Source code for pyroSAR.gamma.parser_demo

from pyroSAR.gamma.auxil import process

[docs]def adapt_filt(int, sm, width, low_SNR_thr='-', filt_width='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Adaptive bandpass filtering of interferograms | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.5 clw 17-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- int: (input) complex interferogram image filename sm: (output) smoothed interferogram filename width: number of samples/row low_SNR_thr: low SNR threshold (default = .25); filt_width: filter width in pixels (default = 1.0) xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/adapt_filt', int, sm, width, low_SNR_thr, filt_width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def adf(interf, sm, cc, width, alpha='-', nfft='-', cc_win='-', step='-', loff='-', nlines='-', wfrac='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Adaptive spectral filtering for complex interferograms | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.6 12-Oct-2017 clw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) sm: (output) filtered interferogram (fcomplex) cc: (output) coherence derived from filtered interferogram (float) width: number of samples/line alpha: exponent for non-linear filtering (enter - for default: 0.40) nfft: filtering FFT window size, 2\*\*N, 8 --> 512, (enter - for default: 32) cc_win: coherence parameter estimation window size odd, max: 15 (enter - for default: 5) step: processing step (enter - for default: nfft/8) loff: offset to starting line to process (enter - for default: 0) nlines: number of lines to process (enter - for default: to end of file) wfrac: minimum fraction of points required to be non-zero in the filter window (enter - for default: 0.200) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/adf', interf, sm, cc, width, alpha, nfft, cc_win, step, loff, nlines, wfrac], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def af_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, rwin='-', azwin='-', dr='-', daz='-', thres='-', a1_flg='-', b0_flg='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', roff='-', azoff='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Focus testing for SLC data using autofocus estimation of effective velocity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Feb-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) single-look complex image rwin: range window size (enter - for default: 1024) azwin: azimuth window size (enter - for default: 4096) dr: range sample increment (enter - for default: 1024, enter 0 for single patch) daz: azimuth line increment (enter - for default: 8192, enter 0 for single patch) thres: offset estimation SNR threshold (enter - for default: 10.000) a1_flg: fit a1 for first derivative of the effective velocity w.r.t.range * 0: no (default) * 1: yes b0_flg: fit b0 for first derivative of the effective velocity w.r.t. along-track time * 0: no (default) * 1: yes offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and SNR data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (1,2,4: enter - for default: 1) roff: range offset for single patch center azoff: azimuth offset for single patch center logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/af_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, rwin, azwin, dr, daz, thres, a1_flg, b0_flg, offsets, n_ovr, roff, azoff], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ASAR_LO_phase_drift(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, ph_drift, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate interferometric phase correction due to drift of the ASAR local oscillator | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 3-Dec-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file ph_drift: (output) interferometric phase correction due to drift of the ASAR LO (radians) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ASAR_LO_phase_drift', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, ph_drift], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ASAR_XCA(ASA_XCA, antenna, swath='-', pol='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Interpretation of ASAR external calibration data file (ASA_XCA) | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 7-June-2006 awi/uw/clw Parameters ---------- ASA_XCA: (input) ASAR external calibration data file (binary) antenna: (output) 1-way antenna gain pattern file or '-' (if not provided) or 'all' to generate all ASAR antenna diagrams swath: ASAR swath (IS1,IS2,...IS7;SS1,SS2,...SS5) pol: polarization (HH,VV,HV,VH) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ASAR_XCA', ASA_XCA, antenna, swath, pol], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ave_image(im_list, width, ave, start='-', nlines='-', pixav_x='-', pixav_y='-', zflag='-', nmin='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate average of a stack of images (float format) | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 20-Nov-2015 clw Parameters ---------- im_list: (input) text file with names of co-registered images in column 1 (float) width: number of samples/line ave: (output) average of input image data files (float) start: starting line (default: 1) nlines: number of lines to process (enter - for default: entire file) pixav_x: number of pixels to average in width (default: 1) pixav_y: number of pixels to average in height (default: 1) zflag: zero flag: * 0: interpret 0.0 as missing data value (default) * 1: interpret 0.0 as valid data nmin: minimum number of images required to calculate the average if zflag = 0 (default: 3/4\*nfiles) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ave_image', im_list, width, ave, start, nlines, pixav_x, pixav_y, zflag, nmin], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def az_integrate(data, width, azi, cflg, scale='-', lz='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate azimuth integral of float data (unwrapped phase or azimuth offsets) | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 6-Feb-2012 Parameters ---------- data: (input) input data (example: SBI dtrapped phase) (float) width: (input) number of range samples/line azi: (output) input data integrated along azimuth (float) cflg: integration constant flag: * 0: set azimuth integral value to 0.0 at specified line * 1: set average of the azimuth integral to 0.0 scale: scale factor to apply to the data (enter - for default, default: 1.0) lz: line offset where the azimuth integral is set to 0.0 (cflg = 0, enter - for default, default: 0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/az_integrate', data, width, azi, cflg, scale, lz], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def az_spec_SLC(SLC, SLC_par, spectrum, roff='-', namb='-', pltflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Doppler centroid estimate from SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 clw 15-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SAR image data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC image parameter file spectrum: (output) Doppler spectrum (text format) roff: range sample offset to center of estimation window (enter - for default=center_swath) namb: number of multiples of the PRF to add to the estimated centroid (default=0) pltflg: azimuth spectrum plotting flag: * 0: none (default) * 1: output plot in PNG format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/az_spec_SLC', SLC, SLC_par, spectrum, roff, namb, pltflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_copy(SLC1_par, baseline_1, SLC2_par, baseline_2, time_rev='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate baseline file for a subsection of a reference SLC | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 6-Jan-2003 ts/clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) ISP image parameter file of the reference SLC baseline_1: (input) baseline file derived using the reference SLC geometry SLC2_par: (input) ISP image parameter file corresponding to the subsecton of the reference SLC baseline_2: (output) baseline file derived using the geometry and timing of the SLC subsection time_rev: SLC image normal=1, time-reversed = -1 (default=1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_copy', SLC1_par, baseline_1, SLC2_par, baseline_2, time_rev], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_est_fft(interf, SLC1_par, OFF_par, baseline, nazfft='-', r_samp='-', az_line='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Estimate baseline from interferogram fringe spectrum | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.1 clw/uw 20-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- interf: (input) multi-look interferogram with range phase SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file baseline: (output) baseline file nazfft: size of azimuth FFT (lines read from file, 2\*\*N) (default: 512) r_samp: range pixel offset to center of the FFT window (default: center) az_line: line offset from start of the interf. for the FFT window (default=center) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_est_fft', interf, SLC1_par, OFF_par, baseline, nazfft, r_samp, az_line], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_init(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, interf, baseline, mflag='-', nrfft='-', nazfft='-', r_samp='-', az_line='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Estimate initial baseline using orbit state vectors, offsets, and interferogram phase | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 clw/uw 19-Feb-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file (enter - for none) interf: (input) unflattened interferogram (enter - for none) baseline: (output) baseline parameter file mflag: baseline estimation method flag (enter - for default) mflag: b_para b_perp input * 0: orbits orbits p1,p2 (default) * 1: offsets offsets p1,p2,off * 2: orbits fft p1,p2,off,int * 3: offsets fft p1,p2,off,int * 4: fft fft p1,off,int nrfft: size of range FFT (512, 1024,...) (enter - for default determined from image width) nazfft: size of azimuth FFT (512, 1024,...) (enter - for default determined from image azimuth lines) r_samp: range pixel offset to center of the FFT window (enter - for default, default: range center) az_line: line offset from start of the interf. for the FFT window (enter - for default, default: azimuth center) * NOTE: Not all input data files are required for the different methods enter - for files that are not provided logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_init', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, interf, baseline, mflag, nrfft, nazfft, r_samp, az_line], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_ls(SLC_par, OFF_par, gcp_ph, baseline, ph_flag='-', bc_flag='-', bn_flag='-', bcdot_flag='-', bndot_flag='-', bperp_min='-', SLC2R_par='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Least squares baseline estimation using terrain heights | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 5-Sep-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file of the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file gcp_ph: (input) ground control point heights + extracted unwrapped phase (text format) baseline: (input) baseline parameter file ph_flag: restore range phase ramp (default=0: do not restore 1: restore) bc_flag: cross-track baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bn_flag: normal baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bcdot_flag: cross-track baseline rate estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1) bndot_flag: normal baseline rate estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=0) bperp_min: minimum perpendicular baseline required for L.S estimation (m, default= 10.0) SLC2R_par: (input) parameter file of resampled SLC, required if SLC-2 frequency differs from SLC-1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_ls', SLC_par, OFF_par, gcp_ph, baseline, ph_flag, bc_flag, bn_flag, bcdot_flag, bndot_flag, bperp_min, SLC2R_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_orbit(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, baseline, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Estimate baseline from orbit state vectors | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.2 clw 18-Apr-2018 Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file baseline: (output) baseline file (text format, enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_orbit', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, baseline], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def base_perp(baseline, SLC1_par, OFF_par, time_rev='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate baseline components perpendicular and parallel to look vector | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.5 10-May-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- baseline: (input) baseline file (text) SLC1_par: (input) ISP parameter file of SLC-1 (reference SLC) OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file time_rev: SLC image normal=1 (default), image time-reversed = -1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/base_perp', baseline, SLC1_par, OFF_par, time_rev], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def bpf(data_in, data_out, width, fc_x, bw_x, fc_y, bw_y, roff='-', azoff='-', nr='-', naz='-', data_type='-', f_mode='-', beta='-', fir_len='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP): Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/bpf.c | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 clw 3-Mar-2016 | Bandpass filter for 2-dimensional complex image data (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format) Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input data file (fcomplex, scomplex, float) data_out: (output) output data file (fcomplex, scomplex, float) width: number of samples/line fc_x: normalized x-coord. (across) filter center frequency (range: -0.5 --> 0.5) bw_x: normalized x-coord. bandwidth (range: 0 --> 1.0) fc_y: normalized y-coord. (down) filter center frequency (range: -0.5 --> 0.5) bw_y: normalized y-coord. bandwidth (range: 0 --> 1.0) roff: offset to starting range to filter (default: 0) azoff: offset to starting azimuth to filter (default: 0) nr: number of range pixels to filter (default - : width - roff) naz: number of azimuth lines to filter (default - : nlines - azoff) data_type: data type (default 0:fcomplex, 1:scomplex, 2:float) f_mode: fill mode (default 0:force filtered value to 0.0 for input value 0.0, 1:no forcing) beta: Kaiser window beta parameter (default - : 1.000) fir_len: finite impulse reponse filter length (default - : 128) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/bpf', data_in, data_out, width, fc_x, bw_x, fc_y, bw_y, roff, azoff, nr, naz, data_type, f_mode, beta, fir_len], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def bridge(int, flag, unw, bridge, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrap new regions with bridges to regions already unwrapped | Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 clw 4-Nov-2010 Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) unwrapping flag file unw: (input/output) unwrapped phase (float) bridge: (input) bridge data file (text format) width: number of samples/row xmin: starting range pixel offset to unwrap (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset to unwrap (default=width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset to unwrap, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset to unwrap, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/bridge', int, flag, unw, bridge, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def cc_wave(interf, MLI_1, MLI_2, cc, width, bx='-', by='-', wflg='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Estimate interferometric coherence | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v6.0 24-Oct-2017 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) normalized complex interferogram MLI_1: (input) intensity image of the first scene (float) (enter - for none) MLI_2: (input) intensity image of the second scene (float) (enter - for none) cc: (output) estimated degree of coherence filename width: number of samples/line bx: estimation window size in columns (enter - for default:5.0) by: estimation window size in lines (enter - for default:5.0) wflg: estimation window (enter - for default): * 0: rectangular (default) * 1: triangular * 2: Gaussian * 3: normalized vector sum with rectangular window * NOTE: This estimator does not use the MLI data, even when specified xmin: starting range pixel offset (enter - for default: 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (enter - for default: width - 1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (enter - for default: 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (enter - for default: nlines - 1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/cc_wave', interf, MLI_1, MLI_2, cc, width, bx, by, wflg, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def clear_flag(flag, width, flag_bits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Clear phase unwrapping flag bits | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 clw 17-Oct-2005 Parameters ---------- flag: (input)phase unwrapping flag filename width: number of samples/row flag_bits: byte with value of flag(s) to be cleared: Charges = 3 Guides = 4 Low SNR = 8 Visited = 16 BRANCH PT. = 32 Cuts = 64 Lawn = 128 xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/clear_flag', flag, width, flag_bits, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def corr_flag(corr, flag, width, corr_thr, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', border='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Low correlation region detection for phase unwrapping | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.4 1-Mar-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- corr: (input)interferometric correlation file flag: (input/output) phase unwrapping flag filename width: number of samples/row corr_thr: corrrelation threshold (0 --> 1.0) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) border: effective range of low coherence pixels to set low coherence flag (default=2) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/corr_flag', corr, flag, width, corr_thr, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, border], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def create_offset(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, algorithm='-', rlks='-', azlks='-', iflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Create and update ISP offset and interferogram parameter files | Copyright 2015 Gamma Remote Sensing v5.3 clw/uw 10-Nov-2015 Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1/MLI-1 ISP image parameter filename (reference) SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2/MLI-2 ISP image parameter filename OFF_par: (input/output) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file algorithm: offset estimation algorithm * 1: intensity cross-correlation (default) * 2: fringe visibility rlks: number of interferogram range looks (enter - for default: 1) azlks: number of interferogram azimuth looks (enter - for default: 1) iflg: interactive mode flag (enter - for default) * 0: non-interactive * 1: interactive (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/create_offset', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, algorithm, rlks, azlks, iflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def dcomp_sirc(infile, outfile, samples, loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract SIR-C SLC compressed single-pol data | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Oct-2009 clw Parameters ---------- infile: (input) SIR-C single-pol SLC compressed data outfile: (output) complex floating point data samples: number of polarimetric samples per input line (4 bytes/sample) loff: offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/dcomp_sirc', infile, outfile, samples, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def dcomp_sirc_quad(infile, outfile, samples, parameter, loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract SIR-C MLC or SLC compressed quad-pol data | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 16-Oct-2009 uw/clw Parameters ---------- infile: (input) SIR-C SLC or MLC quad-pol compressed data outfile: (output) complex floating point data samples: number of polarimetric samples per input line (10 bytes/sample) parameter: polarimetric parameter to extract from SLC or MLC product: * 0: SLC total power * 1: SLC-HH * 2: SLC-HV * 3: SLC-VH * 4: SLC-VV * 5: MLC total power * 6: MLC-HVHV\* * 7: MLC-VVVV\* * 8: MLC-HHHH\* * 9: MLC-HHHV\* * 10: MLC-HHVV\* * 11: MLC-HVVV\* loff: offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/dcomp_sirc_quad', infile, outfile, samples, parameter, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def DELFT_vec2(SLC_par, DELFT_dir, nstate='-', interval='-', ODR='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract and interpolate DELFT ERS-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT state vectors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 clw 24-Oct-2012 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file DELFT_dir: directory containing Delft orbit arclist and ODR files for ERS-1, ERS-2 or ENVISAT * NOTE: enter . for current directory nstate: number of state vectors to generate (enter - for default (>= 15) interval: time interval between state vectors in the ISP image parameter file (s) (default: 10.0) ODR: ODR file to use (include path) rather than ODR file determined from the Delft orbit arclist logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/DELFT_vec2', SLC_par, DELFT_dir, nstate, interval, ODR], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def DORIS_vec(SLC_par, DOR, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract ENVISAT DORIS state vectors and write to an ISP image parameter file | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 11-Jun-2008 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output)ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file DOR: (input) ASAR DORIS data file (DOR_VOR_AXVF) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 11) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/DORIS_vec', SLC_par, DOR, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def error_stat(d1, d2, width, dtype, roff, loff, nr, nl, report, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate statistics for two data files and their difference (FLOAT or FCOMPLEX) | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 clw 7-Jan-2016 Parameters ---------- d1: (input) data file 1 d2: (input) data file 2 width: image line width (samples/line) dtype: data type for d1 and d2: * 0: FLOAT * 1: FCOMPLEX roff: sample offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) loff: line offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) nr: region width (samples, enter - for default: width - roff) nl: number of lines in the region (enter - for default: data_lines - loff) report: output text file (keyword:value format) keywords: data_1, data_2, d1_mean, d2_mean, d1_stddev, d2_stddev, root_mean_square_error, normalized_mean_square_error, cross_correlation_coefficient, cross_correlation_angle, total_samples, non_zero_samples, valid_fraction logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/error_stat', d1, d2, width, dtype, roff, loff, nr, nl, report], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def fill_gaps(data_in, width, data_out, method='-', max_dist='-', bp_flag='-', win='-', ds_method='-', ds_size='-', ds_data='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Fill gaps in 2D raster file | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 6-Apr-2017 cm Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input data file (float) width: width of input data data_out: (output) output data file (float) method: method flag (enter - for default: 1) * 0: Laplace interpolation and linear extrapolation - least squares solution * 1: Laplace interpolation and linear extrapolation - smaller system of linear equations than in method #0 in case of few missing values - least squares solution (default) * 2: Laplace interpolation and linear extrapolation - solves a direct linear system of equations for the missing values (not a least squares solution) * 3: biharmonic interpolation - implementation similar to method #1 - least squares solution * 4: spring analogy: assumes springs (with a nominal length of zero) connect each node with every neighbor - least squares solution * 5: average of the 8 nearest neighbors - this method solves a direct linear system for the missing values (not a least squares solution) hints: small gaps: use method #0, #1 or #3 - large gaps: use method #2, #4 or #5 - most demanding: method #3 max_dist: maximum interpolation / extrapolation distance in pixels (enter - or 0 for default: unlimited) bp_flag: perform block processing (enter - for default: 0) * 0: no block processing (default) * 1: block processing (faster, avoid overflow, however might be slightly less accurate) when block processing is selected, a two-step process is carried out: 1: solving the downsampled array (coarse processing), 2: block processing win: block size (pixels, 10 < win < 1000, enter - for default: 100) ds_method: method flag (0 - 5, same choices as for [method] option) (enter - for default: same as [method]) hint: for an input containing large gaps, method #2, #4 or #5 may yield more appropriate results. ds_size: maximum size of downsampled data (for both width and height) (pixels, ds_size > 10, enter - for default: 400) ds_data: (output) write intermediate data after solving the downsampled array (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/fill_gaps', data_in, width, data_out, method, max_dist, bp_flag, win, ds_method, ds_size, ds_data], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def fspf(data_in, data_out, width, dtype='-', r_max='-', spf_type='-', MLI_par='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/fspf.c | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 28-May-2014 of/clw/uw | Fast spatial filter for 2D data Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input image data data_out: (output) spatially filtered image data width: number of samples/row dtype: data type (enter - for default): * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX * 2: FLOAT (default) r_max: maximum filter radius (range samples) (enter - for default: 64) spf_type: spatial filter type (enter - for default): * 0: uniform average (default for fcomplex and scomplex) * 1: triangular weighted average: 1 - (r/r_max) * 2: quadratic weighted average: 1 - (r/r_max)\*\*2 * 3: Gaussian weighted average: exp(-2.\*(r\*\*2/r_max\*\*2)) * 4: linear least-squares (default for float data) MLI_par: MLI or SLC parameter file with the same number of looks as the input image, required for GPRI data logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/fspf', data_in, data_out, width, dtype, r_max, spf_type, MLI_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def gcp_phase(unw, OFF_par, gcp, gcp_ph, win_sz='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract unwrapped phase at GCP locations | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 8-Mar-2006 clw Parameters ---------- unw: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase OFF_par: (input) ISP interferogram/offset parameter file gcp: (input) ground control point data (text format) gcp_ph: (output) ground control point data + extracted unwrapped phase (text) win_sz: window size for averaging phase for each GCP, must be odd (default: 1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/gcp_phase', unw, OFF_par, gcp, gcp_ph, win_sz], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def grasses(int, flag, unw, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', xinit='-', yinit='-', init_ph='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrapping by region growing | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.2 1-Mar-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram filename flag: (input) unwrapping flag filename unw: (output) unwrapped phase filename width: number of samples/row xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default=width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1) xinit: starting range pixel for unwrapping (default = width/2) yinit: starting row to unwrap (default = height/2) init_ph: flag to set phase at starting point to 0.0 (default 0: not set to 0.0, 1: set to 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/grasses', int, flag, unw, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xinit, yinit, init_ph], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def GRD_to_SR(GRD_par, MLI_par, OFF_par, in_file, out_file, rlks='-', azlks='-', interp_mode='-', sr_rsp='-', sr_azsp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Conversion to slant range for ISP MLI and INSAR ground range data of type float | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 4-Apr-2014 uw/clw Parameters ---------- GRD_par: (input) SLC parameter file of output ground range image MLI_par: (output) MLI ISP image parameter file for slant range image (float) * NOTE: delete an existing MLI parameter file to recalculate the output MLI parameters OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file of input image (enter - image in MLI geometry) in_file: (input) ground range image (float) out_file: (output) slant range image (float) rlks: multi-looking in range (prior to resampling, default=1) azlks: multi-looking in azimuth (prior to resampling, default=1) interp_mode: interpolation mode * 0: nearest neighbor (default) * 1: spline * 2: spline log sr_rsp: output image slant range sample spacing (m) (default = c/(2\*adc_sampling_rate) sr_azsp: output image azimunt sample spacing (m) (default = (input image azimuth spacing) \* azlks) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/GRD_to_SR', GRD_par, MLI_par, OFF_par, in_file, out_file, rlks, azlks, interp_mode, sr_rsp, sr_azsp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def hgt_map(unw, SLC_par, OFF_par, baseline, hgt, gr, ph_flag='-', loff='-', nlines='-', SLC2R_par='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Interferometric height/ground range estimation vs. slant range | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 clw/uw 9-Sep-2005 Parameters ---------- unw: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file for the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram processing parameters baseline: (input) baseline parameter file hgt: (output) height file (in slant range geometry) relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid gr: (output) cross-track ground ranges on the WGS-84 ellipsoid (in slant range geometry) ph_flag: restore phase slope flag (0:no phase change default=1:add back phase ramp) loff: offset to starting line (default = 0) nlines: number of lines to calculate (enter - for default: to end of file) SLC2R_par: (input) parameter file of resampled SLC, required if SLC-2 frequency differs from SLC-1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/hgt_map', unw, SLC_par, OFF_par, baseline, hgt, gr, ph_flag, loff, nlines, SLC2R_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def image_stat(image, width, roff, loff, nr, nl, report, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate mean, standard deviation and number of non-zero values for a rectangular image region (float format) | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 3-Nov-2016 Parameters ---------- image: (input) image data file (float) width: image line width (samples/line) roff: sample offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) loff: line offset to region start (enter - for default: 0) nr: region width (samples, enter - for default: width - roff) nl: number of lines in the region (enter - for default: image_lines - loff) report: output text file (keyword:value format) keywords: file, mean, stdev, total_samples, non_zero_samples, fraction_valid) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/image_stat', image, width, roff, loff, nr, nl, report], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def init_offset(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rlks='-', azlks='-', rpos='-', azpos='-', offr='-', offaz='-', thres='-', rwin='-', azwin='-', cflag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Determine initial offset between SLC images using correlation of image intensity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.1 clw 12-Apr-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC_2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file rlks: number of range looks (default: 1) azlks: number of azimuth looks (default: 1) rpos: center of patch in range (samples) (enter - for default: image center) azpos: center of patch in azimuth (lines) (enter - for default: image center) offr: initial range offset (samples) (enter - for default: 0) offaz: initial azimuth offset (lines) (enter - for default: 0) thres: cross-correlation threshold (enter - for default: 0.150) rwin: range window size (default: 512) azwin: azimuth window size (default: 512) cflag: copy offsets to the range and azimuth offset polynomials in the OFF_par * 0: do not copy * 1: copy constant range and azimuth offset (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/init_offset', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rlks, azlks, rpos, azpos, offr, offaz, thres, rwin, azwin, cflag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def init_offset_orbit(SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rpos='-', azpos='-', cflag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Initial SLC image offset estimation from orbit state-vectors and image parameters | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 21-Apr-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 parameter file OFF_par: (input/output) ISP/offset parameter file rpos: range position for offset estimation (enter - for default: center of SLC-1) azpos: azimuth position for offset estimation (enter - for default: center of SLC-1) cflag: copy offsets to the range and azimuth offset polynomials in the OFF_par * 0: do not copy * 1: copy constant range and azimuth offset (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/init_offset_orbit', SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, rpos, azpos, cflag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def interf_SLC(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, MLI_1, MLI_2, interf, nrlk='-', nazlk='-', loff='-', nltot='-', rfilt='-', azfilt='-', s_off='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Interferogram generation using a pair of SLC images | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.10 clw/uw 27-Oct-2009 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC_2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file MLI_1: (output) multi-look intensity image 1 MLI_2: (output) multi-look intensity image 2 interf: interferogram from SLC-1 and SLC-2 nrlk: number of interferogram range looks (default: 2) nazlk: number of interferogram azimuth looks (default: 10) loff: offset to starting line of interferogram (relative to start of SLC-1) (default: 0) nltot: number of SLC lines to process (default: 0, to end of file) rfilt: range common band filtering flag * 0: OFF * 1: ON (default) azfilt: azimuth common band filtering flag * 0: OFF * 1: ON (default) s_off: offset to the nominal range spectral shift (frac. of range sampling freq.) (default: 0.0) * NOTE: enter - as filename to avoid creation of corresponding output file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/interf_SLC', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, MLI_1, MLI_2, interf, nrlk, nazlk, loff, nltot, rfilt, azfilt, s_off], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def interp_ad(data_in, data_out, width, r_max='-', np_min='-', np_max='-', w_mode='-', type='-', cp_data='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Weighted interpolation of gaps in 2D data using an adaptive smoothing window | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.1 13-Jun-2018 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) data with gaps data_out: (output) data with gaps filled by interpolation width: number of samples/row r_max: maximum interpolation window radius (default(-): 16) np_min: minimum number of points used for the interpolation (default(-): 16) np_max: maximum number of points used for the interpolation (default(-): 16) w_mode: data weighting mode (enter - for default): * 0: constant * 1: 1 - (r/r_max) * 2: 1 - (r/r_max)\*\*2 (default) * 3: exp(-2.\*(r\*\*2/r_max\*\*2)) type: input and output data type: * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX * 2: FLOAT (default) * 3: INT * 4: SHORT cp_data: copy data flag: * 0: do not copy input data values to output * 1: copy input data values to output (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/interp_ad', data_in, data_out, width, r_max, np_min, np_max, w_mode, type, cp_data], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mask_data(data_in, width, data_out, mask, dtype='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Mask float or fcomplex data using an 8-bit SUN/BMP/TIFF format raster image | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 10-Dec-2016 clw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) data file (FLOAT or FCOMPLEX format) width: width of input data file data_out: (output) data file, same data format as input mask: (input) mask file, SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format, 8-bits/pixel output data values are set to 0.0 at all locations where the mask is black (0,0,0) or dn = 0 * NOTE: mask file must have the same width as the input data file dtype: data format: * 0: FLOAT (default) * 1: FCOMPLEX logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/mask_data', data_in, width, data_out, mask, dtype], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mcf(interf, wgt, mask, unw, width, tri_mode='-', roff='-', loff='-', nr='-', nlines='-', npat_r='-', npat_az='-', ovrlap='-', r_init='-', az_init='-', init_flag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrapping using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) and triangulation | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 clw/uw 30-Nov-2016 Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (\*.int,\*.flt)(fcomplex) wgt: (input) weight factors (0 -> 1.0) file (float)(enter - for uniform weight) mask: (input) validity mask (SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format, value 0 -> pixel not used)(enter - if no mask) unw: (output) unwrapped phase image (\*.unw)(float) width: number of samples/row tri_mode: triangulation mode * 0: filled triangular mesh (default) * 1: Delaunay triangulation roff: offset to starting range of section to unwrap (default: 0) loff: offset to starting line of section to unwrap (default: 0) nr: number of range samples of section to unwrap (default(-): width - roff) nlines: number of lines of section to unwrap (default(-): total number of lines - loff) npat_r: number of patches in range npat_az: number of patches in azimuth ovrlap: overlap between patches in pixels (overlap >= 7, default(-): 512) r_init: phase reference point range offset (default(-): roff) az_init: phase reference point azimuth offset (default(-): loff) init_flag: flag to set phase at reference point * 0: use initial point phase value (default) * 1: set phase to 0.0 at initial point logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/mcf', interf, wgt, mask, unw, width, tri_mode, roff, loff, nr, nlines, npat_r, npat_az, ovrlap, r_init, az_init, init_flag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def MLI_cat(MLI_1, MLI_2, MLI1_par, MLI2_par, MLI_3, MLI3_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Concatenate two MLI images using bicubic spline interpolation | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 23-Jul-2015 awi Parameters ---------- MLI_1: (input) MLI-1 image (single-look) MLI_2: (input) MLI-2 image to be appended to MLI-1 MLI1_par: (input) MLI-1 ISP image parameter file MLI2_par: (input) MLI-2 ISP image parameter file MLI_3: (output) concatenated MLI image MLI3_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for concatenated image logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/MLI_cat', MLI_1, MLI_2, MLI1_par, MLI2_par, MLI_3, MLI3_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def MLI_copy(MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Copy MLI data file with options for segment extraction | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 10-Jan-2013 uw/clw Parameters ---------- MLI_in: (input) multi-look intensity image (float format) MLI_in_par: (input) ISP image parameter file for input MLI MLI_out: (output) selected MLI section (float format) MLI_out_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for output MLI roff: offset to starting range sample (enter - for default: 0) nr: number of range samples (enter - for default: to end of line loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0) nl: number of lines to copy (enter - for default: to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/MLI_copy', MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, roff, nr, loff, nl], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mosaic_WB(data_tab, dtype, data_out, data_par_out, sc_flg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP: Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/mosaic_WB.c | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 26-Apr-2018 clw/cm | Mosaic Wide-Beam ScanSAR data processed by the MSP Parameters ---------- data_tab: (input) 2 column list of data and ISP image parameter files for the beams in the mosaic (text) dtype: (input) input data type: * 0: FLOAT * 1: FCOMPLEX data_out: (output) output image mosaic data_par_out: (output) ISP image parameter file for output image mosaic sc_flg: intensity scaling flag: * 0: do not scale different beam data values * 1: use overlap regions to scale beam intensities (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/mosaic_WB', data_tab, dtype, data_out, data_par_out, sc_flg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_cpx(data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks='-', azlks='-', loff='-', nlines='-', roff='-', nsamp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate multi-look averaged or interpolated 2D image (fcomplex data) | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 28-Mar-2013 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input fcomplex image file OFF_par_in: (input) offset parameter file for input image data_out: (output) output multi-look or interpolated fcomplex data file OFF_par_out: (input/output) offset parameter file for output, if already exists, then used as input rlks: number of range looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) azlks: number azimuth looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) loff: line offset to starting line (default: 0) nlines: number of lines (default: 0, to end of file) roff: offset to starting range sample (default:0) nsamp: number of range samples to extract (default: 0, to end of line) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_cpx', data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, roff, nsamp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_look(SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, loff='-', nlines='-', scale='-', exp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate a multi-look intensity (MLI) image from an SLC image | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 12-Jan-2018 clw/uw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) single-look complex image SLC_par: (input) SLC ISP image parameter file MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI ISP image parameter file rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0) nlines: number of SLC lines to process (enter - for default: entire file) scale: scale factor for output MLI (enter - for default: 1.0) exp: exponent for the output MLI (enter - for default: 1.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_look', SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, scale, exp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_look2(SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, r_dec, az_dec, r_enl='-', az_enl='-', lanczos='-', scale='-', exp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate an MLI image from an SLC with separate averaging window dimensions and decimation factors | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 3-Jan-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) single-look complex image SLC_par: (input) SLC ISP image parameter file MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI ISP image parameter file r_dec: range decimation factor (integer) az_dec: azimuth decimation factor (integer) r_enl: number of SLC range samples to average, (integer) (enter - for default: r_dec) az_enl: number of SLC azimuth lines to average, (integer) (enter - for default: az_dec) lanczos: Lanczos interpolator order 5 -> 9 (enter - for default: 7) scale: scale factor for output MLI (enter - for default: 1.0) exp: exponent for the output MLI (enter - for default: 1.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_look2', SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, r_dec, az_dec, r_enl, az_enl, lanczos, scale, exp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_look_MLI(MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, rlks, azlks, loff='-', nlines='-', scale='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Multi-looking of intensity (MLI) images | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 31-Aug-2017 clw/uw/cm Parameters ---------- MLI_in: (input) multi-look intensity image (MLI) file (float) MLI_in_par: (input) MLI parameter file MLI_out: (output) multi-looked MLI image (float) MLI_out_par: (output) MLI parameter file for output MLI rlks: range looks for multi-looking azlks: azimuth looks for multi-looking loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default = 0) nlines: number of input MLI lines to process (enter - for default = entire file) scale: scale factor for output MLI (enter - for default = 1.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_look_MLI', MLI_in, MLI_in_par, MLI_out, MLI_out_par, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, scale], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_real(data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks='-', azlks='-', loff='-', nlines='-', roff='-', nsamp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate multi-look averaged or interpolated 2D image (float data) | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 16-Jul-2013 clw/uw Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input float image file OFF_par_in: (input) interferogram/offset parameter file for input image data_out: (output) output multi-look or interpolated float data file OFF_par_out: (input/output) interferogram/offset parameter file for output, if already existing, used as input rlks: number of range looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) azlks: number azimuth looks, values < -1, interpreted as an image oversampling factor (default: 1) loff: line offset to starting line (default:0) nlines: number of lines (default:0, to end of file) roff: offset to starting range sample (default:0) nsamp: number of range samples to extract (default:0, to end of line) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_real', data_in, OFF_par_in, data_out, OFF_par_out, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, roff, nsamp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, wflg='-', SLCR_tab='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate MLI mosaic from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC burst data (FCOMPLEX and SCOMPLEX) | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v3.4 26-Apr-2018 awi/clw/uw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, Sentinel-1 TOPS_par, rows sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI image parameter file rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks wflg: burst window calculation flag: * 0: use existing burst window parameters if they exist, otherwise calculate burst window parameters (default) * 1: calculate burst window parameters from burst parameters and the number of range and azimuth looks SLCR_tab: (input) SLC_tab of the reference scene, 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 * NOTE: When generating an MLI mosaic of a resampled SLC, the SLC_tab of the reference scene is required logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab, MLI, MLI_par, rlks, azlks, wflg, SLCR_tab], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def multi_SLC_WSS(SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate multi-look intensity image (MLI) from a ASAR Wide-Swath SLC | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.2 08-Jan-2008 clw/awi Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) ASAR Wide-Swath SLC image SLC_par: (input) ASAR Wide-Swath SLC image parameter file MLI: (output) multi-look intensity image MLI_par: (output) MLI image parameter file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/multi_SLC_WSS', SLC, SLC_par, MLI, MLI_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def neutron(intensity, flag, width, n_thres, ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate phase unwrapping neutrons using image intensity | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- intensity: (input) image intensity flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row n_thres: neutron threshold, multiples of the average intensity (default=6.0) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/neutron', intensity, flag, width, n_thres, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_add(OFF_par1, OFF_par2, OFF_par3, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Add range and azimuth offset polynomial coefficients | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 12-Feb-2008 clw Parameters ---------- OFF_par1: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file OFF_par2: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file OFF_par3: (output) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file with sums of the range and azimuth offset polynomials in OFF_par1 and OFF_par2 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_add', OFF_par1, OFF_par2, OFF_par3], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_fit(offs, ccp, OFF_par, coffs='-', coffsets='-', thres='-', npoly='-', interact_mode='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Range and azimuth offset polynomial estimation | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 28-Nov-2015 clw/uw Parameters ---------- offs: (input) range and azimuth offset estimates for each patch (fcomplex) ccp: (input) cross-correlation or SNR of each patch (float) OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file coffs: (output) culled range and azimuth offset estimates (fcomplex, enter - for none) coffsets: (output) culled offset estimates and cross-correlation values (text format, enter - for none) thres: cross-correlation threshold (enter - for default from OFF_par) npoly: number of model polynomial parameters (enter - for default, 1, 3, 4, 6, default: 4) interact_mode: interactive culling of input data: * 0: off (default) * 1: on logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_fit', offs, ccp, OFF_par, coffs, coffsets, thres, npoly, interact_mode], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_pwr(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', nr='-', naz='-', thres='-', lanczos='-', bw_frac='-', deramp='-', int_filt='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Offset estimation between SLC images using intensity cross-correlation | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.5 clw/cm 17-Nov-2017 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4), enter - for default: 2) nr: number of offset estimates in range direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) naz: number of offset estimates in azimuth direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) thres: cross-correlation threshold (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) lanczos: Lanczos interpolator order 5 -> 9 (enter - for default: 5) bw_frac: bandwidth fraction of low-pass filter on complex data (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default: 1.0) deramp: deramp SLC phase flag (enter - for default) * 0: no deramp (Doppler centroid close to 0) (default) * 1: deramp SLC phase int_filt: intensity low-pass filter flag (enter - for default) * 0: no filter * 1: low-pass filter of intensity data, highly recommended when no oversampling used (default) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary (default) * 1: print all offset data pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) * NOTE: ScanSAR and TOPS data need to be previously deramped logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_pwr', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, nr, naz, thres, lanczos, bw_frac, deramp, int_filt, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_pwr_tracking(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', lanczos='-', bw_frac='-', deramp='-', int_filt='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Offset tracking between SLC images using intensity cross-correlation | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.7 clw/cm 17-Nov-2017 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4), enter - for default: 2) thres: cross-correlation threshold (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rwin/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azwin/2) rstart: offset to starting range pixel (enter - for default: 0) rstop: offset to ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr-1) azstart: offset to starting azimuth line (enter - for default: 0) azstop: offset to ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines-1) lanczos: Lanczos interpolator order 5 -> 9 (enter - for default: 5) bw_frac: bandwidth fraction of low-pass filter on complex data (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default: 1.0) deramp: deramp SLC phase flag (enter - for default) * 0: no deramp (Doppler centroid close to 0) (default) * 1: deramp SLC phase int_filt: intensity low-pass filter flag (enter - for default) * 0: no filter * 1: low-pass filter of intensity data, highly recommended when no oversampling used (default) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary (default) * 1: print all offset data pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) * NOTE: ScanSAR and TOPS data need to be previously deramped logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_pwr_tracking', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, lanczos, bw_frac, deramp, int_filt, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_pwr_tracking2(SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, OFF_par2='-', offs2='-', rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', bw_frac='-', deramp='-', int_filt='-', pflag='-', pltflg='-', ccs='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Intensity cross-correlation offset tracking with the initial offset for each patch determined from input offset map | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 clw/cm 20-Mar-2017 Parameters ---------- SLC1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates in range and azimuth (fcomplex) ccp: (output) cross-correlation of each patch (0.0->1.0) (float) OFF_par2: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file of the offset map to determine initial offsets (enter - for none) offs2: (input) input range and azimuth offset map to determine initial offsets (enter - for none) rwin: range patch size (range pixels, enter - for default from offset parameter file) azwin: azimuth patch size (azimuth lines, enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and cross-correlation data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4), enter - for default: 2) thres: cross-correlation threshold (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rwin/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azwin/2) rstart: offset to starting range pixel (enter - for default: 0) rstop: offset to ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr-1) azstart: offset to starting azimuth line (enter - for default: 0) azstop: offset to ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines-1) bw_frac: bandwidth fraction of low-pass filter on complex data (0.0->1.0) (enter - for default: 1.0) deramp: deramp SLC phase flag (enter - for default) * 0: no deramp (Doppler centroid close to 0) (default) * 1: deramp SLC phase int_filt: intensity low-pass filter flag (enter - for default) * 0: no filter * 1: low-pass filter of intensity data, highly recommended when no oversampling used (default) pflag: print flag (enter - for default) * 0: print offset summary (default) * 1: print all offset data pltflg: plotting flag (enter - for default) * 0: none (default) * 1: screen output * 2: screen output and PNG format plots * 3: output plots in PDF format ccs: (output) cross-correlation standard deviation of each patch (float) * NOTE: ScanSAR and TOPS data need to be previously deramped logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_pwr_tracking2', SLC1, SLC2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, ccp, OFF_par2, offs2, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, bw_frac, deramp, int_filt, pflag, pltflg, ccs], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_SLC(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rwin='-', azwin='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', nr='-', naz='-', thres='-', ISZ='-', pflag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Offsets between SLC images using fringe visibility | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 clw 4-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC_2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates (fcomplex) snr: (output) offset estimation SNR (float) rwin: search window size (range pixels, (enter - for default from offset parameter file)) azwin: search window size (azimuth lines, (enter - for default from offset parameter file)) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and SNR data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC oversampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4) default = 2) nr: number of offset estimates in range direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) naz: number of offset estimates in azimuth direction (enter - for default from offset parameter file) thres: offset estimation quality threshold (enter - for default from offset parameter file) ISZ: search chip interferogram size (in non-oversampled pixels, default=16) pflag: print flag (0:print offset summary default=1:print all offset data) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_SLC', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rwin, azwin, offsets, n_ovr, nr, naz, thres, ISZ, pflag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_SLC_tracking(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rsw='-', azsw='-', offsets='-', n_ovr='-', thres='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', rstart='-', rstop='-', azstart='-', azstop='-', ISZ='-', pflag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Offset tracking between SLC images using fringe visibility | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.6 clw 4-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC_2: (input) single-look complex image 2 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs: (output) offset estimates (fcomplex) snr: (output) offset estimation SNR (float) rsw: range search window size (range pixels) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) azsw: azimuth search window size (azimuth lines) (enter - for default from offset parameter file) offsets: (output) range and azimuth offsets and SNR data in text format, enter - for no output n_ovr: SLC over-sampling factor (integer 2\*\*N (1,2,4) default: 2) thres: offset estimation quality threshold (enter - for default from offset parameter file) rstep: step in range pixels (enter - for default: rsw/2) azstep: step in azimuth pixels (enter - for default: azsw/2) rstart: starting range pixel (enter - for default: rsw/2) rstop: ending range pixel (enter - for default: nr - rsw/2) azstart: starting azimuth line (enter - for default: azsw/2) azstop: ending azimuth line (enter - for default: nlines - azsw/2) ISZ: search chip interferogram size (in non-oversampled pixels, default: 16) pflag: print flag: * 0: print offset summary (default) * 1: print all offset data logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_SLC_tracking', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, offs, snr, rsw, azsw, offsets, n_ovr, thres, rstep, azstep, rstart, rstop, azstart, azstop, ISZ, pflag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_sub(offs, OFF_par, offs_sub, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Subtraction of polynomial from range and azimuth offset estimates | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 27-Mar-2017 cm Parameters ---------- offs: (input) range and azimuth offset estimates (fcomplex) OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file offs_sub: (output) range and azimuth offset estimates after polynomial subtraction (fcomplex) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_sub', offs, OFF_par, offs_sub], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_tracking(offs, ccp, SLC_par, OFF_par, disp_map, disp_val='-', mode='-', thres='-', poly_flag='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Conversion of range and azimuth offsets files to displacement map | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 4-Apr-2017 ts/clw/uw Parameters ---------- offs: (input) range and azimuth offset estimates (fcomplex) ccp: (input) cross-correlation of the offset estimates (float) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file of reference SLC OFF_par: (input) offset parameter file used in the offset tracking disp_map: (output) range and azimuth displacement estimates (fcomplex) disp_val: (output) range and azimuth displacement estimates and cross-correlation values (enter - for none) (text) mode: flag indicating displacement mode: * 0: displacement in range and azimuth pixels * 1: displacement in meters in slant range and azimuth directions * 2: displacement in meters in ground range and azimuth directions (default) thres: cross-correlation threshold to accept offset value (default from OFF_par) poly_flag: flag indicating if trend calculated using offset polynomials from OFF_par is subtracted: * 0: do not subtract polynomial trend from offset data * 1: subtract polynomial trend from offset data (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/offset_tracking', offs, ccp, SLC_par, OFF_par, disp_map, disp_val, mode, thres, poly_flag], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ORB_filt(SLC_par_in, SLC_par_out, interval='-', extra='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Filter state vectors using a least-squares polynomial model | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 21-Jun-2017 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par_in: (input) ISP image parameter file at least 5 state vectors SLC_par_out: (output) ISP image parameter file with state vectors filtered using least-squares interval: time interval between state vectors (enter - for default: state vector time interval in SLC_par) extra: extra time for state vectors at start and end of image (sec.) (enter - for default: 5.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ORB_filt', SLC_par_in, SLC_par_out, interval, extra], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ORB_prop_SLC(SLC_par, nstate='-', interval='-', extra='-', mode='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate state vectors using orbit propagation and interpolation | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 11-Jun-2008 clw/awi Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file with at least 1 state vector nstate: number of state vectors to calculate (enter - for default: nstate from image duration + extra) interval: time interval between state vectors (enter - for default: state vector time interval in SLC_par) extra: extra time for state vectors at start and end of image (sec.) (enter - for default: 30.0) mode: orbit propagation mode: * 0: polynomial interpolation (default, if 3 or more state vectors available) * 1: integration of the equations of motion (default, if less than 3 state vectors available) * 2: interpolate between state vectors, minimum of 3 state vectors; interpolation of the equations of motion outside of the time span of the existing state vectors logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ORB_prop_SLC', SLC_par, nstate, interval, extra, mode], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ORRM_vec(SLC_par, ORRM, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate state vectors extraction from ORRM file | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 15-Nov-2004 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file ORRM: (input) ORRM state vector file nstate: number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=1024) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ORRM_vec', SLC_par, ORRM, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ACS_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the ACS processor | Copyright 2005, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Oct-2005 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ACS_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASAR(ASAR_ERS_file, output_name, K_dB='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract SLC/MLI image parameters and images from ENVISAT ASAR SLC, WSS, APP, and PRI products | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.7 9-Apr-2018 clw/uw/awi Parameters ---------- ASAR_ERS_file: (input) ASAR or ERS data in ASAR format (SAR_IMS_1P) including header and image as provided by ESA output_name: (output) common part of output file names (e.g. YYYMMDD date) K_dB: Calibration factor in dB (nominal value for all ASAR modes: 55.0) * NOTE: Use - to use the calibration factor provided in the ASAR file header * NOTE: In the case that a calibration factor is specified on the command line, PRI images are converted to radiometrically calibrated ground-range intensity images in float format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASAR', ASAR_ERS_file, output_name, K_dB], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASF_91(CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | SLC parameter file for data data from theAlaska SAR Facility (1991-1996) | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 25-Mar-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) ASF CEOS leader file CEOS_trailer: (input) ASF CEOS trailer file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC image parameter file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASF_91', CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASF_96(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF data 1996-->present v1.1 | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASF_96', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASF_PRI(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF detected ground range images (L1) Sep 1996 --> present | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 3-Apr-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file binary) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (enter - for none, float intensity) * NOTE: The input data converted to intensity using the expression: (dn/1000.)\*\*2 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASF_PRI', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASF_RSAT_SS(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ASF Radarsat-1 SCANSAR images | Copyright 2004, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 27-Aug-2004 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file (Radarsat-1 SCANSAR) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (Radarsat-1 SCANSAR) GRD_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP image (example <orbit>.mli) (enter - for none, short integer) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASF_RSAT_SS', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ASF_SLC(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data='-', SLC='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC image parameter file and reformat data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 27-Aug-2012 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <date>.slc.par) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (example: dat_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.slc) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ASF_SLC', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ATLSCI_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, CEOS_Image, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for ATL-SCI ERS SLC data | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.8 24-Nov-2003 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (LEA_01.001) CEOS_Image: (input) CEOS image data segment (DAT_01.001) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ATLSCI_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, CEOS_Image, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_CS_SLC(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Cosmo-Skymed SCS data | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 26-Sep-2017 awi/ms/cw/uw Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) SCS data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_CS_SLC', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_CS_SLC_TIF(GeoTIFF, XML, trunk, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Cosmo Skymed SCS data in GeoTIFF format | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 7-Feb-2018 awi/ms/clw/cm Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) SCS data file in GeoTIFF format XML: (input) SCS meta data file in XML format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_CS_SLC_TIF', GeoTIFF, XML, trunk], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_EORC_JERS_SLC(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data='-', SLC='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Reformat EORC processed JERS-1 SLC and generate the ISP parameter file | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 9-Oct-2008 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file for JERS SLC processed by EORC SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file CEOS_data: (input) CEOS format SLC data (IMOP_01.DAT, enter - for none) SLC: (output) reformated JERS SLC (example: yyyymmdd.SLC, enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_EORC_JERS_SLC', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_EORC_PALSAR(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Reformat EORC PALSAR + PALSAR2 level 1.1 CEOS format SLC data and generate the ISP parameter file | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.8 18-Dec-2017 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file for PALSAR or PALSAR-2 Level 1.1 SLC data (LED...) SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par) CEOS_data: (input) PALSAR CEOS format Level 1.1 SLC (IMG...) SLC: (output) reformatted PALSAR SLC (example: yyyymmdd.slc, enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_EORC_PALSAR', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ERSDAC_PALSAR(ERSDAC_SLC_par, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate the ISP image parameter file from ERSDAC PALSAR level 1.1 SLC data | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 31-Oct-2011 clw Parameters ---------- ERSDAC_SLC_par: (input) ERSDAC SLC parameter file Level 1.1 (PASL11\*.SLC.par) SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ERSDAC_PALSAR', ERSDAC_SLC_par, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_ESA_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, inlist, CEOS_DAT='-', SLC='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the PGS, VMP, and SPF processors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 12-Jan-2012 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: <date>.slc.par) inlist: a list of arguments to be passed to stdin CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.slc) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_ESA_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_DAT, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, inlist=inlist, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_GF3_SLC(GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, SLC_par, SLC='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter file and SLC image from a Gaofen-3 data set in GeoTIFF format | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 8-Mar-2018 cm Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) Gaofen-3 data file in GeoTIFF format (\*.tiff) (enter - for none) annotation_XML: (input) Gaofen-3 annotation file in XML format (\*.meta.xml) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par) SLC: (output) ISP SLC data file (example: yyyymmdd.slc) (enter - for none, SLC output will not be produced) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_GF3_SLC', GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, SLC_par, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_IECAS_SLC(aux_data, slc_Re, slc_Im, date, SLC_par, SLC, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and image files for IECAS SLC data | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 24-Jan-2011 Parameters ---------- aux_data: (input) IECAS SAR auxillary data (POS\*.dat) slc_Re: (input) real part of complex SLC data slc_Im: (input) imaginary part of complex SLC data date: (input) acquistion date format: YYYYMMDD (example 20110121) from aux_data filename SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file SLC: (output) SLC image logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_IECAS_SLC', aux_data, slc_Re, slc_Im, date, SLC_par, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_KC_PALSAR_slr(facter_m, CEOS_leader, SLC_par, pol, pls_mode, KC_data, pwr, fdtab='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ISP parameter file, Doppler table, and images for PALSAR KC Slant-Range data | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9.1 20-Aug-2013 ms,awi,clw Parameters ---------- facter_m: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon parameter file CEOS_leader: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon leader file (LED) SLC_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par) pol: polarization e.g. HH or HV pls_mode: PALSAR acquisition mode: * 1: Fine Beam Single * 2: Fine Beam Double * 3: Wide Beam KC_data: (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon data (short, little endian, amplitude) pwr: (output) PALSAR intensity (float, GAMMA Software endianness) fdtab: (output)table of output polynomials, one polynomial/block used as input to gc_map_fd logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_KC_PALSAR_slr', facter_m, CEOS_leader, SLC_par, pol, pls_mode, KC_data, pwr, fdtab], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_KS_DGM(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and PRI image files for Kompsat DGM data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 7-Feb-2018 awi/cm Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) DGM data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.pri.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_KS_DGM', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_KS_SLC(HDF5, trunk, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ISP SLC parameter and image files for Kompsat SCS data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 7-Feb-2018 awi/clw/cm Parameters ---------- HDF5: (input) SCS data file in HDF5 format trunk: (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames (example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_KS_SLC', HDF5, trunk], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_MSP(SAR_par, PROC_par, SLC_MLI_par, image_format='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP image parameter file from MSP processing parameter and sensor files | Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 2-Oct-2010 clw/uw Parameters ---------- SAR_par: (input) MSP SAR sensor parameter file PROC_par: (input) MSP processing parameter file SLC_MLI_par: (output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file image_format: image format flag (default: from MSP processing parameter file) * 0: fcomplex (pairs of 4-byte float) * 1: scomplex (pairs of 2-byte short integer) * 2: float (4-bytes/value) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_MSP', SAR_par, PROC_par, SLC_MLI_par, image_format], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_PRI(CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS PRI data from the PGS and VMP processors | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 12-Jan-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file for PRI product PRI_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: <yyyymmdd>.pri.par) CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) PRI: (output) PRI data with file and line headers removed (example: <yyyymmdd>.pri) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_PRI', CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP GRD parameter file for ESRIN processed JERS PRI data | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 16-May-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file for PRI product PRI_par: (output) ISP image parameter file (example: <yyyymmdd>.pri.par) CEOS_DAT: (input) CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001) PRI: (output) PRI data with file and line headers removed (example: <yyyymmdd>.pri) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, PRI_par, CEOS_DAT, PRI], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_PulSAR(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file generation for ERS SLC data from the PULSAR SAR processor | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_PulSAR', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RISAT_GRD(CEOS_leader, BAND_META, GRD_par, CEOS_image, GRD='-', line_dir='-', pix_dir='-', cal_flg='-', KdB='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Read RISAT-1 Ground-Range data from a CEOS data set and perform radiometric calibration | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 24-Feb-2015 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) BAND_META: (input) BAND_META.txt, additional RISAT system parameters for the scene (format keywork=value) GRD_par: (output) ISP GRD parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD.grd.par) CEOS_image: (input) CEOS Ground-Range image file (example: dat_01.001) GRD: (output) Ground-Range data with file and line headers removed (enter - for none: example: YYYYMMDD.grd) line_dir: set output image line direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data line direction (default) * -1: reverse input data line direction pix_dir: set output pixel direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data pixel direction (default) * -1: reverse input data pixel direction cal_flg: calibration flag (enter - for default): * 0: do not apply radiometric calibration * 1: apply radiometric calibration including KdB and incidence angle correction (default) KdB: calibration constant (dB) (enter - to use value in the CEOS leader) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RISAT_GRD', CEOS_leader, BAND_META, GRD_par, CEOS_image, GRD, line_dir, pix_dir, cal_flg, KdB], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RISAT_SLC(CEOS_leader, BAND_META, SLC_par, CEOS_image, SLC='-', line_dir='-', pix_dir='-', cal_flg='-', KdB='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Read RISAT-1 CEOS format SLC data and perform radiometric calibration | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 3-Jun-2013 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) BAND_META: (input) BAND_META.txt, additional RISAT system parameters for the scene (format keywork=value) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC image parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD.grd.par) CEOS_image: (input) CEOS SLC image file (example: dat_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (enter - for none: example: YYYYMMDD.grd) line_dir: set output image line direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data line direction (default) * -1: reverse input data line direction pix_dir: set output pixel direction (enter - for default): * 0: used value derived from CEOS leader file * 1: retain input data pixel direction (default) * -1: reverse input data pixel direction cal_flg: calibration flag (enter - for default): * 0: do not apply radiometric calibration * 1: apply radiometric calibration including KdB and incidence angle correction (default) KdB: calibration constant (dB) (enter - to use value in the CEOS leader) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RISAT_SLC', CEOS_leader, BAND_META, SLC_par, CEOS_image, SLC, line_dir, pix_dir, cal_flg, KdB], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSAT2_SG(product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, GRD_par, GRD, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and ground range image files for Radarsat 2 SGF/SGX data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 7-Feb-2018 awi/cw/cm Parameters ---------- product_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file (product.xml) lut_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery_PP.tif) polarization: (input) image polarization: HH, VV, HV, VH GRD_par: (output) ISP GRD parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_PP.grd.par) GRD: (output) float GRD data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.grd) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSAT2_SG', product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, GRD_par, GRD], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSAT2_SLC(product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, SLC_par, SLC, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and image files for Radarsat 2 SLC data from GeoTIFF | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 7-Feb-2018 awi/clw/cm Parameters ---------- product_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file (product.xml) lut_XML: (input) Radarsat-2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery_PP.tif) polarization: (input) image polarization: HH, VV, HV, VH SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.slc.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.slc) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSAT2_SLC', product_XML, lut_XML, GeoTIFF, polarization, SLC_par, SLC], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SCW(CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for SCANSAR Wide Swath Data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 14-Feb-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file CEOS_trailer: (input) CEOS SAR trailer file CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file binary) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (example <orbit>.mli) (enter - for none, float) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 0.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SCW', CEOS_leader, CEOS_trailer, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SGF(CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI/Atlantis Radarsat SGF (ground range) and SCANSAR SCW16 data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 14-Feb-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS leader file (RSI SGF or SCW16 products, LEA_01.001) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (RSI SGF or SCW16 products, DAT_01.001) GRD_par: (output) ISP ground range image parameter file (example <orbit>.mli.par) GRD: (output) ISP ground range image (example <orbit>.grd.par) (enter - for none, float) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 0.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SGF', CEOS_leader, CEOS_data, GRD_par, GRD, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSAT_SLC(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC='-', sc_dB='-', dt='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI/Atlantis/ASF processed Radarsat SLC data | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.0 5-Sep-2012 clw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: <date>.slc.par) CEOS_data: (input) CEOS data file (example: dat_01.001) SLC: (output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.slc) sc_dB: intensity scale factor in dB (enter - for default: 60.00) dt: azimuth image time offset (s) (enter - for default = 0.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSAT_SLC', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, CEOS_data, SLC, sc_dB, dt], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_RSI_ERS(CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP parameter file for RSI processed ERS SLC data | Copyright 2003, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 4-Aug-2003 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_SAR_leader: (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example <orbit>.slc.par) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_RSI_ERS', CEOS_SAR_leader, SLC_par], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_S1_GRD(GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, MLI_par, MLI, GRD_par='-', GRD='-', eflg='-', rps='-', noise_pwr='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate MLI and GRD images and parameter files from a Sentinel-1 GRD product | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.2 30-Apr-2018 awi/clw/ts/cm Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (enter - for none, \*.tiff) annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file calibration_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 radiometric calibration XML file (enter - for no radiometric calibration) noise_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 noise XML file (enter - to not subtract thermal noise power level) MLI_par: (output) MLI parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.mli.par) MLI: (output) MLI data file in slant range geometry (example: yyyymmdd_pp.mli, enter - for none) GRD_par: (output) GRD parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.grd.par, enter - for none) GRD: (output) GRD data file (example: yyyymmdd_pp.grd, enter - for none) eflg: GR-SR grid extrapolation flag: * 0: no extrapolation of the GR-SR grid beyond the grid boundaries * 1: permit extrapolation of the GR-SR grid to cover the entire image (default) * NOTE: extrapolation of the GR-SR grid may introduce geocoding errors rps: slant range pixel spacing (m) (enter - for default: calculated from ground-range parameters) noise_pwr: noise intensity for each MLI sample in slant range using data from noise_XML * NOTE: when the noise_pwr file is specified, noise power correction will NOT be applied to the MLI data values logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_S1_GRD', GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, MLI_par, MLI, GRD_par, GRD, eflg, rps, noise_pwr], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_S1_SLC(GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par='-', dtype='-', sc_dB='-', noise_pwr='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter and image files for Sentinel-1 SLC data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.0 30-Apr-2018 awi/clw/cm Parameters ---------- GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (enter - for none, \*.tiff) annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file calibration_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 radiometric calibration XML file (enter - for no radiometric calibration) noise_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 noise XML file (enter - to not subtract thermal noise power level) SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.slc.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file (enter - for none, example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.slc) TOPS_par: (output) SLC burst annotation file, TOPS and EW SLC data only (enter - for none, example: yyyymmdd_iw1_vv.tops_par) dtype: output data type: * 0: FCOMPLEX (default) * 1: SCOMPLEX sc_dB: scale factor for FCOMPLEX -> SCOMPLEX, (enter - for default: HH,VV (dB): 60.0000, VH,HV: 70.0000) noise_pwr: noise intensity for each SLC sample in slant range using data from noise_XML * NOTE: when the noise_pwr file is specified, noise power will NOT be subtracted from the image data values logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_S1_SLC', GeoTIFF, annotation_XML, calibration_XML, noise_XML, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par, dtype, sc_dB, noise_pwr], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_SIRC(CEOS_leader, SLC_par, UTC_MET='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP SLC parameter file from SIR-C CEOS leader file | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.5 30-Oct-2009 clw/uw Parameters ---------- CEOS_leader: (input) JPL SIR-C CEOS leader file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file UTC_MET: time reference for state vectors: MET (Mission Elapsed Time) or UTC (default=UTC) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_SIRC', CEOS_leader, SLC_par, UTC_MET], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_TX_GRD(annotation_XML, GeoTIFF, GRD_par, GRD, pol='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate ground range image and image parameter file for Terrasar-X MGD data in GeoTIFF format | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Oct awi/clw Parameters ---------- annotation_XML: (input) Terrasar-X product annotation XML file GeoTIFF: (input) image data file in geotiff format * NOTE: make sure the data set contains the selected polarisation) GRD_par: ISP ground range image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.grd.par GRD: (output) calibrated ground range data file (example: yyyymmdd.grd) pol: polarisation: HH, HV, VH, VV (default: first polarisation found in the annotation_XML) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_TX_GRD', annotation_XML, GeoTIFF, GRD_par, GRD, pol], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_TX_ScanSAR(annot_XML, swath, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par, bwflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC, SLC_par and TOPS_par from a Terrasar-X ScanSAR data set | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 12-Feb-2018 clw/cm/awi Parameters ---------- annot_XML: (input) TerraSAR-X ScanSAR product annotation XML file including path * NOTE: The path to the image products is determined from the path to the XML annotation swath: number specifying the desired ScanSAR swath (1 -> maximum number of swaths (4 or 6)) * NOTE: The image product name is specified in the XML file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par) SLC: (output) SLC ScanSAR data file, example: yyyymmdd.slc (enter - for none, SLC output will not be produced) TOPS_par: (output) SLC ScanSAR burst annotation file (example: yyyymmdd_s1.tops_par bwflg: burst window flag: * 0: use first and last annotation line values specified in the annot_XML * 1: extend first and last valid line to include all data lines (default) * NOTE: While TSX ScanSAR data are not acquired in TOPS mode, the same data structure can be used for burst annotation logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_TX_ScanSAR', annot_XML, swath, SLC_par, SLC, TOPS_par, bwflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_TX_SLC(annotation_XML, COSAR, SLC_par, SLC, pol='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate SLC parameter file and SLC image from a Terrasar-X SSC data set | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 7-Mar-2017 awi/clw Parameters ---------- annotation_XML: (input) TerraSAR-X product annotation XML file COSAR: (input) COSAR SSC stripmap or spotlight mode SLC data file SLC_par: (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par) SLC: (output) SLC data file, example: yyyymmdd.slc (enter - for none, SLC output will not be produced) pol: polarisation HH, HV, VH, VV (default: first polarisation found in the annotation_XML) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_TX_SLC', annotation_XML, COSAR, SLC_par, SLC, pol], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def par_UAVSAR_SLC(ann, SLC_MLI_par, image_type, image_format, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP image parameter file from UAVSAR annotation file (ann) for SLC and MLC products | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 20-Aug-2014 clw Parameters ---------- ann: (input) UAVSAR annotation file (\*ann.txt) SLC_MLI_par: (output) ISP image parameter file image_type: image type flag * 0: SLC (slc) in slant range coordinates * 1: MLC (mlc) in slant range coordinates HHHH\*, VVVV\*, HVHV\* are FLOAT format HHHV\*, HHVV\*, HVVV\* are FCOMPLEX format image_format: image data format flag * 0: FCOMPLEX (pairs of 4-byte float (re,im)) * 2: FLOAT (4-bytes/value) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/par_UAVSAR_SLC', ann, SLC_MLI_par, image_type, image_format], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ph_slope_base(int_in, SLC_par, OFF_par, base, int_out, int_type='-', inverse='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Subtract/add interferogram flat-Earth phase trend as estimated from initial baseline | Copyright 2006, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 3-Nov-2006 clw Parameters ---------- int_in: (input) interferogram (FCOMPLEX) or unwrapped phase (FLOAT) (unflattened) SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file for the reference SLC OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file base: (input) baseline file int_out: (output) interferogram (FCOMPLEX) or unwrapped phase (FLOAT) with phase trend subtracted/added int_type: interferogram type: 0=unwrapped phase, 1=complex interf. (default=1) inverse: subtract/add inversion flag (0=subtract phase ramp, 1=add phase ramp (default=0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ph_slope_base', int_in, SLC_par, OFF_par, base, int_out, int_type, inverse], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def phase_slope(interf, slopes, width, win_sz='-', thres='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate interferogram phase slopes in range and azimuth | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 19-Apr-2011 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) slopes: (output) range and azimuth phase slopes (fcomplex) width: number of samples/row win_sz: size of region used for slopes determination (default = 5) thres: correlation threshold for accepting slope estimates 0.0 -> 1.0 (default=.4) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row offset (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row offset (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/phase_slope', interf, slopes, width, win_sz, thres, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def PRC_vec(SLC_par, PRC, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | State vectors from ERS PRC orbit data for ISP processing clw/uw | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.7 clw 11-Jun-2008 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file PRC: (input) PRC state vector file nstate: number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=1024) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/PRC_vec', SLC_par, PRC, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ptarg_cal_MLI(MLI_par, MLI, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', psz='-', csz='-', theta_inc='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Point target analysis and radiometric calibration of slant-range and ground-range (GRD) images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- MLI_par: (input) slant-range or ground-range image parameter file for detected intensity data MLI: (input) ground-range or slant range detected image in FLOAT format r_samp: point target range sample number, target region size is 16x16 az_samp: point target azimuth line number, target region size is 16x16 psigma: radar cross-section of the calibration target in m\*\*2 c_r_samp: clutter region center range sample number, clutter region size is 16x16 c_az_samp: clutter region center azimuth line number, clutter region size is 16x16 ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image, with and without phase gradient, nominal width: 256 r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) pcal: (output) measured point target parameters and radiometric calibration factor (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format psz: point target region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) csz: clutter region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) theta_inc: incidence angle required for calibration of terrain corrrected RISAT-1 images logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ptarg_cal_MLI', MLI_par, MLI, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf, win, pltflg, psz, csz, theta_inc], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ptarg_cal_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', psz='-', csz='-', c_image='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Point target analysis and radiometric calibration of SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.4 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) SLC image in FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format r_samp: point target range sample number, target region size is 16x16 az_samp: point target azimuth line number, target region size is 16x16 psigma: radar cross-section of the calibration target in m\*\*2 c_r_samp: clutter region center range sample number, clutter region size is 16x16 c_az_samp: clutter region center azimuth line number, clutter region size is 16x16 ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image, with and without phase gradient, nominal width: 256 r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) pcal: (output) measured point target parameters and radiometric calibration factor (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format psz: point target region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) csz: clutter region size (samples) (enter - for default: 16) c_image: (output) clutter region image (FCOMPLEX format) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ptarg_cal_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, psigma, c_r_samp, c_az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, pcal, osf, win, pltflg, psz, csz, c_image], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ptarg_SLC(SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, ptr_par='-', osf='-', win='-', pltflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Point target response analysis and interpolation for SLC images | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 19-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC: (input) SLC image in FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format r_samp: point target range sample number az_samp: point target azimuth line number ptr_image: (output) oversampled point target image (fcomplex, 1024x1024 samples), with and without phase gradient r_plot: (output) range point target response plot data (text format) az_plot: (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format) ptr_par: (output) measured point target parameters (text format) osf: image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16) win: maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1) pltflg: plotting mode flag: * 0: none * 1: output plots in PNG format (default) * 2: screen output * 3: output plots in PDF format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/ptarg_SLC', SLC_par, SLC, r_samp, az_samp, ptr_image, r_plot, az_plot, ptr_par, osf, win, pltflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def radcal_MLI(MLI, MLI_par, OFF_par, CMLI, antenna='-', rloss_flag='-', ant_flag='-', refarea_flag='-', sc_dB='-', K_dB='-', pix_area='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Radiometric calibration for multi-look intensity (MLI) data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 9-Nov-2016 uw/clw/of Parameters ---------- MLI: (input) MLI image (float) MLI_par: (input) SLC parameter file of input MLI image OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file (enter - for images in MLI geometry) CMLI: (output) radiometrically calibrated output MLI (float) antenna: (input) 1-way antenna gain pattern file or - if not provided rloss_flag: range spreading loss correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply r^3 correction (all modes except ASAR APS) * 2: apply r^4 correction (used only for ASAR APS mode) * -1: undo r^3 correction * -2: undo r^4 correction) ant_flag: antenna pattern correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply antenna pattern correction * -1: undo antenna pattern correction) refarea_flag: reference pixel area correction: * 0: no pixel area correction (default) * 1: calculate sigma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/sin(ref_inc_ang) * 2: calculate gamma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/(cos(inc_ang)\*sin(ref_inc_ang) * -1: undo sigma0 area scaling factor * -2: undo gamma0 area scaling factor sc_dB: scale factor in dB (default: 0.0) K_dB: calibration factor in dB (default: -(value from MLI_par)) pix_area: (output) ellipsoid-based ground range sigma0 or gamma0 pixel reference area (float) refarea_flag: 1 or -1: sigma0 ref. area refarea_flag: 2 or -2: gamma0 ref. area logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/radcal_MLI', MLI, MLI_par, OFF_par, CMLI, antenna, rloss_flag, ant_flag, refarea_flag, sc_dB, K_dB, pix_area], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def radcal_PRI(PRI, PRI_par, GRD, GRD_par, K_dB='-', inc_ref='-', roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Convert ESA processed short integer format PRI to radiometrically calibrated GRD image (float) | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 5-Mar-2016 uw/clw Parameters ---------- PRI: (input) PRI ground-range image (short integer, sqrt(backscat. intensity) PRI_par: (input) SLC parameter file of input PRI ground-range image (yyyymmdd.pri.par) GRD: (output) calibrated ground-range image (float, backscat. intensity) GRD_par: (output) ISP image parameter file of output calibrated ground-range image (yyyymmdd.grd.par) K_dB: calibration factor in decibels (default: 59.75 dB) ERS1 (D-Paf,ESRIN): 58.24 dB, ERS2 (D-Paf,ESRIN,I-Paf,UK-Paf after 1997): 59.75 dB ENVISAT ASAR: 55.0 dB (all modes) for details see product specifications and ESA publications. inc_ref: reference incidence angle in deg. (default: 23.0 deg.) ENVISAT ASAR: 90.0 deg. (all modes) roff: offset to starting range sample (default: 0) nr: number of range samples (default: 0, to end of line) loff: offset to starting line (default: 0, 1 header line in the input file is assumed for ERS) nl: number of lines to copy (default: 0, to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/radcal_PRI', PRI, PRI_par, GRD, GRD_par, K_dB, inc_ref, roff, nr, loff, nl], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def radcal_pwr_stat(SLC_tab, SLC_tab_cal, plist, MSR_cal, PWR_cal, roff='-', loff='-', nr='-', nl='-', plist_out='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate calibrated SLC image files using point targets determined from the Mean/Sigma Ratio and Intensity | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 25-Apr-2018 clw/uw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) two column list of the SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames of the uncalibrated SLC images SLC_tab_cal: (input) two column list of the SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames of the calibrated SLC images (enter - for none) plist: (input) point list for the point to use for calibraton (int, enter - to use the data to determine the calibration points) MSR_cal: mean/sigma ratio for point target selection for relative calibration between scenes: 1.500 PWR_cal: intensity threshold ratio for point target selection for relative calibration between scenes: 1.000 roff: offset to starting range of section to analyze (default -: 0) loff: offset to starting line of section to analyze (default -: 0) nr: number of range pixels to analyze (default -: to end of line) nl: number of azimuth lines to analyze (default -: to end of file) plist_out: point list of points used to determine calibration using MSR_cal and PWR_cal thresholds logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/radcal_pwr_stat', SLC_tab, SLC_tab_cal, plist, MSR_cal, PWR_cal, roff, loff, nr, nl, plist_out], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def radcal_SLC(SLC, SLC_par, CSLC, CSLC_par, fcase='-', antenna='-', rloss_flag='-', ant_flag='-', refarea_flag='-', sc_dB='-', K_dB='-', pix_area='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Radiometric calibration of SLC data | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.4 30-Dec-2017 uw/clw/of Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file of input SLC CSLC: (output) radiometrically calibrated SLC (fcomplex or scomplex) CSLC_par: (output) SLC parameter file of output calibrated SLC fcase: format case (default = 1) * 1: fcomplex --> fcomplex (pairs of float) * 2: fcomplex --> scomplex (pairs of short integer) * 3: scomplex --> fcomplex * 4: scomplex --> scomplex antenna: 1-way antenna gain pattern file or - (if not provided) rloss_flag: range spreading loss correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply r^3 correction (all modes except ASAR APS) * 2: apply r^4 correction (used only for ASAR APS mode) * -1: undo r^3 correction * -2: undo r^4 correction) ant_flag: antenna pattern correction: * 0: no correction (default) * 1: apply antenna pattern correction * -1: undo antenna pattern correction) refarea_flag: reference pixel area correction: * 0: no pixel area correction (default) * 1: calculate sigma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/sin(ref_inc_ang) * 2: calculate gamma0, scale area by sin(inc_ang)/(cos(inc_ang)\*sin(ref_inc_ang) * -1: undo sigma0 area scaling factor * -2: undo gamma0 area scaling factor sc_dB: scale factor in dB (default: 0.0) K_dB: calibration factor in dB (default: -(value from SLC_par) ) pix_area: (output) ellipsoid-based ground range sigma0 or gamma0 pixel reference area (float) refarea_flag: 1 or -1: sigma0 ref. area refarea_flag: 2 or -2: gamma0 ref. area logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/radcal_SLC', SLC, SLC_par, CSLC, CSLC_par, fcase, antenna, rloss_flag, ant_flag, refarea_flag, sc_dB, K_dB, pix_area], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def rascc_mask(cc, pwr, width, start_cc='-', start_pwr='-', nlines='-', pixavr='-', pixavaz='-', cc_thres='-', pwr_thres='-', cc_min='-', cc_max='-', scale='-', exp='-', LR='-', rasf='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate phase unwrapping validity mask using correlation and intensity | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 12-Sep-2016 clw/uw Parameters ---------- cc: (input)interferometric correlation image (float) pwr: (input)intensity image (float, enter - if not available) width: number of samples/row start_cc: starting line of coherence image (default: 1) start_pwr: starting line of intensity image (default: 1) nlines: number of lines to display (default=0: to end of file) pixavr: number of pixels to average in range (default: 1) pixavaz: number of pixels to average in azimuth (default: 1) cc_thres: coherence threshold for masking, pixels with cc < cc_thres are set to 0 (default: 0.0) pwr_thres: relative intensity threshold for masking, pixels with intensity < pwr_thres \* average intensity are set to 0 (default: 0) cc_min: minimum coherence value used for color display (default: 0.1) cc_max: maximum coherence value used for color display (default: 0.9) scale: intensity display scale factor (default: 1.) exp: intensity display exponent (default: .35) LR: left/right mirror image flag, (1: normal (default), -1: mirror image) rasf: (output) image filename, extension determines the format, enter - for default: \*.ras \*.bmp BMP format \*.ras Sun raster format \*.tif TIFF format logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/rascc_mask', cc, pwr, width, start_cc, start_pwr, nlines, pixavr, pixavaz, cc_thres, pwr_thres, cc_min, cc_max, scale, exp, LR, rasf], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def rascc_mask_thinning(ras_in, in_file, width, ras_out, nmax='-', thresholds='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Adaptive sampling reduction for phase unwrapping validity mask | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 5-Dec-2015 uw/clw Parameters ---------- ras_in: (input) validity mask (SUN/BMP/TIFF raster format 8-bit image) in_file: (input) file used for adaptive sampling reduction, e.g. correlation coefficient (float) width: number of samples/row of in_file ras_out: (output) validity mask with reduced sampling (8-bit SUN rasterfile or BMP format image) nmax: number of sampling reduction runs (default: 3) thresholds: a list of thresholds sorted from smallest to largest scale sampling reduction logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/rascc_mask_thinning', ras_in, in_file, width, ras_out, nmax, thresholds], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def res_map(hgt, gr, data, SLC_par, OFF_par, res_hgt, res_data, nr='-', naz='-', azps_res='-', loff='-', nlines='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Slant range to ground range transformation based on interferometric ground-range | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.3 5-Sep-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- hgt: (input) height file in slant range geometry gr: (input) ground range file in slant range geometry data: (input) data file in slant range geometry (float) (intensity \*.pwr or correlation \*.cc) SLC_par: (input) ISP parameter file of reference SLC OFF_par: (input) offset/interferogram processing parameters res_hgt: (output) resampled height file in ground range geometry res_data: (output) resampled data file in ground range geometry nr: number of range samples for L.S. estimate (default=7, must be odd) naz: number of azimuth samples for L.S. extimate (default=7, must be odd) azps_res: azimuth output map sample spacing in meters (default=azimuth spacing) loff: offset to starting line for height calculations (default=0) nlines: number of lines to calculate (default=to end of file) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/res_map', hgt, gr, data, SLC_par, OFF_par, res_hgt, res_data, nr, naz, azps_res, loff, nlines], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def residue(int, flag, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Determine interferometric phase unwrapping residues | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 14-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) flag file (unsigned char) width: number of samples/row xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/residue', int, flag, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def residue_cc(int, flag, width, xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Determine interferometric phase unwrapping residues considering low coherence regions | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.6 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw/ts Parameters ---------- int: (input) interferogram (fcomplex) flag: (input) flag file (unsigned char) width: number of samples/row xmin: offset to starting range pixel(default = 0) xmax: offset last range pixel (default = width-1) ymin: offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0) ymax: offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/residue_cc', int, flag, width, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def RSAT2_vec(SLC_par, RSAT2_orb, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract Radarsat-2 state vectors from a definitive orbit file | Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 clw 13-May-2010 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP image parameter file RSAT2_orb: Radarsat-2 definitive orbit data file available from MDA. (orbit_number_def.orb) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 9) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/RSAT2_vec', SLC_par, RSAT2_orb, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_burstloc(annotation_XML, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Print Burst information found in the Sentinel-1 annotation file | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 7-Feb-2018 awi/cm Parameters ---------- annotation_XML: (input) Sentinel-1 L1 XML annotation file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/S1_burstloc', annotation_XML], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_OPOD_vec(SLC_par, OPOD, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Extract Sentinel-1 OPOD state vectors and copy into the ISP image parameter file | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 09-Mar-2017 awi/clw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output)ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file OPOD: (input) Sentinel-1 OPOD orbit data file (AUX_POEORB or AUX_RESORB) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (default: include 60 sec extention at the start and end of the SLC data) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/S1_OPOD_vec', SLC_par, OPOD, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def sbi_filt(SLC_1, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, SLCf, SLCf_par, SLCb, SLCb_par, norm_sq, iwflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Azimuth filtering of SLC data to support split-beam interferometry to measure azimuth offsets | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 clw 5-Mar-2016 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) SLC image (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX format) SLC1_par: (input) SLC image parameter file SLC2R_par: (input) SLC2 ISP image parameter file for the co-registered image of the interferometric pair, used to determine azimuth common-band for each output SLC (enter - for none) SLCf: (output) SLC image (forward-looking, FCOMPLEX format) SLCf_par: (output) SLC parameter file (forward-looking) SLCb: (output) SLC image (backward-looking, FCOMPLEX format) SLCb_par: (output) SLC parameter file (backward-looking) norm_sq: squint between beams as a fraction of the azimuth spectrum width (default: 0.5) iwflg: inverse weighting flag: * 0: no compensation for azimuth spectrum weighting * 1: compensate for the azimuth spectrum weighting (default) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/sbi_filt', SLC_1, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, SLCf, SLCf_par, SLCb, SLCb_par, norm_sq, iwflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def sbi_offset(sbi_unw, SLCf_par, SLCb_par, OFF_par, az_offset, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate azimuth offsets from unwrapped split-beam interferogram | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 25-Nov-2011 Parameters ---------- sbi_unw: (input) unwrapped phase of split-beam interferogram (float) SLCf_par: (input) reference SLC parameter file (forward-looking) SLCb_par: (input) reference SLC parameter file (backward-looking) OFF_par: (input) offset parameter file az_offset: (output) azimuth offsets (m) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/sbi_offset', sbi_unw, SLCf_par, SLCb_par, OFF_par, az_offset], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def slant_range(SLC_par, slr, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate slant range for every range sample | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.1 28-Aug-2013 Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC or MLI image parameter file slr: (output) slant range for every sample in the image (float) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/slant_range', SLC_par, slr], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_adf(SLC, ref_SLC, ref_SLC_par, SLC_filt, mode='-', alpha='-', nfft_r='-', nfft_az='-', r_step='-', az_step='-', mwin_r='-', mwin_az='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Adaptive filtering of SLC data based on the local PSD of a reference SLC image | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 29-Sep-2017 clw Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC to be filtered (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX) ref_SLC: (input) reference SLC ref_SLC_par: (input) reference SLC parameter file SLC_filt: (output) output filtered SLC using the power spectrum of the reference SLC mode: SLC filtering mode (enter - for default): * 0: 1D range PSD filter * 1: 1D azimuth PSD filter * 2: 2D range PSD \* azimuth PSD filter * 3: 2D median-filtered PSD filtering (default) alpha: exponent to apply to PSD value (enter - for default: 0.30) nfft_r: range filter FFT window size, 2\*\*N, 16->1024, (enter - for default: 128) nfft_az: azimuth filter FFT window size, 2\*\*N, 16->1024, (enter - for default: 128) r_step: range processing step (enter - for default: nfft_r/4) az_step: azimuth processing step (enter - for default: nfft_az/4) mwin_r: range median window size for median PSD filtering (enter - for default: 5) mwin_az: azimuth median window size for median PSD filtering (enter - for default: 5) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_adf', SLC, ref_SLC, ref_SLC_par, SLC_filt, mode, alpha, nfft_r, nfft_az, r_step, az_step, mwin_r, mwin_az], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_burst_copy(SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par, SLC_out, SLC_out_par, burst_num, drflg='-', SLC_par2='-', dtype='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Copy selected burst from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC to a file | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 24-Nov-2017 awi/clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) Sentinel-1 TOPS mode burst SLC SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC TOPS_par: (input) TOPS parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC SLC_out: (output) SLC file containing a single burst SLC_out_par: (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC burst_num: burst number of selected burst (1->number of bursts in the SLC) drflg: deramp phase flag (enter - for default) * 0: no modification of the burst SLC phase (default) * 1: subtract TOPS Doppler phase ramp (deramp) SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC with deramped phase (drflg: 1, enter - for none) dtype: output data type (enter - for default: same as input data): * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX * NOTE: the program also supports FLOAT data; no data type conversion from or to FLOAT is possible logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_burst_copy', SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par, SLC_out, SLC_out_par, burst_num, drflg, SLC_par2, dtype], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_burst_corners(SLC_par, TOPS_par, kml='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate corner geographic coordinates of Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC bursts | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 22-Aug-2017 awi/rc/cw Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC TOPS_par: (input) TOPS parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC kml: (output) kml output file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_burst_corners', SLC_par, TOPS_par, kml], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_cat(SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_3, SLC3_par, dopflg='-', iflg='-', phflg='-', gainflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Concatenate two SLC images using 2-D SINC interpolation | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 30-Apr-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) SLC-1 image SLC_2: (input) SLC-2 image to be appended to SLC-1 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset parameter file containing offset polynomials between SLC-1 and SLC-2 SLC_3: (output) concatenated SLC SLC3_par: (output) ISP image parameter file for concatenated image dopflg: Doppler flag: (enter - for default) * 0: ignore Doppler centroid information, assume 0 Hz Doppler centroid * 1: use Doppler centroid information for interpolation (default) iflg: input data type flag: (enter - for default) * 0: input data are SLC images, use data type specified in SLC_par files (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX) (default) * 1: input scenes are interferograms, force FCOMPLEX data type phflg: phase offset correction flag: (enter - for default) * 0: no phase offset correction for SLC-2 (default) * 1: apply phase offset correction to SLC-2 gainflg: gain correction flag: (enter - for default) * 0: no gain correction for SLC-2 (default) * 1: apply gain correction to SLC-2 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_cat', SLC_1, SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_3, SLC3_par, dopflg, iflg, phflg, gainflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_cat_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab1, SLC_tab2, SLC_tab3, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Concatenate adjacent Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC images | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v2.2 8-May-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_tab1: (input) 3 column list of the reference TOPS SLC swaths in row order IW1, IW2, IW3... (earlier time) SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC_tab2: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths in the same order as the SLC_tab1 IW1, IW2, IW3... (later time) SLC_tab3: (input) 3 column list of the output concatenated TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3... logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_cat_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab1, SLC_tab2, SLC_tab3], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_copy(SLC_in, SLC_par_in, SLC_out, SLC_par_out, fcase='-', sc='-', roff='-', nr='-', loff='-', nl='-', swap='-', header_lines='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Copy SLC with options for data format conversion, segment extraction, and byte swapping | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.1 13-Aug-2015 uw/clw Parameters ---------- SLC_in: (input) SLC (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format) SLC_par_in: (input) ISP SLC parameter file for input SLC SLC_out: (output) selected SLC section (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format) SLC_par_out: (output) ISP SLC parameter file of output SLC fcase: data format conversion (enter - for default: output format = input format) * 1: FCOMPLEX --> FCOMPLEX (default sc = 1.0) * 2: FCOMPLEX --> SCOMPLEX (default sc = 10000.0) * 3: SCOMPLEX --> FCOMPLEX (default sc = 0.0001) * 4: SCOMPLEX --> SCOMPLEX (default sc = 1.0) sc: scale factor for input SLC data (enter - for default) roff: offset to starting range sample (enter - for default: 0) nr: number of range samples (enter - for default: to end of line) loff: offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0) nl: number of lines to copy (enter - for default: to end of file) swap: swap data (enter - for default) * 0: normal (default) * 1: swap real/imaginary part of complex data * 2: swap left/right (near/far range) header_lines: number of input file header lines (enter - for default: 0) * NOTE: CEOS format SLC data have 1 header line * NOTE: file offset pointer size (bytes): 8 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_copy', SLC_in, SLC_par_in, SLC_out, SLC_par_out, fcase, sc, roff, nr, loff, nl, swap, header_lines], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_copy_S1_TOPS(SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab, dtype='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Copy multiple bursts from a Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC to an output TOPS SLC | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v2.4 25-Apr-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be copied in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output copied SLC-1 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 BURST_tab: (input) 2 column list of the first and last burst to copy from each swath, one line for each swath BURST_tab: line entries: first_burst last_burst Note: first burst is 1, enter - to select last physical burst Note: if first_burst <= 0, then blank bursts are generated at the start of the output swath if last_burst exceeds the number of bursts in the input data swath, then blank bursts are appended to the end of the output swath dtype: output data type (enter - for default: same as input data): * 0: FCOMPLEX * 1: SCOMPLEX * NOTE: the program also supports FLOAT data; no data type conversion from or to FLOAT is possible logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_copy_S1_TOPS', SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab, dtype], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_corners(SLC_par, terra_alt='-', kml='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate SLC/MLI image corners in geodetic latitude and longitude (deg.) | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 13-Dec-2017 clw/awi/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file terra_alt: (input) average terrain altitude (enter - for default: 300.000 meters) kml: (output) kml output file (enter - for none) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_corners', SLC_par, terra_alt, kml], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_deramp(SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, mode, dop_ph='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate and subtract Doppler phase from an SLC image | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 4-Feb-2016 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) SLC data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par1: (input) SLC parameter file with Doppler information SLC_2: (output) SLC with Doppler phase removed (or added) SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the output SLC mode: mode of operation: * 0: subtract Doppler phase ramp (deramp) * 1: add Doppler phase ramp (reramp) dop_ph: (output) Doppler phase (FLOAT) Note: SLC_par1 contains the Doppler polynomial that is used to calculate the Doppler phase ramp logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_deramp', SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, mode, dop_ph], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_deramp_S1_TOPS(SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, mode, phflg, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate and subtract S1 TOPS Doppler phase from burst SLC data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.6 25-Apr-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be deramped in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output deramped SLC-1 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 mode: mode of operation: * 0: subtract TOPS Doppler phase (deramp) * 1: add Doppler phase ramp (reramp) phflg: deramp phase flag: * 0: do not save TOPS Doppler phase (default) * 1: save TOPS Doppler phase, output filename is the same as the deramped SLC with extension .dph logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_deramp_S1_TOPS', SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, mode, phflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_freq_shift(SLC, SLC_par, SLC_shift, SLC_shift_par, freq_shift, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_freq_shift.c | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 28-Sep-2017 clw | Shift the effective radar carrier frequency of an SLC image by a specified amount Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC file (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file SLC_shift: (output) SLC data with shifted radar carrier frequency SLC_shift_par: (output) SLC parameter file with shifted radar carrier frequency freq_shift: radar carrier frequency shift (Hz) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_freq_shift', SLC, SLC_par, SLC_shift, SLC_shift_par, freq_shift], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_interp(SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, loff='-', nlines='-', mode='-', order='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | SLC complex image resampling using 2-D Lanczos or B-spline interpolation | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.6 4-Dec-2017 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_2: (input) SLC-2 image to be resampled to the geometry of the SLC-1 reference image SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file SLC_2R: (output) single-look complex image 2 coregistered to SLC-1 SLC2R_par: (output) SLC-2R ISP image parameter file for coregistered image loff: offset to first valid output line (in SLC-1 lines) (enter - for default: 0) nlines: number of valid output lines (enter - or 0 for default: to end of file) mode: interpolation mode (enter - for default) * 0: Lanczos (default) * 1: B-spline order: Lanczos interpolator order / B-spline degree 4 -> 9 (enter - for default: 4) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_interp', SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, loff, nlines, mode, order], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_interp_map(SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, OFF_par2, coffs_sm, loff='-', nlines='-', mode='-', order='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | SLC image resampling using a 2-D offset map | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.9 4-Dec-2017 clw/uw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_2: (input) SLC-2 image to be resampled to the reference SLC-1 reference image SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2_par: (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file SLC_2R: (output) single-look complex image 2 coregistered to SLC-1 SLC2R_par: (output) SLC-2R ISP image parameter file for co-registered image OFF_par2: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file used for residual offsets map (coffs_sm) coffs_sm: (input) smoothed residual range and azimuth offsets (fcomplex) loff: offset to first valid output line (in SLC-1 lines) (enter - for default: 0) nlines: number of valid output lines (enter - or 0 for default: to end of file) mode: interpolation mode (enter - for default) * 0: Lanczos (default) * 1: B-spline order: Lanczos interpolator order / B-spline degree 4 -> 9 (enter - for default: 4) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_interp_map', SLC_2, SLC1_par, SLC2_par, OFF_par, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, OFF_par2, coffs_sm, loff, nlines, mode, order], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_interp_S1_TOPS(SLC2_tab, SLC2_par, SLC1_tab, SLC1_par, OFF_par, SLC2R_tab, SLC_2R='-', SLC2R_par='-', mode='-', order='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Resample S1 TOPS (IW mode) SLC using global offset polynomial | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v2.4 25-Apr-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths to be resampled to the geometry of the reference SLC1 in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par SLC2_par: (input) SLC parameter file of TOPS SLC-2 mosaic, SLC-2 is generated from the TOPS swaths listed in SLC2_tab SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of the reference TOPS SLC swaths in row order IW1, IW2, IW3 SLC1_par: (input) SLC parameter file of the reference TOPS SLC-1 mosaic, SLC-1 is generated from the TOPS swaths listed in SLC1_tab OFF_par: (input) global ISP offset and interferogram parameter file, the offset model is determined from the TOPS SLC mosaics SLC2R_tab: (input) 3 column list of the output resampled SLC-2 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 SLC_2R: (output) resampled mosaic generated from the swaths listed in SLC2R_tab, coregisted to the TOPS SLC-1 mosaic (enter - for none) SLC2R_par: (output) SLC parameter file associated with the resampled TOPS SLC-2R mosaic (enter - for none) mode: interpolation mode (enter - for default) * 0: Lanczos (default) * 1: B-spline order: Lanczos interpolator order / B-spline degree 4 -> 9 (enter - for default: 4) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_interp_S1_TOPS', SLC2_tab, SLC2_par, SLC1_tab, SLC1_par, OFF_par, SLC2R_tab, SLC_2R, SLC2R_par, mode, order], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_intf(SLC_1, SLC_2R, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, OFF_par, interf, rlks, azlks, loff='-', nlines='-', sps_flg='-', azf_flg='-', rp1_flg='-', rp2_flg='-', SLC_1s='-', SLC_2Rs='-', SLC_1s_par='-', SLC_2Rs_par='-', az_beta='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Interferogram generation from co-registered SLC data | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v5.5 clw/uw/cm 26-Aug-2017 Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) single-look complex image 1 (reference) SLC_2R: (input) single-look complex image 2 coregistered to SLC-1 SLC1_par: (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file SLC2R_par: (input) SLC-2R ISP image parameter file for the co-registered image OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file interf: (output) interferogram from SLC-1 and SLC-2R rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks loff: offset to starting line relative to SLC-1 for interferogram (default=0) nlines: number of SLC lines to process (enter - for default: to end of file) sps_flg: range spectral shift flag: * 1: apply range spectral shift filter (default) * 0: do not apply range spectral shift filter azf_flg: azimuth common band filter flag: * 1: apply azimuth common-band filter (default) * 0: do not apply azimuth common band filter rp1_flg: SLC-1 range phase mode * 0: nearest approach (zero-Doppler) phase * 1: ref. function center (Doppler centroid) (default) rp2_flg: SLC-2 range phase mode * 0: nearest approach (zero-Doppler) phase * 1: ref. function center (Doppler centroid) (default) SLC_1s: SLC-1 after range spectral shift and azimuth common-band filtering (FCOMPLEX format) (enter - for none) SLC_2Rs: SLC-2R after range spectral shift and azimuth common-band filtering (FCOMPLEX format) (enter - for none) SLC_1s_par: SLC-1s ISP image parameter file (enter - for none) SLC_2Rs_par: SLC-2Rs ISP image parameter file (enter - for none) az_beta: azimuth common-band filter Kaiser window parameter (default: 2.120) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_intf', SLC_1, SLC_2R, SLC1_par, SLC2R_par, OFF_par, interf, rlks, azlks, loff, nlines, sps_flg, azf_flg, rp1_flg, rp2_flg, SLC_1s, SLC_2Rs, SLC_1s_par, SLC_2Rs_par, az_beta], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS(SLC_tab, SLC, SLC_par, rlks, azlks, wflg='-', SLCR_tab='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Calculate SLC mosaic of Sentinel-1 TOPS burst SLC data | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing v3.6 25-Apr-2018 clw/awi/cm Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, Sentinel-1 TOPS_par sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3... SLC: (output) SLC mosaic image SLC_par: (output) SLC mosaic image parameter file rlks: number of range looks used to determine burst window boundaries for the mosaic azlks: number of azimuth looks used to determine burst window boundaries for the mosaic wflg: burst window calculation flag: * 0: use existing burst window parameters if they exist, otherwise calculate burst window parameters (default) * 1: calculate burst window parameters from burst parameters and the number of range and azimuth looks SLCR_tab: (input) SLC_tab of the reference scene, 3 column list of SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par sorted sorted in the order IW1, IW2, IW3 * NOTE: When generating a mosaic of a resampled SLC, the SLC_tab of the reference scene is required logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS', SLC_tab, SLC, SLC_par, rlks, azlks, wflg, SLCR_tab], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_ovr(SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_ovr.c | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 12-Oct-2017 clw/cm | Oversample or subsample SLC data in slant-range Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC file (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file of SLC file SLC_ovr: (output) range resampled SLC file (fcomplex or scomplex) SLC_ovr_par: (output) SLC parameter file of range resampled SLC data file r_ovr: integer range oversampling factor (2 --> 16) if r_ovr < 0, the SLC will be subsampled, integer range subsampling factor (-2 --> -16) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_ovr', SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_phase_shift(SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, ph_shift, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Add a constant phase from an SLC image | Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 1-Dec-2015 clw Parameters ---------- SLC_1: (input) SLC data file (fcomplex or scomplex format) SLC_par1: (input) SLC parameter file SLC_2: (output) SLC with phase shift SLC_par2: (output) SLC parameter file for the output SLC ph_shift: phase shift to add to SLC phase (radians) * NOTE: Used to apply a constant phase shift of -1.25 radians to Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC data from swath IW1 acquired up to 10-Mar-2015. Used to apply a constant phase shift of -3.83 radians to Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC data with H-POL on receive (e.g. VH) acquired up to 10-Mar-2015. logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SLC_phase_shift', SLC_1, SLC_par1, SLC_2, SLC_par2, ph_shift], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def split_WB(data_in, data_par_in, data_tab, dtype, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | ISP: Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/split_WB.c | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 25-Apr-2018 clw/cm | Split WB mosaic image into individual beams using ISP parameter files Parameters ---------- data_in: (input) input mosaicked data in slant-range geometry (e.g. DEM data) data_par_in: (input) ISP image parameter file for data in the input mosaic data_tab: (input) 2 column list of output data filenames and ISP image parameter files for each beam in the mosaic (text) dtype: (input) input data type: * 0: FLOAT * 1: FCOMPLEX logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/split_WB', data_in, data_par_in, data_tab, dtype], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SR_to_GRD(MLI_par, OFF_par, GRD_par, in_file, out_file, rlks='-', azlks='-', interp_mode='-', grd_rsp='-', grd_azsp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Conversion to ground range for ISP MLI and INSAR data of type float | Copyright 2009, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.9 7-May-2009 uw/clw Parameters ---------- MLI_par: (input) MLI image parameter file of input slant range image (float) OFF_par: (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file of input image (enter - image in MLI geometry) GRD_par: (input/output) image parameter file of output ground range image in_file: (input) slant range image (float) out_file: (output) ground range image (float) rlks: multi-looking in range (prior to resampling, default=1) azlks: multi-looking in azimuth (prior to resampling, default=1) interp_mode: interpolation mode * 0: nearest neighbor (default) * 1: spline * 2: spline log grd_rsp: output image ground range sample spacing (m) (default = (input image azimuth spacing) \* azlks) grd_azsp: output image azimuth sample spacing (m) (default = (input image azimuth spacing) \* azlks) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/SR_to_GRD', MLI_par, OFF_par, GRD_par, in_file, out_file, rlks, azlks, interp_mode, grd_rsp, grd_azsp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def subtract_phase(interf_in, phase_file, interf_out, width, factor='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Land Application Tools: Program /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/subtract_phase.c | Copyright 2001, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.1 23-Jan-2001 uw/clw | subtract scaled phase image from a complex interferogram Parameters ---------- interf_in: (input) input interferogram (fcomplex format) phase_file: (input) unwrapped interferometric phase (float) interf_out: (output) output interferogram (input interferogram - scaled phase) (fcomplex) width: number of samples/line factor: constant scale factor for input phase data [default=1.0] logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/subtract_phase', interf_in, phase_file, interf_out, width, factor], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def tree_cc(flag, width, mbl='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrapping tree generation with low correlation search (modified ARW algorithm) | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.9 20-Jan-2014 clw/uw Parameters ---------- flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row mbl: maximum branch length (default=32, maximum=64) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/tree_cc', flag, width, mbl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def tree_gzw(flag, width, mbl='-', xmin='-', xmax='-', ymin='-', ymax='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrapping tree generation (GZW algorithm) | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.6 5-Sep-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- flag: (input) phase unwrapping flag file width: number of samples/row mbl: maximum branch length (default=32) xmin: starting range pixel offset (default = 0) xmax: last range pixel offset (default = width-1) ymin: starting azimuth row, relative to start (default = 0) ymax: last azimuth row, relative to start (default = nlines-1) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/tree_gzw', flag, width, mbl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def unw_model(interf, unw_model, unw, width, xinit='-', yinit='-', ref_ph='-', width_model='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Phase unwrapping using a model of the unwrapped phase | Copyright 2008, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.6 5-Sep-2008 clw/uw Parameters ---------- interf: (input) complex interferogram unw_model: (input) approximate unwrapped phase model (float) unw: (output) unwrapped phase (float) width: number of samples/row of the interferogram xinit: offset to phase reference location in range (col) yinit: offset to phase reference location in azimuth (row) ref_ph: reference point phase (radians) (enter - for phase at the reference point ) width_model: number of samples/row of the unwrapped phase model (default: interferogram width) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/bin/unw_model', interf, unw_model, unw, width, xinit, yinit, ref_ph, width_model], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def bpf_ssi(SLC, SLC_par, SLC_flow, SLC_flow_par, SLC_fhigh, SLC_fhigh_par, rbs='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX, SLC should not be resampled) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file SLC_flow: (output) low frequency band filtered SLC (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX) SLC_flow_par: (output) low frequency band filtered SLC parameter file SLC_fhigh: (output) high frequency band filtered SLC (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX) SLC_fhigh_par: (output) high frequency band filtered SLC parameter file (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX) rbs: relative range spectrum band separation (default = 0.6666 --> lowest and highest third of processing bandwidth) indicate - for the output files to only calculate filtering parameters logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/bpf_ssi', SLC, SLC_par, SLC_flow, SLC_flow_par, SLC_fhigh, SLC_fhigh_par, rbs], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ERS_ASF_SLC(orbit, device, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- orbit: orbit identifier (example: orbit number) device: EXABYTE tape device (no rewind); example: /dev/rmt/0mn logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/ERS_ASF_SLC', orbit, device], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ERS_ESA_PRI(orbit, device, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- orbit: orbit identifier (example: orbit number) device: EXABYTE tape device (no rewind); example: /dev/rmt/0mn logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/ERS_ESA_PRI', orbit, device], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ERS_ESA_SLC(orbit, device, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- orbit: orbit identifier (example: orbit number) device: EXABYTE tape device (no rewind); example: /dev/rmt/0mn logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/ERS_ESA_SLC', orbit, device], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def get_GAMMA_RASTER(mode, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Script to determine the default extension for raster images or the operating system type v1.1 clw/uw 11-Nov-2016 Parameters ---------- mode: Specify the script string output: * 0: raster file extension (ras, bmp, or tif) * 1: OS type: Linux, MINGW64_NT-10.0, CYGWIN_NT-10.0, darwin... * NOTE: The default raster format on Linux systems is SUN_RASTER (\*.ras), for all other operating systems it is BMP (\*.bmp). SUN_RASTER and BMP images are limited in size to 32767 x 32767. TIFF files do not have this limitation. To set the default image raster format for Gamma programs, set the environment variable GAMMA_RASTER as follows: bash: export GAMMA_RASTER=SUN_RASTER #extension: ras export GAMMA_RASTER=BMP #extension: bmp export GAMMA_RASTER=TIFF #extension: tif csh,tcsh: setenv GAMMA_RASTER SUN_RASTER #extension: ras setenv GAMMA_RASTER BMP #extension: bmp setenv GAMMA_RASTER TIFF #extension: tif Environment variables can be set either in processing scripts, or in the shell initialization file (e.g. .bashrc) Programs in the Gamma software that generate raster image files query the value of GAMMA_RASTER if it has been defined. This script can be called from within another script to determine the default raster image format or OS type: bash: $ext=`get_GAMMA_RASTER 0` csh,tcsh: set ext=`get_GAMMA_RASTER 0` The variable $ext can then be used to specify the format of the output raster file by using it to construct the output file name: bash: $my_raster=$my_name"."$ext csh/tcsh: set my_raster=$my_name"."$ext OS: Linux GAMMA_RASTER: Undefined variable. logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/get_GAMMA_RASTER', mode], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def INTF_SLC(pass1, pass2, rlks, azlks, algorithm='-', cc_win='-', r_pos='-', az_pos='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- pass1: pass 1 identifier (example: pass number) reference pass2: pass 2 identifier (example: pass number) rlks: number of range looks azlks: number of azimuth looks algorithm: algorithm used to determine offsets: 1=intensity image cross correlation (default) 2=fringe visibility cc_win: window used for estimation of the correlation coefficient (default=3) r_pos: range position of center of image patch for initial offset az_pos: azimuth position of center of image patch for initial offset logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/INTF_SLC', pass1, pass2, rlks, azlks, algorithm, cc_win, r_pos, az_pos], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def ionosphere_check(SLC, par, rwin='-', azwin='-', thresh='-', rstep='-', azstep='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC image (e.g. 20070214.slc) par: (input) SLC parameter file (e.g. 20070214.slc.par) rwin: range window size used in offset estimation (default = 256) azwin: azimuth window size used in offset estimation (default = 256) thresh: threshold value used in offset estimation (default = 0.1) rstep: range step used in offset estimation (default = rwin/4) azstep: azimuth step used in offset estimation (default = azwin/4) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/ionosphere_check', SLC, par, rwin, azwin, thresh, rstep, azstep], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def make_tab(list, tab, definition, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- list: (input) list file (ascii) tab: (output) table file (ascii) definition: definition used to generate line of output table (example 1: '$1.slc $1.slc.par') (example 2: '$1_$2.base $1_$') logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/make_tab', list, tab, definition], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mk_ptarg(RSLC_tab, cal_dir, r_samp, az_samp, osf='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/mk_ptarg | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 24-Apr-2012 clw | Perform point target analysis on a stack of coregistered SLCs Parameters ---------- RSLC_tab: (input) two column list of coregistered SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames (including paths) (ascii) 1. SLC filename (includes path) 2. SLC parameter filename (includes path) cal_dir: directory for output calibration results r_samp: (input) calibration target range sample number az_samp: (input) calibration target azimuth line number osf: SLC over-sampling factor 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (default: 16) -s scale (option) set image display scale factor (default: 0.3) -e exp (option) set image display exponent (default: 0.5) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/mk_ptarg', RSLC_tab, cal_dir, r_samp, az_samp, osf], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mk_ptarg_cal(CR_tab, SLC, SLC_par, cal_dir, sigma, c_rpos, c_azpos, osf='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/mk_ptarg_cal | Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.8 19-Feb-2016 clw | Perform point target analysis and calibration factor evaluation for a set of point targers Parameters ---------- CR_tab: (input) 3 column list of row and sample number of corner reflectors 1. Corner reflector id 2. SLC column (includes path) 3. SLC row (includes path) SLC: SLC image SLC_par: SLC_parameter file cal_dir: directory for output calibration results sigma: Radar cross-section of the corner reflectors c_rpos: range sample number of the center of the region used to estimate region c_azpos: azimuth line of the center of the region used to estimate clutter osf: SLC over-sampling factor 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (default: 16) -s scale (option) set image display scale factor (default: 0.2) -e exp (option) set image display exponent (default: 0.5) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/mk_ptarg_cal', CR_tab, SLC, SLC_par, cal_dir, sigma, c_rpos, c_azpos, osf], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def mk_tab3(dir, ext_1, ext_2, ext_3, tab, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 27-Jun-2014 clw | Generate SLC_tab, MLI_tab, or RAW_list for processing Parameters ---------- dir: (input) directory including paths that contain the data files ext_1: (input) pattern to select data files (examples: slc, raw...), (enter - for all files in the directory) ext_2: (input) pattern to select parameter files that match the data (enter - for none, examples: slc.par, raw_par, raw.par) ext_3: (input) pattern to select parameter files that match the data (enter - for none, examples: ppar) tab: (output) list of data filenames and associated parameter files (including paths) (text) * NOTE: The current directory is denoted using . logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/mk_tab3', dir, ext_1, ext_2, ext_3, tab], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_plot_az(offset, r_min, r_max, r_plot, az_plot, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | IPTA script: /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/offset_plot_az | Copyright 2004, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Jan-2005 clw | extract range and azimuth offsets for a range window from an text offset file Parameters ---------- offset: (input) list of range and azimuth offsets generated by offset_pwr (text) r_min: minimum range pixel number to extract range and azimuth offsets r_max: minimum range pixel number to extract range and azimuth offsets r_plot: range offsets xmgrace plot file az_plot: azimuth offsets xmgrace plot file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/offset_plot_az', offset, r_min, r_max, r_plot, az_plot], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def offset_plot_r(offset, az_min, az_max, r_plot, az_plot, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | IPTA script: /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/offset_plot_r | Copyright 2004, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 17-Jan-2005 clw | extract range and azimuth offsets for an azimuth window from an text offset file Parameters ---------- offset: (input) list of range and azimuth offsets generated by offset_pwr (text) az_min: minimum azimuth line number to extract range and azimuth offsets az_max: minimum azimuth line number to extract range and azimuth offsets r_plot: range offsets xmgrace plot file az_plot: azimuth offsets xmgrace plot file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/offset_plot_r', offset, az_min, az_max, r_plot, az_plot], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def OPOD_vec(SLC_par, OPOD_dir, nstate='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/OPOD_vec | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 7-Dec-2017 clw/awi | Extract Sentinel state vectors from an OPOD file and write these state vectors to an SLC parameter file | The required OPOD file located in a specified directory containing either restituted or precise state vectors Parameters ---------- SLC_par: (input/output)ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file OPOD_dir: (input) directory containing Sentinel-1 precise or restituted OPOD orbit data file (AUX_POEORB or AUX_RESORB) nstate: number of state vectors to extract (default: include 60 sec extention at the start and end of the SLC data) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/OPOD_vec', SLC_par, OPOD_dir, nstate], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def pwr2ras(MLI_tab, width, scale='-', exp='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Generate raster images of MLI image files | Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 27-Nov-2012 clw Parameters ---------- MLI_tab: (input) list of mli intensity images (float) width: image width of input data files scale: image display scale factor (enter - for default, default: 0.9) exp: image display exponent (default: 0.35) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/pwr2ras', MLI_tab, width, scale, exp], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def run_all(list, command, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- list: (input) list file (ascii) command: command to use (example 1: 'ls -l $1.slc') (example 2: 'JERS_PROC JERS-1_720.par $1 2 6 . . . 8192' logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/run_all', list, command], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_BURST_tab(SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_BURST_tab | Copyright 2017, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.0 25-May-2017 clw | Calculate Sentinel BURST_tab based on parameters extracted from SLC parameter files listed in SLC1_tab and SLC2_tab | Running SLC_copy_S1_TOPS using BURST_tab will generate SLC-2 data with matching bursts for each swath of SLC-1 and SLC-2 Parameters ---------- SLC1_tab: (input) 3 column list of the reference TOPS SLC swaths in row order IW1, IW2, IW3 SLC2_tab: (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths to be resampled to the geometry of the reference SLC1 in row order IW1, IW2, IW3. BURST_tab: (output) 2 column list of the first and last bursts to copy from each swath, one line for each swath BURST_tab: line entries: first_burst last_burst Note: first burst is 1 logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_BURST_tab', SLC1_tab, SLC2_tab, BURST_tab], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_BURST_tab_from_zipfile(zipfile_list, zipfile_ref, burst_number_table_ref='-', cleaning='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- zipfile_list: (input) ASCII file containing S1 zip filename(s) of one data take indicate - to generate burst_number_table of reference TOPS SLC zipfile_ref: (input) S1 zip filename for the reference TOPS SLC burst_number_table_ref: (input) ASCII file containing first/last burst numbers selected indicate - to use all bursts as present in the reference TOPS SLC zipfile cleaning: flag to indicate if intermediate files are deleted (default=1: yes, 0: not deleted) intermediate and output filenames are generated based on the zip file names logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_BURST_tab_from_zipfile', zipfile_list, zipfile_ref, burst_number_table_ref, cleaning], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_extract_png(zipfile, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- zipfile: (input) Sentinel-1 zipfile (GRD or SLC) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_extract_png', zipfile], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_GRD_preproc(S1_list, MLI_dir, pol, log, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Preprocessing of Sentinel-1 TOPS GRD products, extract GRD data and generate MLI prodcuts | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 19-Mar-2018 clw/cm Parameters ---------- S1_list: (input) single column text file. Entries are directories (including path) containing Sentinel-1 TOPS GRD products MLI_dir: directory for output SLC data files and SLC parameter files * NOTE: output file names have the form : 20150119_hh.mli pol: SLC polarization to extract (hh,hv,vh,vv) log: (output) S1 GRD pre-processing log file -c (option) apply radiometric calibration factor without noise subtraction -n (option) apply radiometric calibration factor with noise subtraction -t (option) include full timestamp YYYYMMDDtHHMMSSin SLC and SLC_par filenames, default YYYYMMDD logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_GRD_preproc', S1_list, MLI_dir, pol, log], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_import_SLC_from_zipfiles(zipfile_list, burst_number_table_ref='-', pol='-', dtype='-', swath_flag='-', cleaning='-', noise_mode='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- zipfile_list: (input) ASCII file containing S1 zip filename(s) of one data take (one per line, in correct sequence) burst_number_table_ref: (input) ASCII file containing first/last burst numbers selected indicate - to use all bursts present in the indicated zipfiles pol: polarization flag (default: -, other values are vh, hh, hv) indicate - to use all polarizations available in the indicated zipfiles dtype: output data type: default=0 (FCOMPLEX), 1: SCOMPLEX swath_flag: flag to select sub-swaths to read (default=0 (as listed in burst_number_table_ref, all if no burst_number_table_ref: provided), 1,2,3 (1 sub-swath only), 4 (1&2), 5 (2&3) OPOD_dir directory with OPOD state vector files (default: .) cleaning: flag to indicate if intermediate files are deleted (default = 1 --> deleted, 0: not deleted) noise_mode: noise mode (default=1: apply noise correction; 2: do not apply and write out noise file resulting files: burst SLC files (per polarization, with SLC_tab, SLC, SLC_par, TOPS_par and optionally SLC.noise) (concatenated, empty bursts added where necessary) at selected polarizations logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_import_SLC_from_zipfiles', zipfile_list, burst_number_table_ref, pol, dtype, swath_flag, cleaning, noise_mode], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def S1_TOPS_preproc(S1_list, SLC_dir, pol, log, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Preprocessing of Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC products, extract SLC data and generate SLC_tab | Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.2 10-Jan-2018 clw/awi Parameters ---------- S1_list: (input) single column text file. Enteries are directories (including path) containing Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC products SLC_dir: directory for output SLC data files and SLC parameter files Note: output file names have the form : 20150119_iw1_hh.slc pol: SLC polarization to extract (hh,hv,vh,vv) log: (output) S1 SLC pre-processing log file -c (option) apply radiometric calibration factor without noise subtraction -n (option) apply radiometric calibration factor with noise subtraction -s (option) output is SCOMPLEX format (default: FCOMPLEX) -t (option) include full timestamp YYYYMMDDtHHMMSS in SLC and SLC_par filenames, default YYYYMMDD -m MLI_dir (option) calculate MLI images and store in MLI_dir, enter . for current directory -r rlks (option) number of MLI range looks (default: 10) -a azlks (option) number of MLI azimuth looks (default: 2) -b SLC_tab (option) SLC_tab filename, by default SLC_tab_YYMMDD or SLC_tab_YYYYMMDDtHHMMSS logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/S1_TOPS_preproc', S1_list, SLC_dir, pol, log], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SBI_INT(RSLC1, RSLC_par1, RSLC2, RSLC_par2, sbi, off, sbi_pwr, par_out, norm_sq='-', rlks='-', azlks='-', iwflg='-', cflg='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- RSLC1: (input) master single-look complex image (fcomplex or scomplex) RSLC_par1: (input) SLC ISP image parameter file of RSLC1 RSLC2: (input) co-registered slave SLC image (fcomplex or scomplex) RSLC_par2: (input) SLC ISP image parameter file of RSLC2 sbi: (output) multi-look split-beam interferogram (fcomplex) off: (output) ISP offset parameter file for multi-look split-beam interferogram (ascii) sbi_pwr: (output) multi-look reference backscatter intensity image (float) par_out: (output) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of sbi_pwr norm_sq: normalized squint difference parameter (default: 0.5) rlks: number of range looks in output split-beam interferogram (default: 1) azlks: number of azimuth looks in output split-beam interferogram (default: 1) iwflg: inverse weighting flag: * 0: do not remove azimuth processing spectral window (default) * 1: apply inverse of azimuth compression processing window cflg: flag to indicate if intermediate data (e.g. filtered slc) are deleted * 0: intermediate data are deleted (default) * 1: intermediate data are NOT deleted file names for band-pass filtered SLC are generated automatically by adding the letter b / f for the backward / foward looking beam logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/SBI_INT', RSLC1, RSLC_par1, RSLC2, RSLC_par2, sbi, off, sbi_pwr, par_out, norm_sq, rlks, azlks, iwflg, cflg], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_copy_WB(SLC_tab, SLC2_dir, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | /usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/SLC_copy_WB | Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 9-Apr-2011 clw | Create a new set of SLCs for all beams in a PALSAR WB ScanSAR image Parameters ---------- SLC_tab: (input) two column list of input SLC files and SLC ISP image parameter files (including paths) (text) SLC2_dir: directory to contain copied segments of the input SLC data and the associated parameter files * NOTE: current directory is denoted using . logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/SLC_copy_WB', SLC_tab, SLC2_dir], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def SLC_ovr2(SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr, az_ovr='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- SLC: (input) SLC file (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX, e.g. 20141126.SLC) SLC_par: (input) SLC parameter file (e.g. 20141126.SLC.par) SLC_ovr: (output) oversampled SLC file (same format as SLC) SLC_ovr_par: (output) SLC parameter file of oversampled SLC file r_ovr: range oversampling factor (e.g. 2.5) az_ovr: azimuth oversampling factor (e.g. 2.5, default = 1.0) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/SLC_ovr2', SLC, SLC_par, SLC_ovr, SLC_ovr_par, r_ovr, az_ovr], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def TX_SLC_preproc(TSX_list, SLC_dir, log, logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Preprocessing of TerraSAR-X TDX1 and TSX1 SLC products using par_TX_SLC | Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 22-Oct-2013 clw Parameters ---------- TSX_list: (input) single column text file with directories (including path) containing path to directory containing product XML for IMAGEDATA/\*.cos files SLC_dir: directory for output SLC data files and SLC parameter files log: (output) processing log file logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/TX_SLC_preproc', TSX_list, SLC_dir, log], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def unw_correction_filt(unw_in, unw_out, width, fsize='-', thresh1='-', thresh2='-', iterations='-', cleaning='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- unw_in: (input) unwrapped phase file to correct (float) unw_out: (output) corrected unwrapped phase file (float) width: number of range samples per line fsize: maximum filter radius in pixels (default = 5) thresh1: upper threshold for negative phase differences (default = -3.0) thresh2: lower threshold for positive phase differences (default = 3.0) iterations: number of iterations to run (default = 1) cleaning: cleaning flag indicating if intermediary files are deleted (default = 1: yes, 0: no) The difference between the unfiltered and spatially filtered phase (using fspf) is used to determine an correct phase unwrapping ambiguity errors logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/unw_correction_filt', unw_in, unw_out, width, fsize, thresh1, thresh2, iterations, cleaning], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def unw_correction_poly(unw_in, unw_out, width, poly, flag, max_iter='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- unw_in: (input) unwrapped phase file to correct (float) unw_out: (output) corrected unwrapped phase file (float) width: number of range samples per line poly: (input) polygon file (text) flag: ambiguity corrected flag (1: add 2PI; -1: subtract 2PI) max_iter: maximum number of iterations done (default = 1) (iterations are used (a) if the ambiguity to correct is not 2PI but a multiple of 2PI and (b) if the ambiguity error is in an area with a significant phase slope) logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/unw_correction_poly', unw_in, unw_out, width, poly, flag, max_iter], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def UNWRAP(interf, cc, pwr, unwrap, flag, width, lines, corr_thr='-', pwr_thr='-', r_init='-', az_init='-', r1='-', r2='-', l1='-', l2='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- interf: interferogram filename (\*.int, \*.flt) cc: correlation filename (\*.cc) pwr: intensity image (\*.pwr, \*.mli) unwrap: unwrap output file (\*.unw) flag: unwapping flag file (\*.flag) width: interferogram width lines: number of interferogram lines corr_thr: threshold for correlation in the unwrapping mask (default=.3) pwr_thr: intensity threshold for phase unwrapping neutrons, multiples of average (default = 6.) r_init: range seed location in the interferogram az_init: azimuth seed location in the interferogram r1: starting range sample offset to unwrap r2: ending range sample offset to unwrap l1: starting line offset to unwrap l2: ending line offset to unwrap\n logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process( ['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/UNWRAP', interf, cc, pwr, unwrap, flag, width, lines, corr_thr, pwr_thr, r_init, az_init, r1, r2, l1, l2], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)
[docs]def UNWRAP_PAR(interf_par, interf, cc, pwr, unwrap, flag, corr_thr='-', pwr_thr='-', r_init='-', az_init='-', r1='-', r2='-', l1='-', l2='-', logpath=None, outdir=None, shellscript=None): """ | Parameters ---------- interf_par: interferogram parameter file \*.off interf: interferogram filename (\*.int, \*.flt) cc: correlation filename (\*.cc) pwr: intensity image (\*.pwr, \*.mli) unwrap: unwrap output file (\*.unw) flag: unwapping flag file (\*.flag) corr_thr: threshold for correlation in the unwrapping mask (default=.3) pwr_thr: intensity threshold for phase unwrapping neutrons, multiples of average (default = 6.) r_init: range seed location in the interferogram az_init: azimuth seed location in the interferogram r1: starting range sample offset to unwrap r2: ending range sample offset to unwrap l1: starting line offset to unwrap l2: ending line offset to unwrap\n logpath: str or None a directory to write command logfiles to outdir: str or None the directory to execute the command in shellscript: str or None a file to write the Gamma commands to in shell format """ process(['/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-20180703/ISP/scripts/UNWRAP_PAR', interf_par, interf, cc, pwr, unwrap, flag, corr_thr, pwr_thr, r_init, az_init, r1, r2, l1, l2], logpath=logpath, outdir=outdir, shellscript=shellscript)