Source code for pyroSAR.snap.auxil

import ast
import json
import warnings
import pkg_resources

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
from xml.dom import minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_Update

from pyroSAR import ConfigHandler, identify
from .._dev_config import LOOKUP

from spatialist.auxil import gdal_translate
from spatialist.ancillary import finder

[docs]def parse_recipe(name): """ parse a SNAP recipe Parameters ---------- name: str the name of the recipe; current options: * `blank`: a workflow without any nodes * `geocode`: a basic workflow containing Read, Apply-Orbit-File, Calibration, Terrain-Flattening and Write nodes Returns ------- Workflow the parsed recipe Examples -------- >>> from pyroSAR.snap.auxil import parse_recipe >>> workflow = parse_recipe('base') """ name = name if name.endswith('.xml') else name + '.xml' absname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'recipes', name) return Workflow(absname)
[docs]def parse_node(name): """ parse a XML node recipe Parameters ---------- name: str the name of the processing node, e.g. Terrain-Correction Returns ------- Node the parsed node Examples -------- >>> ml = parse_node('ThermalNoiseRemoval') >>> print(ml.parameters) {'selectedPolarisations': None, 'removeThermalNoise': 'true', 'reIntroduceThermalNoise': 'false'} """ name = name if name.endswith('.xml') else name + '.xml' absname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'recipes', 'nodes', name) with open(absname, 'r') as workflow: element = ET.fromstring( return Node(element)
def execute(xmlfile, cleanup=True, gpt_exceptions=None, verbose=True): """ execute SNAP workflows via the Graph Processing Tool gpt. This function merely calls gpt with some additional command line arguments and raises a RuntimeError on fail. This function is used internally by function :func:`gpt`, which should be used instead. Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the name of the workflow XML file cleanup: bool should all files written to the temporary directory during function execution be deleted after processing? gpt_exceptions: dict a dictionary to override the configured GPT executable for certain operators; each (sub-)workflow containing this operator will be executed with the define executable; - e.g. ``{'Terrain-Flattening': '/home/user/snap/bin/gpt'}`` verbose: bool print out status messages? Returns ------- Raises ------ RuntimeError """ # read the file and extract some information workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) write = workflow['Write'] outname = write.parameters['file'] infile = workflow['Read'].parameters['file'] nodes = workflow.nodes() workers = [ for x in nodes if x.operator not in ['Read', 'Write']] message = ' -> '.join(workers) gpt_exec = None if gpt_exceptions is not None: for item, exec in gpt_exceptions.items(): if item in workers: gpt_exec = exec message += ' (using {})'.format(exec) break if verbose: print(message) # try to find the GPT executable if gpt_exec is None: try: gpt_exec = ExamineSnap().gpt except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('could not find SNAP GPT executable') # create the list of arguments to be passed to the subprocess module calling GPT if format == 'GeoTiff-BigTIFF': cmd = [gpt_exec, # '-Dsnap.dataio.reader.tileWidth=*', # '-Dsnap.dataio.reader.tileHeight=1', '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.tiling.width=256', '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.tiling.height=256', # '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.compression.type=LZW', # '-Dsnap.dataio.bigtiff.compression.quality=0.75', xmlfile] else: cmd = [gpt_exec, xmlfile] # execute the workflow proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(out, bytes) else out err = err.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(err, bytes) else err # delete intermediate files if an error occurred if proc.returncode != 0: pattern = r"Error: \[NodeId: (?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\] " \ r"Operator \'[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\': " \ r"Unknown element \'(?P<par>[a-zA-Z]*)\'" match =, err) if match is not None: replace = match.groupdict() with Workflow(xmlfile) as flow: print(' removing parameter {id}:{par} and executing modified workflow'.format(**replace)) node = flow[replace['id']] del node.parameters[replace['par']] flow.write(xmlfile) execute(xmlfile, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions, verbose=False) else: if cleanup: if os.path.isfile(outname + '.tif'): os.remove(outname + '.tif') elif os.path.isdir(outname): shutil.rmtree(outname) print(out + err) print('failed: {}'.format(os.path.basename(infile))) err_match ='Error: (.*)\n', out + err) errmessage = if err_match else err raise RuntimeError(errmessage)
[docs]def gpt(xmlfile, groups=None, cleanup=True, gpt_exceptions=None): """ wrapper for ESA SNAP's Graph Processing Tool GPT. Input is a readily formatted workflow XML file as created by function :func:`~pyroSAR.snap.util.geocode`. Additional to calling GPT, this function will * execute the workflow in groups as defined by `groups` * encode a nodata value into the output file if the format is GeoTiff-BigTIFF * convert output files to GeoTiff if the output format is ENVI Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the name of the workflow XML file groups: list a list of lists each containing IDs for individual nodes cleanup: bool should all files written to the temporary directory during function execution be deleted after processing? gpt_exceptions: dict a dictionary to override the configured GPT executable for certain operators; each (sub-)workflow containing this operator will be executed with the define executable; - e.g. ``{'Terrain-Flattening': '/home/user/snap/bin/gpt'}`` Returns ------- """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) write = workflow['Write'] outname = write.parameters['file'] suffix = workflow.suffix format = write.parameters['formatName'] dem_name = workflow.tree.find('.//demName').text if dem_name == 'External DEM': dem_nodata = float(workflow.tree.find('.//externalDEMNoDataValue').text) else: dem_nodata = 0 if 'Remove-GRD-Border-Noise' in workflow.ids: xmlfile = os.path.join(outname, os.path.basename(xmlfile.replace('_bnr', ''))) if not os.path.isdir(outname): os.makedirs(outname) # border noise removal is done outside of SNAP and the node is thus removed from the workflow del workflow['Remove-GRD-Border-Noise'] # remove the node name from the groups i = 0 while i < len(groups) - 1: if 'Remove-GRD-Border-Noise' in groups[i]: del groups[i][groups[i].index('Remove-GRD-Border-Noise')] if len(groups[i]) == 0: del groups[i] else: i += 1 # identify the input scene, unpack it and perform the custom border noise removal read = workflow['Read'] scene = identify(read.parameters['file']) print('unpacking scene') scene.unpack(outname) print('removing border noise..') scene.removeGRDBorderNoise() # change the name of the input file to that of the unpacked archive read.parameters['file'] = scene.scene # write a new workflow file workflow.write(xmlfile) print('executing node sequence{}..'.format('s' if groups is not None else '')) if groups is not None: subs = split(xmlfile, groups) for sub in subs: execute(sub, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions) else: execute(xmlfile, cleanup=cleanup, gpt_exceptions=gpt_exceptions) if format == 'ENVI': print('converting to GTiff') translateoptions = {'options': ['-q', '-co', 'INTERLEAVE=BAND', '-co', 'TILED=YES'], 'format': 'GTiff'} for item in finder(outname, ['*.img'], recursive=False): if'[HV]{2}', item): pol ='[HV]{2}', item).group() name_new = outname.replace(suffix, '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(pol, suffix)) else: base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item))[0] \ .replace('elevation', 'DEM') name_new = outname.replace(suffix, '{0}.tif'.format(base)) nodata = dem_nodata if'elevation', item) else 0 translateoptions['noData'] = nodata gdal_translate(item, name_new, translateoptions) # by default the nodata value is not registered in the GTiff metadata elif format == 'GeoTiff-BigTIFF': ras = gdal.Open(outname + '.tif', GA_Update) for i in range(1, ras.RasterCount + 1): ras.GetRasterBand(i).SetNoDataValue(0) ras = None if cleanup: shutil.rmtree(outname) print('done')
class ExamineSnap(object): """ Class to check if ESA SNAP is installed. Upon initialization, this class searches for relevant binaries and the accompanying relative directory structure, which uniquely identify an ESA SNAP installation on a system. First, all relevant file and folder names are read from the pyroSAR config file if it exists and their existence is verified. If this fails, a system check is performed to find relevant binaries in the system PATH variable and additional files and folders relative to them. Furthermore, a file is scanned for auxiliary data URLs and local storage location. This is used by SNAP to manage data from e.g. the SRTM mission. In case SNAP is not installed, the respective information is read from a default file delivered with pyroSAR. This has the advantage of using the SNAP download URLs and local directory structure without having SNAP installed such that it can be adapted by other SAR software. """ def __init__(self): # define some attributes which identify SNAP self.identifiers = ['path', 'gpt', 'etc', 'auxdata'] # try reading all necessary attributes from the config file # print('reading config..') self.__read_config() # if SNAP could not be identified from the config attributes, do a system search for it if not self.__is_identified(): # print('identifying SNAP..') self.__identify_snap() # if the auxdatapath attribute was not yet set, create a default directory if not hasattr(self, 'auxdatapath'): self.auxdatapath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.snap', 'auxdata') if not os.path.isdir(self.auxdatapath): os.makedirs(self.auxdatapath) # if the SNAP auxdata properties attribute was not yet identified, # point it to the default file delivered with pyroSAR if not hasattr(self, 'properties'): # print('using default properties file..') template = 'data/' = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, template) # update the snap properties; this reads the 'properties' file and looks for any changes, # which are then updated for the object self.__update_snap_properties() # update the config file: this scans for config changes and re-writes the config file if any are found self.__update_config() def __is_identified(self): """ Check if SNAP has been properly identified, i.e. all paths in self.identifiers have been detected and confirmed. Returns ------- bool """ return sum([hasattr(self, x) for x in self.identifiers]) == len(self.identifiers) def __identify_snap(self): """ do a comprehensive search for an ESA SNAP installation Returns ------- bool has the SNAP properties file been changed? """ # create a list of possible SNAP executables defaults = ['snap64.exe', 'snap32.exe', 'snap.exe', 'snap'] paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep) options = [os.path.join(path, option) for path in paths for option in defaults] options = [x for x in options if os.path.isfile(x)] if not hasattr(self, 'path') or not os.path.isfile(self.path): executables = options else: executables = [self.path] + options # for each possible SNAP executable, check whether additional files and directories exist relative to it # to confirm whether it actually is a ESA SNAP installation or something else like e.g. the Ubuntu App Manager for path in executables: if os.path.islink(path): path = os.path.realpath(path) # check whether a directory etc exists relative to the SNAP executable etc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)), 'etc') if not os.path.isdir(etc): continue # check the content of the etc directory auxdata = os.listdir(etc) if '' not in auxdata: continue else: auxdata_properties = os.path.join(etc, '') # identify the gpt executable gpt_candidates = finder(os.path.dirname(path), ['gpt', 'gpt.exe']) if len(gpt_candidates) == 0: continue else: gpt = gpt_candidates[0] self.path = path self.etc = etc self.gpt = gpt self.auxdata = auxdata = auxdata_properties return warnings.warn('SNAP could not be identified. If you have installed it please add the path to the SNAP ' 'executables (bin subdirectory) to the PATH environment. ' 'E.g. in the Linux .bashrc file add the following line:\nexport PATH=$PATH:path/to/snap/bin"') def __read_config(self): """ This method reads the config.ini to examine the snap paths. If the snap paths are not in the config.ini or the paths are wrong they will be automatically created. Returns ------- """ for attr in self.identifiers + ['auxdatapath', 'properties']: self.__read_config_attr(attr, 'SNAP') snap_properties = {} if 'OUTPUT' in ConfigHandler.sections: snap_properties = ConfigHandler['OUTPUT'] if len(snap_properties.keys()) > 0: setattr(self, 'snap_properties', snap_properties) def __read_config_attr(self, attr, section): """ read an attribute from the config file and set it as an object attribute Parameters ---------- attr: str the attribute name section: str the config section to read the attribute from Returns ------- """ if section in ConfigHandler.sections: if attr in ConfigHandler[section].keys(): val = ConfigHandler[section][attr] if attr in ['path', 'gpt', 'properties']: exist = os.path.isfile(val) elif attr == 'auxdata': val = ast.literal_eval(val) exist = isinstance(val, list) else: exist = os.path.isdir(val) if exist: # print('setting attribute {}'.format(attr)) setattr(self, attr, val) def __update_config(self): for section in ['SNAP', 'OUTPUT', 'URL']: if section not in ConfigHandler.sections: # print('creating section {}..'.format(section)) ConfigHandler.add_section(section) for key in self.identifiers + ['auxdatapath', 'properties']: if hasattr(self, key): self.__update_config_attr(key, getattr(self, key), 'SNAP') for key, value in self.snap_properties.items(): self.__update_config_attr(key, value, 'OUTPUT') @staticmethod def __update_config_attr(attr, value, section): if isinstance(value, list): value = json.dumps(value) if attr not in ConfigHandler[section].keys() or ConfigHandler[section][attr] != value: # print('updating attribute {0}:{1}..'.format(section, attr)) # print(' {0} -> {1}'.format(repr(ConfigHandler[section][attr]), repr(value))) ConfigHandler.set(section, key=attr, value=value, overwrite=True) def __update_snap_properties(self): """ Read the file entries to object attributes Returns ------- """ pattern = r'^(?P<key>[\w\.]*)\s*=\s*(?P<value>.*)\n' if not hasattr(self, 'snap_properties'): self.snap_properties = {} demPath = os.path.join(self.auxdatapath, 'dem') landCoverPath = os.path.join(self.auxdatapath, 'LandCover') with open(, 'r') as prop: for line in prop: if, line): key, value = re.match(re.compile(pattern), line).groups() value = value \ .replace('${AuxDataPath}', self.auxdatapath) \ .replace('${demPath}', demPath) \ .replace('${landCoverPath}', landCoverPath) \ .replace('\\', '/') if not key in self.snap_properties.keys() or self.snap_properties[key] != value: self.snap_properties[key] = value def is_consistent(nodes): """ check whether all nodes take either no source node or one that is in the list Parameters ---------- nodes: list of Node a group of nodes Returns ------- bool is the list of nodes consistent? """ ids = [ for x in nodes] check = [] for node in nodes: source = node.source if source is None or source in ids: check.append(True) else: check.append(False) return all(check) def split(xmlfile, groups): """ split a workflow file into groups and write them to separate workflows including source and write target linking. The new workflows are written to a sub-directory 'temp' of the target directory defined in the input's 'Write' node. Each new workflow is parametrized with a Read and Write node if they don't already exist. Temporary outputs are written to BEAM-DIMAP files named after the workflow suffix sequence. Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the workflow to be split groups: list a list of lists each containing IDs for individual nodes Returns ------- list of str the names of the newly written temporary workflows Raises ------ RuntimeError """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) write = workflow['Write'] out = write.parameters['file'] tmp = os.path.join(out, 'temp') if not os.path.isdir(tmp): os.makedirs(tmp) outlist = [] prod_tmp = [] prod_tmp_format = [] for position, group in enumerate(groups): new = parse_recipe('blank') nodes = [workflow[x] for x in group] if nodes[0].operator != 'Read': read = new.insert_node(parse_node('Read'), void=False) else: read = new.insert_node(nodes[0], void=False) del nodes[0] if position != 0: read.parameters['file'] = prod_tmp[-1] read.parameters['formatName'] = prod_tmp_format[-1] for i, node in enumerate(nodes): if i == 0: new.insert_node(node, else: new.insert_node(node) nodes = new.nodes() operators = [node.operator for node in nodes] writers = new['operator=Write'] formats = [write.parameters['formatName'] for write in writers] if (position < len(groups) - 1 and 'BEAM-DIMAP' not in formats) \ or (operators[-1] != 'Write'): write = parse_node('Write') new.insert_node(write, before=nodes[-1].id) tmp_out = os.path.join(tmp, 'tmp{}.dim'.format(position)) prod_tmp.append(tmp_out) prod_tmp_format.append('BEAM-DIMAP') write.parameters['file'] = tmp_out write.parameters['formatName'] = 'BEAM-DIMAP' operators.append('Write') else: prod_tmp.append(nodes[-1].parameters['file']) prod_tmp_format.append(nodes[-1].parameters['formatName']) nodes = new.nodes() if not is_consistent(nodes): message = 'inconsistent group:\n {}'.format(' -> '.join(group)) raise RuntimeError(message) outname = os.path.join(tmp, 'tmp{}.xml'.format(position)) new.write(outname) outlist.append(outname) return outlist def groupbyWorkers(xmlfile, n=2): """ split SNAP workflow into groups containing a maximum defined number of operators Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the SNAP xml workflow n: int the maximum number of worker nodes in each group; Read and Write are excluded Returns ------- list a list of lists each containing the IDs of all nodes belonging to the groups including Read and Write nodes; this list can e.g. be passed to function :func:`split` to split the workflow into new sub-workflow files based on the newly created groups """ workflow = Workflow(xmlfile) nodes = workflow.nodes() workers_id = [ for x in nodes if x.operator not in ['Read', 'Write']] readers_id = [ for x in workflow['operator=Read']] writers_id = [ for x in workflow['operator=Write']] workers_groups = [workers_id[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(workers_id), n)] nodes_groups = [] for group in workers_groups: newgroup = [] for worker in group: newgroup.append(worker) source = workflow[worker].source if source in readers_id: newgroup.insert(group.index(worker), source) for writer in writers_id: if workflow[writer].source == worker: newgroup.append(writer) nodes_groups.append(newgroup) return nodes_groups
[docs]class Workflow(object): """ Class for convenient handling of SNAP XML workflows Parameters ---------- xmlfile: str the workflow XML file """ def __init__(self, xmlfile): with open(xmlfile, 'r') as infile: self.tree = ET.fromstring( def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def __getitem__(self, item): pattern = '(?P<key>[a-zA-Z-_]*)=(?P<value>[a-zA-Z-_]*)' if isinstance(item, int): return self.nodes()[item] elif, item): key, value =, item).groups() return [x for x in self.nodes() if getattr(x, key) == value] else: return Node(self.tree.find('.//node[@id="{}"]'.format(item))) def __delitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('key must be of type str') element = self.tree.find('.//node[@id="{}"]'.format(key)) node = Node(element) source = node.source successors = [x for x in self.nodes() if x.source == key] for node in successors: node.source = source self.tree.remove(element) def __str__(self): rough_string = ET.tostring(self.tree, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent='\t', newl='') @property def ids(self): """ Returns ------- list the IDs of all nodes """ return [ for node in self.nodes()]
[docs] def index(self, node): """ Parameters ---------- node: Node a node in the workflow Returns ------- int the index position of the node in the workflow """ return list(self.tree).index(node.element)
[docs] def insert_node(self, node, before=None, after=None, resetSuccessorSource=True, void=True): """ insert a node into the workflow including setting its source to its predecessor and setting its ID as source of the successor. Parameters ---------- node: Node the node to be inserted before: str the ID of the node before the newly inserted node after: str the ID of the node before the newly inserted node resetSuccessorSource: bool reset the source of the successor node to the ID of the newly inserted node? void: bool if false, the function returns the node Returns ------- Node or None the new node or None, depending on arguement `void` """ if before and not after: predecessor = self[before] # print('inserting node {} after {}'.format(, position = self.index(predecessor) + 1 self.tree.insert(position, node.element) newnode = Node(self.tree[position]) # print('new node id: {}'.format( # set the source product for the new node source_id = before while True: if self[source_id].operator == 'Write': source_id = self[source_id].source else: # print('setting source of new node to {}'.format(self[source_id].id)) newnode.source = self[source_id].id break # set the source product for the node after the new node if resetSuccessorSource: try: successor = self[position] # print('resetting source of successor {} to {}'.format(, successor.source = except IndexError: pass # else: # print('no source resetting required') elif after and not before: successor = self[after] # print('inserting node {} before {}'.format(, position = self.index(successor) self.tree.insert(position, node.element) newnode = Node(self.tree[position]) # print('new node id: {}'.format( # set the source product for the new node try: predecessor = self[position - 2] source_id = while True: if self[source_id].operator == 'Write': source_id = self[source_id].source else: # print('setting source of new node to {}'.format(self[source_id].id)) newnode.source = self[source_id].id break except IndexError: newnode.source = None # set the source product for the node after the new node if resetSuccessorSource: # print('resetting source of successor {} to {}'.format(, successor.source = # else: # print('no source resetting required') else: self.tree.insert(len(self.tree) - 1, node.element) self.refresh_ids() # print([ for x in self.nodes()]) if not void: return node
[docs] def nodes(self): """ Returns ------- list the list of :class:`Node` objects in the workflow """ return [Node(x) for x in self.tree.findall('node')]
@property def operators(self): """ Returns ------- list the names of the unique operators in the workflow """ return sorted(list(set([node.operator for node in self.nodes()])))
[docs] def refresh_ids(self): counter = {} for node in self.nodes(): operator = node.operator if operator not in counter.keys(): counter[operator] = 1 = operator else: counter[operator] += 1 = '{} ({})'.format(operator, counter[operator])
[docs] def set_par(self, key, value): """ set a parameter for all nodes in the workflow Parameters ---------- key: str the parameter name value Returns ------- """ for node in self.nodes(): if key in node.parameters.keys(): node.parameters[key] = value2str(value)
@property def suffix(self): """ Returns ------- str a file suffix created from the order of which the nodes will be executed """ nodes = self.tree.findall('node') suffix = '_'.join(filter(None, [LOOKUP.snap.suffix[x] for x in [y.attrib['id'] for y in nodes]])) return suffix
[docs] def write(self, outfile): """ write the workflow to an XML file Parameters ---------- outfile: str the name of the file to write Returns ------- """ outfile = outfile if outfile.endswith('.xml') else outfile + '.xml' with open(outfile, 'w') as out: out.write(self.__str__())
[docs]class Node(object): """ class for handling of SNAP workflow processing nodes Parameters ---------- element: ~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element the node XML element """ def __init__(self, element): if not isinstance(element, ET.Element): raise TypeError('element must be of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element') self.element = element def __repr__(self): return "pyroSAR Node object '{}'".format( def __str__(self): rough_string = ET.tostring(self.element, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent='\t', newl='') @property def id(self): """ Returns ------- str the node ID """ return self.element.attrib['id'] @id.setter def id(self, value): self.element.attrib['id'] = value @property def operator(self): """ Returns ------- str the name of the node's processing operator """ return self.element.find('.//operator').text @property def parameters(self): """ Returns ------- Par the processing parameters of the node """ params = self.element.find('.//parameters') return Par(params) @property def source(self): """ Returns ------- str the ID of the source node """ source = self.element.find('.//sources/sourceProduct') if source is not None: source = source.attrib['refid'] return source @source.setter def source(self, value): """ reset the source of the node by ID Parameters ---------- value: str the ID of the new source node Returns ------- Raises ------ RuntimeError """ source = self.element.find('.//sources/sourceProduct') if source is not None: source.attrib['refid'] = value else: raise RuntimeError('cannot set source on {} node'.format(self.operator))
[docs]class Par(object): """ class for handling processing node parameters Parameters ---------- element: ~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element the node parameter XML element """ def __init__(self, element): self.__element = element def __delitem__(self, key): par = self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(key)) self.__element.remove(par) def __getitem__(self, item): if item not in self.keys(): raise KeyError('key {} does not exist'.format(item)) return self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(item)).text def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self.keys(): raise KeyError('key {} does not exist'.format(key)) strval = value2str(value) self.__element.find('.//{}'.format(key)).text = strval def __repr__(self): return str(self.dict())
[docs] def dict(self): """ Returns ------- dict the parameters as a dictionary """ return dict(self.items())
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameters as (key, value) as from :meth:`dict.items()` """ return list(zip(self.keys(), self.values()))
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameter names as from :meth:`dict.keys()` """ return [x.tag for x in self.__element.findall('./')]
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns ------- list the parameter values as from :meth:`dict.values()` """ return [x.text for x in self.__element.findall('./')]
def value2str(value): """ format a parameter value to string to be inserted into a workflow Parameters ---------- value: bool, int, float, list Returns ------- str the string representation of the value """ if isinstance(value, bool): strval = str(value).lower() elif isinstance(value, list): strval = ','.join(map(str, value)) elif value is None: strval = value else: strval = str(value) return strval