Source code for pyroSAR.gamma.parser_demo

from pyroSAR.gamma.auxil import process

[docs]def adapt_filt(int, sm, width, low_SNR_thr='-', filt_width='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Adaptive bandpass filtering of interferograms | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.5 clw 17-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- int: (input) complex interferogram image filename sm: (output) smoothed interferogram filename width: number of samples/row low_SNR_thr: low SNR threshold (default = .25); filt_width: filter width in pixels (default = 1.0) xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/adapt_filt', int, sm, width, low_SNR_thr, filt_width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def adf(interf, sm, cc, width, alpha='-', nfft='-', cc_win='-', step='-', loff='-', nlines='-', wfrac='-', logpath=None): """ | Adaptive spectral filtering for complex interferograms | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.5 15-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) sm: (output) filtered interferogram (fcomplex) cc: (output) coherence derived from filtered interferogram (float) width: number of samples/line alpha: exponent for non-linear filtering (enter - for default: 0.40) nfft: filtering FFT window size, 2\*\*N, 8 --> 512, (enter - for default: 32) cc_win: coherence parameter estimation window size odd, max: 15 (enter - for default: 5) step: processing step (enter - for default: nfft/8) loff: offset to starting line to process (enter - for default: 0) nlines: number of lines to process (enter - for default: to end of file) wfrac: minimum fraction of points required to be non-zero in the filter window (enter - for default: 0.200) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/adf', interf, sm, cc, width, alpha, nfft, cc_win, step, loff, nlines, wfrac], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def af_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, rwin='-', azwin='-', dr='-', daz='-', thres='-', a1_flg='-', b0_flg='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', roff='-', azoff='-', logpath=None): """ | Focus testing for SLC data using autofocus estimation of effective velocity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Feb-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) single-look complex image rwin: range window size (enter - for default: 1024) azwin: azimuth window size (enter - for default: 4096) dr: range sample increment (enter - for default: 1024, enter 0 for single patch) daz: azimuth line increment (enter - for default: 8192, enter 0 for single patch) thres: offset estimation SNR threshold (enter - for default: 10.000) a1_flg: fit a1 for first derivative of the effective velocity w.r.t.range * 0: no (default) * 1: yes b0_flg: fit b0 for first derivative of the effective velocity w.r.t. along-track time * 0: no (default) * 1: yes offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and SNR data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (1,2,4: enter - for default: 1) roff: range offset for single patch center azoff: azimuth offset for single patch center logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/af_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, rwin, azwin, dr, daz, thres, a1_flg, b0_flg, offsets, n_ovr, roff, azoff], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ASAR_LO_phase_drift(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, ph_drift, logpath=None): """ | Calculate interferometric phase correction due to drift of the ASAR local oscillator | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 3-Dec-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file ph_drift: (output) interferometric phase correction due to drift of the ASAR LO (radians) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ASAR_LO_phase_drift', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, ph_drift], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ASAR_XCA(ASA_XCA, antenna, swath='-', pol='-', logpath=None): """ | Interpretation of ASAR external calibration data file (ASA_XCA) | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 7-June-2006 awi/uw/clw Parameters ---------- ASA_XCA: (input) ASAR external calibration data file (binary) antenna: (output) 1-way antenna gain pattern file or '-' (if not provided) or 'all' to generate all ASAR antenna diagrams swath: ASAR swath (IS1,IS2,...IS7;SS1,SS2,...SS5) pol: polarization (HH,VV,HV,VH) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ASAR_XCA', ASA_XCA, antenna, swath, pol], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ave_image(im_list, width, ave, start='-', nlines='-', pixav_x='-', pixav_y='-', zflag='-', nmin='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate average of a stack of images (float format) | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 20-Nov-2015 clw Parameters ---------- im_list: (input) text file with names of co-registered images in column 1 (float) width: number of samples/line ave: (output) average of input image data files (float) start: starting line (default: 1) nlines: number of lines to process (enter - for default: entire file) pixav_x: number of pixels to average in width (default: 1) pixav_y: number of pixels to average in height (default: 1) zflag: zero flag: * 0: interpret 0.0 as missing data value (default) * 1: interpret 0.0 as valid data nmin: minimum number of images required to calculate the average if zflag = 0 (default: 3/4\*nfiles) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ave_image', im_list, width, ave, start, nlines, pixav_x, pixav_y, zflag, nmin], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def az_integrate(data, width, azi, cflg, scale='-', lz='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate azimuth integral of float data (unwrapped phase or azimuth offsets) | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 6-Feb-2012 Parameters ---------- data: (input) input data (example: SBI dtrapped phase) (float) width: (input) number of range samples/line azi: (output) input data integrated along azimuth (float) cflg: integration constant flag: * 0: set azimuth integral value to 0.0 at specified line * 1: set average of the azimuth integral to 0.0 scale: scale factor to apply to the data (enter - for default, default: 1.0) lz: line offset where the azimuth integral is set to 0.0 (cflg = 0, enter - for default, default: 0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/az_integrate', data, width, azi, cflg, scale, lz], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def az_spec_SLC(SLC, SLC_par, spectrum, roff='-', namb='-', pltflg='-', logpath=None): """ | Doppler centroid estimate from SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 clw 15-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SAR image data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC image parameter file spectrum: (output) Doppler spectrum (text format) roff: range sample offset to center of estimation window (enter - for default=center_swath) namb: number of multiples of the PRF to add to the estimated centroid (default=0) pltflg: azimuth spectrum plotting flag: * 0: none (default) * 1: output plot in PNG format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/az_spec_SLC', SLC, SLC_par, spectrum, roff, namb, pltflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def base_copy(SLC1_par, baseline_1, SLC2_par, baseline_2, time_rev='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate baseline file for a subsection of a reference SLC | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 6-Jan-2003 ts/clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) ISP image parameter file of the reference SLC baseline-1: (input) baseline file derived using the reference SLC geometry SLC2_par: (input) ISP image parameter file corresponding to the subsecton of the reference SLC baseline-2: (output) baseline file derived using the geometry and timing of the SLC subsection time_rev: SLC image normal=1, time-reversed = -1 (default=1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/base_copy', SLC1_par, baseline_1, SLC2_par, baseline_2, time_rev], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def base_est_fft(interf, SLC1_par, OFF_par, baseline, nazfft='-', r_samp='-', az_line='-', logpath=None): """ | Estimate baseline from interferogram fringe spectrum | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.1 clw/uw 20-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- interf: (input) multi-look interferogram with range phase SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file baseline: (output) baseline file nazfft: size of azimuth FFT (lines read from file, 2\*\*N) (default: 512) r_samp: range pixel offset to center of the FFT window (default: center) az_line: line offset from start of the interf. for the FFT window (default=center) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/base_est_fft', interf, SLC1_par, OFF_par, baseline, nazfft, r_samp, az_line], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def base_ls(SLC_par, OFF_par, gcp_ph, baseline, ph_flag='-', bc_flag='-', bn_flag='-', bcdot_flag='-', bndot_flag='-', bperp_min='-', SLC2R_par='-', logpath=None): """ | Least squares baseline estimation using terrain heights | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 5-Sep-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file of the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file gcp_ph: (input) ground control point heights + extracted unwrapped phase (text format) baseline: (input) baseline parameter file ph_flag: restore range phase ramp (default=0: do not restore 1: restore) bc_flag: cross-track baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bn_flag: normal baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bcdot_flag: cross-track baseline rate estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bndot_flag: normal baseline rate estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=0) bperp_min: minimum perpendicular baseline required for L.S estimation (m, default= 10.0) SLC2R_par: (input) parameter file of resampled SLC, required if SLC-2 frequency differs from SLC-1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/base_ls', SLC_par, OFF_par, gcp_ph, baseline, ph_flag, bc_flag, bn_flag, bcdot_flag, bndot_flag, bperp_min, SLC2R_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def base_orbit(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, baseline, logpath=None): """ | Estimate baseline from orbit state vectors | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.1 clw 18-Apr-2015 Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file baseline: (output) baseline file (text format, enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/base_orbit', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, baseline], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def base_perp(baseline, SLC1_par, OFF_par, time_rev='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate baseline components perpendicular and parallel to look vector | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.5 10-May-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- baseline: (input) baseline file (text) SLC1_par: (input) ISP parameter file of SLC-1 (reference SLC) OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file time_rev: SLC image normal=1 (default), image time-reversed = -1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/base_perp', baseline, SLC1_par, OFF_par, time_rev], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def bpf(data_in, data_out, width, fc_x, bw_x, fc_y, bw_y, roff='-', azoff='-', nr='-', naz='-', data_type='-', f_mode='-', beta='-', fir_len='-', logpath=None): """ | Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP): Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/bpf.c | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 clw 3-Mar-2016 | Bandpass filter for 2-dimensional complex image data (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format) Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input data file (fcomplex, scomplex, float) data_out: (output) output data file (fcomplex, scomplex, float) width: number of samples/line fc_x: normalized x-coord. (across) filter center frequency (range: -0.5 --> 0.5) bw_x: normalized x-coord. bandwidth (range: 0 --> 1.0) fc_y: normalized y-coord. (down) filter center frequency (range: -0.5 --> 0.5) bw_y: normalized y-coord. bandwidth (range: 0 --> 1.0) roff: offset to starting range to filter (default: 0) azoff: offset to starting azimuth to filter (default: 0) nr: number of range pixels to filter (default - : width - roff) naz: number of azimuth lines to filter (default - : nlines - azoff) data_type: data type (default 0:fcomplex, 1:scomplex, 2:float) f_mode: fill mode (default 0:force filtered value to 0.0 for input value 0.0, 1:no forcing) beta: Kaiser window beta parameter (default - : 1.000) fir_len: finite impulse reponse filter length (default - : 128) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/bpf', data_in, data_out, width, fc_x, bw_x, fc_y, bw_y, roff, azoff, nr, naz, data_type, f_mode, beta, fir_len], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def bridge(int, flag, unw, bridge, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrap new regions with bridges to regions already unwrapped | Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 clw 4-Nov-2010 Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) unwrapping flag file unw: (input/output) unwrapped phase (float) bridge: (input) bridge data file (text format) width: number of samples/row xmin: starting range pixel offset to unwrap (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset to unwrap (default=width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset to unwrap, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset to unwrap, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/bridge', int, flag, unw, bridge, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def cc_wave(interf, pwr1, pwr2, corr, width, bx, by, wflg, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, logpath=None): """ | Estimate interferometric coherence | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.8 27-Jan-2015 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) normalized complex interferogram pwr1: (input) intensity image of the first scene (enter - for none) pwr2: (input) intensity image of the second scene (enter - for none) corr: (output) estimated degree of coherence filename width: number of samples/row bx: coherence window size (columns) (default: 5.0) by: coherence window size (rows) (default: 5.0) wflg: magnitude weighting function: * 0: constant (default) * 1: triangular * 2: gaussian * 3: none (phase only) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) * NOTE: omitting pwr1 and pwr2 or setting wflg = 3 selects a coherence estimate algorithm that only uses the complex interferogram values. In the case of wflg = 3, only the interferogram phase is used. logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/cc_wave', interf, pwr1, pwr2, corr, width, bx, by, wflg, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def clear_flag(flag, width, flag_bits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, logpath=None): """ | Clear phase unwrapping flag bits | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 clw 17-Oct-2005 Parameters ---------- flag: (input)phase unwrapping flag filename width: number of samples/row flag_bits: byte with value of flag(s) to be cleared: Charges = 3 Guides = 4 Low SNR = 8 Visited = 16 BRANCH PT. = 32 Cuts = 64 Lawn = 128 xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/clear_flag', flag, width, flag_bits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def corr_flag(corr, flag, width, corr_thr, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', border='-', logpath=None): """ | Low correlation region detection for phase unwrapping | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.4 1-Mar-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- corr: (input)interferometric correlation file flag: (input/output) phase unwrapping flag filename width: number of samples/row corr_thr: corrrelation threshold (0 --> 1.0) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) border: effective range of low coherence pixels to set low coherence flag (default=2) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/corr_flag', corr, flag, width, corr_thr, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, border], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def create_offset(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, algorithm='-', rlks='-', azlks='-', iflg='-', logpath=None): """ | Create and update ISP offset and interferogram parameter files | Copyright 2015 Gamma Remote Sensing v5.3 clw/uw 10-Nov-2015 Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1/MLI-1 ISP image parameter filename (reference) SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2/MLI-2 ISP image parameter filename OFF_par: (input/output) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file algorithm: offset estimation algorithm * 1: intensity cross-correlation (default) * 2: fringe visibility rlks: number of interferogram range looks (enter - for default: 1) azlks: number of interferogram azimuth looks (enter - for default: 1) iflg: interactive mode flag (enter - for default) * 0: non-interactive * 1: interactive (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/create_offset', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, algorithm, rlks, azlks, iflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def dcomp_sirc(infile, outfile, samples, loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract SIR-C SLC compressed single-pol data | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Oct-2009 clw Parameters ---------- infile: (input) SIR-C single-pol SLC compressed data outfile: (output) complex floating point data samples: number of polarimetric samples per input line (4 bytes/sample) loff: offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/dcomp_sirc', infile, outfile, samples, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def dcomp_sirc_quad(infile, outfile, samples, parameter, loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract SIR-C MLC or SLC compressed quad-pol data | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Oct-2009 uw/clw Parameters ---------- infile: (input) SIR-C SLC or MLC quad-pol compressed data outfile: (output) complex floating point data samples: number of polarimetric samples per input line (10 bytes/sample) parameter: polarimetric parameter to extract from SLC or MLC product: * 0: SLC total power * 1: SLC-HH * 2: SLC-HV * 3: SLC-VH * 4: SLC-VV * 5: MLC total power * 6: MLC-HVHV\* * 7: MLC-VVVV\* * 8: MLC-HHHH\* * 9: MLC-HHHV\* * 10: MLC-HHVV\* * 11: MLC-HVVV\* loff: offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/dcomp_sirc_quad', infile, outfile, samples, parameter, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def DELFT_vec2(SLC_par, DELFT_dir, nstate='-', interval='-', ODR='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract and interpolate DELFT ERS-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT state vectors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 clw 24-Oct-2012 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file DELFT_dir: directory containing Delft orbit arclist and ODR files for ERS-1, ERS-2 or ENVISAT * NOTE: enter . for current directory nstate: number of state vectors to generate (enter - for default (>= 15) interval: time interval between state vectors in the ISP image parameter file (s) (default: 10.0) ODR: ODR file to use (include path) rather than ODR file determined from the Delft orbit arclist logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/DELFT_vec2', SLC_par, DELFT_dir, nstate, interval, ODR], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def DORIS_vec(SLC_PAR, DOR, nstate='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract ENVISAT DORIS state vectors and write to an ISP image parameter file | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 11-Jun-2008 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_PAR: (input/output)ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file DOR: (input) ASAR DORIS data file (DOR_VOR_AXVF) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 11) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/DORIS_vec', SLC_PAR, DOR, nstate], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def fspf(data_in, data_out, width, dtype='-', r_max='-', spf_type='-', MLI_par='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/fspf.c | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 28-May-2014 of/clw/uw | Fast spatial filter for 2D data Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input image data data_out: (output) spatially filtered image data width: number of samples/row dtype: data type (enter - for default): * 0: FCOMPLEXn 1: SCOMPLEX * 2: FLOAT (default) r_max: maximum filter radius (range samples) (enter - for default: 64) spf_type: spatial filter type (enter - for default): * 0: uniform average (default for fcomplex and scomplex) * 1: triangular weighted average: 1 - (r/r_max) * 2: quadratic weighted average: 1 - (r/r_max)\*\*2 * 3: Gaussian weighted average: exp(-2.\*(r\*\*2/r_max\*\*2)) * 4: linear least-squares (default for float data) MLI_par: MLI or SLC parameter file with the same number of looks as the input image, required for GPRI data logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/fspf', data_in, data_out, width, dtype, r_max, spf_type, MLI_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def gcp_phase(unw, OFF_par, gcp, gcp_ph, win_sz='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract unwrapped phase at GCP locations | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 8-Mar-2006 clw Parameters ---------- unw: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file gcp: (input) ground control point data (text format) gcp_ph: (output) ground control point data + extracted unwrapped phase (text) win_sz: window size for averaging phase for each gcp, must be odd (default: 1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/gcp_phase', unw, OFF_par, gcp, gcp_ph, win_sz], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def grasses(int, flag, unw, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', xinit='-', yinit='-', init_ph='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrapping by region growing | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.2 1-Mar-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram filename flag: (input) unwrapping flag filename unw: (output) unwrapped phase filename width: number of samples/row xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default=width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) xinit: starting range pixel for unwrapping (default = width/2) yinit: starting row to unwrap (default = height/2) init_ph: flag to set phase at starting point to 0.0 (default 0: not set to 0.0, 1: set to 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/grasses', int, flag, unw, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xinit, yinit, init_ph], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def hgt_map(unw, SLC_par, OFF_par, baseline, hgt, gr, ph_flag='-', loff='-', nlines='-', SLC2R_par='-', logpath=None): """ | Interferometric height/ground range estimation vs. slant range | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 clw/uw 9-Sep-2005 Parameters ---------- unw: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file for the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram processing parameters baseline: (input) baseline parameter file hgt: (output) height file (in slant range geometry) relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid gr: (output) cross-track ground ranges on the WGS-84 ellipsoid (in slant range geometry) ph_flag: restore phase slope flag (0:no phase change default=1:add back phase ramp) loff: offset to starting line (default = 0) nlines: number of lines to calculate (enter - for default: to end of file) SLC2R_par: (input) parameter file of resampled SLC, required if SLC-2 frequency differs from SLC-1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/hgt_map', unw, SLC_par, OFF_par, baseline, hgt, gr, ph_flag, loff, nlines, SLC2R_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def image_stat(image, width, roff, loff, nr, nl, report, logpath=None): """ | Calculate mean, standard deviation and number of non-zero values for a rectangular image region (float format) | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 3-Nov-2016 Parameters ---------- image: (input) image data file (float) width: image line width (samples/line) roff: sample offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) loff: line offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) nr: region width (samples, enter - for default: width - roff) nl: number of lines in the region (enter - for default: image_lines - loff) report: output text file (keyword:value format) keywords: file, mean, stdev, total_samples, non_zero_samples, fraction_valid) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/image_stat', image, width, roff, loff, nr, nl, report], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def init_offset(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rlks='-', azlks='-', rpos='-', azpos='-', offr='-', offaz='-', thres='-', rwin='-', azwin='-', cflag='-', logpath=None): """ | Determine initial offset between SLC images using correlation of image intensity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.1 clw 12-Apr-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC-2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file rlks: number of range looks (default: 1) azlks: number of azimuth looks (default: 1) rpos: center of patch in range (samples) (enter - for default: image center) azpos: center of patch in azimuth (lines) (enter - for default: image center) offr: initial range offset (samples) (enter - for default: 0) offaz: initial azimuth offset (lines) (enter - for default: 0) thres: cross-correlation threshold (enter - for default: 0.150) rwin: range window size (default: 512) azwin: azimuth window size (default: 512) cflag: copy offsets to the range and azimuth offset polynomials in the OFF_par * 0: do not copy * 1: copy constant range and azimuth offset (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/init_offset', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rlks, azlks, rpos, azpos, offr, offaz, thres, rwin, azwin, cflag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def init_offset_orbit(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rpos='-', azpos='-', cflag='-', logpath=None): """ | Initial SLC image offset estimation from orbit state-vectors and image parameters | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 21-Apr-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 parameter file OFF_par: (input/output) ISP/offset parameter file rpos: range position for offset estimation (enter - for default: center of SLC-1) azpos: azimuth position for offset estimation (enter - for default: center of SLC-1) cflag: copy offsets to the range and azimuth offset polynomials in the OFF_par * 0: do not copy * 1: copy constant range and azimuth offset (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/init_offset_orbit', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rpos, azpos, cflag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def interp_ad(data_in, data_out, width, r_max='-', np_min='-', np_max='-', w_mode='-', type='-', cp_data='-', logpath=None): """ | Weighted interpolation of gaps in 2D data using an adaptive smoothing window | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.1 23-Nov-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) data with gaps data_out: (output) data with gaps filled by interpolation width: number of samples/row r_max: maximum interpolation window radius (default(-): 16) np_min: minimum number of points used for the interpolation (default(-): 16) np_max: maximum number of points used for the interpolation (default(-): 16) w_mode: data weighting mode (enter - for default): * 0: constant * 1: 1 - (r/r_max) * 2: 1 - (r/r_max)\*\*2 (default) * 3: exp(-2.\*(r\*\*2/r_max\*\*2)) type: input and output data type: * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX * 2: FLOAT (default) * 3: INT * 4: SHORT cp_data: copy data flag: * 0: do not copy input data values to output * 1: copy input data values to output (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/interp_ad', data_in, data_out, width, r_max, np_min, np_max, w_mode, type, cp_data], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def mask_data(data_in, width, data_out, mask, format_flag='-', logpath=None): """ | Mask float or fcomplex data using an 8-bit SUN/BMP/TIFF format raster image | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 3-Dec-2015 clw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) data file (FLOAT or FCOMPLEX format) width: width of input data file data_out: (output) data file, same data format as input mask: (input) mask file, SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format, 8-bits/pixel output data values are set to 0.0 at all locations where the mask is black (0,0,0) or dn = 0 * NOTE: mask file must have the same width as the input data file format_flag: data format: * 0: FLOAT (default) * 1: FCOMPLEX logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/mask_data', data_in, width, data_out, mask, format_flag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def mcf(interf, wgt, mask, unw, width, tri_mode='-', roff='-', loff='-', nr='-', nlines='-', npat_r='-', npat_az='-', ovrlap='-', r_init='-', az_init='-', init_flag='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrapping using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) and triangulation | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 clw/uw 30-Nov-2016 Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (\*.int,\*.flt)(fcomplex) wgt: (input) weight factors (0 -> 1.0) file (float)(enter - for uniform weight) mask: (input) validity mask (SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format, value 0 -> pixel not used)(enter - if no mask) unw: (output) unwrapped phase image (\*.unw)(float) width: number of samples/row tri_mode: triangulation mode * 0: filled triangular mesh (default) * 1: Delaunay triangulation roff: offset to starting range of section to unwrap (default: 0) loff: offset to starting line of section to unwrap (default: 0) nr: number of range samples of section to unwrap (default(-): width - roff) nlines: number of lines of section to unwrap (default(-): total number of lines - loff) npat_r: number of patches in range npat_az: number of patches in azimuth ovrlap: overlap between patches in pixels (overlap >= 7, default(-): 512) r_init: phase reference point range offset (default(-): roff) az_init: phase reference point azimuth offset (default(-): loff) init_flag: flag to set phase at reference point * 0: use initial point phase value (default) * 1: set phase to 0.0 at initial point logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/mcf', interf, wgt, mask, unw, width, tri_mode, roff, loff, nr, nlines, npat_r, npat_az, ovrlap, r_init, az_init, init_flag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def MLI_cat(MLI_1, MLI_2, MLI1_par, MLI2_par, MLI_3, MLI3_par, logpath=None): """ | Concatenate two MLI images using bicubic spline interpolation | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 23-Jul-2015 awi Parameters ---------- MLI-1: (input) MLI-1 image (single-look) MLI-2: (input) MLI-2 image to be appended to MLI-1 MLI1_par: (input) MLI-1 ISP image parameter file MLI2_par: (input) MLI-2 ISP image parameter file MLI-3: (output) concatenated MLI image MLI3_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for concatenated image logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/MLI_cat', MLI_1, MLI_2, MLI1_par, MLI2_par, MLI_3, MLI3_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def MLI_copy(MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', logpath=None): """ | Copy MLI data file with options for segment extraction | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 10-Jan-2013 uw/clw Parameters ---------- MLI_in: (input) multi-look intensity image (float format) MLI_in_par: (input) ISP image parameter file for input MLI MLI_out: (output) selected MLI section (float format) MLI_out_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for output MLI roff: offset to starting range sample (enter - for default: 0) nr: number of range samples (enter - for default: to end of line loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0) nl: number of lines to copy (enter - for default: to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/MLI_copy', MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, roff, nr, loff, nl], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def mosaic_WB(data_tab, dtype, data_out, data_par_out, sc_flg='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP: Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/mosaic_WB.c | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 6-Apr-2011 clw | Mosaic Wide-Beam ScanSAR data processed by the MSP Parameters ---------- data_tab: (input) 2 column list of data and ISP image parameter files for the beams in the mosaic (text) dtype: (input) input data type: * 0: FLOAT * 1: FCOMPLEX data_out: (output) output image mosaic data_par_out: (output) ISP image parameter file for output image mosaic sc_flg: intensity scaling flag: * 0: do not scale different beam data values * 1: use overlap regions to scale beam intensities (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/mosaic_WB', data_tab, dtype, data_out, data_par_out, sc_flg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def multi_cpx(data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks='-', azlks='-', loff='-', nlines='-', roff='-', nsamp='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate multi-look averaged or interpolated 2D image (fcomplex data) | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 28-Mar-2013 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input fcomplex image file OFF_par_in: (input) offset parameter file for input image data_out: (output) output multi-look or interpolated fcomplex data file OFF_par_out: (input/output) offset parameter file for output, if already exists, then used as input rlks: number of range looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) azlks: number azimuth looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) loff: line offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines (default: 0, to end of file) roff: offset to starting range sample (default:0) nsamp: number of range samples to extract (default: 0, to end of line) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/multi_cpx', data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, roff, nsamp], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def multi_look(SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, loff='-', nlines='-', scale='-', exp='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate a multi-look intensity (MLI) image from an SLC image | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.1 18-Nov-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) single-look complex image SLC_par: (input) SLC ISP image parameter file MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI ISP image parameter file rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks loff: offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of SLC lines to process (enter - for default: entire file) scale: scale factor for output MLI (default: 1.0) exp: exponent for the output MLI (default: 1.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/multi_look', SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, scale, exp], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def multi_real(data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks='-', azlks='-', loff='-', nlines='-', roff='-', nsamp='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate multi-look averaged or interpolated 2D image (float data) | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 16-Jul-2013 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input float image file OFF_par_in: (input) interferogram/offset parameter file for input image data_out: (output) output multi-look or interpolated float data file OFF_par_out: (input/output) interferogram/offset parameter file for output, if already existing, used as input rlks: number of range looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) azlks: number azimuth looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) loff: line offset to starting line (default:0) nlines: number of lines (default:0, to end of file) roff: offset to starting range sample (default:0) nsamp: number of range samples to extract (default:0, to end of line) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/multi_real', data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, roff, nsamp], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def multi_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, wflg='-', SLCR_tab='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate MLI mosaic from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC burst data (FCOMPLEX and SCOMPLEX) | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing v3.3 23-Aug-2016 awi/clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, Sentinel-1 TOPS_par, rows sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI image parameter file rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks wflg: burst window calculation flag: * 0: use existing burst window parameters if they exist, otherwise calculate burst window parameters (default) * 1: calculate burst window parameters from burst parameters and the number of range and azimuth looks SLCR_tab: (input) SLC_tab of the reference scene, 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 * NOTE: When generating an MLI mosaic of a resampled SLC, the SLC_tab of the reference scene is required logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/multi_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, wflg, SLCR_tab], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def multi_SLC_WSS(SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, logpath=None): """ | Calculate multi-look intensity image (MLI) from a ASAR Wide-Swath SLC | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.2 08-Jan-2008 clw/awi Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) ASAR Wide-Swath SLC image SLC_par: (input) ASAR Wide-Swath SLC image parameter file MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI image parameter file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/multi_SLC_WSS', SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def neutron(intensity, flag, width, n_thres, ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate phase unwrapping neutrons using image intensity | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- intensity: (input) image intensity flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row n_thres: neutron threshold, multiples of the average intensity (default=6.0) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/neutron', intensity, flag, width, n_thres, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_add(OFF_par1, OFF_par2, OFF_par3, logpath=None): """ | Add range and azimuth offset polynomial coefficients | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 12-Feb-2008 clw Parameters ---------- OFF_par1: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file OFF_par2: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file OFF_par3: (output) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file with sums of the range and azimuth offset polynomials in OFF_par1 and OFF_par2 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_add', OFF_par1, OFF_par2, OFF_par3], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_pwr(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', nr='-', naz='-', thres='-', c_ovr='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None): """ | Offset tracking between SLC images using intensity cross-correlation | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 clw 22-Oct-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8), enter - for default: 2) nr: number of offset estimates in range direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) naz: number of offset estimates in azimuth direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) thres: cross-correlation threshold (enter - for default from offset parameter file) c_ovr: correlation function oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8,16) default: 4) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary * 1: print all offset data pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_pwr', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, nr, naz, thres, c_ovr, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_pwr_tracking(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', c_ovr='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None): """ | Offset tracking between SLC images using intensity cross-correlation | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 clw 22-Oct-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8), enter - for default: 2) thres: cross-correlation threshold (0--> 1.)(enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rwin/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azwin/2) rstart: offset to starting range pixel (enter - for default: 0) rstop: offset to ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr-1) azstart: offset to starting azimuth line (enter - for default: 0) azstop: offset to ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines-1) c_ovr: correlation function oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8,16) default: 4) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary * 1: print all offset data) pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_pwr_tracking', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, c_ovr, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_pwr_tracking2(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, OFF_par2='-', offs2='-', rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', c_ovr='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None): """ | Intensity cross-correlation offset tracking with the initial offset for each patch determined from input offset map | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 clw 22-Oct-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) OFF_par2: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file of the offset map to determine initial offsets (enter - for none) offs2: (input) input range and azimuth offset map to determine initial offsets (enter - for none) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, (enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8), enter - for default: 2) thres: cross-correlation threshold (0--> 1.)(enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rwin/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azwin/2) rstart: offset to starting range pixel (enter - for default: 0) rstop: offset to ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr-1) azstart: offset to starting azimuth line (enter - for default: 0) azstop: offset to ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines-1) c_ovr: correlation function oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4,8,16) default: 4) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary * 1: print all offset data pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_pwr_tracking2', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, OFF_par2, offs2, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, c_ovr, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_SLC(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', nr='-', naz='-', thres='-', ISZ='-', pflag='-', logpath=None): """ | Offsets between SLC images using fringe visibility | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 clw 4-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC-2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates (fcomplex) snr: (output) offset estimation snr (float) rwin: search window size (range pixels, (enter - for default from offset parameter file)) azwin: search window size (azimuth lines, (enter - for default from offset parameter file)) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and snr data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4) default = 2) nr: number of offset estimates in range direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) naz: number of offset estimates in azimuth direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) thres: offset estimation quality threshold (enter - for default from offset parameter file) ISZ: search chip interferogram size (in non-oversampled pixels, default=16) pflag: print flag (0:print offset summary default=1:print all offset data) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_SLC', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, nr, naz, thres, ISZ, pflag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_SLC_tracking(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rsw='-', azsw='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', ISZ='-', pflag='-', logpath=None): """ | Offset tracking between SLC images using fringe visibility | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.6 clw 4-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC-2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates (fcomplex) snr: (output) offset estimation snr (float) rsw: range search window size (range pixels) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) azsw: azimuth search window size (azimuth lines) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and snr data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC over-sampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4) default: 2) thres: offset estimation quality threshold (enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rsw/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azsw/2) rstart: starting range pixel (enter - for default: rsw/2) rstop: ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr - rsw/2) azstart: starting azimuth line (enter - for default: azsw/2) azstop: ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines - azsw/2) ISZ: search chip interferogram size (in non-oversampled pixels, default: 16) pflag: print flag: * 0: print offset summary (default) * 1: print all offset data logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_SLC_tracking', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rsw, azsw, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, ISZ, pflag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def offset_tracking(offs, ccp, SLC_par, OFF_par, disp_map, disp_val='-', mode='-', thres='-', poly_flag='-', logpath=None): """ | Conversion of range and azimuth offsets files to displacement map | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 28-Nov-2015 ts/clw/uw Parameters ---------- offs: (input) range and azimuth offset estimates (fcomplex) ccp: (input) cross-correlation of the offset estimates (float) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file of reference SLC OFF_par: (input) offset parameter file used in the offset tracking disp_map: (output) range and azimuth displacement estimates (fcomplex) disp_val: (output) range and azimuth displacement estimates and SNR values (enter - for none) (text) mode: flag indicating displacement mode: * 0: displacement in range and azimuth pixels * 1: displacement in meters in slant range and azimuth directions * 2: displacement in meters in ground range and azimuth directions (default) thres: SNR threshold to accept offset value (default from OFF_par) poly_flag: flag indicating if trend calculated using offset polynomials from OFF_par is subtracted: * 0: do not subtract polynomial trend from offset data * 1: subtract polynomial trend from offset data (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/offset_tracking', offs, ccp, SLC_par, OFF_par, disp_map, disp_val, mode, thres, poly_flag], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ORB_prop_SLC(SLC_par, nstate='-', interval='-', extra='-', mode='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate state vectors using orbit propagation and interpolation | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 11-Jun-2008 clw/awi Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file with at least 1 state vector nstate: number of state vectors to calculate (enter - for default: nstate from image duration + extra) interval: time interval between state vectors (enter - for default: state vector time interval in SLC_par) extra: extra time for state vectors at start and end of image (sec.) (enter - for default: 30.0) mode: orbit propagation mode: * 0: polynomial interpolation (default, if 3 or more state vectors available) * 1: integration of the equations of motion (default, if less than 3 state vectors available) * 2: interpolate between state vectors, minimum of 3 state vectors; interpolation of the equations of motion outside of the time span of the existing state vectors logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ORB_prop_SLC', SLC_par, nstate, interval, extra, mode], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ORRM_vec(SLC_par, ORRM, nstate='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate state vectors extraction from ORRM file | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 15-Nov-2004 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file ORRM: (input) ORRM state vector file nstate: number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=64) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ORRM_vec', SLC_par, ORRM, nstate], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ACS_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the ACS processor | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Oct-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ACS_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ASAR(ASAR_file, output_name, K_dB='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract SLC/MLI image parameters and images from ENVISAT ASAR SLC, WSS, APP, and PRI products | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.7 20-Aug-2014 clw/uw/awi Parameters ---------- ASAR_file: (input)ASAR data file including header and image as provided by ESA output_name: (output)common part of output file names (e.g. orbit number) K_dB: Calibration factor in dB (nominal value for all ASAR modes = 55.0) * NOTE: Use - for the calibration coefficient provided in the header of the ASAR_file * NOTE: In the case that a calibration factor is provided, PRI images are converted to radiometrically calibrated ground-range intensity images in float format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ASAR', ASAR_file, output_name, K_dB], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ASF_91(CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | SLC parameter file for data data from theAlaska SAR Facility (1991-1996) | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 25-Mar-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) ASF CEOS leader file CEOS_trailer: (input) ASF CEOS trailer file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC image parameter file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ASF_91', CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ASF_96(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF data 1996-->present v1.1 | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ASF_96', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ASF_PRI(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF detected ground range images (L1) Sep 1996 --> present | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 3-Apr-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file binary) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (enter - for none, float intensity) * NOTE: The input data converted to intensity using the expression: (dn/1000.)\*\*2 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ASF_PRI', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ASF_RSAT_SS(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF Radarsat-1 SCANSAR images | Copyright 2004, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 27-Aug-2004 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file (Radarsat-1 SCANSAR) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (Radarsat-1 SCANSAR) GRD_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP image (example <orbit>.mli) (enter - for none, short integer) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ASF_RSAT_SS', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ATLSCI_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, CEOS_Image, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ATL-SCI ERS SLC data | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.8 24-Nov-2003 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (LEA_01.001) CEOS_Image: (input) CEOS image data segment (DAT_01.001) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ATLSCI_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, CEOS_Image, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_CS_SLC(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Cosmo-Skymed SCS data | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 21-Aug-2015 awi/ms/cw Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) SCS data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_CS_SLC', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_CS_SLC_TIF(GeoTIFF, XML, trunk, logpath=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Cosmo Skymed SCS data in GeoTIFF format | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 12-Aug-2015 awi/ms/clw Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) SCS data file in GeoTIFF format XML: (input) SCS meta data file in XML format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_CS_SLC_TIF', GeoTIFF, XML, trunk], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_EORC_PALSAR(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC='-', logpath=None): """ | Reformat EORC PALSAR + PALSAR2 level 1.1 CEOS format SLC data and generate the ISP parameter file | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.7 27-Apr-2016 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file for PALSAR or PALSAR-2 Level 1.1 SLC data (LED...) SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.SLC.par) CEOS_data: (input) PALSAR CEOS format Level 1.1 SLC (IMG...) SLC: (output) reformatted PALSAR SLC (example: yyyymmdd.SLC, enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_EORC_PALSAR', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_ESA_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_DAT='-', SLC='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the PGS, VMP, and SPF processors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 12-Jan-2012 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: <date>.SLC.par) CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.SLC) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_ESA_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_DAT, SLC], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_KC_PALSAR_slr(facter_m, CEOS_leader, SLC_par, pol, pls_mode, KC_data, pwr, fdtab='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate ISP parameter file, Doppler table, and images for PALSAR KC Slant-Range data | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9.1 20-Aug-2013 ms,awi,clw Parameters ---------- facter_m: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon parameter file CEOS_leader: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon leader file (LED) SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par) pol: polarization e.g. HH or HV pls_mode: PALSAR acquisition mode: * 1: Fine Beam Single * 2: Fine Beam Double * 3: Wide Beam KC_data: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon data (short, little endian, amplitude) pwr: (output) PALSAR intensity (float, GAMMA Software endianness) fdtab: (output)table of output polynomials, one polynomial/block used as input to gc_map_fd logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_KC_PALSAR_slr', facter_m, CEOS_leader, SLC_par, pol, pls_mode, KC_data, pwr, fdtab], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_KS_DGM(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and PRI image files for Kompsat DGM data | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 5-May-2014 awi Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) DGM data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.pri.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_KS_DGM', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_KS_SLC(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Kompsat SCS data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 11-Feb-2016 awi/clw Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) SCS data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_KS_SLC', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_PRI(CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS PRI data from the PGS and VMP processors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 12-Jan-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file for PRI product PRI_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: <yyyymmdd>.PRI.par) CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) PRI: (output) PRI data with file and line headers removed (example: <yyyymmdd>.PRI) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_PRI', CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI, logpath=None): """ | ISP GRD parameter file for ESRIN processed JERS PRI data | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 16-May-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file for PRI product PRI_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: <yyyymmdd>.PRI.par) CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) PRI: (output) PRI data with file and line headers removed (example: <yyyymmdd>.PRI) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_PulSAR(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the PULSAR SAR processor | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_PulSAR', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RISAT_GRD(CEOS_leader, BAND_META, GRD_par, CEOS_image, GRD='-', line_dir='-', pix_dir='-', cal_flg='-', KdB='-', logpath=None): """ | Read RISAT-1 Ground-Range data from a CEOS data set and perform radiometric calibration | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 24-Feb-2015 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) BAND_META: (input) BAND_META.txt, additional RISAT system parameters for the scene (format keywork=value) GRD_par: (output) ISP GRD parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD.GRD.par) CEOS_image: (input) CEOS Ground-Range image file (example: dat_01.001) GRD: (output) Ground-Range data with file and line headers removed (enter - for none: example: YYYYMMDD.GRD) line_dir: set output image line direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data line direction (default) * -1: reverse input data line direction pix_dir: set output pixel direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data pixel direction (default) * -1: reverse input data pixel direction cal_flg: calibration flag (enter - for default): * 0: do not apply radiometric calibration * 1: apply radiometric calibration including KdB and incidence angle correction (default) KdB: calibration constant (dB) (enter - to use value in the CEOS leader) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RISAT_GRD', CEOS_leader, BAND_META, GRD_par, CEOS_image, GRD, line_dir, pix_dir, cal_flg, KdB], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RISAT_SLC(CEOS_leader, BAND_META, SLC_par, CEOS_image, SLC='-', line_dir='-', pix_dir='-', cal_flg='-', KdB='-', logpath=None): """ | Read RISAT-1 CEOS format SLC data and perform radiometric calibration | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 3-Jun-2013 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) BAND_META: (input) BAND_META.txt, additional RISAT system parameters for the scene (format keywork=value) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC image parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD.grd.par) CEOS_image: (input) CEOS SLC image file (example: dat_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (enter - for none: example: YYYYMMDD.grd) line_dir: set output image line direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data line direction (default) * -1: reverse input data line direction pix_dir: set output pixel direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data pixel direction (default) * -1: reverse input data pixel direction cal_flg: calibration flag (enter - for default): * 0: do not apply radiometric calibration * 1: apply radiometric calibration including KdB and incidence angle correction (default) KdB: calibration constant (dB) (enter - to use value in the CEOS leader) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RISAT_SLC', CEOS_leader, BAND_META, SLC_par, CEOS_image, SLC, line_dir, pix_dir, cal_flg, KdB], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSAT2_SG(product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and ground range image files for Radarsat 2 SGF/SGX data | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 13-Aug-2015 awi/cw Parameters ---------- product_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file (product.xml) lut_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery_PP.tif) polarization: (input) image polarization: HH, VV, HV, VH GRD_par: (output) ISP GRD parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_PP.GRD.par) GRD: (output) float GRD data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.GRD) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSAT2_SG', product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSAT2_SLC(product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, SLC_par, SLC, logpath=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and image files for Radarsat 2 SLC data from GeoTIFF | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 13-Aug-2015 awi/clw Parameters ---------- product_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file (product.xml) lut_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery_PP.tif) polarization: (input) image polarization: HH, VV, HV, VH SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.SLC.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.SLC) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSAT2_SLC', product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, SLC_par, SLC], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SCW(CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for SCANSAR Wide Swath Data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 14-Feb-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file CEOS_trailer: (input) CEOS SAR trailer file CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file binary) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (example <orbit>.mli) (enter - for none, float) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 0.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SCW', CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SGF(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI/Atlantis Radarsat SGF (ground range) and SCANSAR SCW16 data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 14-Feb-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file (RSI SGF or SCW16 products, LEA_01.001) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (RSI SGF or SCW16 products, DAT_01.001) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (example <orbit>.GRD.par) (enter - for none, float) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 0.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SGF', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SLC(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC='-', sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI/Atlantis/ASF processed Radarsat SLC data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.0 5-Sep-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: <date>.SLC.par) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (example: dat_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.SLC) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 60.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SLC', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_RSI_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI processed ERS SLC data | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_RSI_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_S1_GRD(GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, MLI_par, MLI, GRD_par='-', GRD='-', eflg='-', rps='-', noise_pwr='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate MLI and GRD images and parameter files from a Sentinel-1 GRD product | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.8 17-Aug-2016 awi/clw/ts Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (\*.tiff) annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file calibration_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 radiometric calibration XML file (enter - for no radiometric calibration) noise_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 noise XML file (enter - to not add back thermal noise) * NOTE: The L1 GRD product has thermal noise subtracted, enter noise_XML to add back thermal noise MLI_par: (output) MLI parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.MLI.par) MLI: (output) MLI data file in slant range geometry (example: yyyymmdd_pp.MLI) GRD_par: (output) GRD parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.GRD.par, enter - for none) GRD: (output) GRD data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.GRD, enter - for none) eflg: GR-SR grid extrapolation flag: * 0: no extrapolation of the GR-SR grid beyond the grid boundaries * 1: permit extrapolation of the GR-SR grid to cover the entire image (default) * NOTE: extrapolation of the GR-SR grid may introduce geocoding errors rps: slant range pixel spacing (m) (enter - for default: calculated from ground-range parameters) noise_pwr: noise intensity for each MLI sample in slant range using data from noise_XML * NOTE: when the noise_pwr file is specified, noise power correction will NOT be applied to the MLI data values logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_S1_GRD', GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, MLI_par, MLI, GRD_par, GRD, eflg, rps, noise_pwr], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_S1_SLC(GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par='-', dtype='-', sc_dB='-', noise_pwr='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and image files for Sentinel-1 SLC data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 17-Aug-2016 awi/clw Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (\*.tiff) annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file calibration_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 radiometric calibration XML file (enter - for no radiometric calibration) noise_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 noise XML file (enter - to not subtract thermal noise power level) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.SLC.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file (example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.SLC) TOPS_par: (output) SLC burst annotation file, TOPS and EW SLC data only (enter - for none, example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.TOPS_par) dtype: output data type: * 0: FCOMPLEX (default) * 1: SCOMPLEX sc_dB: scale factor for FCOMPLEX -> SCOMPLEX, (enter - for default: HH,VV (dB): 60.0000, VH,HV: 70.0000) noise_pwr: noise intensity for each SLC sample in slant range using data from noise_XML * NOTE: when the noise_pwr file is specified, noise power will NOT be subtracted from the image data values logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_S1_SLC', GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par, dtype, sc_dB, noise_pwr], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def par_TX_SLC(annotation_XML, COSAR, SLC_par, SLC, pol='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter file and SLC image from a Terrasar-X SSC data set | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 26-May-2016 awi/clw Parameters ---------- annotation_XML: (input) TerraSAR-X product annotation XML file COSAR: (input) COSAR SSC strip-mode SLC data file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.SLC.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file, example: yyyymmdd.SLC (enter - for none, SLC output will not be produced) pol: polarisation HH, HV, VH, VV (default: first polarisation found in the annotation_XML) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/par_TX_SLC', annotation_XML, COSAR, SLC_par, SLC, pol], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ph_slope_base(int_in, SLC_par, OFF_par, base, int_out, int_type='-', inverse='-', logpath=None): """ | Subtract/add interferogram flat-Earth phase trend as estimated from initial baseline | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 3-Nov-2006 clw Parameters ---------- int_in: (input) interferogram (FCOMPLEX) or unwrapped phase (FLOAT) (unflattened) SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file for the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file base: (input) baseline file int_out: (output) interferogram (FCOMPLEX) or unwrapped phase (FLOAT) with phase trend subtracted/added int_type: interferogram type: 0=unwrapped phase, 1=complex interf. (default=1) inverse: subtract/add inversion flag (0=subtract phase ramp, 1=add phase ramp (default=0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ph_slope_base', int_in, SLC_par, OFF_par, base, int_out, int_type, inverse], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def phase_slope(interf, slopes, width, win_sz='-', thres='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate interferogram phase slopes in range and azimuth | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 19-Apr-2011 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) slopes: (output) range and azimuth phase slopes (fcomplex) width: number of samples/row win_sz: size of region used for slopes determination (default = 5) thres: correlation threshold for accepting slope estimates 0.0 -> 1.0 (default=.4) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/phase_slope', interf, slopes, width, win_sz, thres, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def PRC_vec(SLC_par, PRC, nstate='-', logpath=None): """ | State vectors from ERS PRC orbit data for ISP processing clw/uw | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 clw 11-Jun-2008 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file PRC: (input) PRC state vector file nstate: number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=64) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/PRC_vec', SLC_par, PRC, nstate], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ptarg_cal_MLI(MLI_par, MLI, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', psz='-', csz='-', theta_inc='-', logpath=None): """ | Point target analysis and radiometric calibration of slant-range and ground-range (GRD) images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- MLI_par: (input) slant-range or ground-range image parameter file for detected intensity data MLI: (input) ground-range or slant range detected image in FLOAT format r_samp: point target range sample number, target region size is 16x16 az_samp: point target azimuth line number, target region size is 16x16 psigma: radar cross-section of the calibration target in m\*\*2 c_r_samp: clutter region center range sample number, clutter region size is 16x16 c_az_samp: clutter region center azimuth line number, clutter region size is 16x16 ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image, with and without phase gradient, nominal width: 256 r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) pcal: (output) measured point target parameters and radiometric calibration factor (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format psz: point target region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) csz: clutter region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) theta_inc: incidence angle required for calibration of terrain corrrected RISAT-1 images logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ptarg_cal_MLI', MLI_par, MLI, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf, win, pltflg, psz, csz, theta_inc], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ptarg_cal_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', psz='-', csz='-', c_image='-', logpath=None): """ | Point target analysis and radiometric calibration of SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.4 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) SLC image in FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format r_samp: point target range sample number, target region size is 16x16 az_samp: point target azimuth line number, target region size is 16x16 psigma: radar cross-section of the calibration target in m\*\*2 c_r_samp: clutter region center range sample number, clutter region size is 16x16 c_az_samp: clutter region center azimuth line number, clutter region size is 16x16 ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image, with and without phase gradient, nominal width: 256 r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) pcal: (output) measured point target parameters and radiometric calibration factor (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format psz: point target region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) csz: clutter region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) c_image: (output) clutter region image (FCOMPLEX format) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ptarg_cal_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf, win, pltflg, psz, csz, c_image], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def ptarg_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, ptr_par='-', osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', logpath=None): """ | Point target response analysis and interpolation for SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) SLC image in FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format r_samp: point target range sample number az_samp: point target azimuth line number ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image (fcomplex, 1024x1024 samples), with and without phase gradient r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) ptr_par: (output) measured point target parameters (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/ptarg_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, ptr_par, osf, win, pltflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def radcal_MLI(MLI, MLI_PAR, OFF_par, CMLI, antenna='-', rloss_flag='-', ant_flag='-', refarea_flag='-', sc_dB='-', K_dB='-', pix_area='-', logpath=None): """ | Radiometric calibration for multi-look intensity (MLI) data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 9-Nov-2016 uw/clw/of Parameters ---------- MLI: (input) MLI image (float) MLI_PAR: (input) SLC parameter file of input MLI image OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file (enter - for images in MLI geometry) CMLI: (output) radiometrically calibrated output MLI (float) antenna: (input) 1-way antenna gain pattern file or - if not provided rloss_flag: range spreading loss correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply r^3 correction (all modes except ASAR APS) * 2: apply r^4 correction (used only for ASAR APS mode) * -1: undo r^3 correction * -2: undo r^4 correction) ant_flag: antenna pattern correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply antenna pattern correction * -1: undo antenna pattern correction) refarea_flag: reference pixel area correction: * 0: no pixel area correction (default) * 1: calculate sigma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/sin(ref_inc_ang) * 2: calculate gamma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/(cos(inc_ang)\*sin(ref_inc_ang) * -1: undo sigma0 area scaling factor * -2: undo gamma0 area scaling factor sc_dB: scale factor in dB (default: 0.0) K_dB: calibration factor in dB (default: -(value from MLI_PAR)) pix_area: (output) ellipsoid-based ground range sigma0 or gamma0 pixel reference area (float) refarea_flag 1 or -1: sigma0 ref. area refarea_flag 2 or -2: gamma0 ref. area logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/radcal_MLI', MLI, MLI_PAR, OFF_par, CMLI, antenna, rloss_flag, ant_flag, refarea_flag, sc_dB, K_dB, pix_area], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def radcal_PRI(PRI, PRI_PAR, GRD, GRD_PAR, K_dB='-', inc_ref='-', roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', logpath=None): """ | Convert ESA processed short integer format PRI to radiometrically calibrated GRD image (float) | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 5-Mar-2016 uw/clw Parameters ---------- PRI: (input) PRI ground-range image (short integer, sqrt(backscat. intensity) PRI_PAR: (input) SLC parameter file of input PRI ground-range image (yyyymmdd.PRI.par) GRD: (output) calibrated ground-range image (float, backscat. intensity) GRD_PAR: (output) ISP image parameter file of output calibrated ground-range image (yyyymmdd.GRD.par) K_dB: calibration factor in decibels (default: 59.75 dB) ERS1 (D-Paf,ESRIN): 58.24 dB, ERS2 (D-Paf,ESRIN,I-Paf,UK-Paf after 1997): 59.75 dB ENVISAT ASAR: 55.0 dB (all modes) for details see product specifications and ESA publications. inc_ref: reference incidence angle in deg. (default: 23.0 deg.) ENVISAT ASAR: 90.0 deg. (all modes) roff: offset to starting range sample (default: 0) nr: number of range samples (default: 0, to end of line) loff: offset to starting line (default: 0, 1 header line in the input file is assumed for ERS) nl: number of lines to copy (default: 0, to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/radcal_PRI', PRI, PRI_PAR, GRD, GRD_PAR, K_dB, inc_ref, roff, nr, loff, nl], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def radcal_pwr_stat(SLC_tab, SLC_tab_cal, plist, MSR_cal, PWR_cal, roff='-', loff='-', nr='-', nl='-', plist_out='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate calibrated SLC image files using point targets determined from the Mean/Sigma Ratio and Intensity | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 11-May-2012 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) two column list of the SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames of the uncalibrated SLC images SLC_tab_cal: (input) two column list of the SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames of the calibrated SLC images (enter - for none) plist: (input) point list for the point to use for calibraton (int, enter - to use the data to determine the calibration points) MSR_cal: mean/sigma ratio for point target selection for relative calibration between scenes: 1.500 PWR_cal: intensity threshold ratio for point target selection for relative calibration between scenes: 1.000 roff: offset to starting range of section to analyze (default -: 0) loff: offset to starting line of section to analyze (default -: 0) nr: number of range pixels to analyze (default -: to end of line) nl: number of azimuth lines to analyze (default -: to end of file) plist_out: point list of points used to determine calibration using MSR_cal and PWR_cal thresholds logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/radcal_pwr_stat', SLC_tab, SLC_tab_cal, plist, MSR_cal, PWR_cal, roff, loff, nr, nl, plist_out], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def radcal_SLC(SLC, SLC_PAR, CSLC, CSLC_PAR, fcase='-', antenna='-', rloss_flag='-', ant_flag='-', refarea_flag='-', sc_dB='-', K_dB='-', pix_area='-', logpath=None): """ | Radiometric calibration of SLC data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 9-Nov-2016 uw/clw/of Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_PAR: (input) SLC parameter file of input SLC CSLC: (output) radiometrically calibrated SLC (fcomplex or scomplex) CSLC_PAR: (output) SLC parameter file of output calibrated SLC fcase: format case (default = 1) * 1: fcomplex --> fcomplex (pairs of float) * 2: fcomplex --> scomplex (pairs of short integer) * 3: scomplex --> fcomplex * 4: scomplex --> scomplex antenna: 1-way antenna gain pattern file or - (if not provided) rloss_flag: range spreading loss correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply r^3 correction (all modes except ASAR APS) * 2: apply r^4 correction (used only for ASAR APS mode) * -1: undo r^3 correction * -2: undo r^4 correction) ant_flag: antenna pattern correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply antenna pattern correction * -1: undo antenna pattern correction) refarea_flag: reference pixel area correction: * 0: no pixel area correction (default) * 1: calculate sigma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/sin(ref_inc_ang) * 2: calculate gamma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/(cos(inc_ang)\*sin(ref_inc_ang) * -1: undo sigma0 area scaling factor * -2: undo gamma0 area scaling factor sc_dB: scale factor in dB (default: 0.0) K_dB: calibration factor in dB (default: -(value from SLC_PAR) ) pix_area: (output) ellipsoid-based ground range sigma0 or gamma0 pixel reference area (float) refarea_flag 1 or -1: sigma0 ref. area refarea_flag 2 or -2: gamma0 ref. area logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/radcal_SLC', SLC, SLC_PAR, CSLC, CSLC_PAR, fcase, antenna, rloss_flag, ant_flag, refarea_flag, sc_dB, K_dB, pix_area], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def rascc_mask(cc, pwr, width, start_cc='-', start_pwr='-', nlines='-', pixavr='-', pixavaz='-', cc_thres='-', pwr_thres='-', cc_min='-', cc_max='-', scale='-', exp='-', LR='-', rasf='-', logpath=None): """ | Generate phase unwrapping validity mask using correlation and intensity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 12-Sep-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- cc: (input)interferometric correlation image (float) pwr: (input)intensity image (float, enter - if not available) width: number of samples/row start_cc: starting line of coherence image (default: 1) start_pwr: starting line of intensity image (default: 1) nlines: number of lines to display (default=0: to end of file) pixavr: number of pixels to average in range (default: 1) pixavaz: number of pixels to average in azimuth (default: 1) cc_thres: coherence threshold for masking, pixels with cc < cc_thres are set to 0 (default: 0.0) pwr_thres: relative intensity threshold for masking, pixels with intensity < pwr_thres \* average intensity are set to 0 (default: 0) cc_min: minimum coherence value used for color display (default: 0.1) cc_max: maximum coherence value used for color display (default: 0.9) scale: intensity display scale factor (default: 1.) exp: intensity display exponent (default: .35) LR: left/right mirror image flag, (1: normal (default), -1: mirror image) rasf: (output) image filename, extension determines the format, enter - for default: \*.ras \*.bmp BMP format \*.ras Sun raster format \*.tif TIFF format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/rascc_mask', cc, pwr, width, start_cc, start_pwr, nlines, pixavr, pixavaz, cc_thres, pwr_thres, cc_min, cc_max, scale, exp, LR, rasf], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def rascc_mask_thinning(ras_in, in_file, width, ras_out, nmax='-', thresh_1='-', thresh_nmax='-', logpath=None): """ | Adaptive sampling reduction for phase unwrapping validity mask | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 5-Dec-2015 uw/clw Parameters ---------- ras_in: (input) validity mask (SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format 8-bit image) in_file: (input) file used for adaptive sampling reduction, e.g. correlation coefficient (float) width: number of samples/row of in_file ras_out: (output) validity mask with reduced sampling (8-bit SUN rasterfile or BMP format image) nmax: number of sampling reduction runs (default: 3) thresh_1: first threshold (used for smallest scale sampling reduction) ... further thresholds thresh_nmax: threshold nmax (used for largest scale sampling reduction) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/rascc_mask_thinning', ras_in, in_file, width, ras_out, nmax, thresh_1, thresh_nmax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def residue(int, flag, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Determine interferometric phase unwrapping residues | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 14-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) flag file (unsigned char) width: number of samples/row xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/residue', int, flag, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def residue_cc(int, flag, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Determine interferometric phase unwrapping residues considering low coherence regions | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw/ts Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) flag file (unsigned char) width: number of samples/row xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/residue_cc', int, flag, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def RSAT2_vec(SLC_par, RSAT2_orb, nstate='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract Radarsat-2 state vectors from a definitive orbit file | Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 clw 13-May-2010 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file RSAT2_orb: Radarsat-2 definitive orbit data file available from MDA. (orbit_number_def.orb) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 9) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/RSAT2_vec', SLC_par, RSAT2_orb, nstate], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def S1_burstloc(annotation_XML, logpath=None): """ | Print Burst information found in the Sentinel-1 annotation file | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 22-Jan-2016 awi Parameters ---------- annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/S1_burstloc', annotation_XML], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def S1_OPOD_vec(SLC_PAR, OPOD, nstate='-', logpath=None): """ | Extract Sentinel-1 OPOD state vectors and copy into the ISP image parameter file | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Aug-2016 awi/clw Parameters ---------- SLC_PAR: (input/output)ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file OPOD: (input) Sentinel-1 OPOD orbit data file (AUX_POEORB or AUX_RESORB) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (default: include 60 sec extention at the start and end of the SLC data) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/S1_OPOD_vec', SLC_PAR, OPOD, nstate], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def sbi_filt(SLC_1, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, SLCf, SLCf_par, SLCb, SLCb_par, norm_sq, iwflg='-', logpath=None): """ | Azimuth filtering of SLC data to support split-beam interferometry to measure azimuth offsets | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 clw 5-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) SLC image (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX format) SLC1_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC2R_par: (input) SLC2 ISP image parameter file for the co-registered image of the interferometric pair, used to determine azimuth common-band for each output SLC (enter - for none) SLCf: (output) SLC image (forward-looking, FCOMPLEX format) SLCf_par: (output) SLC parameter file (forward-looking) SLCb: (output) SLC image (backward-looking, FCOMPLEX format) SLCb_par: (output) SLC parameter file (backward-looking) norm_sq: squint between beams as a fraction of the azimuth spectrum width (default: 0.5) iwflg: inverse weighting flag: * 0: no compensation for azimuth spectrum weighting * 1: compensate for the azimuth spectrum weighting (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/sbi_filt', SLC_1, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, SLCf, SLCf_par, SLCb, SLCb_par, norm_sq, iwflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def sbi_offset(sbi_unw, SLCf_par, SLCb_par, OFF_par, az_offset, logpath=None): """ | Calculate azimuth offsets from unwrapped split-beam interferogram | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 25-Nov-2011 Parameters ---------- sbi_unw: (input) unwrapped phase of split-beam interferogram (float) SLCf_par: (input) reference SLC parameter file (forward-looking) SLCb_par: (input) reference SLC parameter file (backward-looking) OFF_par: (input) offset parameter file az_offset: (output) azimuth offsets (m) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/sbi_offset', sbi_unw, SLCf_par, SLCb_par, OFF_par, az_offset], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def slant_range(SLC_par, slr, logpath=None): """ | Calculate slant range for every range sample | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.1 28-Aug-2013 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC or MLI image parameter file slr: (output) slant range for every sample in the image (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/slant_range', SLC_par, slr], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_burst_copy(SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par, SLC_out, SLC_out_par, burst_num, drflg='-', SLC_par2='-', logpath=None): """ | Copy selected burst from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC to a file | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 21-Oct-2014 awi/clw Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) Sentinel-1 TOPS mode burst SLC SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC TOPS_par: (input) TOPS parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC SLC_out: (output) SLC file containing a single burst SLC_out_par: (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC burst_num: burst number of selected burst (1->number of bursts in the SLC) drflg: deramp phase flag: * 0: no modification of the burst SLC phase (default) * 1: subtract TOPS Doppler phase ramp (deramp) SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC with deramped phase (drflg: 1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_burst_copy', SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par, SLC_out, SLC_out_par, burst_num, drflg, SLC_par2], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_burst_corners(SLC_par, TOPS_par, logpath=None): """ | Calculate corner geographic coordinates of Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC bursts | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 14-Apr-2016 awi/rc/cw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC TOPS_par: (input) TOPS parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_burst_corners', SLC_par, TOPS_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_cat(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_3, SLC3_par, dopflg='-', iflg='-', phflg='-', logpath=None): """ | Concatenate two SLC images using 2-D SINC interpolation | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 11-Nov-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) SLC-1 image SLC-2: (input) SLC-2 image to be appended to SLC-1 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset parameter file containing offset polynomials between SLC-1 and SLC-2 SLC-3: (output) concatenated SLC SLC3_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for concatenated image dopflg: Doppler flag: * 0: ignore Doppler centroid information, assume 0 Doppler centroid * 1: use Doppler centroid information for interpolation (default) iflg: input data type flag: * 0: input data are SLC images, use data type specified in SLC_par files (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX) (default) * 1: input scenes are interferograms, force FCOMPLEX data type phflg: phase offset correction flag: * 0: no phase offset correction for SLC-2 * 1: apply phase offset correction to SLC-2 (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_cat', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_3, SLC3_par, dopflg, iflg, phflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_cat_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab1, SLC_tab2, SLC_tab3, logpath=None): """ | Concatenate adjacent Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.9 4-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC_tab1: (input) 3 column list of the reference TOPS SLC swaths in row order IW1, IW2, IW3... (earlier time) SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC_tab2: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths in the same order as the SLC_tab1 IW1, IW2, IW3... (later time) SLC_tab3: (input) 3 column list of the output concatenated TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3... logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_cat_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab1, SLC_tab2, SLC_tab3], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_copy(SLC_in, SLC_par_in, SLC_out, SLC_par_out, fcase='-', sc='-', roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', swap='-', header_lines='-', logpath=None): """ | Copy SLC with options for data format conversion, segment extraction, and byte swapping | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 13-Aug-2015 uw/clw Parameters ---------- SLC_in: (input) SLC (FCOMPLEX or scOMPLEX format) SLC_par_in: (input) ISP SLC parameter file for input SLC SLC_out: (output) selected SLC section (FCOMPLEX or scOMPLEX format) SLC_par_out: (output) ISP SLC parameter file of output SLC fcase: data format conversion (enter - for default: output format = input format) * 1: FCOMPLEX --> FCOMPLEX (default sc = 1.0) * 2: FCOMPLEX --> scOMPLEX (default sc = 10000.0) * 3: scOMPLEX --> FCOMPLEX (default sc = 0.0001) * 4: scOMPLEX --> scOMPLEX (default sc = 1.0) sc: scale factor for input SLC data (enter - for default) roff: offset to starting range sample (enter - for default: 0) nr: number of range samples (enter - for default: to end of line) loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0) nl: number of lines to copy (enter - for default: to end of file) swap: swap data (enter - for default) * 0: normal (default) * 1: swap real/imaginary part of complex data * 2: swap left/right (near/far range) header_lines: number of input file header lines (enter - for default: 0) * NOTE: CEOS format SLC data have 1 header line * NOTE: file offset pointer size (bytes): 8 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_copy', SLC_in, SLC_par_in, SLC_out, SLC_par_out, fcase, sc, roff, nr, loff, nl, swap, header_lines], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_copy_S1_TOPS(SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab, dtype='-', logpath=None): """ | Copy multiple bursts from a Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC to an output TOPS SLC | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.9 16-Sep-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be copied in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output copied SLC-1 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 BURST_tab: (input) 2 column list of the first and last burst to copy from each swath, one line for each swath BURST_tab line entries: first_burst last_burst Note: first burst is 1, enter - to select last physical burst Note: if first_burst <= 0, then blank bursts are generated at the start of the output swath if last_burst exceeds the number of bursts in the input data swath, then blank bursts are appended to the end of the output swath dtype: output data type (default: same as input data): * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_copy_S1_TOPS', SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab, dtype], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_corners(SLC_par, terra_alt='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate SLC/MLI image corners in geodetic latitude and longitude (deg.) | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 21-Aug-2014 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file terra_alt: (input) average terrain altitude (default: 300.000 meters) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_corners', SLC_par, terra_alt], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_deramp(SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, mode, dop_ph='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate and subtract Doppler phase from an SLC image | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 4-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) SLC data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par1: (input) SLC parameter file with Doppler information SLC-2: (output) SLC with Doppler phase removed (or added) SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the output SLC mode: mode of operation: * 0: subtract Doppler phase ramp (deramp) * 1: add Doppler phase ramp (reramp) dop_ph: (output) Doppler phase (FLOAT) Note: SLC_par1 contains the Doppler polynomial that is used to calculate the Doppler phase ramp logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_deramp', SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, mode, dop_ph], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_deramp_S1_TOPS(SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, mode, phflg, logpath=None): """ | Calculate and subtract S1 TOPS Doppler phase from burst SLC data | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.4 18-Jun-2015 Parameters ---------- SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be deramped in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output deramped SLC-1 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 mode: mode of operation: * 0: subtract TOPS Doppler phase (deramp) * 1: add Doppler phase ramp (reramp) phflg: deramp phase flag: * 0: do not save TOPS Doppler phase (default) * 1: save TOPS Doppler phase, output filename is the same as the deramped SLC with extension .dph logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_deramp_S1_TOPS', SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, mode, phflg], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_interp(SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None): """ | SLC complex image resampling using 2-D SINC interpolation | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.3 11-Nov-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC-2: (input) SLC-2 image to be resampled to the geometry of the SLC-1 reference image SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file SLC-2R: (output) single-look complex image 2 coregistered to SLC-1 SLC2R_par: (output) SLC-2R ISP image parameter file for coregistered image loff: offset to first valid output line (in SLC-1 lines) (default: 0) nlines: number of valid output lines (default: 0, to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_interp', SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_interp_S1_TOPS(SLC2_tab, SLC2_par, SLC1_tab, SLC1_par, OFF_par, SLC2R_tab, SLC_2R='-', SLC2R_par='-', logpath=None): """ | Resample S1 TOPS (IW mode) SLC using global offset polynomial | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.9 4-Dec-2015 Parameters ---------- SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths to be resampled to the geometry of the reference SLC1 in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_par: SLC parameter file of TOPS SLC-2 mosaic, SLC-2 is generated from the TOPS swaths listed in SLC2_tab SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of the reference TOPS SLC swaths in row order IW1, IW2, IW3 SLC1_par: SLC parameter file of the reference TOPS SLC-1 mosaic, SLC-1 is generated from the TOPS swaths listed in SLC1_tab OFF_par: (input) global ISP offset and interferogram parameter file, the offset model is determined from the TOPS SLC mosaics SLC2R_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output resampled SLC-2 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 SLC-2R: (output) resampled mosaic generated from the swaths listed in SLC2R_tab, coregisted to the TOPS SLC-1 mosaic (enter - for none) SLC2R_par: (output) SLC parameter file associated with the resampled TOPS SLC-2R mosaic logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_interp_S1_TOPS', SLC2_tab, SLC2_par, SLC1_tab, SLC1_par, OFF_par, SLC2R_tab, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab, SLC, SLC_par, rlks, azlks, wflg='-', SLCR_tab='-', logpath=None): """ | Calculate SLC mosaic of Sentinel-1 TOPS burst SLC data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing v3.5 23-August-2016 clw/awi Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, Sentinel-1 TOPS_par sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3... SLC: (output) SLC mosaic image SLC_par: (output) SLC mosaic image parameter file rlks: number of range looks used to determine burst window boundaries for the mosaic azlks: number of azimuth looks used to determine burst window boundaries for the mosaic wflg: burst window calculation flag: * 0: use existing burst window parameters if they exist, otherwise calculate burst window parameters (default) * 1: calculate burst window parameters from burst parameters and the number of range and azimuth looks SLCR_tab: (input) SLC_tab of the reference scene, 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par sorted sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 * NOTE: When generating a mosaic of a resampled SLC, the SLC_tab of the reference scene is required logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab, SLC, SLC_par, rlks, azlks, wflg, SLCR_tab], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_ovr(SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr, logpath=None): """ | ISP Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_ovr.c | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 5-Mar-2016 clw | Oversample or subsample SLC data in slant-range Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC file (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file of SLC file SLC_ovr: (output) range resampled SLC file (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_ovr_par: (output) SLC parameter file of range resampled SLC data file r_ovr: integer range oversampling factor (2 --> 16) if r_ovr < 0, the SLC will be subsampled, integer range subsampling factor (-2 --> -16) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_ovr', SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SLC_phase_shift(SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, ph_shift, logpath=None): """ | Add a constant phase from an SLC image | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 1-Dec-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC-1: (input) SLC data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par1: (input) SLC parameter file SLC-2: (output) SLC with phase shift SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the output SLC ph_shift: phase shift to add to SLC phase (radians) * NOTE: Used to apply a constant phase shift of -1.25 radians to Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC data from swath IW1 acquired up to 10-Mar-2015. Used to apply a constant phase shift of -3.83 radians to Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC data with H-POL on receive (e.g. VH) acquired up to 10-Mar-2015. logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SLC_phase_shift', SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, ph_shift], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def split_WB(data_in, data_par_in, data_tab, dtype, logpath=None): """ | ISP: Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/split_WB.c | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 31-May-2011 clw | Split WB mosaic image into individual beams using ISP parameter files Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input mosaicked data in slant-range geometry (e.g. DEM data) data_par_in: (input) ISP image parameter file for data in the input mosaic data_tab: (input) 2 column list of output data filenames and ISP image parameter files for each beam in the mosaic (text) dtype: (input) input data type: * 0: FLOAT * 1: FCOMPLEX logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/split_WB', data_in, data_par_in, data_tab, dtype], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def SR_to_GRD(MLI_par, OFF_par, GRD_par, in_file, out_file, rlks='-', azlks='-', interp_mode='-', grd_rsp='-', grd_azsp='-', logpath=None): """ | Conversion to ground range for ISP MLI and INSAR data of type float | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 7-May-2009 uw/clw Parameters ---------- MLI_par: (input) MLI image parameter file of input slant range image (float) OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file of input image (enter - image in MLI geometry) GRD_par: (input/output) image parameter file of output ground range image in_file: (input) slant range image (float) out_file: (output) ground range image (float) rlks: multi-looking in range (prior to resampling, default=1) azlks: multi-looking in azimuth (prior to resampling, default=1) interp_mode: interpolation mode * 0: nearest neighbor (default) * 1: spline * 2: spline log grd_rsp: output image ground range sample spacing (m) (default = (input image azimuth spacing) \* azlks) grd_azsp: output image azimuth sample spacing (m) (default = (input image azimuth spacing) \* azlks) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/SR_to_GRD', MLI_par, OFF_par, GRD_par, in_file, out_file, rlks, azlks, interp_mode, grd_rsp, grd_azsp], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def subtract_phase(interf_in, phase_file, interf_out, width, factor='-', logpath=None): """ | Land Application Tools: Program /cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/subtract_phase.c | Copyright 2001, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.1 23-Jan-2001 uw/clw | subtract scaled phase image from a complex interferogram Parameters ---------- interf_in: (input) input interferogram (fcomplex format) phase_file: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase (float) interf_out: (output) output interferogram (input interferogram - scaled phase) (fcomplex) width: number of samples/line factor: constant scale factor for input phase data [default=1.0] logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/subtract_phase', interf_in, phase_file, interf_out, width, factor], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def tree_cc(flag, width, mbl='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrapping tree generation with low correlation search (modified ARW algorithm) | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row mbl: maximum branch length (default=32, maximum=64) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/tree_cc', flag, width, mbl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def tree_gzw(flag, width, mbl='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrapping tree generation (GZW algorithm) | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.6 5-Sep-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row mbl: maximum branch length (default=32) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/tree_gzw', flag, width, mbl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath)
[docs]def unw_model(interf, unw_model, unw, width, xinit='-', yinit='-', ref_ph='-', width_model='-', logpath=None): """ | Phase unwrapping using a model of the unwrapped phase | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 5-Sep-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) complex interferogram unw_model: (input) approximate unwrapped phase model (float) unw: (output) unwrapped phase (float) width: number of samples/row of the interferogram xinit: offset to phase reference location in range (col) yinit: offset to phase reference location in azimuth (row) ref_ph: reference point phase (radians) (enter - for phase at the reference point ) width_model: number of samples/row of the unwrapped phase model (default: interferogram width) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to """ process(['/cluster/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20161207/ISP/bin/unw_model', interf, unw_model, unw, width, xinit, yinit, ref_ph, width_model], logpath=logpath)