Source code for pyroSAR.snap.util

# Convenience functions for SAR image batch processing with ESA SNAP
# John Truckenbrodt, 2016-2019
import os

import pyroSAR
from .auxil import parse_recipe, parse_suffix, write_recipe, parse_node, insert_node, gpt

from spatialist import crsConvert, Vector, Raster, bbox, intersect

[docs]def geocode(infile, outdir, t_srs=4326, tr=20, polarizations='all', shapefile=None, scaling='dB', geocoding_type='Range-Doppler', removeS1BoderNoise=True, offset=None, externalDEMFile=None, externalDEMNoDataValue=None, externalDEMApplyEGM=True, basename_extensions=None, test=False, export_extra=None): """ wrapper function for geocoding SAR images using ESA SNAP Parameters ---------- infile: str or ~pyroSAR.drivers.ID the SAR scene to be processed outdir: str The directory to write the final files to. t_srs: int, str or osr.SpatialReference A target geographic reference system in WKT, EPSG, PROJ4 or OPENGIS format. See function :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert()` for details. Default: `4326 <>`_. tr: int or float, optional The target resolution in meters. Default is 20 polarizations: list or {'VV', 'HH', 'VH', 'HV', 'all'}, optional The polarizations to be processed; can be a string for a single polarization e.g. 'VV' or a list of several polarizations e.g. ['VV', 'VH']. Default is 'all'. shapefile: str or :py:class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector`, optional A vector geometry for subsetting the SAR scene to a test site. Default is None. scaling: {'dB', 'db', 'linear'}, optional Should the output be in linear or decibel scaling? Default is 'dB'. geocoding_type: {'Range-Doppler', 'SAR simulation cross correlation'}, optional The type of geocoding applied; can be either 'Range-Doppler' (default) or 'SAR simulation cross correlation' removeS1BoderNoise: bool, optional Enables removal of S1 GRD border noise (default). offset: tuple, optional A tuple defining offsets for left, right, top and bottom in pixels, e.g. (100, 100, 0, 0); this variable is overridden if a shapefile is defined. Default is None. externalDEMFile: str or None, optional The absolute path to an external DEM file. Default is None. externalDEMNoDataValue: int, float or None, optional The no data value of the external DEM. If not specified (default) the function will try to read it from the specified external DEM. externalDEMApplyEGM: bool, optional Apply Earth Gravitational Model to external DEM? Default is True. basename_extensions: list of str names of additional parameters to append to the basename, e.g. ['orbitNumber_rel'] test: bool, optional If set to True the workflow xml file is only written and not executed. Default is False. export_extra: list or None a list of image file IDs to be exported to outdir. The following IDs are currently supported: * incidenceAngleFromEllipsoid * localIncidenceAngle * projectedLocalIncidenceAngle Note ---- If only one polarization is selected and not extra products are defined the results are directly written to GeoTiff. Otherwise the results are first written to a folder containing ENVI files and then transformed to GeoTiff files (one for each polarization/extra product). If GeoTiff would directly be selected as output format for multiple polarizations then a multilayer GeoTiff is written by SNAP which is considered an unfavorable format Examples -------- geocode a Sentinel-1 scene and export the local incidence angle map with it >>> from pyroSAR.snap import geocode >>> filename = '' >>> geocode(infile=filename, outdir='outdir', tr=20, scaling='dB', export_extra=['localIncidenceAngle']) See Also -------- :class:`pyroSAR.drivers.ID`, :class:`spatialist.vector.Vector`, :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert()` """ id = infile if isinstance(infile, pyroSAR.ID) else pyroSAR.identify(infile) if id.is_processed(outdir): print('scene {} already processed'.format(id.outname_base())) return # print(os.path.basename(id.scene)) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) ############################################ # general setup if id.sensor in ['ASAR', 'ERS1', 'ERS2']: formatName = 'ENVISAT' elif id.sensor in ['S1A', 'S1B']: if id.product == 'SLC': raise RuntimeError('Sentinel-1 SLC data is not supported yet') formatName = 'SENTINEL-1' else: raise RuntimeError('sensor not supported (yet)') ###################### # print('- assessing polarization selection') if isinstance(polarizations, str): if polarizations == 'all': polarizations = id.polarizations else: if polarizations in id.polarizations: polarizations = [polarizations] else: raise RuntimeError('polarization {} does not exists in the source product'.format(polarizations)) elif isinstance(polarizations, list): polarizations = [x for x in polarizations if x in id.polarizations] else: raise RuntimeError('polarizations must be of type str or list') format = 'GeoTiff-BigTIFF' if len(polarizations) == 1 and export_extra is None else 'ENVI' # print(polarizations) # print(format) bands_int = ','.join(['Intensity_' + x for x in polarizations]) bands_beta = ','.join(['Beta0_' + x for x in polarizations]) bands_gamma = ','.join(['Gamma0_' + x for x in polarizations]) ############################################ ############################################ # parse base workflow # print('- parsing base workflow') workflow = parse_recipe('geocode') ############################################ # Read node configuration # print('-- configuring Read Node') read = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Read"]') read.find('.//parameters/file').text = id.scene read.find('.//parameters/formatName').text = formatName ############################################ # Remove-GRD-Border-Noise node configuration # print('-- configuring Remove-GRD-Border-Noise Node') if id.sensor in ['S1A', 'S1B'] and removeS1BoderNoise: insert_node(workflow, parse_node('Remove-GRD-Border-Noise'), before='Read') bn = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Remove-GRD-Border-Noise"]') bn.find('.//parameters/selectedPolarisations').text = ','.join(polarizations) ############################################ # orbit file application node configuration # print('-- configuring Apply-Orbit-File Node') orbit_lookup = {'ENVISAT': 'DELFT Precise (ENVISAT, ERS1&2) (Auto Download)', 'SENTINEL-1': 'Sentinel Precise (Auto Download)'} orbitType = orbit_lookup[formatName] if formatName == 'ENVISAT' and id.acquisition_mode == 'WSM': orbitType = 'DORIS Precise VOR (ENVISAT) (Auto Download)' orb = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Apply-Orbit-File"]') orb.find('.//parameters/orbitType').text = orbitType ############################################ # calibration node configuration # print('-- configuring Calibration Node') cal = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Calibration"]') cal.find('.//parameters/selectedPolarisations').text = ','.join(polarizations) cal.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = bands_int ############################################ # terrain flattening node configuration # print('-- configuring Terrain-Flattening Node') tf = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Terrain-Flattening"]') if id.sensor in ['ERS1', 'ERS2'] or (id.sensor == 'ASAR' and id.acquisition_mode != 'APP'): tf.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = 'Beta0' else: tf.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = bands_beta ############################################ # configuration of node sequence for specific geocoding approaches # print('-- configuring geocoding approach Nodes') if geocoding_type == 'Range-Doppler': insert_node(workflow, parse_node('Terrain-Correction'), before='Terrain-Flattening') tc = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Terrain-Correction"]') tc.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = bands_gamma elif geocoding_type == 'SAR simulation cross correlation': insert_node(workflow, parse_node('SAR-Simulation'), before='Terrain-Flattening') insert_node(workflow, parse_node('Cross-Correlation'), before='SAR-Simulation') insert_node(workflow, parse_node('SARSim-Terrain-Correction'), before='Cross-Correlation') tc = workflow.find('.//node[@id="SARSim-Terrain-Correction"]') sarsim = workflow.find('.//node[@id="SAR-Simulation"]') sarsim.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = bands_gamma else: raise RuntimeError('geocode_type not recognized') ############################################ # specify spatial resolution and coordinate reference system of the output dataset # print('-- configuring CRS') tc.find('.//parameters/pixelSpacingInMeter').text = str(tr) try: t_srs = crsConvert(t_srs, 'epsg') except TypeError: raise RuntimeError("format of parameter 't_srs' not recognized") # the EPSG code 4326 is not supported by SNAP and thus the WKT string has to be defined; # in all other cases defining EPSG:{code} will do if t_srs == 4326: t_srs = 'GEOGCS["WGS84(DD)",' \ 'DATUM["WGS84",' \ 'SPHEROID["WGS84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],' \ 'PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],' \ 'UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],' \ 'AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],' \ 'AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH]]' else: t_srs = 'EPSG:{}'.format(t_srs) tc.find('.//parameters/mapProjection').text = t_srs ############################################ # (optionally) add node for conversion from linear to db scaling # print('-- configuring LinearToFromdB Node') if scaling not in ['dB', 'db', 'linear']: raise RuntimeError('scaling must be a string of either "dB", "db" or "linear"') if scaling in ['dB', 'db']: lin2db = parse_node('lin2db') sourceNode = 'Terrain-Correction' if geocoding_type == 'Range-Doppler' else 'SARSim-Terrain-Correction' insert_node(workflow, lin2db, before=sourceNode) lin2db = workflow.find('.//node[@id="LinearToFromdB"]') lin2db.find('.//parameters/sourceBands').text = bands_gamma ############################################ # (optionally) add subset node and add bounding box coordinates of defined shapefile # print('-- configuring Subset Node') if shapefile: # print('--- read') shp = shapefile.clone() if isinstance(shapefile, Vector) else Vector(shapefile) # reproject the geometry to WGS 84 latlon # print('--- reproject') shp.reproject(4326) ext = shp.extent # add an extra buffer of 0.01 degrees buffer = 0.01 ext['xmin'] -= buffer ext['ymin'] -= buffer ext['xmax'] += buffer ext['ymax'] += buffer # print('--- create bbox') with bbox(ext, shp.srs) as bounds: # print('--- intersect') inter = intersect(id.bbox(), bounds) if not inter: raise RuntimeError('no bounding box intersection between shapefile and scene') # print('--- close intersect') inter.close() # print('--- get wkt') wkt = bounds.convert2wkt()[0] if isinstance(shapefile, str): shp.close() # print('--- parse XML node') subset = parse_node('Subset') # print('--- insert node') insert_node(workflow, subset, before='Read') subset = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Subset"]') subset.find('.//parameters/region').text = ','.join(map(str, [0, 0, id.samples, id.lines])) subset.find('.//parameters/geoRegion').text = wkt ############################################ # (optionally) configure subset node for pixel offsets if offset and not shapefile: subset = parse_node('Subset') insert_node(workflow, subset, before='Read') # left, right, top and bottom offset in pixels l, r, t, b = offset subset = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Subset"]') subset_values = ','.join(map(str, [l, t, id.samples - l - r, id.lines - t - b])) subset.find('.//parameters/region').text = subset_values subset.find('.//parameters/geoRegion').text = '' ############################################ # parametrize write node # print('-- configuring Write Node') # create a suffix for the output file to identify processing steps performed in the workflow suffix = parse_suffix(workflow) basename = os.path.join(outdir, id.outname_base(basename_extensions)) extension = suffix if format == 'ENVI' else polarizations[0] + '_' + suffix outname = basename + '_' + extension write = workflow.find('.//node[@id="Write"]') write.find('.//parameters/file').text = outname write.find('.//parameters/formatName').text = format ############################################ ############################################ if export_extra is not None: write = parse_node('Write') insert_node(workflow, write, before=tc.attrib['id'], resetSuccessorSource=False) write.attrib['id'] = 'Write (2)' write.find('.//parameters/file').text = outname write.find('.//parameters/formatName').text = format for item in export_extra: key = 'save{}{}'.format(item[0].upper(), item[1:]) tc.find('.//parameters/{}'.format(key)).text = 'true' ############################################ ############################################ # select DEM type # print('-- configuring DEM') if externalDEMFile is not None: if os.path.isfile(externalDEMFile): if externalDEMNoDataValue is None: with Raster(externalDEMFile) as dem: externalDEMNoDataValue = dem.nodata if externalDEMNoDataValue is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot read NoData value from DEM file. ' 'Please specify externalDEMNoDataValue') else: raise RuntimeError('specified externalDEMFile does not exist') demname = 'External DEM' else: # SRTM 1arcsec is only available between -58 and +60 degrees. # If the scene exceeds those latitudes SRTM 3arcsec is selected. if id.getCorners()['ymax'] > 60 or id.getCorners()['ymin'] < -58: demname = 'SRTM 3Sec' else: demname = 'SRTM 1Sec HGT' externalDEMFile = None externalDEMNoDataValue = 0 for demName in workflow.findall('.//parameters/demName'): demName.text = demname for externalDEM in workflow.findall('.//parameters/externalDEMFile'): externalDEM.text = externalDEMFile for demNodata in workflow.findall('.//parameters/externalDEMNoDataValue'): demNodata.text = str(externalDEMNoDataValue) for egm in workflow.findall('.//parameters/externalDEMApplyEGM'): egm.text = str(externalDEMApplyEGM).lower() ############################################ ############################################ # write workflow to file and optionally execute it # print('- writing workflow to file') write_recipe(workflow, outname + '_proc') # execute the newly written workflow if not test: try: gpt(outname + '_proc.xml') except RuntimeError: os.remove(outname + '_proc.xml')