Source code for pyroSAR.drivers

# Reading and Organizing system for SAR images
# Copyright (c) 2016-2023, the pyroSAR Developers.

# This file is part of the pyroSAR Project. It is subject to the
# license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution and at
# No part of the pyroSAR project, including this file, may be
# copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according
# to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
This is the core module of package pyroSAR.
It contains the drivers for the different SAR image formats and offers
functionality for retrieving metadata, unpacking images, downloading ancillary files like DEMs and
Orbit State Vector files as well as archiving scenes in a database.
The :class:`ID` class and its subclasses allow easy and standardized access to the metadata of
images from different SAR sensors.

import sys
import gc

from builtins import str
from io import BytesIO

import abc
import ast
import csv
import inspect
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
import operator
import tarfile as tf
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile as zf
from datetime import datetime
from time import strptime, strftime
from statistics import median
from itertools import groupby
from PIL import Image

import progressbar as pb
from osgeo import gdal, osr, ogr
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly

from . import S1, patterns
from .ERS import passdb_query, get_angles_resolution
from .xml_util import getNamespaces

from spatialist import crsConvert, sqlite3, Vector, bbox
from spatialist.ancillary import parse_literal, finder

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData, Column, Integer, String, exc, insert
from sqlalchemy import inspect as sql_inspect
from sqlalchemy.event import listen
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, func
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database, drop_database
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
import socket
import time
import platform
import subprocess
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__LOCAL__ = ['acquisition_mode', 'coordinates', 'cycleNumber', 'frameNumber',
             'lines', 'orbit', 'orbitNumber_abs', 'orbitNumber_rel',
             'polarizations', 'product', 'projection', 'samples',
             'sensor', 'spacing', 'start', 'stop']

[docs]def identify(scene): """ identify a SAR scene and return the appropriate metadata handler object Parameters ---------- scene: str a file or directory name Returns ------- pyroSAR.drivers.ID a pyroSAR metadata handler Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR import identify >>> filename = '' >>> scene = identify(filename) >>> print(scene) pyroSAR ID object of type SAFE acquisition_mode: IW cycleNumber: 148 frameNumber: 167392 lines: 16703 orbit: A orbitNumber_abs: 23464 orbitNumber_rel: 117 polarizations: ['VV', 'VH'] product: GRD projection: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs samples: 26056 sensor: S1A spacing: (10.0, 10.0) start: 20180829T170656 stop: 20180829T170721 """ if not os.path.exists(scene): raise OSError("No such file or directory: '{}'".format(scene)) def get_subclasses(c): subclasses = c.__subclasses__() for subclass in subclasses.copy(): subclasses.extend(get_subclasses(subclass)) return list(set(subclasses)) for handler in get_subclasses(ID): try: return handler(scene) except Exception: pass raise RuntimeError('data format not supported')
[docs]def identify_many(scenes, pbar=False, sortkey=None): """ wrapper function for returning metadata handlers of all valid scenes in a list, similar to function :func:`~pyroSAR.drivers.identify`. Parameters ---------- scenes: list[str or ID] the file names of the scenes to be identified pbar: bool adds a progressbar if True sortkey: str or None sort the handler object list by an attribute Returns ------- list[ID] a list of pyroSAR metadata handlers Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR import identify_many >>> files = finder('/path', ['S1*.zip']) >>> ids = identify_many(files, pbar=False, sortkey='start') """ idlist = [] if pbar: progress = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=len(scenes)).start() else: progress = None for i, scene in enumerate(scenes): if isinstance(scene, ID): idlist.append(scene) else: try: id = identify(scene) idlist.append(id) except RuntimeError: continue except PermissionError: log.warning("Permission denied: '{}'".format(scene)) if progress is not None: progress.update(i + 1) if progress is not None: progress.finish() if sortkey is not None: idlist.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(sortkey)) return idlist
[docs]def filter_processed(scenelist, outdir, recursive=False): """ Filter a list of pyroSAR objects to those that have not yet been processed and stored in the defined directory. The search for processed scenes is either done in the directory only or recursively into subdirectories. The scenes must have been processed with pyroSAR in order to follow the right naming scheme. Parameters ---------- scenelist: list[ID] a list of pyroSAR objects outdir: str the processing directory recursive: bool scan `outdir` recursively into subdirectories? Returns ------- list[ID] a list of those scenes, which have not been processed yet """ return [x for x in scenelist if not x.is_processed(outdir, recursive)]
[docs]class ID(object): """ Abstract class for SAR meta data handlers """ def __init__(self, metadict): """ to be called by the __init__methods of the format drivers scans a metadata dictionary and registers entries with a standardized name as object attributes see __LOCAL__ for standard names. It must be ensured that each of these is actually read by the individual SAR format driver. :param metadict: a dictionary containing the metadata attributes of a SAR scene """ self.locals = __LOCAL__ for item in self.locals: setattr(self, item, metadict[item]) def __getattr__(self, item): raise AttributeError("object has no attribute '{}'".format(item)) def __str__(self): lines = ['pyroSAR ID object of type {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)] for item in sorted(self.locals): value = getattr(self, item) if item == 'projection': value = crsConvert(value, 'proj4') if value is not None else None if value == -1: value = '<no global value per product>' line = '{0}: {1}'.format(item, value) lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def bbox(self, outname=None, driver=None, overwrite=True): """ get the bounding box of a scene either as a vector object or written to a file Parameters ---------- outname: str the name of the vector file to be written driver: str the output file format; needs to be defined if the format cannot be auto-detected from the filename extension overwrite: bool overwrite an existing vector file? Returns ------- ~spatialist.vector.Vector or None the vector object if `outname` is None and None otherwise See Also -------- spatialist.vector.Vector.bbox """ if outname is None: return bbox(self.getCorners(), self.projection) else: bbox(self.getCorners(), self.projection, outname=outname, driver=driver, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def geometry(self, outname=None, driver=None, overwrite=True): """ get the footprint geometry of a scene either as a vector object or written to a file Parameters ---------- outname: str the name of the vector file to be written driver: str the output file format; needs to be defined if the format cannot be auto-detected from the filename extension overwrite: bool overwrite an existing vector file? Returns ------- ~spatialist.vector.Vector or None the vector object if `outname` is None, None otherwise See also -------- spatialist.vector.Vector.write """ if 'coordinates' not in self.meta.keys(): raise NotImplementedError srs = crsConvert(self.projection, 'osr') points = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPoint) for lon, lat in self.meta['coordinates']: point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(lon, lat) points.AddGeometry(point) geom = points.ConvexHull() point = points = None geom.FlattenTo2D() bbox = Vector(driver='Memory') bbox.addlayer('geometry', srs, geom.GetGeometryType()) bbox.addfield('area', ogr.OFTReal) bbox.addfeature(geom, fields={'area': geom.Area()}) geom = None if outname is None: return bbox else: bbox.write(outfile=outname, driver=driver, overwrite=overwrite)
@property def compression(self): """ check whether a scene is compressed into an tarfile or zipfile or not at all Returns ------- str or None either 'zip', 'tar' or None """ if os.path.isdir(self.scene): return None elif zf.is_zipfile(self.scene): return 'zip' elif tf.is_tarfile(self.scene): return 'tar' else: return None
[docs] def export2dict(self): """ Return the uuid and the metadata that is defined in `self.locals` as a dictionary """ metadata = {item: self.meta[item] for item in self.locals} sq_file = os.path.basename(self.file) title = os.path.splitext(sq_file)[0] metadata['uuid'] = title return metadata
[docs] def export2sqlite(self, dbfile): """ Export relevant metadata to an SQLite database Parameters ---------- dbfile: str the database file """ with Archive(dbfile) as archive: archive.insert(self)
[docs] def examine(self, include_folders=False): """ check whether any items in the SAR scene structure (i.e. files/folders) match the regular expression pattern defined by the class. On success the item is registered in the object as attribute `file`. Parameters ---------- include_folders: bool also match folder (or just files)? Returns ------- Raises ------- RuntimeError """ files = self.findfiles(self.pattern, include_folders=include_folders) if len(files) == 1: self.file = files[0] elif len(files) == 0: raise RuntimeError('scene does not match {} naming convention'.format(type(self).__name__)) else: raise RuntimeError('file ambiguity detected:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(files)))
[docs] def findfiles(self, pattern, include_folders=False): """ find files in the scene archive, which match a pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern: str the regular expression to match include_folders: bool also match folders (or just files)? Returns ------- list[str] the matched file names See Also -------- :func:`spatialist.ancillary.finder` """ foldermode = 1 if include_folders else 0 try: files = finder(target=self.scene, matchlist=[pattern], foldermode=foldermode, regex=True) except RuntimeError: # Return the scene if only a file and not zip return self.scene if os.path.isdir(self.scene) \ and, os.path.basename(self.scene)) \ and include_folders: files.append(self.scene) return files
[docs] def gdalinfo(self): """ read metadata directly from the GDAL SAR image drivers Returns ------- dict the metadata attributes """ files = self.findfiles(r'(?:\.[NE][12]$|DAT_01\.001$|product\.xml|manifest\.safe$)') # If only one file return the file in array if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] if len(files) == 1: prefix = {'zip': '/vsizip/', 'tar': '/vsitar/', None: ''}[self.compression] header = files[0] elif len(files) > 1: raise RuntimeError('file ambiguity detected') else: raise RuntimeError('file type not supported') meta = {} ext_lookup = {'.N1': 'ASAR', '.E1': 'ERS1', '.E2': 'ERS2'} extension = os.path.splitext(header)[1] if extension in ext_lookup: meta['sensor'] = ext_lookup[extension] info = gdal.Info(prefix + header, options=gdal.InfoOptions(allMetadata=True, format='json')) meta['extra'] = info img = gdal.Open(prefix + header, GA_ReadOnly) gdalmeta = img.GetMetadata() meta['samples'], meta['lines'], meta['bands'] = img.RasterXSize, img.RasterYSize, img.RasterCount meta['projection'] = img.GetGCPProjection() meta['gcps'] = [((x.GCPPixel, x.GCPLine), (x.GCPX, x.GCPY, x.GCPZ)) for x in img.GetGCPs()] img = None for item in gdalmeta: entry = [item, parse_literal(gdalmeta[item].strip())] try: entry[1] = self.parse_date(str(entry[1])) except ValueError: pass if'LAT|LONG', entry[0]): entry[1] /= 1000000. meta[entry[0]] = entry[1] return meta
[docs] def getCorners(self): """ Get the bounding box corner coordinates Returns ------- dict the corner coordinates as a dictionary with keys `xmin`, `ymin`, `xmax`, `ymax` """ if 'coordinates' not in self.meta.keys(): raise NotImplementedError coordinates = self.meta['coordinates'] lat = [x[1] for x in coordinates] lon = [x[0] for x in coordinates] return {'xmin': min(lon), 'xmax': max(lon), 'ymin': min(lat), 'ymax': max(lat)}
[docs] def getFileObj(self, filename): """ Load a file into a readable file object. Parameters ---------- filename: str the name of a file in the scene archive, easiest to get with method :meth:`~ID.findfiles` Returns ------- io.BytesIO a file pointer object """ return getFileObj(self.scene, filename)
[docs] def getGammaImages(self, directory=None): """ list all files processed by GAMMA Parameters ---------- directory: str or None the directory to be scanned; if left empty the object attribute `gammadir` is scanned Returns ------- list[str] the file names of the images processed by GAMMA Raises ------- RuntimeError """ if directory is None: if hasattr(self, 'gammadir'): directory = self.gammadir else: raise RuntimeError( 'directory missing; please provide directory to function or define object attribute "gammadir"') return [x for x in finder(directory, [self.outname_base()], regex=True) if not'\.(?:par|hdr|aux\.xml|swp|sh)$', x)]
[docs] def getHGT(self): """ get the names of all SRTM HGT tiles overlapping with the SAR scene Returns ------- list[str] names of the SRTM HGT tiles """ corners = self.getCorners() # generate sequence of integer coordinates marking the tie points of the overlapping hgt tiles lat = range(int(float(corners['ymin']) // 1), int(float(corners['ymax']) // 1) + 1) lon = range(int(float(corners['xmin']) // 1), int(float(corners['xmax']) // 1) + 1) # convert coordinates to string with leading zeros and hemisphere identification letter lat = [str(x).zfill(2 + len(str(x)) - len(str(x).strip('-'))) for x in lat] lat = [x.replace('-', 'S') if '-' in x else 'N' + x for x in lat] lon = [str(x).zfill(3 + len(str(x)) - len(str(x).strip('-'))) for x in lon] lon = [x.replace('-', 'W') if '-' in x else 'E' + x for x in lon] # concatenate all formatted latitudes and longitudes with each other as final product return [x + y + '.hgt' for x in lat for y in lon]
[docs] def is_processed(self, outdir, recursive=False): """ check whether a scene has already been processed and stored in the defined output directory (and subdirectories if scanned recursively) Parameters ---------- outdir: str the directory to be checked Returns ------- bool does an image matching the scene pattern exist? """ if os.path.isdir(outdir): # '{}.*tif$'.format(self.outname_base()) return len(finder(outdir, [self.outname_base()], regex=True, recursive=recursive)) != 0 else: return False
[docs] def outname_base(self, extensions=None): """ parse a string containing basic information about the scene in standardized format. Currently, this id contains the sensor (4 digits), acquisition mode (4 digits), orbit (1 digit) and acquisition start time (15 digits)., e.g. `S1A__IW___A_20150523T122350`. Parameters ---------- extensions: list[str] the names of additional parameters to append to the basename, e.g. ``['orbitNumber_rel']`` Returns ------- str a standardized name unique to the scene """ fields = ('{:_<4}'.format(self.sensor), '{:_<4}'.format(self.acquisition_mode), self.orbit, self.start) out = '_'.join(fields) if isinstance(extensions, list) and len(extensions) is not None: ext = '_'.join([str(getattr(self, key)) for key in extensions]) out += '_' + ext return out
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_date(x): """ this function gathers known time formats provided in the different SAR products and converts them to a common standard of the form YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS. Parameters ---------- x: str the time stamp Returns ------- str the converted time stamp in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS """ return parse_date(x)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def quicklook(self, outname, format='kmz'): """ export a quick look image of the scene Parameters ---------- outname: str the name of the output file format: str the format of the file to write; currently only kmz is supported Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR import identify >>> scene = identify('') >>> scene.quicklook('S1A__IW___A_20180101T170648.kmz') """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def summary(self): """ print the set of standardized scene metadata attributes Returns ------- """ print(self.__str__())
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def scanMetadata(self): """ scan SAR scenes for metadata attributes. The returned dictionary is registered as attribute `meta` by the class upon object initialization. This dictionary furthermore needs to return a set of standardized attribute keys, which are directly registered as object attributes. Returns ------- dict the derived attributes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): """ Unpack the SAR scene into a defined directory. Parameters ---------- directory: str the base directory into which the scene is unpacked overwrite: bool overwrite an existing unpacked scene? exist_ok: bool allow existing output files and do not create new ones? Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
def _unpack(self, directory, offset=None, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): """ general function for unpacking scene archives; to be called by implementations of ID.unpack. Will reset object attributes `scene` and `file` to point to the locations of the unpacked scene Parameters ---------- directory: str the name of the directory in which the files are written offset: str an archive directory offset; to be defined if only a subdirectory is to be unpacked (see e.g. TSX.unpack) overwrite: bool should an existing directory be overwritten? exist_ok: bool do not attempt unpacking if the target directory already exists? Ignored if ``overwrite==True`` Returns ------- """ do_unpack = True if os.path.isdir(directory): if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(directory) else: if exist_ok: do_unpack = False else: raise RuntimeError('target scene directory already exists: {}'.format(directory)) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) if do_unpack: if tf.is_tarfile(self.scene): archive =, 'r') names = archive.getnames() if offset is not None: names = [x for x in names if x.startswith(offset)] header = os.path.commonprefix(names) if header in names: if archive.getmember(header).isdir(): for item in sorted(names): if item != header: member = archive.getmember(item) if offset is not None: = + '/', '') archive.extract(member, directory) archive.close() else: archive.extractall(directory) archive.close() elif zf.is_zipfile(self.scene): archive = zf.ZipFile(self.scene, 'r') names = archive.namelist() header = os.path.commonprefix(names) if header.endswith('/'): for item in sorted(names): if item != header: repl = item.replace(header, '', 1) outname = os.path.join(directory, repl) outname = outname.replace('/', os.path.sep) if item.endswith('/'): os.makedirs(outname) else: try: with open(outname, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write( except zf.BadZipfile:'corrupt archive, unpacking failed') continue archive.close() else: archive.extractall(directory) archive.close() else:'unpacking is only supported for TAR and ZIP archives') return self.scene = directory main = os.path.join(self.scene, os.path.basename(self.file)) self.file = main if os.path.isfile(main) else self.scene
[docs]class BEAM_DIMAP(ID): """ Handler class for BEAM-DIMAP data Sensors: * SNAP supported sensors """ def __init__(self, scene): if not scene.lower().endswith('.dim'): raise RuntimeError('Scene format is not BEAM-DIMAP') self.root = None self.scene = scene self.meta = self.scanMetadata() super(BEAM_DIMAP, self).__init__(self.meta)
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): meta = dict() self.root = ET.parse(self.scene).getroot() def get_by_name(attr, section='Abstracted_Metadata'): element = self.root.find('.//MDElem[@name="{}"]'.format(section)) out = element.find('.//MDATTR[@name="{}"]'.format(attr)) if out is None or out.text == '99999.0': msg = 'cannot get attribute {} from section {}' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(attr, section)) return out.text section = 'Abstracted_Metadata' meta['acquisition_mode'] = get_by_name('ACQUISITION_MODE', section=section) meta['IPF_version'] = get_by_name('Processing_system_identifier', section=section) meta['sensor'] = get_by_name('MISSION', section=section).replace('ENTINEL-', '') meta['orbit'] = get_by_name('PASS', section=section)[0] pols = [x.text for x in self.root.findall('.//MDATTR[@desc="Polarization"]')] meta['polarizations'] = list(set([x for x in pols if '-' not in x])) meta['spacing'] = (round(float(get_by_name('range_spacing', section=section)), 6), round(float(get_by_name('azimuth_spacing', section=section)), 6)) meta['samples'] = int(self.root.find('.//BAND_RASTER_WIDTH').text) meta['lines'] = int(self.root.find('.//BAND_RASTER_HEIGHT').text) meta['bands'] = int(self.root.find('.//NBANDS').text) meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int(get_by_name('ABS_ORBIT', section=section)) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = int(get_by_name('REL_ORBIT', section=section)) meta['cycleNumber'] = int(get_by_name('orbit_cycle', section=section)) meta['frameNumber'] = int(get_by_name('data_take_id', section=section)) meta['product'] = self.root.find('.//PRODUCT_TYPE').text srgr = bool(int(get_by_name('srgr_flag', section=section))) meta['image_geometry'] = 'GROUND_RANGE' if srgr else 'SLANT_RANGE' inc_elements = self.root.findall('.//MDATTR[@name="incidenceAngleMidSwath"]') incidence = [float(x.text) for x in inc_elements] meta['incidence'] = median(incidence) # Metadata sections that need some parsing to match naming convention with SAFE format start = datetime.strptime(self.root.find('.//PRODUCT_SCENE_RASTER_START_TIME').text, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f') meta['start'] = start.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') stop = datetime.strptime(self.root.find('.//PRODUCT_SCENE_RASTER_STOP_TIME').text, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f') meta['stop'] = stop.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') if self.root.find('.//WKT') is not None: meta['projection'] = self.root.find('.//WKT').text.lstrip() else: meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') keys = ['{}_{}_{}'.format(a, b, c) for a in ['first', 'last'] for b in ['far', 'near'] for c in ['lat', 'long']] coords = {key: float(get_by_name(key, section=section)) for key in keys} meta['coordinates'] = [(coords['first_near_long'], coords['first_near_lat']), (coords['last_near_long'], coords['last_near_lat']), (coords['last_far_long'], coords['last_far_lat']), (coords['first_far_long'], coords['first_far_lat'])] return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): raise RuntimeError('unpacking of BEAM-DIMAP products is not supported')
[docs]class CEOS_ERS(ID): """ Handler class for ERS data in CEOS format Sensors: * ERS1 * ERS2 Reference: ER-IS-EPO-GS-5902-3: Annex C. ERS SAR.SLC/SLC-I. CCT and EXABYTE (`ESA 1998 <>`_) """ def __init__(self, scene): self.pattern = patterns.ceos_ers self.pattern_pid = r'(?P<sat_id>(?:SAR|ASA))_' \ r'(?P<image_mode>(?:IM(?:S|P|G|M|_)|AP(?:S|P|G|M|_)|WV(?:I|S|W|_)|WS(?:M|S|_)))_' \ r'(?P<processing_level>[012B][CP])' self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) self.examine() self.meta = self.scanMetadata() # register the standardized meta attributes as object attributes super(CEOS_ERS, self).__init__(self.meta)
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): if self.sensor in ['ERS1', 'ERS2']: base_file = re.sub(r'\.PS$', '', os.path.basename(self.file)) base_dir = os.path.basename(directory.strip('/')) outdir = directory if base_file == base_dir else os.path.join(directory, base_file) self._unpack(outdir, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok) else: raise NotImplementedError('sensor {} not implemented yet'.format(self.sensor))
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): meta = dict() match = re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.file)) match2 = re.match(re.compile(self.pattern_pid),'product_id')) if'IM__0','product_id')): raise RuntimeError('product level 0 not supported (yet)') meta['acquisition_mode'] ='image_mode') meta['product'] = 'SLC' if meta['acquisition_mode'] in ['IMS', 'APS', 'WSS'] else 'PRI' lea_obj = self.getFileObj(self.findfiles('LEA_01.001')[0]) lea = lea_obj.close() fdr = lea[0:720] # file descriptor record dss = lea[720:(720 + 1886)] # data set summary record mpd = lea[(720 + 1886):(720 + 1886 + 1620)] # map projection data record ppd_start = 720 + 1886 + 1620 ppd_length = struct.unpack('>i', lea[ppd_start + 8: ppd_start + 12])[0] ppd = lea[ppd_start:ppd_length] # platform position data record frd_start = 720 + 1886 + 1620 + ppd_length frd = lea[frd_start:(frd_start + 12288)] # facility related data record meta['sensor'] = dss[396:412].strip().decode() meta['start'] = self.parse_date(str(dss[1814:1838].decode('utf-8'))) meta['stop'] = self.parse_date(str(dss[1862:1886].decode('utf-8'))) meta['polarizations'] = ['VV'] looks_range = float(dss[1174:1190]) looks_azimuth = float(dss[1190:1206]) meta['looks'] = (looks_range, looks_azimuth) meta['heading'] = float(dss[468:476]) meta['orbit'] = 'D' if meta['heading'] > 180 else 'A' orbitNumber, frameNumber = map(int, re.findall('[0-9]+', dss[36:68].decode('utf-8'))) meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = orbitNumber meta['frameNumber'] = frameNumber orbitInfo = passdb_query(meta['sensor'], datetime.strptime(meta['start'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')) meta['cycleNumber'] = orbitInfo['cycleNumber'] meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = orbitInfo['orbitNumber_rel'] spacing_azimuth = float(dss[1686:1702]) spacing_range = float(dss[1702:1718]) meta['spacing'] = (spacing_range, spacing_azimuth) meta['incidence_angle'] = float(dss[484:492]) meta['proc_facility'] = dss[1045:1061].strip().decode() meta['proc_system'] = dss[1061:1069].strip().decode() meta['proc_version'] = dss[1069:1077].strip().decode() meta['antenna_flag'] = int(frd[658:662]) meta['k_db'] = -10 * math.log(float(frd[662:678]), 10) meta['sc_db'] = {'ERS1': 59.61, 'ERS2': 60}[meta['sensor']] meta['samples'] = int(mpd[60:76]) meta['lines'] = int(mpd[76:92]) ul = (float(mpd[1088:1104]), float(mpd[1072:1088])) ur = (float(mpd[1120:1136]), float(mpd[1104:1120])) lr = (float(mpd[1152:1168]), float(mpd[1136:1152])) ll = (float(mpd[1184:1200]), float(mpd[1168:1184])) meta['coordinates'] = [ul, ur, lr, ll] meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') return meta
# def correctAntennaPattern(self): # the following section is only relevant for PRI products and can be considered future work # select antenna gain correction lookup file from extracted meta information # the lookup files are stored in a subfolder CAL which is included in the pythonland software package # if sensor == 'ERS1': # if date < 19950717: # antenna = 'antenna_ERS1_x_x_19950716' # else: # if proc_sys == 'VMP': # antenna = 'antenna_ERS2_VMP_v68_x' if proc_vrs >= 6.8 else 'antenna_ERS2_VMP_x_v67' # elif proc_fac == 'UKPAF' and date < 19970121: # antenna = 'antenna_ERS1_UKPAF_19950717_19970120' # else: # antenna = 'antenna_ERS1' # else: # if proc_sys == 'VMP': # antenna = 'antenna_ERS2_VMP_v68_x' if proc_vrs >= 6.8 else 'antenna_ERS2_VMP_x_v67' # elif proc_fac == 'UKPAF' and date < 19970121: # antenna = 'antenna_ERS2_UKPAF_x_19970120' # else: # antenna = 'antenna_ERS2'
[docs]class CEOS_PSR(ID): """ Handler class for ALOS-PALSAR data in CEOS format Sensors: * PSR1 * PSR2 PALSAR-1: References: * NEB-01006: ALOS/PALSAR Level 1 Product Format Description (`JAXA 2006 <>`_) * NEB-070062B: ALOS/PALSAR Level 1.1/1.5 Product Format Description (`JAXA 2009 <>`_) Products / processing levels: * 1.0 * 1.1 * 1.5 Acquisition modes: * AB: [SP][HWDPC] * A: supplemental remarks of the sensor type: * S: Wide observation mode * P: all other modes * B: observation mode * H: Fine mode * W: ScanSAR mode * D: Direct downlink mode * P: Polarimetry mode * C: Calibration mode PALSAR-2: Reference: ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Level 1.1/1.5/2.1/3.1 CEOS SAR Product Format Description (`JAXA 2014 <>`_). Products / processing levels: * 1.0 * 1.1 * 1.5 Acquisition modes: * SBS: Spotlight mode * UBS: Ultra-fine mode Single polarization * UBD: Ultra-fine mode Dual polarization * HBS: High-sensitive mode Single polarization * HBD: High-sensitive mode Dual polarization * HBQ: High-sensitive mode Full (Quad.) polarimetry * FBS: Fine mode Single polarization * FBD: Fine mode Dual polarization * FBQ: Fine mode Full (Quad.) polarimetry * WBS: Scan SAR nominal [14MHz] mode Single polarization * WBD: Scan SAR nominal [14MHz] mode Dual polarization * WWS: Scan SAR nominal [28MHz] mode Single polarization * WWD: Scan SAR nominal [28MHz] mode Dual polarization * VBS: Scan SAR wide mode Single polarization * VBD: Scan SAR wide mode Dual polarization """ def __init__(self, scene): self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) candidates = [patterns.ceos_psr1, patterns.ceos_psr2] for i, pattern in enumerate(candidates): self.pattern = pattern try: self.examine() break except RuntimeError as e: if i + 1 == len(candidates): raise e self.meta = self.scanMetadata() # register the standardized meta attributes as object attributes super(CEOS_PSR, self).__init__(self.meta) def _getLeaderfileContent(self): led_obj = self.getFileObj(self.led_filename) led = led_obj.close() return led def _img_get_coordinates(self): img_filename = self.findfiles('IMG')[0] img_obj = self.getFileObj(img_filename) imageFileDescriptor = lineRecordLength = int(imageFileDescriptor[186:192]) # bytes per line + 412 numberOfRecords = int(imageFileDescriptor[180:186]) signalDataDescriptor1 = + lineRecordLength * (numberOfRecords - 1)) signalDataDescriptor2 = img_obj.close() lat = [signalDataDescriptor1[192:196], signalDataDescriptor1[200:204], signalDataDescriptor2[192:196], signalDataDescriptor2[200:204]] lon = [signalDataDescriptor1[204:208], signalDataDescriptor1[212:216], signalDataDescriptor2[204:208], signalDataDescriptor2[212:216]] lat = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lat] lon = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lon] return list(zip(lon, lat)) def _parseSummary(self): try: summary_file = self.getFileObj(self.findfiles('summary|workreport')[0]) except IndexError: return {} text = summary_file.getvalue().decode('utf-8').strip() summary_file.close() summary = ast.literal_eval('{"' + re.sub(r'\s*=', '":', text).replace('\n', ',"') + '}') for x, y in summary.items(): summary[x] = parse_literal(y) return summary @property def led_filename(self): return self.findfiles(self.pattern)[0]
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): ################################################################################################################ # read leader (LED) file led = self._getLeaderfileContent() # read summary text file meta = self._parseSummary() # read polarizations from image file names meta['polarizations'] = ['[HV]{2}', os.path.basename(x)).group(0) for x in self.findfiles('^IMG-')] ################################################################################################################ # read start and stop time try: meta['start'] = self.parse_date(meta['Img_SceneStartDateTime']) meta['stop'] = self.parse_date(meta['Img_SceneEndDateTime']) except (AttributeError, KeyError): try: start_string ='Img_SceneStartDateTime[ ="0-9:.]*', led).group() stop_string ='Img_SceneEndDateTime[ ="0-9:.]*', led).group() meta['start'] = self.parse_date('\d+\s[\d:.]+', start_string).group()) meta['stop'] = self.parse_date('\d+\s[\d:.]+', stop_string).group()) except AttributeError: raise IndexError('start and stop time stamps cannot be extracted; see file {}' .format(self.led_filename)) ################################################################################################################ # read file descriptor record p0 = 0 p1 = struct.unpack('>i', led[8:12])[0] fileDescriptor = led[p0:p1] # dataSetSummary dss_n = int(fileDescriptor[180:186]) dss_l = int(fileDescriptor[186:192]) # mapProjectionData mpd_n = int(fileDescriptor[192:198]) mpd_l = int(fileDescriptor[198:204]) # platformPositionData ppd_n = int(fileDescriptor[204:210]) ppd_l = int(fileDescriptor[210:216]) # attitudeData adr_n = int(fileDescriptor[216:222]) adr_l = int(fileDescriptor[222:228]) # radiometricData rdr_n = int(fileDescriptor[228:234]) rdr_l = int(fileDescriptor[234:240]) # dataQualitySummary dqs_n = int(fileDescriptor[252:258]) dqs_l = int(fileDescriptor[258:264]) meta['sensor'] = {'AL1': 'PSR1', 'AL2': 'PSR2'}[fileDescriptor[48:51].decode('utf-8')] ################################################################################################################ # read leader file name information match = re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.led_filename)) if meta['sensor'] == 'PSR1': meta['acquisition_mode'] ='sub') +'mode') else: meta['acquisition_mode'] ='mode') meta['product'] ='level') ################################################################################################################ # read led records p0 = p1 p1 += dss_l * dss_n dataSetSummary = led[p0:p1] if mpd_n > 0: p0 = p1 p1 += mpd_l * mpd_n mapProjectionData = led[p0:p1] else: mapProjectionData = None p0 = p1 p1 += ppd_l * ppd_n platformPositionData = led[p0:p1] p0 = p1 p1 += adr_l * adr_n attitudeData = led[p0:p1] p0 = p1 p1 += rdr_l * rdr_n radiometricData = led[p0:p1] p0 = p1 p1 += dqs_l * dqs_n dataQualitySummary = led[p0:p1] facilityRelatedData = [] while p1 < len(led): p0 = p1 length = struct.unpack('>i', led[(p0 + 8):(p0 + 12)])[0] p1 += length facilityRelatedData.append(led[p0:p1]) ################################################################################################################ # read map projection data record if mapProjectionData is not None: lat = list(map(float, [mapProjectionData[1072:1088], mapProjectionData[1104:1120], mapProjectionData[1136:1152], mapProjectionData[1168:1184]])) lon = list(map(float, [mapProjectionData[1088:1104], mapProjectionData[1120:1136], mapProjectionData[1152:1168], mapProjectionData[1184:1200]])) meta['coordinates'] = list(zip(lon, lat)) # src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() # src_srs.SetGeogCS('GRS 1980','GRS 1980','GRS 1980',6378137.00000,298.2572220972) src_srs.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') # Proj CS projdesc = mapProjectionData[412:444].strip() epsg = 0 # default if projdesc == 'UTM-PROJECTION': nZone = int(mapProjectionData[476:480]) dfFalseNorthing = float(mapProjectionData[496:512]) if dfFalseNorthing > 0.0: bNorth = False epsg = 32700 + nZone else: bNorth = True epsg = 32600 + nZone src_srs.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) # src_srs.SetUTM(nZone,bNorth) #generates WKT that osr.SpatialReference.AutoIdentifyEPSG() doesn't return an EPSG for elif projdesc == 'UPS-PROJECTION': dfCenterLon = float(mapProjectionData[624, 640]) dfCenterLat = float(mapProjectionData[640, 656]) dfScale = float(mapProjectionData[656, 672]) src_srs.SetPS(dfCenterLat, dfCenterLon, dfScale, 0.0, 0.0) elif projdesc == 'MER-PROJECTION': dfCenterLon = float(mapProjectionData[736, 752]) dfCenterLat = float(mapProjectionData[752, 768]) src_srs.SetMercator(dfCenterLat, dfCenterLon, 0, 0, 0) elif projdesc == 'LCC-PROJECTION': dfCenterLon = float(mapProjectionData[736, 752]) dfCenterLat = float(mapProjectionData[752, 768]) dfStdP1 = float(mapProjectionData[768, 784]) dfStdP2 = float(mapProjectionData[784, 800]) src_srs.SetLCC(dfStdP1, dfStdP2, dfCenterLat, dfCenterLon, 0, 0) meta['projection'] = src_srs.ExportToWkt() else: coordinates = self._img_get_coordinates() if all([x == (0, 0) for x in coordinates]): meta['projection'] = None else: meta['coordinates'] = coordinates meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') ################################################################################################################ # read data set summary record scene_id = dataSetSummary[20:52].decode('ascii') if meta['sensor'] == 'PSR1': pattern = r'(?P<sat_id>[A-Z]{2})' \ r'(?P<sensor_id>[A-Z]{3})' \ r'(?P<sensor_id_sub>[A-Z]{1})' \ r'(?P<orbitNumber>[0-9]{5})' \ r'(?P<frameNumber>[0-9]{4})' elif meta['sensor'] == 'PSR2': pattern = r'(?P<sat_id>[A-Z0-9]{5})' \ r'(?P<orbitNumber>[0-9]{5})' \ r'(?P<frameNumber>[0-9]{4})-' \ r'(?P<obs_day>[0-9]{6})[ ]{11}' else: raise ValueError('sensor must be either PSR1 or PSR2; is: {}'.format(meta['sensor'])) match = re.match(re.compile(pattern), scene_id) orbitsPerCycle = {'PSR1': 671, 'PSR2': 207}[meta['sensor']] meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int('orbitNumber')) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = meta['orbitNumber_abs'] % orbitsPerCycle meta['cycleNumber'] = meta['orbitNumber_abs'] // orbitsPerCycle + 1 meta['frameNumber'] = int('frameNumber')) try: meta['lines'] = int(dataSetSummary[324:332]) * 2 except ValueError: if 'Pdi_NoOfLines' in meta.keys(): meta['lines'] = meta['Pdi_NoOfLines'] else: meta['lines'] = None try: meta['samples'] = int(dataSetSummary[332:340]) * 2 except ValueError: if 'Pdi_NoOfPixels' in meta.keys(): meta['samples'] = meta['Pdi_NoOfPixels'] else: meta['samples'] = None meta['incidence'] = float(dataSetSummary[484:492]) meta['wavelength'] = float(dataSetSummary[500:516]) * 100 # in cm meta['proc_facility'] = dataSetSummary[1046:1062].strip() meta['proc_system'] = dataSetSummary[1062:1070].strip() meta['proc_version'] = dataSetSummary[1070:1078].strip() try: azlks = float(dataSetSummary[1174:1190]) rlks = float(dataSetSummary[1190:1206]) meta['looks'] = (rlks, azlks) except ValueError: meta['looks'] = (None, None) meta['orbit'] = dataSetSummary[1534:1542].decode('utf-8').strip()[0] try: spacing_azimuth = float(dataSetSummary[1686:1702]) spacing_range = float(dataSetSummary[1702:1718]) meta['spacing'] = (spacing_range, spacing_azimuth) except ValueError: meta['spacing'] = (None, None) ################################################################################################################ # read radiometric data record if len(radiometricData) > 0: meta['k_dB'] = float(radiometricData[20:36]) else: meta['k_dB'] = None ################################################################################################################ # additional notes # the following can be used to read platform position time from the led file # this covers a larger time frame than the actual scene sensing time # y, m, d, nd, s = platformPositionData[144:182].split() # start = datetime(int(y), int(m), int(d)) + timedelta(seconds=float(s)) # npoints = int(platformPositionData[140:144]) # interval = float(platformPositionData[182:204]) # stop = start + timedelta(seconds=(npoints - 1) * interval) # parse_date(start) # parse_date(stop) return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): outdir = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(self.file).replace('LED-', '')) self._unpack(outdir, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs]class EORC_PSR(ID): """ Handler class for ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data in EORC (Earth Observation Research Center) Path format Sensors: * PALSAR-2 PALSAR-2: Reference: NDX-150019: ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 EORC Path Product Format Description (JAXA 2016) Products / processing levels: * 1.5 Acquisition modes: * FBD: Fine mode Dual polarization * WBD: Scan SAR nominal [14MHz] mode Dual polarization """ def __init__(self, scene): self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) self.pattern = patterns.eorc_psr self.examine() self.meta = self.scanMetadata() # register the standardized meta attributes as object attributes super(EORC_PSR, self).__init__(self.meta) def _getHeaderfileContent(self): head_obj = self.getFileObj(self.header_filename) head ='utf-8') head = list(head.split('\n')) head_obj.close() return head def _img_get_coordinates(self): img_filename = self.findfiles('IMG')[0] img_obj = self.getFileObj(img_filename) imageFileDescriptor = lineRecordLength = int(imageFileDescriptor[186:192]) # bytes per line + 412 numberOfRecords = int(imageFileDescriptor[180:186]) signalDataDescriptor1 = + lineRecordLength * (numberOfRecords - 1)) signalDataDescriptor2 = img_obj.close() lat = [signalDataDescriptor1[192:196], signalDataDescriptor1[200:204], signalDataDescriptor2[192:196], signalDataDescriptor2[200:204]] lon = [signalDataDescriptor1[204:208], signalDataDescriptor1[212:216], signalDataDescriptor2[204:208], signalDataDescriptor2[212:216]] lat = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lat] lon = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lon] return list(zip(lon, lat)) def _parseFacter_m(self): try: facter_file = self.findfiles('facter_m.dat')[0] except IndexError: return {} facter_obj = self.getFileObj(facter_file) facter_m ='utf-8') facter_m = list(facter_m.split('\n')) facter_obj.close() return facter_m @property def header_filename(self): return self.findfiles(self.pattern)[0]
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): ################################################################################################################ # read header (HDR) file header = self._getHeaderfileContent() header = [head.replace(" ", "") for head in header] # read summary text file facter_m = self._parseFacter_m() facter_m = [fact.replace(" ", "") for fact in facter_m] meta = {} # read polarizations from image file names meta['polarizations'] = ['[HV]{2}', os.path.basename(x)).group(0) for x in self.findfiles('^sar.')] meta['product'] = header[3] ################################################################################################################ # read start and stop time --> TODO: in what format is the start and stop time? try: start_time = facter_m[168].split('.')[0].zfill(2) + facter_m[168].split('.')[1][:4] stop_time = facter_m[170].split('.')[0].zfill(2) + facter_m[170].split('.')[1][:4] except (AttributeError): raise IndexError('start and stop time stamps cannot be extracted; see file facter_m.dat') meta['start'] = str(header[6]) # +'T'+start_time meta['stop'] = str(header[6]) # +'T'+stop_time ################################################################################################################ # read file metadata meta['sensor'] = header[2] ################################################################################################################ # read leader file name information meta['acquisition_mode'] = header[12] # ############################################################################################################## # read map projection data lat = list(map(float, [header[33], header[35], header[37], header[39]])) lon = list(map(float, [header[34], header[36], header[38], header[40]])) if len(lat) == 0 or len(lon) == 0: meta['coordinates'] = self._img_get_coordinates() else: meta['coordinates'] = list(zip(lon, lat)) meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4918, 'wkt') # EPSG: 4918: ITRF97, GRS80 ################################################################################################################ # read data set summary record orbitsPerCycle = int(207) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = int(header[7]) meta['cycleNumber'] = header[5] meta['frameNumber'] = '' meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int(orbitsPerCycle * (meta['cycleNumber'] - 1) + meta['orbitNumber_rel']) meta['lines'] = int(float(facter_m[51])) meta['samples'] = int(float(facter_m[50])) meta['incidence'] = float(facter_m[119]) meta['proc_facility'] = header[73] meta['spacing'] = (float(header[51]), float(header[52])) meta['orbit'] = header[9] ################################################################################################################ # read radiometric data record meta['k_dB'] = float(header[64]) return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): outdir = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(self.file).replace('LED-', '')) self._unpack(outdir, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs]class ESA(ID): """ Handler class for SAR data in ESA format (Envisat ASAR, ERS-1/2) Sensors: * ASAR * ERS1 * ERS2 """ def __init__(self, scene): self.pattern = patterns.esa self.pattern_pid = r'(?P<sat_id>(?:SAR|ASA))_' \ r'(?P<image_mode>(?:IM(?:S|P|G|M|_)|AP(?:S|P|G|M|_)|WV(?:I|S|W|_)|WS(?:M|S|_)))_' \ r'(?P<processing_level>[012B][CP])' self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) if'.[EN][12]$', self.scene): self.file = self.scene else: self.examine() self.meta = self.scanMetadata() # register the standardized meta attributes as object attributes super(ESA, self).__init__(self.meta)
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): match = re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.file)) match2 = re.match(re.compile(self.pattern_pid),'product_id')) if'IM__0','product_id')): raise RuntimeError('product level 0 not supported (yet)') meta = dict() sensor_lookup = {'N1': 'ASAR', 'E1': 'ERS1', 'E2': 'ERS2'} meta['sensor'] = sensor_lookup['satellite_ID')] meta['acquisition_mode'] ='image_mode') meta['product'] = 'SLC' if meta['acquisition_mode'] in ['IMS', 'APS', 'WSS'] else 'PRI' meta['frameNumber'] = int('counter')) if meta['acquisition_mode'] in ['APS', 'IMS', 'WSM']: meta['image_geometry'] = 'SLANT_RANGE' elif meta['acquisition_mode'] in ['APP', 'IMP']: meta['image_geometry'] = 'GROUND_RANGE' else: raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported acquisition mode: '{meta['acquisition_mode']}'") with self.getFileObj(self.file) as obj: mph ='ascii') sph ='ascii') dsd ='ascii') pattern = r'(?P<key>[A-Z0-9_]+)\=(")?(?P<value>.*?)("|<|$)' origin = dict() header = mph + sph lines = header.split('\n') for line in lines: match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: matchdict = match.groupdict() origin[matchdict['key']] = str(matchdict['value']).strip() raw = [] lines = dsd.split('\n') for line in lines: match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: matchdict = match.groupdict() raw.append((matchdict['key'], str(matchdict['value']).strip())) raw = [raw[i:i + 7] for i in range(0, len(raw), 7)] datasets = {x.pop(0)[1]: {y[0]: y[1] for y in x} for x in raw} offset = 0 for key in datasets.keys(): size = int(datasets[key]['DSR_SIZE']) n = int(datasets[key]['NUM_DSR']) if key == 'GEOLOCATION GRID ADS': break offset += size * n, 1) gcps = * n) lat = gcps[157:(157 + 44)] + gcps[411:(411 + 44)] lon = gcps[201:(201 + 44)] + gcps[455:(455 + 44)] lat = [lat[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(lat), 4)] lon = [lon[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(lon), 4)] lat = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lat] lon = [struct.unpack('>i', x)[0] / 1000000. for x in lon] meta['coordinates'] = list(zip(lon, lat)) if meta['sensor'] == 'ASAR': pols = [y for x, y in origin.items() if 'TX_RX_POLAR' in x] pols = [x.replace('/', '') for x in pols if len(x) == 3] meta['polarizations'] = sorted(pols) elif meta['sensor'] in ['ERS1', 'ERS2']: meta['polarizations'] = ['VV'] meta['orbit'] = origin['PASS'][0] start = datetime.strptime(origin['SENSING_START'], '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f') meta['start'] = start.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') stop = datetime.strptime(origin['SENSING_STOP'], '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f') meta['stop'] = stop.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') meta['spacing'] = (float(origin['RANGE_SPACING']), float(origin['AZIMUTH_SPACING'])) meta['looks'] = (float(origin['RANGE_LOOKS']), float(origin['AZIMUTH_LOOKS'])) meta['samples'] = int(origin['LINE_LENGTH']) meta['lines'] = int(datasets['MDS1']['NUM_DSR']) meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int(origin['ABS_ORBIT']) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = int(origin['REL_ORBIT']) meta['cycleNumber'] = int(origin['CYCLE']) meta['incidenceAngleMin'], meta['incidenceAngleMax'], \ meta['rangeResolution'], meta['azimuthResolution'], \ meta['neszNear'], meta['neszFar'] = \ get_angles_resolution(meta['sensor'], meta['acquisition_mode'], origin['SWATH'], meta['start']) meta['incidence'] = median([meta['incidenceAngleMin'], meta['incidenceAngleMax']]) meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): base_file = os.path.basename(self.file).strip(r'\.zip|\.tar(?:\.gz|)') base_dir = os.path.basename(directory.strip('/')) outdir = directory if base_file == base_dir else os.path.join(directory, base_file) self._unpack(outdir, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs]class SAFE(ID): """ Handler class for Sentinel-1 data Sensors: * S1A * S1B References: * S1-RS-MDA-52-7443 Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Product Specification * MPC-0243 Masking "No-value" Pixels on GRD Products generated by the Sentinel-1 ESA IPF """ def __init__(self, scene): self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) self.pattern = self.pattern_ds = r'^s1[ab]-' \ r'(?P<swath>s[1-6]|iw[1-3]?|ew[1-5]?|wv[1-2]|n[1-6])-' \ r'(?P<product>slc|grd|ocn)-' \ r'(?P<pol>hh|hv|vv|vh)-' \ r'(?P<start>[0-9]{8}t[0-9]{6})-' \ r'(?P<stop>[0-9]{8}t[0-9]{6})-' \ r'(?:[0-9]{6})-(?:[0-9a-f]{6})-' \ r'(?P<id>[0-9]{3})' \ r'\.xml$' self.examine(include_folders=True) if not re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.file)): raise RuntimeError('folder does not match S1 scene naming convention') # scan the metadata XML file and add selected attributes to a meta dictionary self.meta = self.scanMetadata() self.meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') # register the standardized meta attributes as object attributes super(SAFE, self).__init__(self.meta) self.gammafiles = {'slc': [], 'pri': [], 'grd': []}
[docs] def removeGRDBorderNoise(self, method='pyroSAR'): """ mask out Sentinel-1 image border noise. Parameters ---------- method: str the border noise removal method to be applied; one of the following: - 'ESA': the pure implementation as described by ESA - 'pyroSAR': the ESA method plus the custom pyroSAR refinement Returns ------- See Also -------- :func:`~pyroSAR.S1.removeGRDBorderNoise` """ S1.removeGRDBorderNoise(self, method=method)
[docs] def getOSV(self, osvdir=None, osvType='POE', returnMatch=False, useLocal=True, timeout=300, url_option=1): """ download Orbit State Vector files for the scene Parameters ---------- osvdir: str the directory of OSV files; subdirectories POEORB and RESORB are created automatically; if no directory is defined, the standard SNAP auxdata location is used osvType: str or list[str] the type of orbit file either 'POE', 'RES' or a list of both; if both are selected, the best matching file will be retrieved. I.e., POE if available and RES otherwise returnMatch: bool return the best matching orbit file? useLocal: bool use locally existing files and do not search for files online if the right file has been found? timeout: int or tuple or None the timeout in seconds for downloading OSV files as provided to :func:`requests.get` url_option: int the OSV download URL option; see :meth:`pyroSAR.S1.OSV.catch` for options Returns ------- str or None the best matching OSV file if `returnMatch` is True or None otherwise See Also -------- :class:`pyroSAR.S1.OSV` """ with S1.OSV(osvdir, timeout=timeout) as osv: if useLocal: match = osv.match(sensor=self.sensor, timestamp=self.start, osvtype=osvType) if match is not None: return match if returnMatch else None if osvType in ['POE', 'RES']: files = osv.catch(sensor=self.sensor, osvtype=osvType, start=self.start, stop=self.stop, url_option=url_option) elif sorted(osvType) == ['POE', 'RES']: files = osv.catch(sensor=self.sensor, osvtype='POE', start=self.start, stop=self.stop, url_option=url_option) if len(files) == 0: files = osv.catch(sensor=self.sensor, osvtype='RES', start=self.start, stop=self.stop, url_option=url_option) else: msg = "osvType must either be 'POE', 'RES' or a list of both" raise TypeError(msg) osv.retrieve(files) if returnMatch: match = osv.match(sensor=self.sensor, timestamp=self.start, osvtype=osvType) return match
[docs] def quicklook(self, outname, format='kmz', na_transparent=True): """ Write a quicklook file for the scene. Parameters ---------- outname: str the file to write format: str the quicklook format. Currently supported options: - kmz na_transparent: bool make NA values transparent? Returns ------- """ if self.product not in ['GRD', 'SLC']: msg = 'this method has only been implemented for GRD and SLC, not {}' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.product)) if format != 'kmz': raise RuntimeError('currently only kmz is supported as format') kml_name = self.findfiles('map-overlay.kml')[0] png_name = self.findfiles('quick-look.png')[0] with zf.ZipFile(outname, 'w') as out: with self.getFileObj(kml_name) as kml_in: kml = kml_in.getvalue().decode('utf-8') kml = kml.replace('Sentinel-1 Map Overlay', self.outname_base()) out.writestr('doc.kml', data=kml) with self.getFileObj(png_name) as png_in: if na_transparent: img = img = img.convert('RGBA') datas = img.getdata() newData = [] for item in datas: if item[0] == 0 and item[1] == 0 and item[2] == 0: newData.append((0, 0, 0, 0)) else: newData.append(item) img.putdata(newData) buf = BytesIO(), format='png') out.writestr('quick-look.png', buf.getvalue()) else: out.writestr('quick-look.png', data=png_in.getvalue())
[docs] def resolution(self): """ Compute the mid-swath resolution of the Sentinel-1 product. For GRD products the resolution is expressed in ground range and in slant range otherwise. References: * * * Returns ------- tuple[float] the resolution as (range, azimuth) """ if 'resolution' in self.meta.keys(): return self.meta['resolution'] if self.product not in ['GRD', 'SLC']: msg = 'this method has only been implemented for GRD and SLC, not {}' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.product)) annotations = self.findfiles(self.pattern_ds) key = lambda x:'-[vh]{2}-', x).group() groups = groupby(sorted(annotations, key=key), key=key) annotations = [list(value) for key, value in groups][0] proc_pars = [] # processing parameters per sub-swath sp_az = [] # azimuth pixel spacings per sub-swath ti_az = [] # azimuth time intervals per sub-swath for ann in annotations: with self.getFileObj(ann) as ann_xml: tree = ET.fromstring( par = tree.findall('.//swathProcParams') proc_pars.extend(par) for i in range(len(par)): sp_az.append(float(tree.find('.//azimuthPixelSpacing').text)) ti_az.append(float(tree.find('.//azimuthTimeInterval').text)) c = 299792458.0 # speed of light # see Sentinel-1 product definition for Hamming window coefficients # and Impulse Response Width (IRW) broadening factors: coefficients = [0.52, 0.6, 0.61, 0.62, 0.63, 0.65, 0.70, 0.72, 0.73, 0.75] b_factors = [1.54, 1.32, 1.3, 1.28, 1.27, 1.24, 1.18, 1.16, 1.15, 1.13] resolutions_rg = [] resolutions_az = [] for i, par in enumerate(proc_pars): # computation of slant range resolution rg_proc = par.find('rangeProcessing') wrg = float(rg_proc.find('windowCoefficient').text) brg = float(rg_proc.find('processingBandwidth').text) lbrg = float(rg_proc.find('lookBandwidth').text) lrg = brg / lbrg kbrg = b_factors[coefficients.index(wrg)] resolutions_rg.append(0.886 * c / (2 * brg) * kbrg * lrg) # computation of azimuth resolution; yet to be checked for correctness az_proc = par.find('azimuthProcessing') waz = float(az_proc.find('windowCoefficient').text) baz = float(az_proc.find('processingBandwidth').text) lbaz = float(az_proc.find('lookBandwidth').text) laz = baz / lbaz kbaz = b_factors[coefficients.index(waz)] vsat = sp_az[i] / ti_az[i] resolutions_az.append(0.886 * vsat / baz * kbaz * laz) resolution_rg = median(resolutions_rg) resolution_az = median(resolutions_az) if self.meta['image_geometry'] == 'GROUND_RANGE': resolution_rg /= math.sin(math.radians(self.meta['incidence'])) self.meta['resolution'] = resolution_rg, resolution_az return self.meta['resolution']
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): with self.getFileObj(self.findfiles('')[0]) as input: manifest = input.getvalue() namespaces = getNamespaces(manifest) tree = ET.fromstring(manifest) meta = dict() key = 's1sarl1' obj_prod = tree.find('.//{}:productType'.format(key), namespaces) if obj_prod == None: key = 's1sarl2' obj_prod = tree.find('.//{}:productType'.format(key), namespaces) meta['product'] = obj_prod.text acqmode = tree.find('.//{}:mode'.format(key), namespaces).text if acqmode == 'SM': meta['acquisition_mode'] = tree.find('.//{}:swath'.format(key), namespaces).text else: meta['acquisition_mode'] = acqmode meta['acquisition_time'] = dict( [(x, tree.find('.//safe:{}Time'.format(x), namespaces).text) for x in ['start', 'stop']]) meta['start'], meta['stop'] = (self.parse_date(meta['acquisition_time'][x]) for x in ['start', 'stop']) meta['coordinates'] = [tuple([float(y) for y in x.split(',')][::-1]) for x in tree.find('.//gml:coordinates', namespaces).text.split()] meta['orbit'] = tree.find('.//s1:pass', namespaces).text[0] meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int(tree.find('.//safe:orbitNumber[@type="start"]', namespaces).text) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = int(tree.find('.//safe:relativeOrbitNumber[@type="start"]', namespaces).text) meta['cycleNumber'] = int(tree.find('.//safe:cycleNumber', namespaces).text) meta['frameNumber'] = int(tree.find('.//{}:missionDataTakeID'.format(key), namespaces).text) meta['orbitNumbers_abs'] = dict( [(x, int(tree.find('.//safe:orbitNumber[@type="{0}"]'.format(x), namespaces).text)) for x in ['start', 'stop']]) meta['orbitNumbers_rel'] = dict( [(x, int(tree.find('.//safe:relativeOrbitNumber[@type="{0}"]'.format(x), namespaces).text)) for x in ['start', 'stop']]) key_pol = './/{}:transmitterReceiverPolarisation'.format(key) meta['polarizations'] = [x.text for x in tree.findall(key_pol, namespaces)] meta['category'] = tree.find('.//{}:productClass'.format(key), namespaces).text family = tree.find('.//safe:familyName', namespaces).text.replace('ENTINEL-', '') number = tree.find('.//safe:number', namespaces).text meta['sensor'] = family + number meta['IPF_version'] = float(tree.find('.//safe:software', namespaces).attrib['version']) sliced = tree.find('.//{}:sliceProductFlag'.format(key), namespaces).text == 'true' if sliced: meta['sliceNumber'] = int(tree.find('.//{}:sliceNumber'.format(key), namespaces).text) meta['totalSlices'] = int(tree.find('.//{}:totalSlices'.format(key), namespaces).text) else: meta['sliceNumber'] = None meta['totalSlices'] = None if meta['product'] == 'OCN': meta['spacing'] = -1 meta['samples'] = -1 meta['lines'] = -1 else: annotations = self.findfiles(self.pattern_ds) key = lambda x:'-[vh]{2}-', x).group() groups = groupby(sorted(annotations, key=key), key=key) annotations = [list(value) for key, value in groups][0] ann_trees = [] for ann in annotations: with self.getFileObj(ann) as ann_xml: ann_trees.append(ET.fromstring( sp_rg = [float(x.find('.//rangePixelSpacing').text) for x in ann_trees] sp_az = [float(x.find('.//azimuthPixelSpacing').text) for x in ann_trees] meta['spacing'] = (median(sp_rg), median(sp_az)) samples = [x.find('.//imageAnnotation/imageInformation/numberOfSamples').text for x in ann_trees] meta['samples'] = sum([int(x) for x in samples]) lines = [x.find('.//imageAnnotation/imageInformation/numberOfLines').text for x in ann_trees] meta['lines'] = sum([int(x) for x in lines]) heading = median(float(x.find('.//platformHeading').text) for x in ann_trees) meta['heading'] = heading if heading > 0 else heading + 360 incidence = [float(x.find('.//incidenceAngleMidSwath').text) for x in ann_trees] meta['incidence'] = median(incidence) meta['image_geometry'] = ann_trees[0].find('.//projection').text.replace(' ', '_').upper() return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): outdir = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(self.file)) self._unpack(outdir, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs]class TSX(ID): """ Handler class for TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X data Sensors: * TSX1 * TDX1 References: * TX-GS-DD-3302 TerraSAR-X Basic Product Specification Document * TX-GS-DD-3303 TerraSAR-X Experimental Product Description * TD-GS-PS-3028 TanDEM-X Experimental Product Description * TerraSAR-X Image Product Guide (Airbus Defence and Space) Acquisition modes: * ST: Staring Spotlight * HS: High Resolution SpotLight * HS300: High Resolution SpotLight 300 MHz * SL: SpotLight * SM: StripMap * SC: ScanSAR * WS: Wide ScanSAR Polarisation modes: * Single (S): all acquisition modes * Dual (D): High Resolution SpotLight (HS), SpotLight (SL) and StripMap (SM) * Twin (T): StripMap (SM) (experimental) * Quad (Q): StripMap (SM) (experimental) Products: * SSC: Single Look Slant Range Complex * MGD: Multi Look Ground Range Detected * GEC: Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected * EEC: Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected """ def __init__(self, scene): if isinstance(scene, str): self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) self.pattern = patterns.tsx self.pattern_ds = r'^IMAGE_(?P<pol>HH|HV|VH|VV)_(?:SRA|FWD|AFT)_(?P<beam>[^\.]+)\.(cos|tif)$' self.examine(include_folders=False) if not re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.file)): raise RuntimeError('folder does not match TSX scene naming convention') self.meta = self.scanMetadata() self.meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') super(TSX, self).__init__(self.meta)
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): annotation = self.getFileObj(self.file).getvalue() namespaces = getNamespaces(annotation) tree = ET.fromstring(annotation) meta = dict() meta['sensor'] = tree.find('.//generalHeader/mission', namespaces).text.replace('-', '') meta['product'] = tree.find('.//orderInfo/productVariant', namespaces).text meta['orbit'] = tree.find('.//missionInfo/orbitDirection', namespaces).text[0] meta['polarizations'] = [x.text for x in tree.findall('.//acquisitionInfo/polarisationList/polLayer', namespaces)] meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = int(tree.find('.//missionInfo/absOrbit', namespaces).text) meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = int(tree.find('.//missionInfo/relOrbit', namespaces).text) meta['cycleNumber'] = int(tree.find('.//missionInfo/orbitCycle', namespaces).text) meta['frameNumber'] = int(tree.find('.//inputData/uniqueDataTakeID', namespaces).text) meta['acquisition_mode'] = tree.find('.//acquisitionInfo/imagingMode', namespaces).text meta['start'] = self.parse_date(tree.find('.//sceneInfo/start/timeUTC', namespaces).text) meta['stop'] = self.parse_date(tree.find('.//sceneInfo/stop/timeUTC', namespaces).text) spacing_row = float(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/rowSpacing', namespaces).text) spacing_col = float(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/columnSpacing', namespaces).text) meta['spacing'] = (spacing_col, spacing_row) meta['samples'] = int(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/numberOfColumns', namespaces).text) meta['lines'] = int(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/numberOfRows', namespaces).text) rlks = float(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/rangeLooks', namespaces).text) azlks = float(tree.find('.//imageDataInfo/imageRaster/azimuthLooks', namespaces).text) meta['looks'] = (rlks, azlks) meta['incidence'] = float(tree.find('.//sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/incidenceAngle', namespaces).text) geocs = self.getFileObj(self.findfiles('GEOREF.xml')[0]).getvalue() tree = ET.fromstring(geocs) pts = tree.findall('.//gridPoint') lat = [float(x.find('lat').text) for x in pts] lon = [float(x.find('lon').text) for x in pts] # shift lon in case of west direction. lon = [x - 360 if x > 180 else x for x in lon] meta['coordinates'] = list(zip(lon, lat)) return meta
[docs] def unpack(self, directory, overwrite=False, exist_ok=False): match = self.findfiles(self.pattern, True) header = [x for x in match if not x.endswith('xml') and 'iif' not in x][0].replace(self.scene, '').strip('/') outdir = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(header)) self._unpack(outdir, offset=header, overwrite=overwrite, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs]class TDM(TSX): """ Handler class for TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X experimental data Sensors: * TDM1 References: * TD-GS-PS-3028 TanDEM-X Experimental Product Description Acquisition modes: * HS: High Resolution SpotLight * SL: SpotLight * SM: StripMap Polarisation modes: * Single (S): all acquisition modes * Dual (D): High Resolution SpotLight (HS), SpotLight (SL) and StripMap (SM) * Twin (T): StripMap (SM) (experimental) * Quad (Q): StripMap (SM) (experimental) Products: * CoSSCs: (bi-static) SAR co-registered single look slant range complex products (CoSSCs) Examples ---------- Ingest all Tandem-X Bistatic scenes in a directory and its sub-directories into the database: >>> from pyroSAR import Archive, identify >>> from spatialist.ancillary import finder >>> dbfile = '/.../scenelist.db' >>> archive_tdm = '/.../TDM/' >>> scenes_tdm = finder(archive_tdm, [r'^TDM1.*'], foldermode=2, regex=True, recursive=True) >>> with Archive(dbfile) as archive: >>> archive.insert(scenes_tdm) """ def __init__(self, scene): self.scene = os.path.realpath(scene) self.pattern = patterns.tdm self.pattern_ds = r'^IMAGE_(?P<pol>HH|HV|VH|VV)_(?:SRA|FWD|AFT)_(?P<beam>[^\.]+)\.(cos|tif)$' self.examine(include_folders=False) if not re.match(re.compile(self.pattern), os.path.basename(self.file)): raise RuntimeError('folder does not match TDM scene naming convention') self.meta = self.scanMetadata() self.meta['projection'] = crsConvert(4326, 'wkt') super(TDM, self).__init__(self.meta)
[docs] def scanMetadata(self): annotation = self.getFileObj(self.file).getvalue() namespaces = getNamespaces(annotation) tree = ET.fromstring(annotation) meta = dict() meta['sensor'] = tree.find('.//commonAcquisitionInfo/missionID', namespaces).text.replace('-', '') meta['product'] = tree.find('.//productInfo/productType', namespaces).text meta['SAT1'] = tree.find('.//commonAcquisitionInfo/satelliteIDsat1', namespaces).text meta['SAT2'] = tree.find('.//commonAcquisitionInfo/satelliteIDsat2', namespaces).text meta['inSARmasterID'] = tree.find('.//commonAcquisitionInfo/inSARmasterID', namespaces).text pattern = './/commonAcquisitionInfo/satelliteID{}'.format(meta['inSARmasterID'].lower()) meta['inSARmaster'] = tree.find(pattern, namespaces).text.replace('-', '') pattern = './/commonAcquisitionInfo/operationsInfo/acquisitionItemID' meta['acquisitionItemID'] = int(tree.find(pattern, namespaces).text) meta['effectiveBaseline'] = float(tree.find('.//acquisitionGeometry/effectiveBaseline', namespaces).text) meta['heightOfAmbiguity'] = float(tree.find('.//acquisitionGeometry/heightOfAmbiguity', namespaces).text) meta['distanceActivePos'] = float(tree.find('.//acquisitionGeometry/distanceActivePos', namespaces).text) meta['distanceTracks'] = float(tree.find('.//acquisitionGeometry/distanceTracks', namespaces).text) meta['cooperativeMode'] = tree.find('.//commonAcquisitionInfo/cooperativeMode', namespaces).text if meta['cooperativeMode'].lower() == "bistatic": meta['bistatic'] = True else: meta['bistatic'] = False meta['orbit'] = tree.find('.//acquisitionGeometry/orbitDirection', namespaces).text[0] pattern = ".//productComponents/component[@componentClass='imageData']/file/location/name" elements = tree.findall(pattern, ) self.primary_scene = os.path.join(self.scene, elements[0].text) self.secondary_scene = os.path.join(self.scene, elements[1].text) meta["SAT1"] = TSX(self.primary_scene).scanMetadata() meta["SAT2"] = TSX(self.secondary_scene).scanMetadata() meta['start'] = self.parse_date(tree.find('.//orbitHeader/firstStateTime/firstStateTimeUTC', namespaces).text) meta['stop'] = self.parse_date(tree.find('.//orbitHeader/lastStateTime/lastStateTimeUTC', namespaces).text) meta['samples'] = int(tree.find('.//coregistration/coregRaster/samples', namespaces).text) meta['lines'] = int(tree.find('.//coregistration/coregRaster/lines', namespaces).text) rlks = float(tree.find('.//processingInfo/inSARProcessing/looks/range', namespaces).text) azlks = float(tree.find('.//processingInfo/inSARProcessing/looks/azimuth', namespaces).text) meta['looks'] = (rlks, azlks) meta['incidence'] = float(tree.find('.//commonSceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/incidenceAngle', namespaces).text) meta['orbit'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['orbit'] meta['polarizations'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['polarizations'] meta['orbitNumber_abs'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['orbitNumber_abs'] meta['orbitNumber_rel'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['orbitNumber_rel'] meta['cycleNumber'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['cycleNumber'] meta['frameNumber'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['frameNumber'] meta['acquisition_mode'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['acquisition_mode'] meta['start'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['start'] meta['stop'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['stop'] meta['spacing'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['spacing'] meta['samples'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['samples'] meta['lines'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['lines'] meta['looks'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['looks'] meta['incidence'] = meta[meta['inSARmasterID']]['incidence'] pts = tree.findall('.//sceneCornerCoord') lat = [float(x.find('lat').text) for x in pts] lon = [float(x.find('lon').text) for x in pts] # shift lon in case of west direction. lon = [x - 360 if x > 180 else x for x in lon] meta['coordinates'] = list(zip(lon, lat)) return meta
[docs]class Archive(object): """ Utility for storing SAR image metadata in a database Parameters ---------- dbfile: str the filename for the SpatiaLite database. This might either point to an existing database or will be created otherwise. If postgres is set to True, this will be the name for the PostgreSQL database. custom_fields: dict or None a dictionary containing additional non-standard database column names and data types; the names must be attributes of the SAR scenes to be inserted (i.e. id.attr) or keys in their meta attribute (i.e. id.meta['attr']) postgres: bool enable postgres driver for the database. Default: False user: str required for postgres driver: username to access the database. Default: 'postgres' password: str required for postgres driver: password to access the database. Default: '1234' host: str required for postgres driver: host where the database is hosted. Default: 'localhost' port: int required for postgres driver: port number to the database. Default: 5432 cleanup: bool check whether all registered scenes exist and remove missing entries? legacy: bool open an outdated database in legacy mode to import into a new database. Opening an outdated database without legacy mode will throw a RuntimeError. Examples ---------- Ingest all Sentinel-1 scenes in a directory and its sub-directories into the database: >>> from pyroSAR import Archive, identify >>> from spatialist.ancillary import finder >>> dbfile = '/.../scenelist.db' >>> archive_s1 = '/.../sentinel1/GRD' >>> scenes_s1 = finder(archive_s1, [r'^S1[AB].*\.zip'], regex=True, recursive=True) >>> with Archive(dbfile) as archive: >>> archive.insert(scenes_s1) select all Sentinel-1 A/B scenes stored in the database, which * overlap with a test site * were acquired in Ground-Range-Detected (GRD) Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) mode before 2018 * contain a VV polarization image * have not been processed to directory `outdir` before >>> from pyroSAR import Archive >>> from spatialist import Vector >>> archive = Archive('/.../scenelist.db') >>> site = Vector('/path/to/site.shp') >>> outdir = '/path/to/processed/results' >>> maxdate = '20171231T235959' >>> selection_proc =, processdir=outdir, >>> maxdate=maxdate, sensor=('S1A', 'S1B'), >>> product='GRD', acquisition_mode='IW', vv=1) >>> archive.close() Alternatively, the `with` statement can be used. In this case to just check whether one particular scene is already registered in the database: >>> from pyroSAR import identify, Archive >>> scene = identify('') >>> with Archive('/.../scenelist.db') as archive: >>> print(archive.is_registered(scene.scene)) When providing 'postgres' as driver, a PostgreSQL database will be created at a given host. Additional arguments are required. >>> from pyroSAR import Archive, identify >>> from spatialist.ancillary import finder >>> dbfile = 'scenelist_db' >>> archive_s1 = '/.../sentinel1/GRD' >>> scenes_s1 = finder(archive_s1, [r'^S1[AB].*\.zip'], regex=True, recursive=True) >>> with Archive(dbfile, driver='postgres', user='user', password='password', host='host', port=5432) as archive: >>> archive.insert(scenes_s1) Importing an old database: >>> from pyroSAR import Archive >>> db_new = 'scenes.db' >>> db_old = 'scenes_old.db' >>> with Archive(db_new) as db: >>> with Archive(db_old, legacy=True) as db_old: >>> db.import_outdated(db_old) """ def __init__(self, dbfile, custom_fields=None, postgres=False, user='postgres', password='1234', host='localhost', port=5432, cleanup=True, legacy=False): # check for driver, if postgres then check if server is reachable if not postgres: self.driver = 'sqlite' dirname = os.path.dirname(dbfile) w_ok = os.access(dirname, os.W_OK) if not w_ok: raise RuntimeError('cannot write to directory {}'.format(dirname)) # catch if .db extension is missing root, ext = os.path.splitext(dbfile) if len(ext) == 0: dbfile = root + '.db' else: self.driver = 'postgresql' if not self.__check_host(host, port): sys.exit('Server not found!') connect_args = {} # create dict, with which a URL to the db is created if self.driver == 'sqlite': self.url_dict = {'drivername': self.driver, 'database': dbfile, 'query': {'charset': 'utf8'}} if self.driver == 'postgresql': self.url_dict = {'drivername': self.driver, 'username': user, 'password': password, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'database': dbfile} connect_args = { 'keepalives': 1, 'keepalives_idle': 30, 'keepalives_interval': 10, 'keepalives_count': 5} # create engine, containing URL and driver log.debug('starting DB engine for {}'.format(URL.create(**self.url_dict))) self.url = URL.create(**self.url_dict) # self.engine = create_engine(url=self.url, echo=False, connect_args=connect_args) # call to ____load_spatialite() for sqlite, to load mod_spatialite via event handler listen() if self.driver == 'sqlite': log.debug('loading spatialite extension') listen(target=self.engine, identifier='connect', fn=self.__load_spatialite) # check if loading was successful try: conn = self.engine.connect() version = conn.execute('SELECT spatialite_version();') conn.close() except exc.OperationalError: raise RuntimeError('could not load spatialite extension') # if database is new, (create postgres-db and) enable spatial extension if not database_exists(self.engine.url): if self.driver == 'postgresql': log.debug('creating new PostgreSQL database') create_database(self.engine.url) log.debug('enabling spatial extension for new database') self.conn = self.engine.connect() if self.driver == 'sqlite': self.conn.execute(select([func.InitSpatialMetaData(1)])) elif self.driver == 'postgresql': self.conn.execute('CREATE EXTENSION postgis;') else: self.conn = self.engine.connect() # create Session (ORM) and get metadata self.Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) self.meta = MetaData(self.engine) self.custom_fields = custom_fields # load or create tables self.__init_data_table() self.__init_duplicates_table() pk = sql_inspect(self.data_schema).primary_key if 'product' not in pk.columns.keys() and not legacy: raise RuntimeError("the 'data' table is missing a primary key 'product'. " "Please create a new database and import the old one " "opened in legacy mode using Archive.import_outdated.") self.Base = automap_base(metadata=self.meta) self.Base.prepare(self.engine, reflect=True) self.Data = self.Duplicates = self.Base.classes.duplicates self.dbfile = dbfile if cleanup:'checking for missing scenes') self.cleanup() sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def add_tables(self, tables): """ Add tables to the database per :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` Tables provided here will be added to the database. .. note:: Columns using Geometry must have setting management=True for SQLite, for example: ``bbox = Column(Geometry('POLYGON', management=True, srid=4326))`` Parameters ---------- tables: :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` or list[:class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table`] The table(s) to be added to the database. """ created = [] if isinstance(tables, list): for table in tables: table.metadata = self.meta if not sql_inspect(self.engine).has_table(str(table)): table.create(self.engine) created.append(str(table)) else: table = tables table.metadata = self.meta if not sql_inspect(self.engine).has_table(str(table)): table.create(self.engine) created.append(str(table))'created table(s) {}.'.format(', '.join(created))) self.Base = automap_base(metadata=self.meta) self.Base.prepare(self.engine, reflect=True)
def __init_data_table(self): if sql_inspect(self.engine).has_table('data'): self.data_schema = Table('data', self.meta, autoload_with=self.engine) return log.debug("creating DB table 'data'") self.data_schema = Table('data', self.meta, Column('sensor', String), Column('orbit', String), Column('orbitNumber_abs', Integer), Column('orbitNumber_rel', Integer), Column('cycleNumber', Integer), Column('frameNumber', Integer), Column('acquisition_mode', String), Column('start', String), Column('stop', String), Column('product', String, primary_key=True), Column('samples', Integer), Column('lines', Integer), Column('outname_base', String, primary_key=True), Column('scene', String), Column('hh', Integer), Column('vv', Integer), Column('hv', Integer), Column('vh', Integer), Column('bbox', Geometry(geometry_type='POLYGON', management=True, srid=4326))) # add custom fields if self.custom_fields is not None: for key, val in self.custom_fields.items(): if val in ['Integer', 'integer', 'int']: self.data_schema.append_column(Column(key, Integer)) elif val in ['String', 'string', 'str']: self.data_schema.append_column(Column(key, String)) else:'Value in dict custom_fields must be "integer" or "string"!') self.data_schema.create(self.engine) def __init_duplicates_table(self): # create tables if not existing if sql_inspect(self.engine).has_table('duplicates'): self.duplicates_schema = Table('duplicates', self.meta, autoload_with=self.engine) return log.debug("creating DB table 'duplicates'") self.duplicates_schema = Table('duplicates', self.meta, Column('outname_base', String, primary_key=True), Column('scene', String, primary_key=True)) self.duplicates_schema.create(self.engine) @staticmethod def __load_spatialite(dbapi_conn, connection_record): """ loads the spatialite extension for SQLite, not to be used outside the init() Parameters ---------- dbapi_conn: db engine connection_record: not sure what it does, but it is needed by :func:`sqlalchemy.event.listen` """ dbapi_conn.enable_load_extension(True) # check which platform and use according mod_spatialite if platform.system() == 'Linux': for option in ['mod_spatialite', '']: try: dbapi_conn.load_extension(option) except sqlite3.OperationalError: continue elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': for option in ['', 'mod_spatialite.7.dylib', 'mod_spatialite.dylib']: try: dbapi_conn.load_extension(option) except sqlite3.OperationalError: continue else: dbapi_conn.load_extension('mod_spatialite') def __prepare_insertion(self, scene): """ read scene metadata and parse a string for inserting it into the database Parameters ---------- scene: str or ID a SAR scene Returns ------- object of class Data, insert string """ id = scene if isinstance(scene, ID) else identify(scene) pols = [x.lower() for x in id.polarizations] # insertion as an object of Class Data (reflected in the init()) insertion = self.Data() colnames = self.get_colnames() for attribute in colnames: if attribute == 'bbox': geom = id.bbox() geom.reproject(4326) geom = geom.convert2wkt(set3D=False)[0] geom = 'SRID=4326;' + str(geom) # set attributes of the Data object according to input setattr(insertion, 'bbox', geom) elif attribute in ['hh', 'vv', 'hv', 'vh']: setattr(insertion, attribute, int(attribute in pols)) else: if hasattr(id, attribute): attr = getattr(id, attribute) elif attribute in id.meta.keys(): attr = id.meta[attribute] else: raise AttributeError('could not find attribute {}'.format(attribute)) value = attr() if inspect.ismethod(attr) else attr setattr(insertion, str(attribute), value) return insertion # return the Data object def __select_missing(self, table): """ Returns ------- list[str] the names of all scenes, which are no longer stored in their registered location """ if table == 'data': # using ORM query to get all scenes locations scenes = self.Session().query(self.Data.scene) elif table == 'duplicates': scenes = self.Session().query(self.Duplicates.scene) else: raise ValueError("parameter 'table' must either be 'data' or 'duplicates'") files = [self.encode(x[0]) for x in scenes] return [x for x in files if not os.path.isfile(x)]
[docs] def insert(self, scene_in, pbar=False, test=False): """ Insert one or many scenes into the database Parameters ---------- scene_in: str or ID or list[str or ID] a SAR scene or a list of scenes to be inserted pbar: bool show a progress bar? test: bool should the insertion only be tested or directly be committed to the database? """ if isinstance(scene_in, (ID, str)): scene_in = [scene_in] if not isinstance(scene_in, list): raise RuntimeError('scene_in must either be a string pointing to a file, a pyroSAR.ID object ' 'or a list containing several of either')'filtering scenes by name') scenes = self.filter_scenelist(scene_in) if len(scenes) == 0:'...nothing to be done') return'identifying scenes and extracting metadata') scenes = identify_many(scenes, pbar=pbar) if len(scenes) == 0:'all scenes are already registered') return counter_regulars = 0 counter_duplicates = 0 list_duplicates = [] message = 'inserting {0} scene{1} into database', '' if len(scenes) == 1 else 's')) log.debug('testing changes in temporary database') if pbar: progress = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=len(scenes)) else: progress = None insertions = [] session = self.Session() for i, id in enumerate(scenes): basename = id.outname_base() if not self.is_registered(id): insertion = self.__prepare_insertion(id) insertions.append(insertion) counter_regulars += 1 log.debug('regular: {}'.format(id.scene)) elif not self.__is_registered_in_duplicates(id): insertion = self.Duplicates(outname_base=basename, scene=id.scene) insertions.append(insertion) counter_duplicates += 1 log.debug('duplicate: {}'.format(id.scene)) else: list_duplicates.append(id.outname_base()) if progress is not None: progress.update(i + 1) if progress is not None: progress.finish() session.add_all(insertions) if not test: log.debug('committing transactions to permanent database') # commit changes of the session session.commit() else:'rolling back temporary database changes') # roll back changes of the session session.rollback() message = '{0} scene{1} registered regularly', '' if counter_regulars == 1 else 's')) message = '{0} duplicate{1} registered', '' if counter_duplicates == 1 else 's'))
[docs] def is_registered(self, scene): """ Simple check if a scene is already registered in the database. Parameters ---------- scene: str or ID the SAR scene Returns ------- bool is the scene already registered? """ id = scene if isinstance(scene, ID) else identify(scene) # ORM query, where scene equals id.scene, return first exists_data = self.Session().query(self.Data.outname_base).filter_by( outname_base=id.outname_base(), product=id.product).first() exists_duplicates = self.Session().query(self.Duplicates.outname_base).filter( self.Duplicates.outname_base == id.outname_base()).first() in_data = False in_dup = False if exists_data: in_data = len(exists_data) != 0 if exists_duplicates: in_dup = len(exists_duplicates) != 0 return in_data or in_dup
def __is_registered_in_duplicates(self, scene): """ Simple check if a scene is already registered in the database. Parameters ---------- scene: str or ID the SAR scene Returns ------- bool is the scene already registered? """ id = scene if isinstance(scene, ID) else identify(scene) # ORM query as in is registered exists_duplicates = self.Session().query(self.Duplicates.outname_base).filter( self.Duplicates.outname_base == id.outname_base()).first() in_dup = False if exists_duplicates: in_dup = len(exists_duplicates) != 0 return in_dup
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Remove all scenes from the database, which are no longer stored in their registered location Returns ------- """ missing = self.__select_missing('data') for scene in missing:'Removing missing scene from database tables: {}'.format(scene)) self.drop_element(scene, with_duplicates=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def encode(string, encoding='utf-8'): if not isinstance(string, str): return string.encode(encoding) else: return string
[docs] def export2shp(self, path, table='data'): """ export the database to a shapefile Parameters ---------- path: str the path of the shapefile to be written. This will overwrite other files with the same name. If a folder is given in path it is created if not existing. If the file extension is missing '.shp' is added. table: str the table to write to the shapefile; either 'data' (default) or 'duplicates' Returns ------- """ if table not in ['data', 'duplicates']: log.warning('Only data and duplicates can be exported!') return # add the .shp extension if missing if not path.endswith('.shp'): path += '.shp' # creates folder if not present, adds .shp if not within the path dirname = os.path.dirname(path) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # uses spatialist.ogr2ogr to write shps with given path (or db connection) if self.driver == 'sqlite': # ogr2ogr(self.dbfile, path, options={'format': 'ESRI Shapefile'})['ogr2ogr', '-f', 'ESRI Shapefile', path, self.dbfile, table]) if self.driver == 'postgresql': db_connection = """PG:host={0} port={1} user={2} dbname={3} password={4} active_schema=public""".format(self.url_dict['host'], self.url_dict['port'], self.url_dict['username'], self.url_dict['database'], self.url_dict['password']) # ogr2ogr(db_connection, path, options={'format': 'ESRI Shapefile'})['ogr2ogr', '-f', 'ESRI Shapefile', path, db_connection, table])
[docs] def filter_scenelist(self, scenelist): """ Filter a list of scenes by file names already registered in the database. Parameters ---------- scenelist: list[str or ID] the scenes to be filtered Returns ------- list[ID] the file names of the scenes whose basename is not yet registered in the database """ for item in scenelist: if not isinstance(item, (ID, str)): raise TypeError("items in scenelist must be of type 'str' or 'pyroSAR.ID'") # ORM query, get all scenes locations scenes_data = self.Session().query(self.Data.scene) registered = [os.path.basename(self.encode(x[0])) for x in scenes_data] scenes_duplicates = self.Session().query(self.Duplicates.scene) duplicates = [os.path.basename(self.encode(x[0])) for x in scenes_duplicates] names = [item.scene if isinstance(item, ID) else item for item in scenelist] filtered = [x for x, y in zip(scenelist, names) if os.path.basename(y) not in registered + duplicates] return filtered
[docs] def get_colnames(self, table='data'): """ Return the names of all columns of a table. Returns ------- list[str] the column names of the chosen table """ # get all columns of one table, but shows geometry columns not correctly table_info = Table(table, self.meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.engine) col_names = table_info.c.keys() return sorted([self.encode(x) for x in col_names])
[docs] def get_tablenames(self, return_all=False): """ Return the names of all tables in the database Parameters ---------- return_all: bool only gives tables data and duplicates on default. Set to True to get all other tables and views created automatically. Returns ------- list[str] the table names """ # TODO: make this dynamic # the method was intended to only return user generated tables by default, as well as data and duplicates all_tables = ['ElementaryGeometries', 'SpatialIndex', 'geometry_columns', 'geometry_columns_auth', 'geometry_columns_field_infos', 'geometry_columns_statistics', 'geometry_columns_time', 'spatial_ref_sys', 'spatial_ref_sys_aux', 'spatialite_history', 'sql_statements_log', 'sqlite_sequence', 'views_geometry_columns', 'views_geometry_columns_auth', 'views_geometry_columns_field_infos', 'views_geometry_columns_statistics', 'virts_geometry_columns', 'virts_geometry_columns_auth', 'virts_geometry_columns_field_infos', 'virts_geometry_columns_statistics', 'data_licenses', 'KNN'] # get tablenames from metadata tables = sorted([self.encode(x) for x in self.meta.tables.keys()]) if return_all: return tables else: ret = [] for i in tables: if i not in all_tables and 'idx_' not in i: ret.append(i) return ret
[docs] def get_unique_directories(self): """ Get a list of directories containing registered scenes Returns ------- list[str] the directory names """ # ORM query, get all directories scenes = self.Session().query(self.Data.scene) registered = [os.path.dirname(self.encode(x[0])) for x in scenes] return list(set(registered))
[docs] def import_outdated(self, dbfile): """ import an older database Parameters ---------- dbfile: str or Archive the old database. If this is a string, the name of a CSV file is expected. Returns ------- """ if isinstance(dbfile, str) and dbfile.endswith('csv'): with open(dbfile) as csvfile: text = dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(text) reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect=dialect) scenes = [] for row in reader: scenes.append(row['scene']) self.insert(scenes) elif isinstance(dbfile, Archive): select = dbfile.conn.execute('SELECT * from data') self.conn.execute(insert(self.Data).values(*select)) # duplicates in older databases may fit into the new data table reinsert = dbfile.select_duplicates(value='scene') if reinsert is not None: self.insert(reinsert) else: raise RuntimeError("'dbfile' must either be a CSV file name or an Archive object")
[docs] def move(self, scenelist, directory, pbar=False): """ Move a list of files while keeping the database entries up to date. If a scene is registered in the database (in either the data or duplicates table), the scene entry is directly changed to the new location. Parameters ---------- scenelist: list[str] the file locations directory: str a folder to which the files are moved pbar: bool show a progress bar? Returns ------- """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) if not os.access(directory, os.W_OK): raise RuntimeError('directory cannot be written to') failed = [] double = [] if pbar: progress = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=len(scenelist)).start() else: progress = None for i, scene in enumerate(scenelist): new = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(scene)) if os.path.isfile(new): double.append(new) continue try: shutil.move(scene, directory) except shutil.Error: failed.append(scene) continue finally: if progress is not None: progress.update(i + 1) if != 0: table = 'data' else: # using core connection to execute SQL syntax (as was before) query_duplicates = self.conn.execute( '''SELECT scene FROM duplicates WHERE scene='{0}' '''.format(scene)) if len(query_duplicates) != 0: table = 'duplicates' else: table = None if table: # using core connection to execute SQL syntax (as was before) self.conn.execute('''UPDATE {0} SET scene= '{1}' WHERE scene='{2}' '''.format(table, new, scene)) if progress is not None: progress.finish() if len(failed) > 0:'The following scenes could not be moved:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(failed))) if len(double) > 0:'The following scenes already exist at the target location:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(double)))
[docs] def select(self, vectorobject=None, mindate=None, maxdate=None, date_strict=True, processdir=None, recursive=False, polarizations=None, **args): """ select scenes from the database Parameters ---------- vectorobject: :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` or None a geometry with which the scenes need to overlap mindate: str or datetime.datetime or None the minimum acquisition date; strings must be in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS; default: None maxdate: str or datetime.datetime or None the maximum acquisition date; strings must be in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS; default: None date_strict: bool treat dates as strict limits or also allow flexible limits to incorporate scenes whose acquisition period overlaps with the defined limit? - strict: start >= mindate & stop <= maxdate - not strict: stop >= mindate & start <= maxdate processdir: str or None A directory to be scanned for already processed scenes; the selected scenes will be filtered to those that have not yet been processed. Default: None recursive: bool (only if `processdir` is not None) should also the subdirectories of the `processdir` be scanned? polarizations: list[str] or None a list of polarization strings, e.g. ['HH', 'VV'] **args: any further arguments (columns), which are registered in the database. See :meth:`~Archive.get_colnames()` Returns ------- list[str] the file names pointing to the selected scenes """ arg_valid = [x for x in args.keys() if x in self.get_colnames()] arg_invalid = [x for x in args.keys() if x not in self.get_colnames()] if len(arg_invalid) > 0:'the following arguments will be ignored as they are not registered in the data base: {}'.format( ', '.join(arg_invalid))) arg_format = [] vals = [] for key in arg_valid: if key == 'scene': arg_format.append('''scene LIKE '%%{0}%%' '''.format(os.path.basename(args[key]))) else: if isinstance(args[key], (float, int, str)): arg_format.append("""{0}='{1}'""".format(key, args[key])) elif isinstance(args[key], (tuple, list)): arg_format.append("""{0} IN ('{1}')""".format(key, "', '".join(map(str, args[key])))) if mindate: if isinstance(mindate, datetime): mindate = mindate.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') if'[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}', mindate): if date_strict: arg_format.append('start>=?') else: arg_format.append('stop>=?') vals.append(mindate) else:'WARNING: argument mindate is ignored, must be in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS') if maxdate: if isinstance(maxdate, datetime): maxdate = maxdate.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') if'[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}', maxdate): if date_strict: arg_format.append('stop<=?') else: arg_format.append('start<=?') vals.append(maxdate) else:'WARNING: argument maxdate is ignored, must be in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS') if polarizations: for pol in polarizations: if pol in ['HH', 'VV', 'HV', 'VH']: arg_format.append('{}=1'.format(pol.lower())) if vectorobject: if isinstance(vectorobject, Vector): with vectorobject.clone() as vec: vec.reproject(4326) site_geom = vec.convert2wkt(set3D=False)[0] # postgres has a different way to store geometries if self.driver == 'postgresql': arg_format.append("st_intersects(bbox, 'SRID=4326; {}')".format( site_geom )) else: arg_format.append('st_intersects(GeomFromText(?, 4326), bbox) = 1') vals.append(site_geom) else:'WARNING: argument vectorobject is ignored, must be of type spatialist.vector.Vector') if len(arg_format) > 0: subquery = ' WHERE {}'.format(' AND '.join(arg_format)) else: subquery = '' query = '''SELECT scene, outname_base FROM data{}'''.format(subquery) # the query gets assembled stepwise here for val in vals: query = query.replace('?', """'{0}'""", 1).format(val) log.debug(query) # core SQL execution query_rs = self.conn.execute(query) if processdir and os.path.isdir(processdir): scenes = [x for x in query_rs if len(finder(processdir, [x[1]], regex=True, recursive=recursive)) == 0] else: scenes = query_rs ret = [] for x in scenes: ret.append(self.encode(x[0])) return ret
[docs] def select_duplicates(self, outname_base=None, scene=None, value='id'): """ Select scenes from the duplicates table. In case both `outname_base` and `scene` are set to None all scenes in the table are returned, otherwise only those that match the attributes `outname_base` and `scene` if they are not None. Parameters ---------- outname_base: str the basename of the scene scene: str the scene name value: str the return value; either 'id' or 'scene' Returns ------- list[str] the selected scene(s) """ if value == 'id': key = 0 elif value == 'scene': key = 1 else: raise ValueError("argument 'value' must be either 0 or 1") if not outname_base and not scene: # core SQL execution scenes = self.conn.execute('SELECT * from duplicates') else: cond = [] arg = [] if outname_base: cond.append('outname_base=?') arg.append(outname_base) if scene: cond.append('scene=?') arg.append(scene) query = 'SELECT * from duplicates WHERE {}'.format(' AND '.join(cond)) for a in arg: query = query.replace('?', ''' '{0}' ''', 1).format(a) # core SQL execution scenes = self.conn.execute(query) ret = [] for x in scenes: ret.append(self.encode(x[key])) return ret
@property def size(self): """ get the number of scenes registered in the database Returns ------- tuple[int] the number of scenes in (1) the main table and (2) the duplicates table """ # ORM query session = self.Session() r1 = session.query(self.Data.outname_base).count() r2 = session.query(self.Duplicates.outname_base).count() session.close() return r1, r2 def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] def close(self): """ close the database connection """ self.Session().close() self.conn.close() self.engine.dispose() gc.collect(generation=2) # this was added as a fix for win PermissionError when deleting sqlite.db files.
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def drop_element(self, scene, with_duplicates=False): """ Drop a scene from the data table. If duplicates table contains matching entry, it will be moved to the data table. Parameters ---------- scene: str a SAR scene with_duplicates: bool True: delete matching entry in duplicates table False: move matching entry from duplicates into data table Returns ------- """ # save outname_base from to be deleted entry search = == scene) entry_data_outname_base = [] for rowproxy in self.conn.execute(search): entry_data_outname_base.append((rowproxy[12])) # # delete entry in data table delete_statement = self.data_schema.delete().where(self.data_schema.c.scene == scene) self.conn.execute(delete_statement) return_sentence = 'Entry with scene-id: \n{} \nwas dropped from data'.format(scene) # with_duplicates == True, delete entry from duplicates if with_duplicates: delete_statement_dup = self.duplicates_schema.delete().where( self.duplicates_schema.c.outname_base == entry_data_outname_base[0]) self.conn.execute(delete_statement_dup) + ' and duplicates!'.format(scene)) return # else select scene info matching outname_base from duplicates select_in_duplicates_statement = self.duplicates_schema.c.outname_base == entry_data_outname_base[0]) entry_duplicates_scene = [] for rowproxy in self.conn.execute(select_in_duplicates_statement): entry_duplicates_scene.append((rowproxy[1])) # check if there is a duplicate if len(entry_duplicates_scene) == 1: # remove entry from duplicates delete_statement_dup = self.duplicates_schema.delete().where( self.duplicates_schema.c.outname_base == entry_data_outname_base[0]) self.conn.execute(delete_statement_dup) # insert scene from duplicates into data self.insert(entry_duplicates_scene[0]) return_sentence += ' and entry with outname_base \n{} \nand scene \n{} \n' \ 'was moved from duplicates into data table'.format( entry_data_outname_base[0], entry_duplicates_scene[0]) + '!')
[docs] def drop_table(self, table): """ Drop a table from the database. Parameters ---------- table: str the table name Returns ------- """ if table in self.get_tablenames(return_all=True): # this removes the idx tables and entries in geometry_columns for sqlite databases if self.driver == 'sqlite': tab_with_geom = [rowproxy[0] for rowproxy in self.conn.execute("SELECT f_table_name FROM geometry_columns")] if table in tab_with_geom: self.conn.execute("SELECT DropGeoTable('" + table + "')") else: table_info = Table(table, self.meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.engine) table_info.drop(self.engine)'table {} dropped from database.'.format(table)) else: raise ValueError("table {} is not registered in the database!".format(table)) self.Base = automap_base(metadata=self.meta) self.Base.prepare(self.engine, reflect=True)
@staticmethod def __is_open(ip, port): """ Checks server connection, from Ben Curtis (github: Fmstrat) Parameters ---------- ip: str ip of the server port: str or int port of the server Returns ------- bool: is the server reachable? """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(3) try: s.connect((ip, int(port))) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) return True except: return False finally: s.close() def __check_host(self, ip, port): """ Calls __is_open() on ip and port, from Ben Curtis (github: Fmstrat) Parameters ---------- ip: str ip of the server port: str or int port of the server Returns ------- bool: is the server reachable? """ ipup = False for i in range(2): if self.__is_open(ip, port): ipup = True break else: time.sleep(5) return ipup
[docs]def drop_archive(archive): """ drop (delete) a scene database Parameters ---------- archive: pyroSAR.drivers.Archive the database to be deleted Returns ------- See Also -------- :func:`sqlalchemy_utils.functions.drop_database()` Examples -------- >>> pguser = os.environ.get('PGUSER') >>> pgpassword = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD') >>> db = Archive('test', postgres=True, port=5432, user=pguser, password=pgpassword) >>> drop_archive(db) """ if archive.driver == 'postgresql': url = archive.url archive.close() drop_database(url) else: raise RuntimeError('this function only works for PostgreSQL databases.' 'For SQLite databases it is recommended to just delete the DB file.')
[docs]def getFileObj(scene, filename): """ Load a file in a SAR scene archive into a readable file object. Parameters ---------- scene: str the scene archive. Can be either a directory or a compressed archive of type `zip` or `tar.gz`. filename: str the name of a file in the scene archive, easiest to get with method :meth:`~ID.findfiles` Returns ------- ~io.BytesIO a file object """ membername = filename.replace(scene, '').strip(r'\/') if not os.path.exists(scene): raise RuntimeError('scene does not exist') if os.path.isdir(scene): obj = BytesIO() with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: obj.write( # the scene consists of a single file elif os.path.isfile(scene) and scene == filename: obj = BytesIO() with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: obj.write( elif zf.is_zipfile(scene): obj = BytesIO() with zf.ZipFile(scene, 'r') as zip: obj.write( elif tf.is_tarfile(scene): obj = BytesIO() tar =, 'r:gz') obj.write(tar.extractfile(membername).read()) tar.close() else: raise RuntimeError('input must be either a file name or a location in an zip or tar archive') return obj
[docs]def parse_date(x): """ this function gathers known time formats provided in the different SAR products and converts them to a common standard of the form YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS Parameters ---------- x: str or ~datetime.datetime the time stamp to be converted Returns ------- str the converted time stamp in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS """ if isinstance(x, datetime): return x.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') elif isinstance(x, str): for timeformat in ['%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ', '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%f']: try: return strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', strptime(x, timeformat)) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue raise ValueError('unknown time format; check function parse_date') else: raise ValueError('input must be either a string or a datetime object')