Source code for pyroSAR.gamma.dem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# preparation of srtm data for use in gamma
# module of software pyroSAR
# John Truckenbrodt 2014-19

A collection of functions to handle digital elevation models in Gamma
import sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib2 import urlopen

import os
import re
import shutil
import zipfile as zf

from spatialist import raster, gdal_translate, gdalbuildvrt, gdalwarp, crsConvert
from spatialist.ancillary import finder
from spatialist.envi import HDRobject

from ..auxdata import dem_autoload, dem_create
from ..drivers import ID
from . import ISPPar, UTM, slc_corners, par2hdr
from .auxil import ExamineGamma
from pyroSAR.ancillary import hasarg

    from .api import diff, disp, isp
except ImportError:

[docs]def fill(dem, dem_out, logpath=None, replace=False): """ interpolate missing values in the SRTM DEM (value -32768) Parameters ---------- dem: str the input DEM to be filled dem_out: str the name of the filled DEM logpath: str a directory to write logfiles to replace: bool delete `dem` once finished? Returns ------- """ width = ISPPar(dem + '.par').width path_dem = os.path.dirname(dem_out) rpl_flg = 0 dtype = 4 # replace values value = 0 new_value = 1 disp.replace_values(f_in=dem, value=value, new_value=new_value, f_out=dem + '_temp', width=width, rpl_flg=rpl_flg, dtype=dtype, logpath=logpath) value = -32768 new_value = 0 disp.replace_values(f_in=dem + '_temp', value=value, new_value=new_value, f_out=dem + '_temp2', width=width, rpl_flg=rpl_flg, dtype=dtype, outdir=path_dem, logpath=logpath) # interpolate missing values isp.interp_ad(data_in=dem + '_temp2', data_out=dem_out, width=width, r_max=9, np_min=40, np_max=81, w_mode=2, dtype=dtype, outdir=path_dem, logpath=logpath) # remove temporary files os.remove(dem + '_temp') os.remove(dem + '_temp2') # duplicate parameter file for newly created dem shutil.copy(dem + '.par', dem_out + '.par') # create ENVI header file par2hdr(dem_out + '.par', dem_out + '.hdr') if replace: for item in [dem + x for x in ['', '.par', '.hdr', '.aux.xml'] if os.path.isfile(dem + x)]: os.remove(item)
def transform(infile, outfile, posting=90): """ transform SRTM DEM from EQA to UTM projection """ # read DEM parameter file par = ISPPar(infile + '.par') # transform corner coordinate to UTM utm = UTM(infile + '.par') for item in [outfile, outfile + '.par']: if os.path.isfile(item): os.remove(item) # determine false northing from parameter file coordinates falsenorthing = 10000000. if par.corner_lat < 0 else 0 # create new DEM parameter file with UTM projection details inlist = ['UTM', 'WGS84', 1,, falsenorthing, os.path.basename(outfile), '', '', '', '', '', '-{0} {0}'.format(posting), ''] diff.create_dem_par(DEM_par=outfile + '.par', inlist=inlist) # transform dem diff.dem_trans(DEM1_par=infile + '.par', DEM1=infile, DEM2_par=outfile + '.par', DEM2=outfile, bflg=1) par2hdr(outfile + '.par', outfile + '.hdr')
[docs]def dem_autocreate(geometry, demType, outfile, buffer=0.01, t_srs=4326, tr=None, logpath=None, username=None, password=None, geoid_mode='gamma'): """ | automatically create a DEM in Gamma format for a defined spatial geometry | the following steps will be performed: - collect all tiles overlapping with the geometry * if they don't yet exist locally they will automatically be downloaded * the tiles will be downloaded into the SNAP auxdata directory structure, e.g. ``$HOME/.snap/auxdata/dem/SRTM 3Sec`` - create a mosaic GeoTiff of the same spatial extent as the input geometry plus a defined buffer using ``gdalwarp`` - subtract the EGM96-WGS84 Geoid-Ellipsoid difference and convert the result to Gamma format using Gamma command ``srtm2dem`` * this correction is not done for TanDEM-X data, which contains ellipsoid heights; see `here <>`_ - if the command ``create_dem_par`` accepts a parameter EPSG and the command ``dem_import`` exists (depending on the GAMMA version used), an arbitrary CRS can be defined via parameter ``t_srs``. In this case, and if parameter ``t_srs`` is not kept at its default of 4326, conversion to Gamma format is done with command ``dem_import`` instead of ``srtm2dem`` Parameters ---------- geometry: spatialist.vector.Vector a vector geometry delimiting the output DEM size; CRS must be WGS84 LatLon (EPSG 4326) demType: str the type of DEM to be used; see :func:`~pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_autoload` for options outfile: str the name of the final DEM file buffer: float a buffer in degrees to create around the geometry t_srs: int, str or osr.SpatialReference A target geographic reference system in WKT, EPSG, PROJ4 or OPENGIS format. See function :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert()` for details. Default: `4326 <>`_. tr: tuple or None the target resolution as (xres, yres) in units of ``t_srs``; if ``t_srs`` is kept at its default value of 4326, ``tr`` does not need to be defined and the original resolution is preserved; in all other cases the default of None is rejected logpath: str a directory to write Gamma logfiles to username: str or None (optional) the user name for services requiring registration; see :func:`~pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_autoload` password: str or None (optional) the password for the registration account geoid_mode: str the software to be used for converting geoid to ellipsoid heights; does not apply to demType TDX90m; options: - 'gamma' - 'gdal' Returns ------- """ epsg = crsConvert(t_srs, 'epsg') if t_srs != 4326 else t_srs if epsg != 4326: if not hasarg(diff.create_dem_par, 'EPSG'): raise RuntimeError('using a different CRS than 4326 is currently not supported for this version of Gamma') if 'dem_import' not in dir(diff): raise RuntimeError('using a different CRS than 4326 currently requires command dem_import, ' 'which is not part of this version of Gamma') if tr is None: raise RuntimeError('tr needs to be defined if t_srs is not 4326') if os.path.isfile(outfile): print('outfile already exists') return tmpdir = outfile + '__tmp' os.makedirs(tmpdir) try: if logpath is not None and not os.path.isdir(logpath): os.makedirs(logpath) vrt = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dem.vrt') dem = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dem.tif') print('collecting DEM tiles') vrt = dem_autoload([geometry], demType, vrt=vrt, username=username, password=password, buffer=buffer) # The heights of the TanDEM-X DEM products are ellipsoidal heights, all others are EGM96 Geoid heights # Gamma works only with Ellipsoid heights and the offset needs to be corrected # starting from GDAL 2.2 the conversion can be done directly in GDAL; see docs of gdalwarp gflg = 0 gdal_geoid = False message = 'conversion to Gamma format' if demType != 'TDX90m': message = 'geoid correction and conversion to Gamma format' if geoid_mode == 'gdal': gdal_geoid = True elif geoid_mode == 'gamma': gflg = 2 else: raise RuntimeError("'geoid_mode' not supported") dem_create(vrt, dem, t_srs=epsg, tr=tr, geoid_convert=gdal_geoid) outfile_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(outfile)) print(message) if epsg == 4326: # old approach for backwards compatibility diff.srtm2dem(SRTM_DEM=dem, DEM=outfile_tmp, DEM_par=outfile_tmp + '.par', gflg=gflg, geoid='-', logpath=logpath, outdir=tmpdir) else: # new approach enabling an arbitrary target CRS diff.create_dem_par(DEM_par=outfile_tmp + '.par', inlist=[''] * 9, EPSG=epsg) dem_import_pars = {'input_DEM': dem, 'DEM': outfile_tmp, 'DEM_par': outfile_tmp + '.par'} if gflg == 2: home = ExamineGamma().home egm96 = os.path.join(home, 'DIFF', 'scripts', 'egm96.dem') dem_import_pars['geoid'] = egm96 dem_import_pars['geoid_par'] = egm96 + '_par' diff.dem_import(**dem_import_pars) par2hdr(outfile_tmp + '.par', outfile_tmp + '.hdr', nodata=0) for suffix in ['', '.par', '.hdr']: shutil.copyfile(outfile_tmp + suffix, outfile + suffix) except RuntimeError as e: raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
[docs]def dempar(dem, logpath=None): """ create GAMMA parameter text files for DEM files currently only EQA and UTM projections with WGS84 ellipsoid are supported Parameters ---------- dem: str the name of the DEM logpath: str a directory to write logfiles to Returns ------- """ rast = raster.Raster(dem) # determine data type dtypes = {'Int16': 'INTEGER*2', 'UInt16': 'INTEGER*2', 'Float32': 'REAL*4'} if rast.dtype not in dtypes: raise IOError('data type not supported') else: dtype = dtypes[rast.dtype] # format pixel posting and top left coordinate posting = str(rast.geo['yres']) + ' ' + str(rast.geo['xres']) latlon = str(rast.geo['ymax']) + ' ' + str(rast.geo['xmin']) # evaluate projection projections = {'longlat': 'EQA', 'utm': 'UTM'} if rast.proj4args['proj'] not in projections: raise ValueError('projection not supported (yet)') else: projection = projections[rast.proj4args['proj']] # get ellipsoid ellipsoid = rast.proj4args['ellps'] if 'ellps' in rast.proj4args else rast.proj4args['datum'] if ellipsoid != 'WGS84': raise ValueError('ellipsoid not supported (yet)') # create list for GAMMA command input if projection == 'UTM': zone = rast.proj4args['zone'] falsenorthing = 10000000. if rast.geo['ymin'] < 0 else 0 parlist = [projection, ellipsoid, 1, zone, falsenorthing, os.path.basename(dem), dtype, 0, 1, rast.cols, rast.rows, posting, latlon] else: parlist = [projection, ellipsoid, 1, os.path.basename(dem), dtype, 0, 1, rast.cols, rast.rows, posting, latlon] # execute GAMMA command diff.create_dem_par(DEM_par=os.path.splitext(dem)[0] + '.par', inlist=parlist, outdir=os.path.dirname(dem), logpath=logpath)
[docs]def swap(data, outname): """ byte swapping from small to big endian (as required by GAMMA) Parameters ---------- data: str the DEM file to be swapped outname: str the name of the file to write Returns ------- """ with raster.Raster(data) as ras: dtype = ras.dtype ras_format = ras.format if ras_format != 'ENVI': raise IOError('only ENVI format supported') dtype_lookup = {'Int16': 2, 'CInt16': 2, 'Int32': 4, 'Float32': 4, 'CFloat32': 4, 'Float64': 8} if dtype not in dtype_lookup: raise IOError('data type {} not supported'.format(dtype)) disp.swap_bytes(infile=data, outfile=outname, swap_type=dtype_lookup[dtype]) with HDRobject(data + '.hdr') as header: header.byte_order = 1 header.write(outname + '.hdr')
[docs]def mosaic(demlist, outname, byteorder=1, gammapar=True): """ mosaicing of multiple DEMs Parameters ---------- demlist: list a list of DEM names to be mosaiced outname: str the name of the final mosaic file byteorder: {0, 1} the byte order of the mosaic - 0: small endian - 1: big endian gammapar: bool create a Gamma parameter file for the mosaic? Returns ------- """ if len(demlist) < 2: raise IOError('length of demlist < 2') with raster.Raster(demlist[0]) as ras: nodata = ras.nodata par = {'format': 'ENVI', 'srcNodata': nodata, ' dstNodata': nodata, 'options': ['-q']} gdalwarp(demlist, outname, par) if byteorder == 1: swap(outname, outname + '_swap') for item in [outname, outname + '.hdr', outname + '.aux.xml']: os.remove(item) os.rename(outname + '_swap', outname) os.rename(outname + '_swap.hdr', outname + '.hdr') if gammapar: dempar(outname)
[docs]def hgt(parfiles): """ concatenate hgt file names overlapping with multiple SAR scenes - this list is read for corner coordinates of which the next integer lower left latitude and longitude is computed - hgt files are supplied in 1 degree equiangular format named e.g. N16W094.hgt (with pattern [NS][0-9]{2}[EW][0-9]{3}.hgt - For north and east hemisphere the respective absolute latitude and longitude values are smaller than the lower left coordinate of the SAR image - west and south coordinates are negative and hence the nearest lower left integer absolute value is going to be larger Parameters ---------- parfiles: list of str or pyroSAR.ID a list of Gamma parameter files or pyroSAR ID objects Returns ------- list the names of hgt files overlapping with the supplied parameter files/objects """ lat = [] lon = [] for parfile in parfiles: if isinstance(parfile, ID): corners = parfile.getCorners() elif parfile.endswith('.par'): corners = slc_corners(parfile) else: raise RuntimeError('parfiles items must be of type pyroSAR.ID or Gamma parfiles with suffix .par') lat += [int(float(corners[x]) // 1) for x in ['ymin', 'ymax']] lon += [int(float(corners[x]) // 1) for x in ['xmin', 'xmax']] # add missing lat/lon values (and add an extra buffer of one degree) lat = range(min(lat), max(lat) + 1) lon = range(min(lon), max(lon) + 1) # convert coordinates to string with leading zeros and hemisphere identification letter lat = [str(x).zfill(2 + len(str(x)) - len(str(x).strip('-'))) for x in lat] lat = [x.replace('-', 'S') if '-' in x else 'N' + x for x in lat] lon = [str(x).zfill(3 + len(str(x)) - len(str(x).strip('-'))) for x in lon] lon = [x.replace('-', 'W') if '-' in x else 'E' + x for x in lon] # concatenate all formatted latitudes and longitudes with each other as final product return [x + y + '.hgt' for x in lat for y in lon]
[docs]def makeSRTM(scenes, srtmdir, outname): """ Create a DEM in Gamma format from SRTM tiles - coordinates are read to determine the required DEM extent and select the necessary hgt tiles - mosaics SRTM DEM tiles, converts them to Gamma format and subtracts offset to WGS84 ellipsoid intended for SRTM products downloaded from: - USGS: - CGIAR: Parameters ---------- scenes: list of str or pyroSAR.ID a list of Gamma parameter files or pyroSAR ID objects to read the DEM extent from srtmdir: str a directory containing the SRTM hgt tiles outname: str the name of the final DEM file Returns ------- """ tempdir = outname + '___temp' os.makedirs(tempdir) hgt_options = hgt(scenes) hgt_files = finder(srtmdir, hgt_options) nodatas = list(set([raster.Raster(x).nodata for x in hgt_files])) if len(nodatas) == 1: nodata = nodatas[0] else: raise RuntimeError('different nodata values are not permitted') srtm_vrt = os.path.join(tempdir, 'srtm.vrt') srtm_temp = srtm_vrt.replace('.vrt', '_tmp') srtm_final = srtm_vrt.replace('.vrt', '') gdalbuildvrt(hgt_files, srtm_vrt, {'srcNodata': nodata, 'options': ['-overwrite']}) gdal_translate(srtm_vrt, srtm_temp, {'format': 'ENVI', 'noData': nodata}) diff.srtm2dem(SRTM_DEM=srtm_temp, DEM=srtm_final, DEM_par=srtm_final + '.par', gflg=2, geoid='-', outdir=tempdir) shutil.move(srtm_final, outname) shutil.move(srtm_final + '.par', outname + '.par') par2hdr(outname + '.par', outname + '.hdr') shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
[docs]def hgt_collect(parfiles, outdir, demdir=None, arcsec=3): """ automatic downloading and unpacking of srtm tiles Parameters ---------- parfiles: list of str or pyroSAR.ID a list of Gamma parameter files or pyroSAR ID objects outdir: str a target directory to download the tiles to demdir: str or None an additional directory already containing hgt tiles arcsec: {1, 3} the spatial resolution to be used Returns ------- list the names of all local hgt tiles overlapping with the parfiles """ # concatenate required hgt tile names target_ids = hgt(parfiles) targets = [] pattern = '[NS][0-9]{2}[EW][0-9]{3}' # if an additional dem directory has been defined, check this directory for required hgt tiles if demdir is not None: targets.extend(finder(demdir, target_ids)) # check for additional potentially existing hgt tiles in the defined output directory extras = [os.path.join(outdir, x) for x in target_ids if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, x)) and not, '\n'.join(targets))] targets.extend(extras) print('found {} relevant SRTM tiles...'.format(len(targets))) # search server for all required tiles, which were not found in the local directories if len(targets) < len(target_ids): print('searching for additional SRTM tiles on the server...') onlines = [] if arcsec == 1: remotes = [''] remotepattern = pattern + '' elif arcsec == 3: server = '' remotes = [os.path.join(server, x) for x in ['Africa', 'Australia', 'Eurasia', 'Islands', 'North_America', 'South_America']] remotepattern = pattern + '[.]' else: raise ValueError('argument arcsec must be of value 1 or 3') for remote in remotes: response = urlopen(remote).read() items = sorted(set(re.findall(remotepattern, response))) for item in items: outname = re.findall(pattern, item)[0] + '.hgt' if outname in target_ids and outname not in [os.path.basename(x) for x in targets]: onlines.append(os.path.join(remote, item)) # if additional tiles have been found online, download and unzip them to the local directory if len(onlines) > 0: print('downloading {} SRTM tiles...'.format(len(onlines))) for candidate in onlines: localname = os.path.join(outdir, re.findall(pattern, candidate)[0] + '.hgt') infile = urlopen(candidate) with open(localname + '.zip', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write( infile.close() with zf.ZipFile(localname + '.zip', 'r') as z: z.extractall(outdir) os.remove(localname + '.zip') targets.append(localname) return targets