windows_fileprefix) raise RuntimeError(submessage.format(out, err, os.path.basename(xmlfile), proc.returncode))
[docs]def gpt(xmlfile, tmpdir, groups=None, cleanup=True, gpt_exceptions=None, gpt_args=None, removeS1BorderNoiseMethod='pyroSAR'): """ Wrapper for ESA SNAP's Graph Processing Tool GPT. Input is a readily formatted workflow XML file as for example created by function :func:`~pyroSAR.snap.util.geocode`. Additional to calling GPT, this function will - (if processing Sentinel-1 GRD data with IPF version <2.9 and ``removeS1BorderNoiseMethod='pyroSAR'``) unpack the scene and perform the custom removal (:func:`pyroSAR.S1.removeGRDBorderNoise`). - if `groups` is not None: * split the workflow into sub-workflows (:func:`pyroSAR.snap.auxil.split`) * execute the sub-workflows (:func:`pyroSAR.snap.auxil.execute`) Note ---- Depending on the parametrization this function might create two sub-directories in `tmpdir`, carrying a suffix \*_bnr for S1 GRD border noise removal and \*_sub for sub-workflows and their intermediate outputs. Both are deleted if ``cleanup=True``. If `tmpdir` is empty afterwards, it is also deleted. Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the name of the workflow XML file tmpdir: str a temporary directory for storing intermediate files groups: list or None a list of lists each containing IDs for individual nodes cleanup: bool should all files written to the temporary directory during function execution be deleted after processing? gpt_exceptions: dict or None a dictionary to override the configured GPT executable for certain operators; each (sub-)workflow containing this operator will be executed with the define executable; - e.g. ``{'Terrain-Flattening': '/home/user/snap/bin/gpt'}`` gpt_args: list or None a list of additional arguments to be passed to the gpt call - e.g. ``['-x', '-c', '2048M']`` for increased tile cache size and intermediate clearing removeS1BorderNoiseMethod: str the border noise removal method to be applied, See :func:`pyroSAR.S1.removeGRDBorderNoise` for details; one of the following: - 'ESA': the pure implementation as described by ESA - 'pyroSAR': the ESA method plus the custom pyroSAR refinement Returns ------- Raises ------ """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) if 'ProductSet-Reader' in workflow.operators: read = workflow['ProductSet-Reader'] scene = identify(read.parameters['fileList'].split(',')[0]) else: read = workflow['Read'] scene = identify(read.parameters['file']) tmp_base = os.path.basename(tmpdir) tmpdir_bnr = os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_base + '_bnr') tmpdir_sub = os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_base + '_sub') if 'Remove-GRD-Border-Noise' in workflow.ids \ and removeS1BorderNoiseMethod == 'pyroSAR' \ and scene.meta['IPF_version'] < 2.9: if 'SliceAssembly' in workflow.operators: raise RuntimeError("pyroSAR's custom border noise removal is not yet implemented for multiple scene inputs") os.makedirs(tmpdir_bnr, exist_ok=True) xmlfile = os.path.join(tmpdir_bnr, os.path.basename(xmlfile.replace('_bnr', ''))) # border noise removal is done outside of SNAP and the node is thus removed from the workflow del workflow['Remove-GRD-Border-Noise'] # remove the node name from the groups i = 0 while i < len(groups) - 1: if 'Remove-GRD-Border-Noise' in groups[i]: del groups[i][groups[i].index('Remove-GRD-Border-Noise')] if len(groups[i]) == 0: del groups[i] else: i += 1 # unpack the scene if necessary and perform the custom border noise removal'unpacking scene') if scene.compression is not None: scene.unpack(tmpdir_bnr)'removing border noise..') scene.removeGRDBorderNoise(method=removeS1BorderNoiseMethod) # change the name of the input file to that of the unpacked archive read.parameters['file'] = scene.scene # write a new workflow file workflow.write(xmlfile)'executing node sequence{}..'.format('s' if groups is not None else '')) try: if groups is not None: subs = split(xmlfile=xmlfile, groups=groups, outdir=tmpdir_sub) for sub in subs: execute(sub, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions, gpt_args=gpt_args) else: execute(xmlfile, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions, gpt_args=gpt_args) except Exception:'failed: {}'.format(xmlfile)) raise finally: if cleanup: for tmp in [tmpdir_bnr, tmpdir_sub]: if os.path.isdir(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp, onerror=windows_fileprefix) if os.path.isdir(tmpdir) and not os.listdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, onerror=windows_fileprefix)
def writer(xmlfile, outdir, basename_extensions=None): """ SNAP product writing utility Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the name of the workflow XML file outdir: str the directory into which to write the final files basename_extensions: list of str or None names of additional parameters to append to the basename, e.g. ``['orbitNumber_rel']`` Returns ------- """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) writers = workflow['operator=Write'] files = list(set([x.parameters['file'] for x in writers])) if len(files) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Multiple output files are not yet supported.') else: src = files[0] src_format = writers[0].parameters['formatName'] suffix = workflow.suffix() rtc = 'Terrain-Flattening' in workflow.operators dem_name = workflow.tree.find('.//demName') dem_nodata = None if dem_name is not None: dem_name = dem_name.text if dem_name == 'External DEM': dem_nodata = float(workflow.tree.find('.//externalDEMNoDataValue').text) else: dem_nodata_lookup = {'SRTM 1Sec HGT': -32768} if dem_name in dem_nodata_lookup.keys(): dem_nodata = dem_nodata_lookup[dem_name] outname_base = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(src)) os.makedirs(src, exist_ok=True) if src_format == 'ENVI':'converting to GeoTIFF') translateoptions = {'options': ['-q', '-co', 'INTERLEAVE=BAND', '-co', 'TILED=YES'], 'format': 'GTiff'} for item in finder(src, ['*.img'], recursive=False): pattern = '(?P<refarea>(?:Sig|Gam)ma0)_(?P<pol>[HV]{2})' match =, item) if match: refarea, pol = match.groups() correction = 'elp' if rtc: if refarea == 'Gamma0': correction = 'rtc' elif refarea == 'Sigma0': tf = workflow['Terrain-Flattening'] if tf.parameters['outputSigma0']: correction = 'rtc' suffix_new = '{0}-{1}'.format(refarea.lower(), correction) if 'dB' in suffix: suffix_new += '_db' name_new = outname_base.replace(suffix, '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(pol, suffix_new)) else: base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item))[0] \ .replace('elevation', 'DEM') if'layover_shadow_mask', base): base = re.sub('layover_shadow_mask_[HV]{2}', 'layoverShadowMask', base) if'scatteringArea', base): base = re.sub('scatteringArea_[HV]{2}', 'scatteringArea', base) if'gammaSigmaRatio', base): base = re.sub('gammaSigmaRatio_[HV]{2}', 'gammaSigmaRatio', base) name_new = outname_base.replace(suffix, '{0}.tif'.format(base)) if'elevation', item): nodata = dem_nodata else: nodata = 0 translateoptions['noData'] = nodata gdal_translate(item, name_new, translateoptions) else: raise RuntimeError('The output file format must be ENVI.') ########################################################################### # write the Sentinel-1 file as addition to the actual product readers = workflow['operator=Read'] for reader in readers: infile = reader.parameters['file'] try: id = identify(infile) if id.sensor in ['S1A', 'S1B']: manifest = id.getFileObj(id.findfiles('')[0]) basename = id.outname_base(basename_extensions) basename = '{0}'.format(basename) outname_manifest = os.path.join(outdir, basename) with open(outname_manifest, 'wb') as out: out.write( except RuntimeError: continue def is_consistent(workflow): """ check whether all nodes take either no source node or one that is in the list Parameters ---------- workflow: Workflow the workflow to be analyzed Returns ------- bool is the list of nodes consistent? """ ids = workflow.ids check = [] for node in workflow: source = node.source if source is None or source in ids or all([x in ids for x in source]): check.append(True) else: check.append(False) for node in workflow: successors = workflow.successors(, recursive=True) operators = [workflow[x].operator for x in successors] if node.operator == 'Write' or 'Write' in operators: check.append(True) else: log.debug('node {} does not have a Write successor'.format( check.append(False) return all(check)
[docs]def split(xmlfile, groups, outdir=None): """ split a workflow file into groups and write them to separate workflows including source and write target linking. The new workflows are written to a sub-directory `temp` of the target directory defined in the input's `Write` node. Each new workflow is parameterized with a `Read` and `Write` node if they don't already exist. Temporary outputs are written to `BEAM-DIMAP` files named after the workflow suffix sequence. Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the workflow to be split groups: list a list of lists each containing IDs for individual nodes outdir: str or None the directory into which to write the XML workflows and the intermediate files created by them. If None, the name will be created from the file name of the node with ID 'Write', which is treated as a directory, and a subdirectory 'tmp'. Returns ------- list of str the names of the newly written temporary workflows Raises ------ RuntimeError """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) write = workflow['Write'] if outdir is None: out = write.parameters['file'] outdir = os.path.join(out, 'tmp') os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # the temporary XML files outlist = [] # the names and format of temporary products prod_tmp = {} prod_tmp_format = {} for position, group in enumerate(groups): node_lookup = {} log.debug('creating new workflow for group {}'.format(group)) new = parse_recipe('blank') nodes = [workflow[x] for x in group] for node in nodes: id_old = sources = node.source if sources is None: sources = [] resetSuccessorSource = False elif isinstance(sources, list): resetSuccessorSource = False else: resetSuccessorSource = True sources = [sources] reset = [] for source in sources: if source not in group: read = new.insert_node(parse_node('Read'), void=False, resetSuccessorSource=resetSuccessorSource) reset.append( read.parameters['file'] = prod_tmp[source] read.parameters['formatName'] = prod_tmp_format[source] node_lookup[] = source else: reset.append(source) if isinstance(sources, list): sources_new_pos = [list(node_lookup.values()).index(x) for x in sources] sources_new = [list(node_lookup.keys())[x] for x in sources_new_pos] newnode = new.insert_node(node.copy(), before=sources_new, void=False, resetSuccessorSource=False) else: newnode = new.insert_node(node.copy(), void=False, resetSuccessorSource=False) node_lookup[] = id_old if not resetSuccessorSource: newnode.source = reset # if possible, read the name of the SAR product for parsing names of temporary files # this was found necessary for SliceAssembly, which expects the names in a specific format products = [x.parameters['file'] for x in new['operator=Read']] try: id = identify(products[0]) filename = os.path.basename(id.scene) except (RuntimeError, OSError): filename = os.path.basename(products[0]) basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] basename = re.sub(r'_tmp[0-9]+', '', basename) # add a Write node to all dangling nodes counter = 0 for node in new: dependants = [x for x in workflow.successors( if not x.startswith('Write') and not x in group] if node.operator != 'Read' and len(dependants) > 0: write = parse_node('Write') new.insert_node(write,, resetSuccessorSource=False) id = str(position) if counter == 0 else '{}-{}'.format(position, counter) tmp_out = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_tmp{}.dim'.format(basename, id)) prod_tmp[node_lookup[]] = tmp_out prod_tmp_format[node_lookup[]] = 'BEAM-DIMAP' write.parameters['file'] = tmp_out write.parameters['formatName'] = 'BEAM-DIMAP' counter += 1 if not is_consistent(new): message = 'inconsistent group:\n {}'.format(' -> '.join(group)) raise RuntimeError(message) outname = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_tmp{}.xml'.format(basename, position)) new.write(outname) outlist.append(outname) return outlist
[docs]def groupbyWorkers(xmlfile, n=2): """ split SNAP workflow into groups containing a maximum defined number of operators Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the SNAP xml workflow n: int the maximum number of worker nodes in each group; Read and Write are excluded Returns ------- list a list of lists each containing the IDs of all nodes belonging to the groups including Read and Write nodes; this list can e.g. be passed to function :func:`split` to split the workflow into new sub-workflow files based on the newly created groups or directly to function :func:`gpt`, which will call :func:`split` internally. """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) workers_id = [ for x in workflow if x.operator not in ['Read', 'Write', 'BandSelect']] readers_id = [ for x in workflow['operator=Read']] writers_id = [ for x in workflow['operator=Write']] selects_id = [ for x in workflow['operator=BandSelect']] workers_groups = [workers_id[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(workers_id), n)] for item in selects_id: source = workflow[item].source for group in workers_groups: if source in group: group.insert(group.index(source) + 1, item) nodes_groups = [] for group in workers_groups: newgroup = [] for worker in group: newgroup.append(worker) source = workflow[worker].source if not isinstance(source, list): source = [source] for item in source: if item in readers_id: newgroup.insert(newgroup.index(worker), item) for writer in writers_id: if workflow[writer].source == worker: newgroup.append(writer) nodes_groups.append(newgroup) return nodes_groups
[docs]class Workflow(object): """ Class for convenient handling of SNAP XML workflows Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the workflow XML file """ def __init__(self, xmlfile): with open(xmlfile, 'r') as infile: self.tree = ET.fromstring( def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def __getitem__(self, item): pattern = '(?P<key>[a-zA-Z-_]*)=(?P<value>[a-zA-Z-_]*)' if isinstance(item, int): return self.nodes()[item] elif isinstance(item, str): if, item): key, value =, item).groups() return [x for x in self if getattr(x, key) == value] else: try: return Node(self.tree.find('.//node[@id="{}"]'.format(item))) except TypeError: raise KeyError('unknown key: {}'.format(item)) else: raise TypeError('item must be of type int or str') def __len__(self): return len(self.tree.findall('node')) def __delitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('key must be of type str') element = self.tree.find('.//node[@id="{}"]'.format(key)) node = Node(element) source = node.source successors = [x for x in self if x.source == key] for node in successors: node.source = source self.tree.remove(element) def __str__(self): self.__optimize_appearance() rough_string = ET.tostring(self.tree, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent='\t', newl='') def __iter__(self): return iter(self.nodes())
[docs] def successors(self, id, recursive=False): """ find the succeeding node(s) of a node Parameters ---------- id: str the ID of the node recursive: bool find successors recursively? Returns ------- list of str the ID(s) of the successors """ if not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError("'id' must be of type 'str', is {}".format(type(id))) successors = [] for node in self: if node.source == id or (isinstance(node.source, list) and id in node.source): successors.append( if recursive: for item in successors: new = self.successors(item, recursive=True) successors.extend(new) successors = list(set(successors)) return successors
def __reset_successor_source(self, id): """ reset the sources of nodes to that of a newly inserted one Parameters ---------- id: str the ID of the newly inserted node Returns ------- """ def reset(id, source, excludes=None): if isinstance(source, list): for item in source: successors = self.successors(item) excludes = [x for x in successors if x in source] reset(id, item, excludes) else: try: # find the source nodes of the current node if source is not None: successors = self.successors(source) else: return # nothing to reset # delete the ID of the current node from the successors if id in successors: del successors[successors.index(id)] if excludes is not None: for item in excludes: del successors[successors.index(item)] for successor in successors: successor_source = self[successor].source if isinstance(successor_source, list): successor_source[successor_source.index(source)] = id self[successor].source = successor_source else: self[successor].source = id except IndexError: # case where no successor exists because the new node # is the new last node in the graph pass except RuntimeError: # case where the successor node is of type Read pass reset(id, self[id].source) def __optimize_appearance(self): """ assign grid coordinates to the nodes for display in the SNAP GraphBuilder GUI This method is applied by :meth:`__str__` for the final formatting of the XML text representation Returns ------- """ layout = self.tree.find('.//applicationData[@id="Presentation"]') counter = 0 x = 5 for id in self.ids: pres = layout.find('.//node[@id="{}"]'.format(id)) y = 20. if counter % 2 == 0 else 160. if pres is None: pres = ET.SubElement(layout, 'node', {'id': id}) pos = ET.SubElement(pres, 'displayPosition', {'x': "{}".format(x), 'y': "{}".format(y)}) else: pres.find('displayPosition').attrib['x'] = "{}".format(x) pres.find('displayPosition').attrib['y'] = "{}".format(y) counter += 1 x += len(id) * 8 @property def ids(self): """ Returns ------- list the IDs of all nodes """ return [ for node in self]
[docs] def index(self, node): """ Parameters ---------- node: Node a node in the workflow Returns ------- int the index position of the node in the workflow """ return list(self.tree).index(node.element)
[docs] def insert_node(self, node, before=None, after=None, resetSuccessorSource=True, void=True): """ insert a node into the workflow including setting its source to its predecessor and setting its ID as source of the successor. Parameters ---------- node: Node the node to be inserted before: str or list the ID(s) of the node(s) before the newly inserted node; a list of node IDs is intended for nodes that require multiple sources, e.g. sliceAssembly after: str the ID of the node after the newly inserted node resetSuccessorSource: bool reset the source of the successor node to the ID of the newly inserted node? void: bool if false, the function returns the node Returns ------- Node or None the new node or None, depending on arguement `void` """ ncopies = [x.operator for x in self.nodes()].count(node.operator) if ncopies > 0: = '{0} ({1})'.format(node.operator, ncopies + 1) else: = node.operator if before is None and after is None and len(self) > 0: before = self[len(self) - 1].id if before and not after: if isinstance(before, list): indices = [self.index(self[x]) for x in before] predecessor = self[before[indices.index(max(indices))]] else: predecessor = self[before] log.debug('inserting node {} after {}'.format(, position = self.index(predecessor) + 1 self.tree.insert(position, node.element) newnode = Node(self.tree[position]) #################################################### # set the source product for the new node if newnode.operator != 'Read': newnode.source = before #################################################### # set the source product for the node after the new node if resetSuccessorSource: self.__reset_successor_source( ######################################################## elif after and not before: successor = self[after] log.debug('inserting node {} before {}'.format(, position = self.index(successor) self.tree.insert(position, node.element) newnode = Node(self.tree[position]) #################################################### # set the source product for the new node if newnode.operator != 'Read': source = successor.source newnode.source = source #################################################### # set the source product for the node after the new node if resetSuccessorSource: self[after].source = else: log.debug('inserting node {}'.format( self.tree.insert(len(self.tree) - 1, node.element) if not void: return node
[docs] def nodes(self): """ Returns ------- list the list of :class:`Node` objects in the workflow """ return [Node(x) for x in self.tree.findall('node')]
@property def operators(self): """ Returns ------- list the names of the unique operators in the workflow """ return sorted(list(set([node.operator for node in self])))
[docs] def refresh_ids(self): """ Ensure unique IDs for all nodes. If two nodes with the same ID are found one is renamed to "ID (2)". E.g. 2 x "Write" -> "Write", "Write (2)". This method is no longer used and is just kept in case there is need for it in the future. Returns ------- """ counter = {} for node in self: operator = node.operator if operator not in counter.keys(): counter[operator] = 1 else: counter[operator] += 1 if counter[operator] > 1: new = '{} ({})'.format(operator, counter[operator]) else: new = operator if != new: log.debug('renaming node {} to {}'.format(, new)) = new
[docs] def set_par(self, key, value, exceptions=None): """ set a parameter for all nodes in the workflow Parameters ---------- key: str the parameter name value: bool or int or float or str the parameter value exceptions: list a list of node IDs whose parameters should not be changed Returns ------- """ for node in self: if exceptions is not None and in exceptions: continue if key in node.parameters.keys(): node.parameters[key] = value2str(value)
[docs] def suffix(self, stop=None): """ Get the SNAP operator suffix sequence Parameters ---------- stop: str the ID of the last workflow node Returns ------- str a file suffix created from the order of which the nodes will be executed """ nodes = self.tree.findall('node') names = [re.sub(r'[ ]*\([0-9]+\)', '', y.attrib['id']) for y in nodes] names_unique = [] for name in names: if name not in names_unique: names_unique.append(name) if name == stop: break config = ExamineSnap() suffix = '_'.join(filter(None, [config.get_suffix(x) for x in names_unique])) return suffix
[docs] def write(self, outfile): """ write the workflow to an XML file Parameters ---------- outfile: str the name of the file to write Returns ------- """ outfile = outfile if outfile.endswith('.xml') else outfile + '.xml' log.debug('writing {}'.format(outfile)) with open(outfile, 'w') as out: out.write(self.__str__())
[docs]class Node(object): """ class for handling of SNAP workflow processing nodes Parameters ---------- element: ~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element the node XML element """ def __init__(self, element): if not isinstance(element, ET.Element): raise TypeError('element must be of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element') self.element = element def __repr__(self): return "pyroSAR Node object '{}'".format( def __str__(self): rough_string = ET.tostring(self.element, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent='\t', newl='') def __set_source(self, key, value): source = self.element.find('.//sources/{}'.format(key)) if source is None: child = ET.SubElement(self.element.find('.//sources'), key, {'refid': value}) else: source.attrib['refid'] = value
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns ------- Node a copy of the Node object """ return Node(copy.deepcopy(self.element))
@property def id(self): """ Returns ------- str the node ID """ return self.element.attrib['id'] @id.setter def id(self, value): self.element.attrib['id'] = value @property def operator(self): """ Returns ------- str the name of the node's processing operator """ return self.element.find('.//operator').text @property def parameters(self): """ Returns ------- Par or Par_BandMath the processing parameters of the node """ params = self.element.find('.//parameters') if self.operator == 'BandMaths': return Par_BandMath(params) else: return Par(params) @property def source(self): """ Returns ------- str or list the ID(s) of the source node(s) """ sources = [] elements = self.element.findall('.//sources/') for element in elements: if element.tag.startswith('sourceProduct'): sources.append(element.attrib['refid']) if len(sources) == 0: return None elif len(sources) == 1: return sources[0] else: return sources @source.setter def source(self, value): """ reset the source of the node by ID Parameters ---------- value: str or list the ID(s) of the new source node(s) Returns ------- Raises ------ RuntimeError """ if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1: value = value[0] log.debug('setting the source of node {} to {}'.format(, value)) if isinstance(value, str): if isinstance(self.source, list): raise TypeError( 'node {} has multiple sources, which must be reset using a list, not str'.format( self.__set_source('sourceProduct', value) elif isinstance(value, list): key = 'sourceProduct' for i, item in enumerate(value): self.__set_source(key, item) key = 'sourceProduct.{}'.format(i + 1)
[docs]class Par(object): """ class for handling processing node parameters Parameters ---------- element: ~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element the node parameter XML element """ def __init__(self, element): self.__element = element def __delitem__(self, key): par = self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(key)) self.__element.remove(par)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Parameters ---------- item Returns ------- str """ if item not in self.keys(): raise KeyError('key {} does not exist'.format(item)) return self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(item)).text
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self.keys(): raise KeyError('key {} does not exist'.format(key)) strval = value2str(value) self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(key)).text = strval def __repr__(self): return str(self.dict())
[docs] def dict(self): """ Returns ------- dict the parameters as a dictionary """ return dict(self.items())
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameters as (key, value) as from :meth:`dict.items()` """ return list(zip(self.keys(), self.values()))
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameter names as from :meth:`dict.keys()` """ return [x.tag for x in self.__element.findall('./')]
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameter values as from :meth:`dict.values()` """ return [x.text for x in self.__element.findall('./')]
class Par_BandMath(Par): def __init__(self, element): self.__element = element super(Par_BandMath, self).__init__(element) def __getitem__(self, item): if item in ['variables', 'targetBands']: out = [] for x in self.__element.findall('.//{}'.format(item[:-1])): out.append(Par(x)) return out else: raise ValueError("can only get items 'variables' and 'targetBands'") def clear_variables(self): var = self.__element.find('.//variables') for item in var: var.remove(item) def value2str(value): """ format a parameter value to string to be inserted into a workflow Parameters ---------- value: bool, int, float, list Returns ------- str the string representation of the value """ if isinstance(value, bool): strval = str(value).lower() elif isinstance(value, list): strval = ','.join(map(str, value)) elif value is None: strval = value else: strval = str(value) return strval