Source code for pyroSAR.S1.auxil

# general utilities for Sentinel-1
# John Truckenbrodt 2016-2019
import sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib import urlopen

import os
import re
import ssl
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_Update
from . import linesimplify as ls

from spatialist.ancillary import finder, urlQueryParser

    import argparse
except ImportError:
        os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'locale.pyc'))
        import argparse

def init_parser():
    initialize argument parser for S1 processing utilities
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--transform', action='store_true', help='transform the final DEM to UTM coordinates')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfiles', action='store_true', help='create logfiles of the executed GAMMA commands')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--intermediates', action='store_true', help='keep intermediate files')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='suppress standard console prints')
    parser.add_argument('-tr', '--targetresolution', default=20, help='the target resolution in meters for x and y',
    parser.add_argument('-fg', '--func_geoback', default=2, help='backward geocoding interpolation function; '
                                                                 '0 - Nearest Neighbor, 1 - Bicubic Spline, 2 - Bicubic Spline-Log; '
                                                                 'method 1: negative values possible (e.g. in urban areas) - use method 2 to avoid this',
    parser.add_argument('-fi', '--func_interp', default=0,
                        help='function for interpolation of layover/shadow/foreshortening/DEM gaps; '
                             '0 - set to 0, 1 - linear interpolation, 2 - actual value, 3 - nn-thinned', type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-poe', '--poedir', default=None,
                        help='directory containing aux_poeorb (precise orbit ephemerides) orbit state vector files')
    parser.add_argument('-res', '--resdir', default=None,
                        help='directory containing aux_resorb (restituted orbit) orbit state vector files')
    parser.add_argument('zipfile', help='S1 zipped scene archive to be used')
    parser.add_argument('tempdir', help='temporary directory for intermediate files')
    parser.add_argument('outdir', help='output directory')
    parser.add_argument('srtmdir', help='directory containing SRTM hgt tiles (subdirectories possible)')
    return parser

# todo check existence not by file name but by start and stop time; files are sometimes re-published
[docs]class OSV(object): """ interface for management of S1 Orbit State Vector (OSV) files input is a directory which is supposed to contain, or already contains, OSV files. Two subdirectories are expected and created otherwise: one for Precise Orbit Ephemerides (POE) named POEORB and one for Restituted Orbit (RES) files named RESORB Using method :meth:`match` the corresponding POE (priority) or RES file is returned for a timestamp. Timestamps are always handled in the format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS. Parameters ---------- osvdir: str the directory to write the orbit files to """ def __init__(self, osvdir): self.remote_poe = '' self.remote_res = '' self.outdir_poe = os.path.join(osvdir, 'POEORB') self.outdir_res = os.path.join(osvdir, 'RESORB') self.pattern = r'S1[AB]_OPER_AUX_(?:POE|RES)ORB_OPOD_[0-9TV_]{48}\.EOF' self.pattern_fine = r'S1[AB]_OPER_AUX_' \ r'(?P<type>(?:POE|RES)ORB)_OPOD_' \ r'(?P<publish>[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6})_V' \ r'(?P<start>[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6})_' \ r'(?P<stop>[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6})\.EOF' if sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9): self.sslcontext = ssl._create_unverified_context() else: raise RuntimeError('this functionality requires Python Version >=2.7.9') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return def _init_dir(self): """ create directories if they don't exist yet """ for dir in [self.outdir_poe, self.outdir_res]: if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) def _typeEvaluate(self, osvtype): """ evaluate the 'osvtype' method argument and return the corresponding remote repository and local directory Parameters ---------- osvtype: str the type of orbit files required; either 'POE' or 'RES' Returns ------- tuple of str the remote repository and local directory of the osv type """ if osvtype not in ['POE', 'RES']: raise IOError('type must be either "POE" or "RES"') if osvtype == 'POE': return self.remote_poe, self.outdir_poe else: return self.remote_res, self.outdir_res
[docs] def catch(self, sensor, osvtype='POE', start=None, stop=None): """ check a server for files Parameters ---------- sensor: str or list The S1 mission(s): - 'S1A' - 'S1B' - ['S1A', 'S1B'] osvtype: {'POE', 'RES'} the type of orbit files required start: str the date to start searching for files stop: str the date to stop searching for files Returns ------- list the URLs of the remote OSV files """ address, outdir = self._typeEvaluate(osvtype) # a dictionary for storing the url arguments query = {'page': 1} # a list of pages to be searched; will be extended during url readout pages = [1] if sensor in ['S1A', 'S1B']: query['sentinel1__mission'] = sensor elif sorted(sensor) == ['S1A', 'S1B']: pass else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported input for parameter sensor') # the collection of files to be returned files = [] # set the defined date or the date of the first existing OSV file otherwise # two days are added/subtracted from the defined start and stop dates since the # online query does only allow for searching the start time; hence, if e.g. # the start date is 2018-01-01T000000, the query would not return the corresponding # file, whose start date is 2017-12-31 (V20171231T225942_20180102T005942) if start is not None: date_start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') date_start = (date_start - timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: date_start = '2014-07-31' # set the defined date or the current date otherwise if stop is not None: date_stop = datetime.strptime(stop, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') date_stop = (date_stop + timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: date_stop = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # pattern for scanning urlopen response for links to OSV files pattern_url = 'http.*{}'.format(self.pattern) # append the time frame to the query dictionary query['validity_start'] = '{0}..{1}'.format(date_start, date_stop) print('searching for new {} files'.format(osvtype)) # iterate through the url pages and look for files while len(pages) > 0: # parse the url subaddress = urlQueryParser(address, query) # read the remote content try: response = urlopen(subaddress, context=self.sslcontext).read().decode('utf-8') print(subaddress) except IOError as e: raise RuntimeError(e) if query['page'] == 1: # read all existing pages from the url return of the first page pages_str = re.findall('page=[0-9]+', response) pages = list(set([int(x.strip('page=')) for x in pages_str])) else: # delete the page from the list of pages yet to be searched del pages[pages.index(query['page'])] # list all osv files found on the page remotes = sorted(set(re.findall(pattern_url, response))) # do a more accurate filtering of the time stamps if start is not None: remotes = [x for x in remotes if, 'stop') >= start] if stop is not None: remotes = [x for x in remotes if, 'start') <= stop] # filter files already existing in the files collection selection = [x for x in remotes if x not in files] if len(selection) >= 0: # append the found files to the collection files += selection # increment the url page query['page'] += 1 # in case the type 'RES' is selected then only return those files covering # a time period not covered by any POE file if osvtype == 'RES': files = [x for x in files if, 'start') > self.maxdate('POE', 'stop')] return files
[docs] def date(self, file, datetype): """ extract a date from an OSV file name Parameters ---------- datetype: {'publish', 'start', 'stop'} one of three possible date types contained in the OSV filename Returns ------- str a time stamp in the format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS """ return re.match(self.pattern_fine, os.path.basename(file)).group(datetype)
[docs] def clean_res(self): """ delete all RES files for whose date a POE file exists """ maxdate_poe = self.maxdate('POE', 'stop') deprecated = [x for x in self.getLocals('RES') if, 'stop') < maxdate_poe] print('deleting {} RES file{}'.format(len(deprecated), '' if len(deprecated) == 1 else 's')) for item in deprecated: os.remove(item)
[docs] def getLocals(self, osvtype='POE'): """ get a list of local files of specific type Parameters ---------- osvtype: {'POE', 'RES'} the type of orbit files required Returns ------- list a selection of local OSV files """ address, directory = self._typeEvaluate(osvtype) return finder(directory, [self.pattern], regex=True)
[docs] def maxdate(self, osvtype='POE', datetype='stop'): """ return the latest date of locally existing POE/RES files Parameters ---------- osvtype: {'POE', 'RES'} the type of orbit files required datetype: {'publish', 'start', 'stop'} one of three possible date types contained in the OSV filename Returns ------- str a timestamp in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS """ address, directory = self._typeEvaluate(osvtype) files = finder(directory, [self.pattern], regex=True) return max([, datetype) for x in files]) if len(files) > 0 else None
[docs] def mindate(self, osvtype='POE', datetype='start'): """ return the earliest date of locally existing POE/RES files Parameters ---------- osvtype: {'POE', 'RES'} the type of orbit files required datetype: {'publish', 'start', 'stop'} one of three possible date types contained in the OSV filename Returns ------- str a timestamp in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS """ address, directory = self._typeEvaluate(osvtype) files = finder(directory, [self.pattern], regex=True) return min([, datetype) for x in files]) if len(files) > 0 else None
[docs] def match(self, sensor, timestamp, osvtype='POE'): """ return the corresponding OSV file for the provided sensor and time stamp. The file returned is one which covers the acquisition time and, if multiple exist, the one which was published last. In case a list of options is provided as osvtype, the file of higher accuracy (i.e. POE over RES) is returned. Parameters ---------- sensor: str The S1 mission: - 'S1A' - 'S1B' timestamp: str the time stamp in the format 'YYYmmddTHHMMSS' osvtype: {'POE', 'RES'} or list the type of orbit files required; either 'POE', 'RES' or a list of both Returns ------- str the best matching orbit file (overlapping time plus latest publication date) """ # list all locally existing files of the defined type if osvtype in ['POE', 'RES']: locals = self.getLocals(osvtype) # filter the files to those which contain data for the defined time stamp files = [x for x in locals if, 'start') <= timestamp <=, 'stop')] files = [x for x in files if os.path.basename(x).startswith(sensor)] if len(files) > 0: # select the file which was published last best = self.sortByDate(files, 'publish')[-1] return best elif len(files) == 1: return files[0] return None elif sorted(osvtype) == ['POE', 'RES']: best = self.match(sensor=sensor, timestamp=timestamp, osvtype='POE') if not best: best = self.match(sensor=sensor, timestamp=timestamp, osvtype='RES') return best
[docs] def retrieve(self, files): """ download a list of remote files into the respective subdirectories, i.e. POEORB or RESORB Parameters ---------- files: list a list of remotely existing OSV files as returned by method :meth:`catch` Returns ------- """ self._init_dir() for type in ['POE', 'RES']: address, outdir = self._typeEvaluate(type) downloads = [x for x in files if'{}ORB'.format(type), x) and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(x)))] # print('downloading {} file{}'.format(len(downloads), '' if len(downloads) == 1 else 's')) for remote in downloads: local = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(remote)) infile = urlopen(remote, context=self.sslcontext) with open(local, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write( infile.close()
[docs] def sortByDate(self, files, datetype='start'): """ sort a list of OSV files by a specific date type Parameters ---------- files: list some OSV files datetype: {'publish', 'start', 'stop'} one of three possible date types contained in the OSV filename Returns ------- list the input OSV files sorted by the defined date """ return sorted(files, key=lambda x:, datetype))
[docs] def update(self, update_res=True): """ Caution! This method is intended for downloading all available POE files and all RES files for whose time span no POE file yet exists locally. This will be a data volume of several GB and is particularly suited for multi-node SAR processing where not all nodes might have internet access and thus all files have to be downloaded before starting the processing. If you want to download the OSV file for a single scene either use the respective methods of the SAR drivers (e.g. :meth:`pyroSAR.drivers.SAFE.getOSV`) or methods :meth:`catch` and :meth:`retrieve` in combination. Perform creating/updating operations for POE and RES files: download newest POE and RES files, delete RES files which can be replaced by newly downloaded POE files. actions performed: * the ESA Quality Control (QC) server is checked for any POE files not in the local directory * POE files on the server and not in the local directory are downloaded * RES files newer than the latest POE file are downloaded; POE files are approximately 18 days behind the actual date, thus RES files can be used instead * delete all RES files for whose date a POE file now exists locally Parameters ---------- update_res: bool should the RES files also be updated (or just the POE files) Returns ------- """ self._init_dir() try: files_poe = self.catch(sensor=['S1A', 'S1B'], osvtype='POE', start=self.maxdate('POE', 'start')) except RuntimeError as e: raise e self.retrieve(files_poe) if update_res: print('---------------------------------------------------------') files_res = self.catch(sensor=['S1A', 'S1B'], osvtype='RES', start=self.maxdate('POE', 'start')) self.retrieve(files_res) self.clean_res()
[docs]def removeGRDBorderNoise(scene): """ mask out Sentinel-1 image border noise References: - Masking "No-value" Pixels on GRD Products generated by the Sentinel-1 ESA IPF' (issue 1, June 2015; issue 2.1 Jan 29 2018); available online under - Visvalingam, M. and Whyatt J.D. (1993): "Line Generalisation by Repeated Elimination of Points", Cartographic J., 30 (1), 46 - 51 Parameters ---------- scene: ~pyroSAR.drivers.SAFE the Sentinel-1 scene object .. figure:: S1_bnr.png :scale: 30% Demonstration of the border nose removal for a vertical left image border. The area under the respective lines covers pixels considered valid, everything above will be masked out. The blue line is the result of the noise removal as recommended by ESA, in which a lot of noise is still present. The red line is the over-simplified result using the Visvalingam-Whyatt method of poly-line vertex reduction. The green line is the final result after further correcting the VW-simplified result. """ if scene.compression is not None: raise RuntimeError('scene is not yet unpacked') blocksize = 2000 # compute noise scaling factor if scene.meta['IPF_version'] >= 2.9: print('border noise removal not necessary for IPF version {}'.format(scene.meta['IPF_version'])) return elif scene.meta['IPF_version'] <= 2.5: knoise = {'IW': 75088.7, 'EW': 56065.87}[scene.acquisition_mode] cads = scene.getFileObj(scene.findfiles('calibration-s1[ab]-[ie]w-grd-(?:hh|vv)')[0]) caltree = ET.fromstring( cads.close() adn = float(caltree.find('.//calibrationVector/dn').text.split()[0]) if scene.meta['IPF_version'] < 2.34: scalingFactor = knoise * adn else: scalingFactor = knoise * adn * adn else: scalingFactor = 1 # read noise vectors from corresponding annotation xml noisefile = scene.getFileObj(scene.findfiles('noise-s1[ab]-[ie]w-grd-(?:hh|vv)')[0]) noisetree = ET.fromstring( noisefile.close() noiseVectors = noisetree.findall('.//noiseVector') # define boundaries of image subsets to be masked (4x the first lines/samples of the image boundaries) subsets = [(0, 0, blocksize, scene.lines), (0, 0, scene.samples, blocksize), (scene.samples - blocksize, 0, scene.samples, scene.lines), (0, scene.lines - blocksize, scene.samples, scene.lines)] # extract column indices of noise vectors yi = np.array([int(x.find('line').text) for x in noiseVectors]) # create links to the tif files for a master co-polarization and all other polarizations as slaves master = scene.findfiles('s1.*(?:vv|hh).*tiff')[0] ras_master = gdal.Open(master, GA_Update) ras_slaves = [gdal.Open(x, GA_Update) for x in scene.findfiles('s1.*tiff') if x != master] outband_master = ras_master.GetRasterBand(1) outband_slaves = [x.GetRasterBand(1) for x in ras_slaves] # iterate over the four image subsets for subset in subsets: print(subset) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = subset xdiff = xmax - xmin ydiff = ymax - ymin # linear interpolation of noise vectors to array noise_interp = np.empty((ydiff, xdiff), dtype=float) for i in range(0, len(noiseVectors)): if ymin <= yi[i] <= ymax: # extract row indices of noise vector xi = [int(x) for x in noiseVectors[i].find('pixel').text.split()] # extract noise values noise = [float(x) for x in noiseVectors[i].find('noiseLut').text.split()] # interpolate values along rows noise_interp[yi[i] - ymin, :] = np.interp(range(0, xdiff), xi, noise) for i in range(0, xdiff): yi_t = yi[(ymin <= yi) & (yi <= ymax)] - ymin # interpolate values along columns noise_interp[:, i] = np.interp(range(0, ydiff), yi_t, noise_interp[:, i][yi_t]) # read subset of image to array and subtract interpolated noise (denoising) mat_master = outband_master.ReadAsArray(*[xmin, ymin, xdiff, ydiff]) denoisedBlock = mat_master.astype(float) ** 2 - noise_interp * scalingFactor # mask out all pixels with a value below 0.5 in the denoised block or 30 in the original block denoisedBlock[(denoisedBlock < 0.5) | (mat_master < 30)] = 0 denoisedBlock = np.sqrt(denoisedBlock) # helper functions for masking out negative values def helper1(x): return len(x) - np.argmax(x > 0) def helper2(x): return len(x) - np.argmax(x[::-1] > 0) # mask out negative values and simplify borders (custom implementation) if subset == (0, 0, blocksize, scene.lines): border = np.apply_along_axis(helper1, 1, denoisedBlock) border = blocksize - ls.reduce(border) for j in range(0, ydiff): denoisedBlock[j, :border[j]] = 0 denoisedBlock[j, border[j]:] = 1 elif subset == (0, scene.lines - blocksize, scene.samples, scene.lines): border = np.apply_along_axis(helper2, 0, denoisedBlock) border = ls.reduce(border) for j in range(0, xdiff): denoisedBlock[border[j]:, j] = 0 denoisedBlock[:border[j], j] = 1 elif subset == (scene.samples - blocksize, 0, scene.samples, scene.lines): border = np.apply_along_axis(helper2, 1, denoisedBlock) border = ls.reduce(border) for j in range(0, ydiff): denoisedBlock[j, border[j]:] = 0 denoisedBlock[j, :border[j]] = 1 elif subset == (0, 0, scene.samples, blocksize): border = np.apply_along_axis(helper1, 0, denoisedBlock) border = blocksize - ls.reduce(border) for j in range(0, xdiff): denoisedBlock[:border[j], j] = 0 denoisedBlock[border[j]:, j] = 1 mat_master[denoisedBlock == 0] = 0 # write modified array back to original file outband_master.WriteArray(mat_master, xmin, ymin) outband_master.FlushCache() # perform reading, masking and writing for all other polarizations for outband in outband_slaves: mat = outband.ReadAsArray(*[xmin, ymin, xdiff, ydiff]) mat[denoisedBlock == 0] = 0 outband.WriteArray(mat, xmin, ymin) outband.FlushCache() # detach file links outband_master = None ras_master = None for outband in outband_slaves: outband = None for ras in ras_slaves: ras = None